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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(All I Want Is You… )


By,Ella N.






★ {CRAZY!!!…} ★

“Mom,when are you two getting married?” she blurted.

“What?…!!” Felony choked on her tea again.

She dropped her tea on the table,went to Royalty and pulled her to a corner.

“You should be playing with your toys,not talking about marriage” Felony said.

“Seriously mom? Shouldn’t you even spank me for playing with toys?” Royalty raised her shoulders in a questioning manner.

“Why on earth would I do that to my baby?” Felony asked back.

“Cos I’m too old to play with toys. I am twelve,not one,jeez!” She shook her head.

“So,are you gonna marry uncle Jeremy?” she asked again.

“Shhh! Stop talking about marriage,you’re too young for that” Felony whispered,covering her mouth with her palm.

Royalty giggled in her palm,and removed the hand from her mouth.

“I didn’t say I was getting married,mommy. I only asked a question that requires an answer” she said,standing at akimbo.

“f-__-k! I’m done for” Felony muttered,ruffling her hair.

She stood still,staring at her daughter,without knowing what to say.

An idea popped up in her brain,and she held her palm,drawing circles on it.

“Hey,jewel. Would you like to meet granddad and grand mom,tomorrow?” she asked,smiling.

“For real,mommy? My gosh! I can’t wait to meet them” she ecstatically said,hugging her mom.

“Yes,baby girl. They’ve anxiously been waiting to see you” Felony said,tickling her neck,and she giggled.

“I love you so much,mom” she hugged her.

“Till eternity my priceless jewel” Felony replied,kissing every part of her body while Royalty kept giggling.

“Mom….?” she called,playing with her mom’s fingers.

“Yes,darling” Felony smiled and stared at her.

“How long did I stay in your womb?” she asked.

“You actually stayed for only seven months. You came too early,one of the things that got me really scared and I had to take you to where they could take better care of you” Felony smiled.

Royalty smiled too.

“So,where were my grandparents and bestie when all that happened?” she inquisitively asked.

Felony sighed,and closed her eyes.

“It’s a very long story,Royalty” Felony smiled sadly.

Royalty stared at her mom and understood her instantly,even without her mom telling her anything.

“You’re a very strong woman,mom. I admire you a lot,and I want to be strong like you when I grow older” Royalty said,showcasing her tiny muscles.

Felony laughed,and poked her nose.

“And you’re an amazing and blessed child,my Diamond. You’ve brought me so much joy,and taken away my pains,just these few hours of being with you.

“You’re my child,and you will definitely be strong like mommy. I can see it in you already” Felony said,with happy butterflies dancing in her belly.

Royalty smiled cutely at her mom,showing her beautiful teeth.

“Alright…it’s bed time,okay? You need to rest” she said and they rubbed noses.

“Now,go say goodnight to aunt and uncles, then go to bed” Felony said.

“Sure. Goodnight,mommy. I love you.

“I love you more,jewel” she gave her an air kiss and winked,making her chuckle.


“Mom,dad…” Ava ran and hugged her parents as soon as she got in.

“How are you, princess?” Colton asked,smiling lovingly at his daughter.

“I’m fine, dad. How are you too?” She asked back.

“I’ve been better” he smiled.

“How are you,mom?” Did you miss me” Ava turned to her mom.

“Why should I miss,do I have feelings?” Rose joked, and Ava laughed.

“Of course I missed you like crazy,baby. I missed you both” she added.

“Wait, did you come alone,where’s your sister?” She asked, looking at the entrance door.

“Oh,they’re outside. She’s trying to repark the car” Ava answered with s smile.

“They? Who are the they?” Colton asked curiously.

“You’ll see,she’s got a surprise for you” Ava giggled.

She wasn’t done talking when Felony walked in with Royalty, holding on tightly to her hand as if Royalty is planning to run away.

“Is that who I think it is?” Rose asked, walking close to them.

“Yes…yea,your granddaughter, alright” Ava said proudly,with a big smile on her face.

“Say what now? You mean,that’s Royalty, Whitney’s daughter?” Colton asked, almost choking on his saliva.

“Yep!” Ava answered again,but Rose was not seen around them again.

She has already reached where Felony and Royalty are.

She did not even bother waiting for introductions or Felony to say anything.

She pulled Royalty to her chest and started blessing her with love and kisses.

“My goodness! My granddaughter… Ohh,she’s just too cute to let go” Rose said and started kissing her everywhere again,while Royalty was busy giggling.

Rose was somehow tickling her alongside, kissing her.

“Mom….,allow her breath, jeez!” Ava said,shaking her head.

“She’s breathing,can’t you see she’s still alive?” Rose said funnily,and they laughed.

“How are you my baby?” Rose finally asked, after suffocating her with love and kisses.

“I am okay, grandmother. How are you…I bet you’re doing great,I can see it all over you” Royalty answered her question by herself,then hugged her grandmother.

“My God!” Rose gushed at her granddaughters character.

Royalty is just a happy girl and doesn’t need to get used to a place before she starts getting along with anyone.

She’s just a jocund,friendly,brilliant and wonderful girl that loves everyone and makes friends easily wherever she goes.

“Granddaughter….Royalty Brooks. Welcome to the family our asset” Colton said as he bent to her level, rubbing her cheeks.

“Thanks grandfather” Royalty said, smiling. She then jumped on Colton who carried her like a baby.

“How can you be slim and this weighty” Colton joked,and flicked her nose.

Everyone laughed, especially Royalty.

“Grandfather and grandmother,do you have enough food in the house?” She asked, staring at her granddad.

“Yes, sweetheart. We’ve got more than enough,but why did you ask” Rose said.

“Cos I eat a lot, you need to buy more food” Royalty answered.

“What?! So,how come you’re still slim if you eat a lot. Where is all the food entering?” Colton asked.

“It’s entering my bones and brain” she answered sharply, and everyone bursted into a loud laugh.

“This is a complete replica of you, Whitney. But I think she’s going to do more than you” Colton said to Felony who only chuckled.

“Miss Meg, please get us more food, my granddaughter needs to eat do she can grow fat” Rose said.

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