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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Felony,can I talk to you,please?” Falcon asked,expecting a positive reply from her.

She left the gym room and was about going back home.

“What do you want” Felony asked coldly.

“I…I like you,Felony” he said blatantly.

“Thanks,but keep it to yourself” she replied without looking at him.

“I’m serious,Felony. I don’t just like you,but I’m in love with you” he blurted out”

Felony dramatically walked closer to him,as if about to hug him or say I love you too.

“Say it again” she said,in a rather funny way.

“I said I’m in love with you and I can’t keep it to myself anymore” Falcon boldy said.

He knows the next thing that is going to happen,but he still has the courage to tell her,anyway.

He himself said he’s ready to die a happy death, as long as he died because of Felony.

Felony tightened her fists and was about unleashing it on Falcon.

“Punch me,$h00t me,k!ll me,do wh@ťěver you want to do to me…but the fact still remains that I love you and nothing can change that!” Falcon yelled.

Felony was taken aback,and didn’t know when she dropped her hand.

She stared at him for a while,before going into her car.

She started the ignition and sped off as usual.

“I don’t know how long this might take,but I’m ready to wait” Falcon sighed.

**** 6PM

“See you tomorrow,babes” Ava said. She stayed in school till six,though they had no other class.

She just stayed with them in the hostel till it was time for her part time job.

“Aww,see you tomorrow,baby. But I wish you could just stay,we’ll miss you like crazy” Olivia said as she hugged her.

“Been a while you slept in the hostel,yunno” Winnie said.

“I know. I promise to find a day to sleep here again” Ava replied.

Winnie smiled.

After tomorrow’s class,we’re gonna finish our project,right?” Winnie said.

“Sure”Ava smiled and hugged all of them.


“Can I tell you something?” Freya asked Ava.

She is seeing her off,and they are just the two of them.

“Sure,baby. What is it?” Ava asked,awaiting wh@ťěver she has to say.

Freya sighed and kept mute for a while.

“I love you,that’s all I want to tell you” she giggled.

“Awww,I love you too, Freya” Ava gushed.

They hugged each other again before Ava left.


“You’re late,Ava” Gracie said.

Gracie also works in the cafe Ava works.

But she works full time,not like Ava who does part time.

“I know,right?” Ava sighed.

She briskly walked into the change room,and changed into her work clothes.

She then came back to join Gracie.

“Mr Reginald is not around? She asked when she didn’t see any sign of her boss.

“He left some minutes ago” Gracie answered.

Ava heaved a sigh of relief.

“Aren’t you stressing yourself too much? Working and schooling” Gracie said.

“It’s stressing, Gracie. But I don’t have a choice” Ava sighed.

“You’re such a hardworking girl,I admire you a lot” Gracie praised.

“Awww,thanks. You just boosted my energy” Ava smiled.

Gracie giggled and went back to what what she was doing.

**** 9:55PM ★

Ava arranged everywhere and put all the things their right places.

There was so much to do in the cafe,that’s why she’s still here.

Mr Reginald worsen everything when he came back.

She worked until it was almost 10,before she closed.

She started walking back home,cos her house is not that far from the place.

Though,it’s night, but everywhere is still bright cos of the lights.

She walked passed all the places that have lights, until she got a dark place.

She wasn’t scared though, cos she has always been passing through that road and nothing has happened to her.

She continued walking until someone started behind hair,his footsteps were so heavy that they got Ava really scared.

When it dawned in her that someone is after her,she started running.

But this time, she didn’t go far before the guy caught her.

He grabbed her violently,in a way that Ava became very scared.

“Help…..”she tried to scream,but the rest of the words remained in her mouth.

The guy shut her up with a slap.

Like Ava didn’t feel the slap at all,she thunderously slapped him back,making him go deaf.

“f-__-k!” he cursed and staggered back,spitting out blood from his mouth.

“Ɓîtçh!” he said and started chasing Ava who is on the run.

She didn’t reach far before he caught her again.

He dragged her again, in the most violent way.

Ava struggled with every strength in her,but the guy was obviously stronger than her.

He slapped her again for the second time,dragging her into a darker place.

She tried to kick him,but she was weak due to the slap.

All Ava could do that moment was cry.

“How do you want it? Brutal or brutal?” he intentionally asked,knowing very well what his plans are.

“None of the options,punk!” a voice said,and kicked him hard on the face.

The guy landed on the ground heavily like a fallen tree.

He didn’t stay long on the ground.

He got up to attack who kicked him,but before he got there.

Ava’s saver shot his head,then his chest,and lastly,two bullets on his Ďïčk,destroying it completely.

He went limp instantly.

“Bastard!” Her saver cursed.


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