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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Jax,when are we holding another concert? Seems we’ve forgotten about dance” Archie said.

“His dad has been bugging the hell out of him,that he’s forgotten about dance, even sports. f-__-k!” Leo cursed.

Jaxon scoffed and rolled eyes.

“That old man won’t just stop bugging my life.

“I don’t want his d@mn companies, he should look for someone else to run them for him,definitely not me” Jaxon said, feeling angry already.

His phone started ringing instantly.

When he checked, he hissed and rolled eyes.

It’s his little sister,Maisie.

“Jax Bebe” Maisie called,immediately he picked the call.

“What do you want,little devil?” Jaxon asked.

“I miss you,Jax Bebe. When are you coming back?”

“Oh! Can Grand Ma-Pee and I come visit?” She asked.

“What,are you crazy?” No body is coming here,and I’m not coming to visit anyone either” he said.

“Aww” Maisie pouted from the other end.

“Who are you talking to” came her father’s voice.

“Jax Bebe” Maisie answered.

“Give me the phone,Mr Calton said.

He collected the phone and started talking.

“Jaxon! You’ve stopped taking my calls,huh?” His father yelled over the phone.

Jaxon dropped the call immediately he heard his dad’s voice.

“Jaxon? Jax….!! His dad yelled when he realized Jaxon has dropped the call.

“Arrrrrgh! He dropped the call,he f-__-king dropped the call!!” He said,and aimed Maisie’s phone on the wall.

It broke beyond use immediately.

“He’s nothing like me,he’s too stubborn, doesn’t listen to any d@mn thing I say” Calton said angrily.

“Are you sure he’s my son,I’m starting to doubt this” Calton said,looking at his wife, Margaret.

She gulped down nothing.

“How can you say that, honey? Of course he’s your son, our son”

“Don’t you think you’re over reacting? Give him more time,besides, he’s still in school.

“Why not give him a little more time” Margaret said,massaging his shoulders and trying to cheer him up.

“Dad! You just broke my d@mn phone!” Angry Maisie who’s phone her dad just broke into pieces, yelled.

“Pick your Sim,go meet the driver to take you to the store,and get a new phone” Calton said.

Maisie rolled eyes.

“I just got that phone two days ago? Do i need to be changing phones like diapers now?” She muttered to herself before leaving.


“Heard Lord Bullet shot his girlfriend last night, why the f-__-k would someone $h00t his girlfriend? Atalanta asked Venom.

Venom was seriously smoking and drinking.

“He was out of his senses,I guess. Or probably did that because of Felony.

“Cos I heard he was with her,but left before the $h00ting though.

“f-__-k! I h@ťě her so much” Venom said,spitefully.

“I h@ťě her more than you do. Aren’t we going to do something about her?” Atalanta smirked.

Venom smirked,viciously too,a devilish thought running through her mind.


“Any luck yet?” Bullet asked as he and Felony walked into the computer lab.

“We almost found his location again,but lost it” Codie replied.

“Keep trying,try harder” Bulled said,frustratedly.

Maddog and Codie continued to try their until they found his location when Bullet was about leaving.

This time,they didn’t lose it.

“Gotcha idiot!” Codie said aloud.

“f-__-k! The best news ever” Bullet said.

“He operates underground? Is he a moll or what?” Felony derides.

“He has a big factory underground where he steals all the drugs and weapons,and takes them there” Codie said.

“Call the rest of the gang,get everything ready.” Bullet ordered.

T-Bone bowed before leaving.


They arrived at the place and started jumping in,Bullet was the last to jump in.

“Dangerous,but sweet” Foxfire said.

They quietly started walking towards the factory in slow motion,with their black oufits and dark shades they all wore.

They met some guards at the entrance who almost started $h00ting. Three were zapped by Foxfire,and the others were taken care of.

“You want some lollipop?” Atalanta asked one who stood in confusion.

“Huh?” The guy said,and Atalanta used that chance to punch his eye.

He staggered back,bringing out his gun to $h00t,but Atalanta was fast to $h00t him first,twice on the forehead.

Blood gushed out of his head like water as he dropped dead.

Bullet and the rest were already in where a lot of them were.

Hard drugs and chemicals were in different beakers.

The intruder alarm started ringing out loud,calling everyone’s attention.

Soon,$h00ting started and a lot were already dropping dead.

Falcon and Felony grabbed two and took them to one side.

Felony punched hers,then sent him to Falcon who punched his too,and sent to Felony.

The both of them just kept tossing the two guys to each other,giving them hard punches on every part of their bodies till they almost bled to death before they shot them.

“Feels good,I love you,baby” Felony said and kissed the gun.

“Can I get a kiss too” Falcon smirked.

“Yes,your lips will be so sweet to chop off with my teeth” Felony glared dangerously at him.

Falcon chuckled inwardly.

Felony already left him,$h00ting and ki||ing more.


Bullet and T-Bone went to their boss’s room,a bit far from the factory.


One of the most dangerous mobs.

He was insanely smoking,and was surrounded by guards.

The guards wanted to start $h00ting,but he raised his hand up,ordering them to not $h00t.

“I have been waiting for you” Dagger smirked viciously.

“And I have a gift for you” Bullet said and gave him an upper cut that almost removed his chin,cos his mouth was filled with blood immediately.

He tried to punch Bullet too,but Bullet dodged it and the punch met with the air.

T-Bone and his guards were dangerously fighting too,it wasn’t long before Felony and some the gang trooped on.

Bullet focused more on Dagger,giving him hard punches and heavy kicks with his boots.

He also succeeded in making Bullet bleed too.

They continued to fight, slap,punch and kick each other.

Bullet gave him a hard one on the nose which sent him to the ground, he landed on it heavily.

He moved closer to him,but before he got there, Dagger had already taken out his pistol and fired at his arm.

Bullet didn’t feel anything, as he went even closer. His arm was seriously bleeding though.

He brought out his penknife and flung it to Dagger.

It landed directly on his chest, it went deep as blood cascaded instantly and the pistol fell off his hand.

Bullet went go him and removed the knife, more blood pumped out of his chest.

He didn’t hesitate to waste him. He shot him consecutively till he was satisfied.

Felony and the rest(not all of them though) already wasted Dagger’s guards.

There was pool of blood in the whole place, with people lying dead.

“Accomplished” Bullet stated and began walking out.

He didn’t move up to two inches when Felony got shot on her neck twice.

“AHHHHH” She groaned and fell on the ground.

“Felony!!!! They all called.


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