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Friday, October 18, 2024
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IN LOVE ❤️?.
(You make me whole….)?.

By Lisa (A.O).


CHAPTER 69?70.







The loud cry of everyone was the only thing
heard from the crowds, everyone cried thier
hearts as Baby’s body was lowered in the
ground, they already bid him farewell but still no
one was leaving.

It’s been a week since his death and it’s just felt
like yesterday to everyone, everyone wished it’s
was just a dream but what could they do? He
couldn’t be saved because he had lost so much
blood and his he died before they could get him
to the hospital.

“No!!!, Brother please wake up, how could you
die without telling your little sister about it, how
could you do this to me Brother?” A little girl
Cried painfully on the floor with a woman
holding her while crying so hard too.

Turns out he had a sister who no know one
knows about, he could be very secretive when
it’s comes to his personal life’s, He had been
friends with Jae Wook and Ryan for a very long
time but no one knew he even had a family cos
he never mentioned them for once.

“I was very ready to make you forgive me, I was
ready to do anything for you to forgive me and
accept us back but how could you leaving us,
what can we ever done without you, Son!!” The
woman holding the girl cried.

Jin young and Jisoo was crying slowly too as
they watch them pitifully.

Ryan was being console by Jade but no matter
how hard she tried she couldn’t calm him down.

Jae Wook was not even in sight cos he
disappeared immidiately after his death, it’s like
he shot everyone from his life, he didn’t talk to
anyone or let’s anyone in his house not even
Jenny, he had go back to his old life’s, drinking
and smoking at the same time.

All thier others school mates were also present
including the Rainbow high school they tripped
with, Miss Yvonne and Mrs Lee together with
other teachers, Miss Ji won thier ex-homeroom
teacher also came when he heard about what

Right now, Eva was looking as good as dead,
she was sitting on the floor in a place far from
the burial site and Sana and Jenny was patting
her slowly, they are crying too.

Ronaldo was standing next to them, his eyes
were teary too.

But Eva was not even crying, her eyes are dried..
.No more tears left to cry, the past few days has
been really though for everyone Expecially her.

She refuse to believe he was really gone from
her life, just like that, what hurt her most is his
confession at the very last minute, all her
dreams and hope about them being a couple
died along, it’s all vanished into the thin air.

She had not been eaten for days and she looked
way more thiner than usual, one would think
she has actually run mad, Sana and Jenny
effortlessly effort to make her eat were all in
vain, she almost hurt herself one time and was
even planning on ki||ing herself and she would
have succeed if Sana and Jenny wasn’t
watching after her.

No one succeeded in making her feel less
pained so Sana had to call her mum who was
currently in California, she actually loved alone
cos her mum worked I’m Cali and always sent
her enough money to cater for herself that how
she was able to live a normal life.Her mum is
arriving tommorow as she said.

“Eva!!, Please eat something!” Sana pleaded in

“Eva!! Say something please, we’re worried”
Jenny said in tears too.

“Eva!!” Sana called again but she only gave
them a blank look.

“My Baby!!!!!!!” They all heard Baby’s mum loud
cried and Hots tears started rolling down Eva’s
eyes again.

“Ba….by!!!!!!!!” She finally cried out and everyone
looked at her with thier eyes filled with so much

“Not again, please!!!” Sana said.



“Rose!!!” Hoon called again but only Rose silent
cries were heard.

That’s how she has been for days now, she
cries every day wfeg she learnt about Baby’s
death, she can’t helped but think she ki||ed him,
if she hard not now Gary and he has not been
obsessed with her so much, He would still be

She refused to leave the Hospital no matter how
her mum tried, she is not talking and she
refused to eat making matter worse.

She become too thin and Hoon worried
everyday that her health might be in danger.

“Rose!!!” Hoon called again and her loud cried
filed the whole ward, Hoon broke into tears too.



Jenny banged the door non-stop but still he
refused to open up, Mrs Lee was also standing
next to her with Me Ross holding Jenny as she

They have been there since they came back
from the Burial site but no sound were heard
from inside.

“Jae Wook please open up, open up please!!!,
Jae Wook!!!!” Jenny knocked again, her hands
were already covered with bruise and reddened
as she knocks.

“Jenny!!! Calm down!!” Mr Ross said.

“I can’t calm down, Dad!! What if he hurts
himself in there and I can’t even do anything to
stop him, Dad!! You have to do something
before such thing happens or else you will loose
me too!!!” Jenny screamed.

“Darling, stop talking like that, No one is dying,
give him more time he will come back to you…

“No dad!! Why do I feel he his in danger” Jenny
cut him off and Mrs Lee began crying.

“Son!!! Please open up!! I promise to be a good
mother, I promise to be the best mother you can
ever ask for, just let us in please!!!” She cries for
some minutes but it’s was effortlessly cos he
still wouldn’t open.

