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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(All I Want Is You…)


By,Ella N.








“Dude, let’s go wake him,I hope he’s alright now” Archie said to Leo.

They still don’t believe the confession Jaxon made yesterday,about liking Ava.

Archie and Leo still think it’s the explosion of yesterday that affected him,that’s why he said all that.

“But I think he wasn’t joking,he said that with his clear eyes” Leo said.

“Are you sure? Cos I still doubt it,like they’ve never gotten along, so…” Archie said.

“Things change,and people change too, within the blink of an eye,yunno” Leo said.

“Hmmm” Archie shrugged.

While they were still talking, Jaxon walked up to them,and joined them in the living room.

He’s been up since 5AM,but was still in his room working on his laptop.

He wore his training clothes,as he walked to the living room.

Archie and Leo were staring at him like he’s some crazy jerk, or someone who died and resurrected.

“Looks like he’s going for a workout” Leo said while Archie shrugged.

He walked passed them without saying anything to anyone, went into the kitchen and got a chilled bottle of water.

He returned back with it and sat down,gulping it down his throat.

While he drank the water,he noticed Archie and Leo staring at him intently.

“Cut it out,dudes! Why are you two staring at me like that,it’s spooky” he said and took another gulp down.

“Jaxon Harts our dear friend. Are you alright?” Archie finally asked.

“I am fine,why are you asking” Jaxon asked back.

“Do you remember anything you said yesterday? About liking Ava” Leo asked.

He chuckled and rolled eyes.

Went into the kitchen and disposed of the bottle,then came back and sat.

“So you both thought I had lost my senses, huh?” He asked,chuckling.

“Well,you were spewing rubbish after the explosion” Leo answered him.

“I know what I said, and I meant everything I said. I didn’t start liking her yesterday,been a while now” Jaxon said.

Archie and Leo widened their eyes.

“He wasn’t crazy for real” Archie jibed.

“But you never showed it,until yesterday” Leo said.

“Does it matter now?” Jaxon asked.

“How much is wedding suite, Leo?” Archie asked, derisively.

“I should check that online” Leo replied him,and they both bursted out laughing mockingly.

“Ďïčkheads” I only said I like her,I didn’t say I’m in love with her” Jaxon rolled eyes.

“From liking to, I love you” Leo said and Archie laughed.

“I will glue your mouths one of these days,you talk like girls.

“I’m going for a workout,wanna join me?” He asked.

“Anywhere you go,we’ll follow you.

“We are your sheep,and you’re our shepherd, so let’s go” Leo said.

“Hurry up,Ďïčkheads!” Jaxon yelled as they both head to their rooms.

In less than five minutes, they were done dressing up, and returned back to the living room.

Jaxon was the first to step out.

Leo and Archie were behind him,they started talking while walking out.

“Jaxon likes Ava, Ivy is Jaxon’s girlfriend. So…

“War!!” Leo and Archie screamed at the same time.


“Hey,where are you?” Ava asked Bullet over the phone.

“I’m at Williams Crescent, meet me at the T-Junction” he said..

“Hurry up,okay? He added and hung up.

He stood at the T-Junction,not far from Ava’s place.

He continued to check time while he stood,looking at every angle to see if Ava would appear from any.

He was kinda jugging while waiting for her.

Not moving though, just jugging on the same spot.

Ava got there five minutes later.

“That’s her” he said as he stared at her until she was close enough.

He smiled handsomely at her when she finally got to him.

Ava’s training clothes aren’t really for training, but they look good on her and fit her slim body perfectly.

“Good morning” she smiled cutely at him.

“Good morning, had a good night?” He asked.

“I did, and you” she asked too.

“Had the perfect night after seeing your pretty face last night” he said.

Ava smiled as she blushed.

“Common,let’s go” he said and held Ava’s hand as they began jugging.

But let go of her hand as they started the workout fully.

They talked and laughed while the jugging went on.

“You said you were gonna bore me,but this is fun” Bullet said as they continued to jug.

“Give me some more minutes,I’m gonna get tired” Ava said and they both laughed.

“I will carry you on my back,it’d be fun,yunno” he said.

“Fun or stressing, I’m as heavy as a trailer, don’t mind my slim buddy” Ava said.

Bullet gave a loud laugh.

“So in this case, I shouldn’t mind the body but the engine” Bullet joked.

“Definitely, you can say that again” Ava answered,making him laugh again.

“You’re quite funny” he said.

Ava giggled.

“We should do this more often, what do you think?” He asked.

“Hmm,maybe we should” Ava shrugged.

“Cute” he mumbled.

“Increase your pace,little tigress” he said to Ava who bursted out laughing.

“Little tigress?” She asked.

“Yea. Cos I’m the big tiger and you’re the little tigress. Common, increase your pace” he said.

Ava laughed, but increased the pace anyway.


Jaxon,Leo and Archie have been jugging too.

They started from the T-Junction,but later took another route.

They’ve been running,breathing and sweating at the same time.

“Been a while i did this,it feels good. We should do this everyday” he said to his friends.

“You’re right,man. I feel fit already” Leo said.

Since they took a different route,it didn’t take long before they got to the park around the area.


Ava and Bullet were still running, but in a slow pace and have reached the park too.

As they continued Jugging, Ava tripped on something and fell on her knees all of a sudden.

“f-__-k!” Bullet cursed and ran to her.

“Are you okay,are you hurt? I’m sorry” he said as he pulled her up.

“I’m fine,but my knee kinda hurts” she said as she tried to get up,but felt the pain.

“Let me help you” Bullet said.

“I am fine” she smiled cutely and tried to get up,but her knee still hurts.

“You’re stubborn. Common,let me help you” Bullet said.

“Alright, fine….” Ava dragged and he chuckled.

She thought he was going to just help her stand,but was shocked when Bullet jacked her up effortlessly,and put her on his back.

“Put me down” she said shyly.

“Stay still little tigress, else we’re gonna fall” Bullet said.

“Put me down” she said again and started wiggling her body.

“Hey,hey…..” Bullet dragged as they almost fell.

Ava continued to wiggle like a worm,making it difficult for Bullet to walk.

“Stay still and stop wiggling, we’re gonna…..

The rest of the words remained unsaid as they both landed on the grass in the park.

Ava looked at him,he looked at her too,then they bursted out laughing.

“I told you to stay still,but you didn’t listen” Bullet said.

“I told you to put me down,but you didn’t listen” Ava retorted.

Both she and Bullet started laughing again,still on the ground.

“I like you,can we be friends” Bullet asked,after they were silent for a while.

“Umm….I guess we can” Ava answered.

Bullet smiled.

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