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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IN LOVE ❤️?.
(You make me whole….)?.

By Lisa (A.O).









Ryan drove to thier House immidiately Jin
young left the class earlier, he actually send him
the address stating he could do what he

He walk into he house and one of the Maids
immidiately lead him to Jade’s room.

He entered the room and met her sleeping
soundly. He walk to the bed and seat next to
her, mere staring at her face only God knows
how much he has missed seeing her around.

Though it’s just three days, why does it felt like
he his just seeing her for years.

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at
her sleepy face. He saw traces of tears on her
face which make him sad.

“She must have cried so much” he muttered and
wiped then off slowly, that woke her.

“Brother!!” Jade eyes widened and sit up to
pulled him into a bone broken hug.

Ryan smile and hugged her back.

“I miss you! I miss you so much Brother! I miss
you a lot!!” She sniffs and hug him more tight.

“I miss you too” Ryan said and broke the hug to
wipe her face to prevent them from falling.

“Are you here to take me back? I want to go with
you please?” Jade pleaded holding him tight as
if he was going to run away.


“Please Brother, take me with you! I don’t want
to stay here please” Jade said

“I can’t do that, this is your home now. You’ve to
accept it” Ryan said and Jade dropped his

“Why are you here then?” She asked in a angry
time now and Ryan looked at her, then chuckles.

“Jin young told me you miss me, I have to
come” He said and Jade frowned..

“You came because of him? Not because you
miss me? If he hadn’t told you, you wouldn’t
have come, is that it?” Jade yelled.

“Calm down Will you, of course I miss you too”


Ryan nodded with a smile.

“Why does your smile seems insincere? Are you
hurt? Did she..

“She is in love with someone else” Ryan
Completed and Jade gasped

“Oh!!” was all she could said.

“You don’t have to worry, Your brother is strong
Okay? I’ll get over my feelings for her” Ryan said
and She nodded.

What follows was a long silence, they only
stared at each other.

“How are you doing here? Are they treating you
well? That grumpy brother of yours, is he nice to
you?” Ryan suddenly spoke and Jade blinked

“What are you talking about? He his not
grumpy” Jade roll her eyes

“Seriously, you are even defending him now…I’m
so Jealous” Ryan said.

“Not to worry, No one can take you place in my
heart” Jade said and Ryan chuckles.

“I heard you refuse to eat and talk to them” he
changed the topic and Jade look down..

“I just miss you and mum so much_

“Listen, We miss you too but they are your real
family. You have to love then and respect them
as much as you love us, Especially your mum,
It’s not really easy loosing a child for years and
now that she get to be with you, you push her
away. She must be really hurt” he said and she
began feeling guilty immidiately…

“Will you do that for me? Huh?” He asked and
she slowly nodded.

He pulled her closer and hugged her,storming
her hair.

“We are still family,, And you will forever be my
baby sis no matter what, Okay?” Ryan said and
Jade bit her lips.

“Brother! Can I tell you something?” She said
and he nodded.

She suddenly went quite having doubt whether
to spill it out or not.

“What is it? You can tell me anything”

“It’s nothing, it’s enough that’s you are here” She
smile and hug him more tight..



Since it’s the last class for today, most of the
students are already leaving the school already.

Jin young eyes search for Jisoo around but she
was no where to be found. She did not attend
the last class and this is the fifth time fifth time
he would be trying to reach her for hours but
she is still not picking.

“Where could she be?” He wondered aloud and
his eyes sight Sana just coming out of a Class.

He walk to her and Sana looked at him in
shocked. They had never had a conversation
with Surprised her how he got to her without
even knowing..

“Have you seen Sunshine?” He asked and she
have him a confused looked.

“Jisoo” he added and Sana mouth formed an
“O” shape.

I haven’t seen her since she left the cafeteria
earlier” Sana replied.

“Alone??” He asked worriedly and Sana nodded.

“Thank you!!” He muttered and run off quickly.
Sana turned to stared at his retreating figure
and bit her lips.

She wouldn’t deny her heart still long for him,
She almost run out of breath just because of the
small chat!!

“Are you planning to stare at him forever?” A
voice said from behind and she turn to see
Ronaldo. He had a lollipop in his mouth as he
licked like a kid with his two hands in tucked in
his pocket as usual..

“How long have you been here?” Sana

“Long enough than you can imagine” Ronaldo
smirked and Sana rolled her eyes. She made to
leave but he blocked her way.

