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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( All I Want Is You… )


By, Ella N.







“Huh? An anonymous?” Ava asked.

She doesn’t even know if she should be worried, happy or cry.

Who paid such a huge sum of money and chooses to remain anonymous.

aside her rich friends in school who aren’t even aware of her mom being hospitalized,there’s no one else she knows that can do such.

God indeed sent someone to save her mom’s life.

“How’s my mom doing?” Ava asked the second time.

“She’s alright. Hopefully by tomorrow, you should be able to see her” the doctor said and returned back to the ward.

They’re two of them in the ward,that’s why he was able to come out.

Ava heaved a euphoric sigh of relief and sat on the chair.

She placed hand on her cheeks,looking at different directions.

Little drops of tears dropped down her cheeks as she kept thinking about her mom.

She knows the doctor has assured her that her mom will be alright, but right now,she misses her more than anything.

“Chill, crybaby. I thought you said you don’t cry anymore” Felony said,sitting down beside her and rubbing her back benignly.

“I miss her already, Felony. I really do.

“I would be laughing my a@zz out right now, if she wasn’t in there” Ava sobbed.

Felony looked at her and smiled.

“I see,you’re mummy’s girl,huh? The doctor said she’s gonna be already,hopefully by tomorrow.

“Let’s just trust him,huh?” Felony said.

Ava nodded.

“Thanks, Felony. Thank you so much for offering to help.

“I really don’t know how to thank you,but just know that I am very very grateful for that” Ava hiccupped and said.

“Anything for my crybaby” Felony smiled.

Ava smiled too,then it suddenly went quiet.

“I know it isn’t the right time to talk about this.

“But your boyfriend has been trying to reach you. He’s been worried about you all day” Felony said, staring at Ava to see her reaction.

“Boyfriend? Which boyfriend?” Ava asked.

A tiny furrow appeared in her forehead until she frantically ironed it away,then she looked at Felony.

“Bullet, he’s been worried about you” Felony purposely said it again.

Ava’s heart skipped immediately she heard,Bullet.

“Oh” she mouthed.

“Well,he’s my friend,not my boyfriend” Ava corrected.

Felony chuckled.

“So,why did your heart skip when I mentioned his name” Felony asked.

“Is she a witch or what, how did she know?” Ava wondered in her heart.

“I am hungry, need to get something to eat” she said as she didn’t want Felony to talk more about it.

“I will get you something to eat” Felony laughed.

She got off the chair and started heading out.

Immediately she went of out sight, Ava took her phone to check.

She gasped.

So many missed calls from her friends.

Since her mom’s incident, she barely touched her phone.

Not when she was running around,looking for help. Where was the time to check her phone.

She saw Bullet’s calls,and her heart skipped again.

“I hope he’s still not mad at me” she sighed.

Then,her friends calls too.

She smiled at the thought of how her friends care so much about her.

She felt like calling them back,but it’s late already, and they’d probably be sleeping already.

Ava rested her head well,on the chair. With her arms placed on the armrest as she kept thinking about her mom.

“You’ll be alright, mummy. And I will be here until you wake up and make me laugh like you always do” she said.

Her mind suddenly remembered what her mom was trying to say about her sister,the name she was trying to call.

“W..W..haa! Could it be Winnie?

“Same Winnie in school who happens to be my friend?

“No no,it can’t be. They’re lots of people with names that start with the letter W,it possibly can’t be Winnie.

“But then,if Winnie is actually my sister, I’d be so happy” she smiled.


Winnie,Olivia and Freya just received their morning lectures, but didn’t find Ava.

“Crazy Winnie. I didn’t see Ava In class today,what happened? Is she alright?” Jaxon asked.

They’ve all been worried about Ava,even Jaxon and his friends.

“We don’t know, Jaxon. That’s what we are trying to find out.

“Who knows her home address let’s go to her house” Archie suggested.

“Great idea,man. Winnine, you know her house,right?” Jaxon said,already getting ready to follow Winnie.”I do” Winnie answered.

“Then let’s go already” Jaxon said,bringing out his car keys.

“I didn’t come with my car,so y’all have to wait for me to get it” Winnie said.

“But my car is available” Jaxon said.

Winnie rolled eyes.

“It obviously can’t carry us all” she said.

“Okay….hurry up,please” Jaxon said.

Winnie smiled and left.

The hostel is not far from where they are,so it won’t take long before she comes back.


“How’s my mom? Can I see her now?” Ava sprang immediately the doctor came out.

She actually slept on the chair she sat on yesterday,since she wasn’t allowed to enter the ward just yet.

“Doctor! You’re not answering me. How’s she,can I see her now?” Ava asked again.

The doctor shook his head,disappointedly and sighed.

“I am sorry,but we lost her last night. I’m sorry” the doctor said and shook his again.

“You are joking,right?” Ava smiled.

“We tried our best” the doctor said.

Ava stood up like an insane person,running into her mom’s ward which the doctor was trying to stop her.

“Noooo! Mom!!!!” Ava screamed her lungs out,losing her voice in the process.

“Mummy!!! Noooo!” She slumped on her mom.

“Noo!” She screamed again and woke up with tears.

It was then she realized it’s just a dream.

“Such a terrible dream. Nothing will happen to you,mummy. I promise, you’ve always been a strong woman that I admire. Nothing will happen to you” she said again.

She stood up and wiped her tears.

Felony went back home last night,after staying with her for long.

She went looking for the doctor in his office,and found him there, thankfully.

“Good morning, doctor” she greeted, respectfully.

The doctor greeted her back with a smile.

“Can I see her?” She asked straight away.

“Sure,come with me” the doctor said as they both walked out of his office.


Ava’s heart couldn’t contain the happiness when she saw her mom.

She’s sleeping so peacefully, like nothing happened to her,except for the Ventilator and tubes on her chest.

“She should wake up any moment from now. It may take hours,but she’d definitely wake up soon” the doctor said.

Ava smiled.

The only thing that is dancing in her belly right is happy butterflies.

Thanks to whoever paid for her mom’s treatment, her mom’s life has been saved by that person.

If she happens to find out about that person, she’s going to cherish and and always be grateful to the person.

She couldn’t have asked for more.

“Thank you so much,doctor. You don’t know what you have done for me” Ava smiled.

“I only tried my best,God did it” the doctor smiled too,then left.

“I love you,mummy” Ava said as she sat beside her mom.

She took out her phone and dialed Winnie,telling her everything.


“Change of plans,everyone. Ava is in the hospital with her mom. She had a heart transplant” Winnie said when she came back.

“What?!!! They said at the same time.

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