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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(All I Want Is You…)

By,Ella N.








“Isn’t that Lisa? Oh my gosh!” Ava screamed excitedly.

“Who is Lisa?” The girls chorused, looking at each other.

“He’s my high school classmate” Ava answered

“He?” they asked at the same time, but Ava was not there to answer them,she already ran to him.

“Why is she calling him Lisa,if he’s a guy” Freya questioned.

“Hmmm” Winnie and Olivia shrugged.

The guy was standing in line with others who are waiting for their ordered food.

“Lisa!” She called again.

He turned when he heard the name.

There’s only one person who calls him that name.


His eyes widened, both in shocks and excitement when he saw Ava.

“Ava….? he called.

“Wait! What are you doing here?” he asked,in a rather funny way.

Cos,what do people do in school? To study of course.

“Schooling of course” Ava said,making funny faces.

“d@mn! I’ve not seen you for like ever!” he said,frantically.

“Seriously, I’m so happy to see you” Ava said.

“I can’t believe we still came to the same school” he said,happiness written all over his face.

He and Ava were friends in high school, not very close though.

But he was the only person that liked,and was nice to her back in high school.

“When did you start? I trust you’re in your final year already” he smiled handsomely.

“You wish”

“I got admission this year,this is even my first semester” Ava said.

“Through scholarship” she added.

“Wow!” You’re one lucky girl,brainy” he said,praising Ava.

“I know,right? Ava said,fanning herself with her hand.

He chuckled.

“So,what about you? What level are you now?” Ava continued.

“Year two” he answered.

“Awww” Ava gushed.

Winnie, Freya and Olivia just stood,watching the two like they were acting a drama.

“We are not ghosts and are still your friends, yunno” Olivia rolled eyes.

“Oh! I’m so sorry,babies” Ava said and dragged him closer.

“Guys,this is my high school classmate, Lisa.

“Lisa,my best friends.




“They’re the best of the bests,and the craziest” Ava said,winking at them.

The three giggled and blushed at Ava’s words.

“When will you stop calling me Lisa,huh? He asked, chuckling.

“Still haven’t forgotten what happened in class that year,so the name will always be on my lips” Ava said,rolling her eyes.

Lynx chuckled again.

“I’m Lynx” he introduced himself as, and started giving them handshakes.

He shook Freya first,then Olivia.

When he got to Winnie,the handshake lasted longer than everyone else’s.

Her palms are so soft and smooth.

“Ummm……” Winnie dragged, slowly removing her hand from his.

She gave an awkward and embarrassed smile.

Freya,Olivia and Ava exchanged glances, and started giggling.

Lynx smiled cutely at Winnie before releasing his hand.

“So nice to meet you girls” Lynx said,his gaze still on Winnie.

“Happy to have you here too” the three chorused.

“You stay on campus, right? Ava asked.

“Sure,brainy” he smiled.

“Stop calling me that” Ava pouted.

“You are brainy, aren’t you? And I will stop calling you that when you stop calling me Lisa” Lynx said.

“Alright, you win” Ava said as they both bursted out laughing.

“Let’s go have something to eat please,I’m starving” Winnie said and pulled them along.

“Beautiful friend you got,Ava” he said to himself before going to join them.

They all ordered what they want, and Lynx paid for all the food and left afterwards.


“Who else saw what I saw” Freya said as she dragged them to one side.

“Lynx,right? I f-__-king saw it. I think he’s already crushing on our baby” Ava said.

“I know! He didn’t feel like leaving her hand,oh my gosh!” Olivia gushed.

“You’re all unpredictable, jeez!”

“Winnie does not do love,she’s only interested in kicking monkeys butts” she said and a loud laugh filled the cafeteria.

“Okay,I kinda missed this monkeys butt talk” Ava said as they bursted out laughing again.


“How do you want your deaths, FRIED OR ROASTED?” Felony asked with rage as she continued to drag them like weightless pieces of log.

“How dare you try to ki|| me? How dare you!” She thundered aloud.

Bullet was on his way out.

He actually got ready that morning to go see Felony at the hospital.

But was shocked to the core when he came and met her,then the drama going on.

When he saw what was going on,he started laughing instead, like a crazy person.

He needs no one to tell him that Venom and Atalanta are the culprits.

He himself said it yesterday night that, whoever shot Felony has dug his or her own grave.

So he wasn’t surprised to see the crazy scene.

He put his hands in his pant pocket and stylishly walked closer to them with his blonde hair.

As if he’s in a fashion show, it was kind of funny to everyone.

He laughed and shook his head.

“Were you two high on drugs?”

“Why the f-__-k did you $h00t her,why did you try to ki|| her” he asked.

The two goats couldn’t answer, as they were in pains.

Right now,they wish for nothing else,but death!

The pain was too much.

“Answer me!” Bullet thundered, kicking them both,not minding the pain they’re already going through.

They still couldn’t answer.

More members were gathered now,some murmuring,others,sympathizing.

Bullet left them and stood beside Felony to let her do her thing,since they refused to answer him.

“No one plays with the lioness’s tail and go Scot-Free.

“Did you two taste the devil’s blood last night,that made you $h00t me”

“For what d@mn reason!?

“And you f-__-king thought you could get away with it” she laughed hysterically and kicked them hard,adding to their pain.

None of the members dared to say anything or try to intervene, cos even Lord Bullet himself is against what they did.

Even with the pain Venom was facing, she still took out her gun,her second gun from her pocket,and tried to $h00t Felony again for the second time.

But Bullet shot it off her hand,and in the process,shot and cut off her two middle fingers.

“AHHHHHH” she screamed aloud in excruciating pains.

Her hands began shaking, her body writhing and of course, blood was pumping out like a pipe water.

Everyone gasped.

They kept wonder if Venom is alright.

Like,at this point, she’s supposed to be begging for forgiveness, but she still got the guts to do that.

Felony laughed,sinisterly.

“Brave girl” she said, derisively.

Venom has just increased her anger.

Somehow,she was thinking of forgiving them,but right now.

Nothing is going to stop her from wasting their lives.

“Say me hi to the devil, my ex sugar daddy” she said as she shot Venom on her chest,countless times.

Venom went limp instantly, and her blood spilled everywhere.

Atalanta was lying helplessly beside Venom.

Venom is actually the one who shot her,but they both conspired to do it.

And Atalanta was with her when Felony got shot.

Felony turned to her,pointing the gun directly on her forehead.

“Queen of lollipop”

“At the mention of your name,every lollipop bow in respect” she mocked and some people started laughing.

Funnily enough, even while all that was going on,Atalanta still had a lollipop in her mouth.

“But today is gonna be the end of that” Felony continued,and marched her chest.

“I’ve got lots of them for you in hell” she said and was about $h00ting….

“Please….!” Maddog ran and knelt down before her, begging.

“Move! Or I waste you both” she warned, but Maddog still kept begging.


She shot his thigh before he could finish.

“Move now!” She thundered.

Maddog still continued to beg,and she wanted to $h00t again,but Bullet held her shoulder.

“Please” he said calmly.

“Arrrgh!” Felony gritted before putting her gun down by her side.

She glared at Atalanta spitefully, before stomping out of the hall,raging with anger.

Her neck was starting to bleed again, cos she was straining it too much with all that was going on.

She left to her house without looking at anyone’s face.

Bullet watched as she leaves,he ruffled his hair with his right hand,the other still in his pocket.

He’s frustrated and totally drained.

He thought of going to Felony’s, but he figured out she needs some time alone.

“Clean up the mess” he said to one of the members, then walked back to his room.

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