“You know, I can also called you Sunshine if you
want!!” He winked and she push him away and
resume walking.

“Sunshine my foot” She scoff and he went after

“What of Rainy Sana? Heartbeat? Sweet Sana?
How about That? ” He said and Sana laugh..

“You are just Crazy”

“Of Course, I’m crazy over you” Ronaldo said,
moving with the same pace with her..

“Will you stop following me around?” Sana said
and he pouted.

“I won’t until you ask nicely”

“Your call then” She Increased her pace and he
run after her..

“I h@ťě this so much” Jihyo come out of her
hidding place and kicked the desk beside her
angrily, roughing her hair.

“I told you to calm down Okay? Why are you
even mad anyway? Not like you like him or
something?” Lia said and Jihyo blinked.

“Of course, That’s nerd is not my type, he his too
dumb” She scoffs and Lia smirked..

“Really? Then let them be” She said and Jihyo
shot her a glare.

“Why don’t you also stay away from me? You
aren’t my friend” She yelled and grabbed her
backpack before storming out.


Jin young dialed Jisoo’s line again but still no
response from her, he become more worried, he
was about rushing out again when..

“Moon” He heard his voice from the back and
turned at once.

“Sunshine!!” He rushed to and pulled her into a
tight Hug. She was about hugging him back
when he broke it.

“Where have you been? Have been looking all
over for you? You were not even in class,you did
not pick my calls , you had me worried” He said

“I-I was…having cramps and it’s hurt really bad,
I’m sorry” She lied.

“I had no idea, Are you Okay? Does it still hurt?”
He touched her forehead worriedly to feel her

“I’m fine” she muttered and dropped his hand
from her head.

“Let’s go!!” She force a smile and began walking
out without waiting.

“Is she Okay?” Jin young mumbled and
followed. He grabbed her hand and she

“Does it hurt badly? You don’t look okay” he said
concernly and Jisoo squinched.

“appo (it’s hurt!)”

“Can you walk? Do you want me to carry you?”
He said and Jisoo laugh.

“I’m quite heavy”

“What’s the use of being of being your boy

“Let’s just go” She said and they both walk to
the car. Bong pal was already waiting, He drove
out if the school immidiately..



Jihyo walked out of her room to get the door,
The knock won’t stop disturbing her and she
had to get it dejectedly..

The loud knock come again before she could
get to the door and she fummed angrily.

“Who the f_ck there?” She open the door and
gasped at who she saw.


“Rude brat!” Ronaldo said.

Jihyo raise her brows.

“What are you doing here? Are you stalking
me?” Jihyo yelled and Ronaldo suddenly

“Are you for real? Stalk you? Am I nuts?” He
laugh and Jihyo frowned..

“If you are here to see that’s slut sister of mine,
you are wasting your time coz I won’t let that
happen” Jihyo hissed and slam the door to his

“Such a handsome Jerk!!” She yelled and went
to her room.

“Why did mum have to sent me here in the first
place to meet this brat! Wait…That’s mean Sana
leaves here too” Ronaldo smile as he walk out
of the compound.



Jenny could be seen pacing around the room
with a worried look. She looked at her phone for
the fifteenth time and drop it again.

“He would get the wrong idea if I call him” She
mumbled and shook her head.

What if he his not feeling well??

“Yes, I’ll only called and as how he his, nothing
more” She assured herself and her eyes widened
when she head her phone already ringing.

She gasped and dropped it in shock.

“Did I ring him mistakenly?” She muttered and
grabbed the phone again,she made to pick it but
it got disconnected.

She Stared at her phone for a while, expecting
his calls but none came.

“Such a Jerk, why am I even worried about him…
Did I have feelings for him for real?” She asked
herself and snapped the though off.

“No way, not that playboy” She mumbled and
her phone rings again.

“Why haven’t you been picking my Calls?” His
voice come up and Jenny raise her brow.

“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that? You
didn’t come to school and You make me worried
all day and you couldn’t even texted” Jenny
yelled back.

“I’m Sorry, can you come out for a second?”

“Right now?” Jenny asked and he nodded as if
she could see him.

She hang up and rush out of the house, truly he
was waiting outside..He look up smile at her but
she only kept a straight face, she is neither mad
or angry.

“What are you doing here?” She asked when she
finally got to him.

Instead of replying, he hugged her taken her by

“Aren’t you happy to see me? I missed you all
day, Can you at least hug my back?” He
whispered and she wrap her hands around his

“Did you miss me at all?” He said but she said

He broke the hug and hold her chin.

