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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CAPTIVE OF LOVE – Episode 35 & 36

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“Be rest assured that I will treat him right and give him all the love he deserves, good night” the wh-_-re said before ending the call.

All through the night, Pearl couldn’t sleep.

She kept thinking about Jerome and what he’s up to.

It wasn’t until the alarm rang that she realise that it was morning. She couldn’t get a little bit of sleep and that’s because of Jerome who isn’t back yet.

She was in the bathroom, brushing her teeth when she heard the door.

Immediately, Pearl dashed out of the bathroom, using a towel to clean her mouth.

“Jerome” she called when she saw him, he looked haggard and dishevel.

He didn’t seem like someone who spent the whole night with a wh-_-re but she had to ask.

“Jerome I….”

“It’s too early for a fight, Pearl. My head hurts a lot and so, just leave me alone” he said and stood up.

“Leave you alone? You didn’t tell the wh-_-re you picked up last night to leave you alone” Pearl said before she could stop herself.

“What are you talking about?” Jerome asked in return.

“When you left last night, I called and the wh-_-re picked up telling me that she will give you all the love you deserve. You claim you love me and yet you go sleep with some wh-_-re!” She yelled and walk past him but Jerome took hold of her hand.

“And what’s it to you if I spend the night with a wh-_-re! Why should you care when you feel nothing for me!” He yelled in return.

“That’s because….because I….”

“Forget it! I already spoke to my lawyer last night and I will give you what you long for” he cut her off abruptly.


“The divorce, I will give it to you since you want it so badly” he added and went up the stairs failing to see the misery on Pearl face.


Daniella walk through the hall way and wondered why there was no one there.

It’s been a week ever since that incident with Micheal and ever since she’s been bullied by everyone.

Micheal made it clear to her that they won’t stop until she kneel and ask for his mercy but Daniella would rather suffer their torture than to kneel in front of that @zz.

She made a turn only for three male students to take hold of her, they pulled her into the one of the lab.

“Today will be the day you regret messing with Micheal” one of them said and immediately, the other two began unbuttoning her shirt.

“Let go of me” Daniella cried out trying to break free but they kept on unbuttoning her blouse.

Not wanting to be ridiculed this way, Daniella step on one foot and bit the other guy hand.

She manage to run out of the lab before the last guy could catch her, she was still being pursued when she collide into someone and fell hard on the floor.

She was breathing heavily while clutching her clothe tightly when she heard him say.

“What’s going on here?”

Daniella looked up to see Micheal and she was immediately, overwhelm by anger, an anger which got her bursting in to tears.

“You jerk!” She yelled and stood up.

“I understand that you h@ťě me and I feel the same but still…still you didn’t have to go far” Daniella yelled and hit his arm in anger.

“What are you talking about?” A startled Micheal said.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t send them, don’t act like you don’t know. They almost….they almost…” Daniella burst into more tears and Micheal who had never seen her this way quickly took off his coat to put around her.

“Can someone tell me what’s going on?” Micheal asked, directing the question to the three guys.

“We just…we were just bullying her like you wanted us…”

“What exactly did you do to her?” Micheal growled out.

Scared by the tone of his voice, they spilled everything.

“You bunch of fools!” Micheal yelled at them and at that moment, Daniella took off his coat and throw it on his face.

“You are no different from them,I h@ťě you” she said before running off.

“Here we are” Cassie said as she stop the car at the parking lot of King cosmetics company.

Once again, her phone began to ring and on seeing the caller, she ignored.

“Aren’t you going to take that?” Larry asked but she chose to ignore him too, she got out of the car and he got out too.

“Here’s your car key” she said, handing it to him.

“Why do you keep ignoring me and the person calling you? What if it’s urgent?” Larry snap.

“I don’t think it’s urgent since it’s Pearl calling, probably to ask for forgiveness and I can’t possibly do that since am still mad at her and as for you, we only agree I be your driver, what does it matter if I talk to you or not” she snap in return.

“Will you keep holding what I said against me? Don’t forget that you told me to tell it to you and I did “

“And am not complaining. I know what you think of me and am glad since it’s gotten rid of wh@ťěver I felt for you” she said and made to leave but Larry held her hand.

“Are you sure?” Larry asked.

“Very sure, if you don’t mind, can I get my hand back” Cassie said pulling her hand out of his.

Larry stood watching her go and when she was out of sight, he ruffled his hair, feeling frustrated.

“Is she really telling the truth?” He muttered.


Once again, Cassie didn’t pick her call…Pearl thought as she went back to the office.

She saw her colleague whispering amongst themselves but on seeing her, they quickly disperse and went to their seat.

There’s no way they won’t gossip about her even after Jerome’s warning but she didn’t care.

All she care about is the divorce, why did he agree to get a divorce?

She had just been angry and didn’t he claim to love her, how could he give up easily.

She set her head on her desk as she tried her best to hold back her tears but she couldn’t control it.

“What are you doing?” Someone ask and she sat up to see Cassie there.

“Come with me” Cassie said and pull her to the nearest rest room.

“What’s wrong?” A worried Cassie ask and immediately, Pearl gave her a hug.

“Am sorry. Am deeply sorry for not telling you the truth, am sorry for keeping my distance when you’ve been nothing but a helpful and loving friend” Pearl sob into her arms.

“It’s okay. Am glad that you’ve seen how important I am to you just as you are to me” Cassie added as she tap her gently on the back.

“But our fight isn’t enough reason for you to burst in to tears. Did something happen between you and Jerome?” Cassie asked and Pearl spilled everything to her.

“Tell me one thing, how do you feel about Jerome?” Cassie asked.

“I…don’t know…am not…sure” Pearl said breathlessly.

“I think that you are in love with him cause why would you be sad about him agreeing to the divorce. You’ve fallen for your husband and I think it’s best you fight for him or you will end up regretting it ” Cassie said as Pearl felt her heart thumping fast.

“Why don’t you clean your face and get into the lift which will whisk you up to your husband’s floor and then you tell him how much you love him” Cassie suggest.

“What? Right now?”

“Yes, right now” Cassie said and pulled her into the lift.

“Good luck” Cassie manage to say before the lift door slid shut.

Pearl heart kept thumping fast as the lift whisk her up to Jerome’s floor.

Her mind kept running on how she will confess her feelings to him and when she could think of nothing.

She decided to let it be just the door open, the smile that brighten her face vanish the moment she saw the scene in front of her….

❣️ TBC❣️

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