“Dad!!! Do something!!” Jenny cried, hugging

“I’m sorry Princess!!!!” Mr Ross said, hugging her



Sana was currently in her room, packing all her
stuffs, she is bent on living the useless house
for her mum alone and she did nothing to stop

Helen was crying while smoking in her room
aggressively, but not just for anybody but
because of Jihyo who was still on the long run,
no one had seen her and no one knows if she is
alive or died.

Even though, Everyone wishes she is died

Sana grabbed her laugagges and walked out of
her room, she peeped into Helen’s room..

I hope you find peace now that you’ve caused
your over pampering make her do evil, all this
happen because of you, and I hope you’re
happy now that she ki||ed someone, I hope
you’re finally happy, Goodbye forever mum!!!”
She screamed and dragged her lauggages out
with her.

Helen tightening her grip on the cigar and began
smoking more Aggressively as tears slipped out
of her eyes.

Sana got outside and Ronaldo was already
waiting by his car, he actually ask her to live
with him and she agreed.

They both got into the car and he drove off.

She suddenly started crying and she stopped
the car.

“Why the teras again?” He asked and she out
cried more.

“Eva!!!” Sana cried and Ronaldo raise his brows.

“What about her?” He asked.

“Her mum left the County with her and she is
not coming back for good, she really left for
good, I miss her so so much Ronald, I miss my
friend so much!!” Sana cried and Ronaldo pulled
her into a hug.

“She really need to move on, her mum did the
right thing…as long as she is here she will be
reminded of Baby’s memory and she won’t stop
hurting her self” Ronaldo said.

“I know but why do I still miss her so much”
Sana said in tears.

“Everything will be fine, I promised you!!” He
assured her as she cried.



Jae Wook was still on the floor Crying bitterly as
he hugged the picture of him and Baby in his

They might be three but he has been friends
with Baby since Elementary School before they
met Ryan so they are more closed.

He remembered how he had neglected him for
days now, he only think about himself and
didn’t even notice his sadness, he even became
more close to Ryan than him.

Flashbacks of all the moment they spend
together began hitting hard on him. How he
always smile and laugh together, he as always
been the soft type, they do fights but he was
always the one reconciling with him first since
he was the stubborn one.

He bent down and cried his eyes out….

He heard Jenny’s tiny Voice from the door again
and he looked up.

“Please open this door!!” Her voice said from

“I’m Sorry Angel!! I’m rSorry!!” He said and began
Smoking hard again as more tears poured out
of his eyes.



Ryan car stopped In front of the house and He
got down with Jade, she actually plead with him
to go out with her and he did.

Even though he was not smilling all day, she
was still happy he was able to get him to talk
for once after Baby’s death.

“Goodnight!!” Jade said, expecting him to say
something but he didn’t.

“Talk to me Ryan! I’m in pains too!!” She
suddenly screamed in tears and Ryan eyes

“Jade! Why are you crying?” He asked, he didn’t
even know how they got their, he was absent

“Because you ain’t paying attention to me,I’m
hurting too, take a look at me please!” Jade

“I’m sorry!” He muttered and hugged her.

“I need you Ryan, I’m hurting too….you still
haven’t give me an answer yet…” She said.

Ryan suddenly pressed his lips on hers and her
eyes grew wide, she was too surprised to
responded so he broke it

“Does that give you an answer?” He said.

“Ryan…” Jade muttered slowly.

“I love you too Jade!!,I don’t want you as a sister
anymore…I want you to be my girlfriend!” He
said and her eyes widened more.

He pulled her closer and claimed her lips
affectionately,, she responded quickly and they
both kissed as if the world didn’t matter to



Jin young rushed into the bathroom for the
tenth time in an hour and his eyes widened,, the
blood was still not stopping… he was bleeding
in both his Nose and Mouth.

He looked at the mirror and his eyes become
more wide as he saw his claws coming out.

How is this possible??

Actually,, he has been seeing ghost again lately
but he kept it to himself, it’s stopped just
yesterday and he became relieve only for his
claws to showed up today.

He looked at his finger which was already
becoming longer than normal,, a loud thunder
camed and a heavy rain Followed.

“What’s happening??” He asked no one in
particular, getting scared already.

His eyes changed to red and he became more
scared, his body color had started to changed
and it became down to him he his slowly
changing to a Beast he was before.

“Jin young!!” He suddenly heard Jisoo’s voiced
from the room and he became alarmed

“Moon!! , Jin young!!!” Jisoo called again,
getting closer to the bathroom.

“Don’t come….” He couldn’t finish the word when
a sharp Pain stung him.

“Aaarggghh” he screamed agonizingly and
Jisoo rushed to him, her eyes widened when he
saw him.

“Jin young!!” She called.

“Don’t come any Closer…” He shouted, benting


“Stay back, please listen to me!!!” He yelled, her
saint alone makes him craved for her and his
Unbearable urged started, the more she move
closer, they more clench for blood he feels.

“Jin young!!!” Jisoo called stubbornly and
touched him, he loosed the remaining control in
himself immidiately and grabbed her violently,
he pinned her down forcefully benting to her

“Jin young…..”






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