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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CALL FOR WAR – Episode 6

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Episode 6
🌾 WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi 🌾



Still in my room struggling to break down the door…gosh that arrow girl is crazy and wicked… I’m stock in here..I don’t even know what’s going on outside…and the worst part is that the diamond pot has been taken…oh poor soul should start resting in peace… father will never think of sparing my life this time… it’s all because of that pretty arrow woman.

I sat on my bed with my hands on my head when I saw the door opening… some guards came in and took me to father.

Bring him here….let me have the sword ” father commanded”

Father I’m sorry…I don’t know how it happened ” I said on my knees”

You let a girl take the diamond pot from you… you’re not worth to be called a prince ” he said angrily while mother and Shantel rushed to us”

My husband..what are you trying to do.. please don’t ki|| my son” mother cried ”

He’s just like you women.. he’s very lazy..he has done nothing but to bring shame to our land..this is not the kind of person I will want to rule my people someday” father said angrily ”

Father please spare my life..I promise to bring back the diamond pot… please father” I begged ”

This is all you say everytime but what do I see at last.. nonsense….you are a disgrace” he said angrily ”

Father please I promise I’ll definitely bring back the diamond pot.. I’ll make you proud this time… please father don’t ki|| me ” I begged ”

My husband are you going to ki|| your only son? Tell me …why can’t you give him another chance” mother said angrily ”

Fine.. listen to me KUDIN..I will give you just three days to bring back the diamond pot..if you don’t succeed..then I’ll have no choice than to ki|| you ” he said angrily leaving ”

Thank you father.. I’ll make it up to you ” I said while mother rushed to me”

My son..are you alright? Were you hurt?” She asked looking at my body”

I’m fine mother.. please don’t worry about me” I said”

I’m sorry don’t deserve such a father like him..this is all my fault ” she said in tears”

Mum…what are you talking about ” I asked”

It’s nothing..I mean he treats you too bad ” she said”

Mother you know I’m used to his treatment so don’t feel bad for me… what’s important is that i have the best mother in the world ” I said happily”

Shantel.. won’t you come closer and say a word to your brother?” Mother asked”

You two should stay away from me because I don’t want to be possessed by your laziness..hiss” she said leaving”

My prince..the king sent for you ” a guard said to me while I rushed to meet father” sent for me?” I asked ”

They are some prisoners I would want you to take care of…hand them over to the guards and give them this instructions I’m about to give you…. make sure non of them wears their clothes…the males should be on leaves to cover them…you know what I mean…the female should be on a skirt without shirt…we have just one female there…she must not wear a shirt…she should use her hair to cover herself….” He said”

What! Father..why should we treat them different from or slaves… where are they” I asked looking around”

Hey you.. bring them out and hand them over to the prince ” father ordered”

Yes your highness ” the guards responded bringing the slaves out….I saw them coming one after the other…if there’s a girl among them…that should be the arrow woman…oh no why her”

I saw them sitting on the ground…the last person that came out was the arrow woman….I looked at her surprisingly… while she was looking at me angrily…how did she get caught ”

Listen to me KUDIN.. make sure none of them eat anything for four days.. give them hard work and punishment… I’m I understood?” Father asked ”

Em..yes..yes.. father..” I responded looking at the girl ”
💎 Kuban 💎

Back to our land.. I’m I supposed to be happy that I got back the diamond pot?
I can’t be happy because Zina and some of my men were captured…I need to take them out of there… OWAN will surely want to get rid of Zina …I also need to find that person that stole the diamond pot to OWAN..he or she is the cost of all this…if anything should happen to Zina I’ll never forgive myself.

Father…father you’re back..” Patricia said rushing to meet me”

My husband.. welcome back ” Josephine said happily”

Thanks dear.. Patricia how are you ” I asked giving her a hug when she pulled out from me looking around”

Father.. where is beauty Zina..why isn’t she here” she asked ”

My child.. Zina was captured by our enemies..but don’t worry I’ll get her back soon ok ” I said ”

Father.. please get her back now.. I want to see her..I have a lot of things to tell her.. please don’t let them ki|| her.. please father” she said crying already ”

Wow… Zina was captured? What a Pity.. common let’s go in and have something to eat ” Josephine said ”

Let me go..this is all your fault ” Patricia said crying”

What are you talking about my child ” I asked”

Father.. mother was the one who stole the diamond pot..she heard you and beauty Zina talking the day she dragged me out of her room…” She said” Dare you say that ” Josephine asked”

Patricia..what did you say again?” I asked surprisingly”

Father she stole the diamond pot.. she’s the reason why my best friend have been captured.. you’re evil mother ” she said”

What! she saying the truth? Tell me is our daughter telling the truth?” I asked angrily”

My husband you know she’s just a kid..she doesn’t know what she’s saying ” she said”

Then you’ll have to swear to the black river..if you’re innocent then you’ll live..but if you’re guilty.. you’ll die… let’s go” I said” please my husband..I don’t want to die… it’s true..I stole the diamond pot..I gave it to OWAN ” she said”

You did what? You’re behind all this? You’re my could you do this to me ” I asked angrily”

I’m sorry my husband “she said”

Don’t call me your husband….you did that because you still have OWAN in your heart right? You’re capable of ki||ing me…you don’t deserve to be called my wife..from today…you stop being my wife and you’re banish from my land ” I said angrily”

Father ” Patricia called in Tears”

My husband please don’t send me away.. please my king “she begged”

Guards.. take her away from my kingdom..I don’t want to ever see you close to my daughter… you’re banish.. let’s go inside Patricia” I said leaving with my daughter ”

My husband please forgive me😭” she said crying”
💎 ZINA 💎

Next day.

It was morning…the prince and some worriors took us out for labour.

Hey everyone..I brought you all some food… where are the worriors…share this food and water to the slaves…they need to eat before working ” the prince said”

But my prince… your highness ordered us not to give them water or food..” one of his men said”

Are you going to do as I said or you’ll have me cut off your Head ” the prince said angrily”

I’m sorry my prince.. everyone let’s pass the food to the slaves ” the man said while they started giving the food to everyone”

” I saw the prince bringing a plate of food Coming to my direction…I wonder what he’s coming here to do”

Hey..good morning,how are you ” he asked but I kept silent”

Em..I brought you some food” he said”

I’m not hungry” I responded putting my face on the ground”

Common I know you’re hungry…you did a lot of work yesterday.. especially in my room.. remember? Just have the food ok.. I’m not trying to be friends with you but I’m just trying to help you because I’m a good person” he said while I saw queen Josephine going into the palace…”

” Goodness what’s she doing here… Why is she going into the palace of our enemy”

Hey miss..are you with me? Please have the food… else I’ll eat it.. common… I’m trying to be nice… hellooo…are you there…you need to eat something because you’re about to do a hard labour… I’m doing this because of you… don’t let my efforts go waist please” he said smiling”


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