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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IN LOVE ❤️?.
(You make me whole….)?.

By Lisa (A.O).


CHAPTER 17❤️18.






“Vampire..” Jisoo shuttered.

So min nodded.

“Should I tell her I have similar thing too?” Jisoo
said in her mind.

“What if she throw me out?” She added and
shook her head.

It is better to keep it a secret.

“He is going to wake up soon” Jisoo assured
hugging her tightly, So min nodded and hug her



Jisoo kept stealing glances at So min as she
play with her food, she hasn’t been eating.

“Please eat, Even if it’s just a little” Jisoo said
and So min look at her.

“I don’t have the appetite” She replied.

Jisoo sighed.

“I know he is strong, You have to be strong for
him too” Jisoo said and So min force a smile.

“I just want my son to wake up soon, I miss him”
So min said forcing back her tears.

“He is not died, he can’t leave you” Jisoo said.

“Thank you Sweetheart, Eat your food before it
get cold” So min said and Jisoo nodded.



Sana rush to Jisoo immidiately she got to

“Baby” Sana gushed Hugging her.

“Unnie” Jisoo said simply and hugging her back,
Sana break the hug after a while.

“Enough with this Unnie stuff, we are age mate,
you only call me that coz mom want you to,
Just call me Sana from now on Okay?” Sana
said and Jisoo force a smile.

“Why do I feel that smile is not sincere” Sana

“Guys” someone called from behind and they
both turn to see Eva walking to them.

She finally got to them and hug Jisoo first
before Sana, Sana break the hug and frown.

“You love her more now, is it because she is
more pretty” Sana pouted sadly.

“No, you will always be my first girlfriend and
you know that” Eva peck her cheek and she

Jisoo also smile.

“You don’t look ok” Eva said to Jisoo.

“I also notice that” Sana said and Jisoo sighed.

“You see..”

“Isn’t that Jenny?” Eva said as Jenny walk pass
them without a word.

“Did she just ignored me?” Sana said

“You mean us” Eva said.

“Let’s find out” Sana said pulling them along
with her, Jisoo mind went to Jin young again
and she sighed praying silently he woke up

Strangely, she did not sleep last night coz she
was thinking about him which she find weird,
even though they don’t get along, she didn’t
want him die.

‘Or maybe is because So min is sad’ She said
Inwardly. She doesn’t like seeing her sad.

They got to class and went to Jenny who was
sitting alone while wearing a angry look on.

“Babe, What happened to you?” Sana was the
one who spoke when they got to her.

Jenny look up and gritted her teeth.

“You won’t believe it if I tell you, I’m so mad right
now” Jenny spatted angrily.

“Why? Tell us what’s wrong” Eva said taking a
seat beside her.

Just then, Jae wook entered and her anger
doubled when he see him, thier eyes meet and
they both glared at each other h@ťěfully, he
hissed and left the class.

“Is it because of him?” Sana asked.

“Can you believe Dad is getting married to the
Bastard Mum” Jenny said and they both

Obviously Jisoo wasn’t with them, she was lost
in her own thoughts.

“What the f-__-k” Eva half yelled.

“This is crazy” Sana said.

“It’s more than Crazy, This can’t be happening.
How can I be a half sister to that @zzhole, mere
thinking about it is making me so angry” Jenny
rough her hair fraustatedly.

“Calm down, Okay?” Sana pat her shoulder.

“Have you tried talking to your Dad about it?”
Eva asked.

“I did but he is still bent on doing it” Jenny
replied and her eyes went to Jisoo.

“You have been quite, Are you okay?” She said
and Jisoo nodded.

“Jin young is not in school, That’s new” Jihyo
said as she enter the class with Nora and Lia.

“You must be sad” Nora and Lia laugh.

“Stop it, I’m serious” Jihyo roll her eyes, She
knowingly bump into Sana and she starggered
almost losing her balance but Eva got her.

“Why did you push her?” Eva yelled.

“Oops, Sorry i didn’t see her” Jihyo said.

“That’s because your eyes are misfunctioning,
Ugly brat!” Eva snapped angrily.

“That’s enough” Sana cautioned.

By now, most of the class was already looking
at them.

“It’s not Sana, She is always picking on you just
because you are prettier than her, it’s not her
fault you got the ugly face” Eva said and
everyone started laughing.

“What did you just say?” Jihyo walk to her in
attempt to pull her hair but Nora stop her.

“Just ignore her, she is not worth it” Nora said
and Jihyo jerk her hand off before storming out
of the class.

“Wow, I love you” Jenny smiled and they tuck
hands together.

Eva smiled.

“I don’t know you were this good” Jenny added
with a smile.

“Com’on I’m not only good at eating, I can fight
too. Should I show you some of my moves” Eva
fold her fist and Jenny quickly shook her head.

“Spare me” She said and they all laugh.

A teacher entered and they all went silent as she
started teaching.



Sana walk out of the class quickly and rush to
the restroom to pee, she as been holding it in
eversince the class started.

She walk out of the restroom and gasp when
she saw Jae wook standing by the door, she
ignore him and start walking away.

“Hey” Jae soon said and she halted to face him.

“Me?” She pointed to herself.

“Yes, You are Sana right?” Jae wook said,
walking to her.

Sana nodded.

“I have always wanted to talk to you…”

“Why?” Sana cut him off.

“I want us to be friends” Jae soon smile and
Sana raise her brows.