“You don’t?”

“I will be lieing if I said I don’t, I miss you!!” She
replied and he smile.

“I lived her Now,, I’ll get to see you anytime I
want” he pointed at the House in front of them
and Jenny looked at him Surprisely.

“You really leave your house?”

“I can’t bare staying with that woman anymore,
I’m old enough to cater for myself…

“What about school?” She cut him off.

“I’ll have to think about it” he replied and she
kept looking at him with so much worried.

“Don’t give me that face, if you really worried
why don’t you move in with me?” He said and
she roll her eyes.

“Just kidding,, I’ve something to tell you” he said
in a whisper and she swallowed hard.


“I love you”



There was total silent as they all eat.

So min kept stealing glances at Jade as she eat,
, It’s still Surprisely she willingly come out to eat
herself without being force.

Jade didn’t notice her gaze on her untill she
finish eating and still craves for more. She smile
nervously as tier gaze locked.

“You want more?” So min asked and Jade
nodded immidiately.

She smile and dished almost all the steak and
chicken for her.

Jade smile widely and began eating really fast,
So min stared at her for a while before toring her
gaze to Jin young and Jisoo who has not said a
word since they started eating..

“You two,, when are you planning to tell me?”
She said and they both look up up at once.

“Why do you look surprise? You are dating
aren’t you?” So min said and Jin young
immidiately chocked on his food.

Jisoo passed him a bottle of water, which he
quickly drink.

“You think I won’t find out” So min furrowed her
eyebrows and Jisoo bit her lips hard.

“Mum, I can explain_

“There is no need, I approve of your relationship
anyway at least…this beauty won’t ever leave
my side that way ” So mom said and they both

“You do??” Jin young asked Surprisely and So
min nodded with a smile.

“Thank you mum,, I love you!!” He gushed and
hug her.

“That’s enough, You are suffocating me” So min
snapped and he let go off her.

“How do you find out?”

“You have a smart mum yunno, You smile more
often than usual these days, it’s enough to
suspect something is going on” So mom said.

Jisoo blushed secretly..

“I couldn’t tell you about it coz I thought you
wouldn’t agree” Jin young said

“Why wouldn’t I? I’ve always wish you have a
girlfriend, you never had one before…I almost
taught you are a gay” So min said and Jisoo

“Eomma!!” Jin young snapped.

Jade was not even paying attention to them,,
she was too engrossed in the chicken feet to
even hear thier words, one would think he life
depended on it.

“Anyway I’m happy for you two but..” So min
added and they look at her..

“You aren’t allowed to have segz not under my
roof,, I don’t want to be a grandma yet” So min
said and they both chuckles.

“I’m serious”

“Trust me mum”


Jisoo come out of the bathroom after washing
up, she put on her PJs and fell on her bed,
staring at space.

Her mind slowly drifted to Hyun!!

“End your relationship with him or else he his
not going to survive it!” His voice echoes in her
head and she sit up quickly.

Could he be saying the truth?? If it’s true she
wouldn’t want anything to happen to him
because of her??

Should she tell him or not?

He remembered his last word to her, she
shouldn’t tell him about it or else she is going to
regret it.

“Eomma!!” She held her necklace tight,Her
phone Suddenly beeped.

It’s a text from Jin young, she clicked the
message box..


She Spranged up and drop the phone before
walking out hastily but quitely.

She opened his door to peep at him before
walking in, she looked around but

“Jin young…..Young??” She called as she walk

Could this be one of Hyun’s prank again??

She was still in deep thought when she
suddenly felt someone’s presence her.She
become alerted and almost screamed out as
she turned at once!

“Sunshine, it’s me!!” He heard his voice and she
slowly looked up.

“You scared me?”

“I’m Sorry, I just wanted to surprise you” He
muttered and she sighed.

“I’m Okay”

He pulled her to the bed and seat next to her.

“Are you feeling better now? Does it still hurt??”
He asked worriedly..

“Y-yes” she Stuttered nervously, she did not even
know how she cool up such lie when he asked

Maybe that’s the only thing she could think of.

“I made some research on what can ease
Cramps and_

“Stop talking about it,, it’s embarrassing” She cut
him off and looked down.


“How about we do this instead”


“I heard Crudling help in things like this”


“We are going to cruddle till the next morning”
He made her sit on his thighs and slowly
pressed his lips against her own.






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