“Friends with you?” Sana muttered more like a

“Yes, What’s wrong with that?” Jae soon replied.

“Nothing, I’m just surprise” Sana said.

“So, is that a yes?” Jae wook said and Sana
reluctantly nodded.

“Bye, see you around Beautiful” Jae wook
winked and left.

Sana was still staring at him as he left when
she heard some sound behind her.

She turn to see Jihyo smirking while holding her
phone to her face, Sana walk to her.

“What are you doing?” Sana asked and Jihyo
laugh evilly.

“I see you are now on the list of the girls Jae
soon f-__-k around now” Jihyo said.


“Don’t even try to deny it, Wait untill I show Mum
this” Jihyo smirk showing her the picture she

“I’m not a Slut like you” Sana replied.

“Who cares, Mum is going to believe what I tell
her anyway” Jihyo smirked and left.

“I just wanna ki|| her” Sana said and left too.



Rose has been in the Libary for hours now
looking for something.

“Where is it?” She sighed and continue her
search, She sight a book and tried to take it but
she was too short so her hand does not reach it.

She climb on something and grab it, she slip
and almost fall but someone got her.

“Hoon” She muttered as Hoon drop her.

“Thank you” She said and He smile.

Rose look away and pick the book from the
floor and started leaving.

“I have been looking all over for you” Hoon said.

“Do you wanna tell me something?” Rose replied
without looking at him.

“Did I have to tell you something before we can
talk” Hoon replied and made her face him.

“Stop it Hoon, I know what you are doing, I
haven’t forgive you for what you did” Rose yank
his hand off and start walking away.

Hoon held her wrist.

“I already apologize, What more did you want
for you to forgive me?” Hoon said.

“There is nothing you can’t do, I can’t ever
forgive you and I’m only being friends with you
because of young, Don’t cross the line” Rose
took her hand from him and resume walking

“Is this because of Jin young again?” Hoon said
and she stop to face him.

“This is not about him, Stop making everything
about him. You can’t justify what you did” Rose
half yelled.

“And I’m saying sorry for the fifth time today”
Hoon replied in the same tone.

“Stop saying you are sorry, It’s doesn’t change
what you did” Rose said and made to leave
again but Hoon block her way and the book fell
from her.

She bent to pick it but he beat her to it.

“Give it back”

“History of Vampires”Hoon read and Rose
quickly snatch it from him.

“Why are you reading this?” Hoon said and Rose
keep quite.

“You knew?” Hoon muttered Surprisely.

“I’m not a kid Hoon, we have been friends for
long time, I just choose to keep quite about it..”

“Because you love him” Hoon Completed and
she blinked.

“Yes, Even if he his a Beast I won’t stop loving
him so stop this silly Feelings towards me, My
heart beat for only one guy and it’s him” Rose
said and left.

Hoon folded his fist angrily.

“So he is not a Human” Someone smirked and
quitely left the library in a rush.



“Stop laughing, it’s not funny anymore” Jae
wook said as Baby and Ryan keep laughing like
a Maniac.

“It’s very funny, I can’t believe you made a bet to
f-__-k your sister to be” Baby said and Jae wook
shot him a glare

“I can’t imagine a brother and a sister f-__-king
each other” Ryan laugh.

“I won’t allow that to happen, I’ll rather die than
allow than woman to married that Motherf-__-ker”
Jae Wook said.

“I can’t wait to attend the wedding” Baby laugh
and Jae wook made to punch him, He took to
his heels.

“Me too,Best wedding of the year” Ryan said
and rush away too.

“Those Bastard” Jae wook said and suddenly
sight Jisoo sitting alone in the bus station.

He smile and walk to her.

“Hey Pretty” He wave at her and Jisoo smile as
he sit beside her.

“Are you taking the bus home?” Jae soon asked
and Jisoo nodded.

“Let me take you instead, I was just about
leaving” Jae wook said and Jisoo look at him.

“Com’on don’t tell me you believe all what they
have been saying about me is true, I’m not a
bad guy” Jae wook said.

Jisoo only stare at him.

“I’m serious, I admit I’m a f-__-k boy but you are
different” He tried to touch her but she
immidiately push him away and he landed on
the floor roughly hurting his back.

“Aarh” Jae soon winced and Jisoo rush to him,
But immidiately she touch him again he
graoned more and move away from her.

“Mian hamnida (I’m sorry), Kwaenchanayeo (Are
you okay?” She Muttered fearfully.

“f-__-k, She is too strong, My ribs are broken” Jae
soon winced.

“What is happening to me?” Jisoo said and
touch her neck, but she felt nothing, it’s gone.

“I lost it” She panicked and started running back
to school.

“Seriously? Is she leaving me alone here after
broking my ribs” Jae wook said and made to
stand up, he fell back heavily and winced.



Jisoo rush back to school and luckily the gate is
still open, she got back to class and start
searching for it but it wasn’t no where to be

“I can’t go back without it” She muttered sadly.

She began panicking and almost start crying
coz it’s getting late, she suddenly sight it at a
corner of the house and she rush to it.

She pick it and immidiately put it on and leave
the class quickly.

She heard movement behind her and she
increase her Pace but the person was more
faster so he catch up with her.

“Who are you? Why are you following me?”
Jisoo said fearfully.

“I’m not going hurt you, We are just going to
have fun” The guy smirked and grab her hand

“Let me go Please” Jisoo cried as he drag her
out with him.




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