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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BURN FOR ME – Episode 9

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[ Dylan’s Desire ? ]

# 6 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , Ex , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






“You changed her diapers already ? Ivy asked as she stared at me with a bright smile on her face .

” Yeah , I was feeding her when she pooped” I said as Ruby snuggled into me .

” You guys look so cute together ” she said and I rubbed our daughters back as she slept in my arms .

” Ivy ….I will be going out of the country tommorow , For work ” I said and she stared at me immediately.

” Who are you going with ? She asked immediately as she folded her hands above her chest .

” Since when did you develop such a concern about whom I’m going with ? I asked immediately and she snapped.

” Ah you’re definitely going with your ex right ? right Dylan ! She Screamed angrily .

” Calm down you’d wake the baby Ivy ” I said calmly.

” Don’t you dare tell me that rubbish ,you’re traveling with Cora right ? Oh my Goodness” she screamed at the top of her voice which woke Ruby up immediately as she cried .

” Ivy stop this madness ” I said exhuastedly.

” So now I’m the mad woman ” she asked crying.

” I didn’t call you a mad woman ,I just don’t understand why you’re causing all this drama . It’s so embarrassing because you’re doing it in front of our daughter ” I spat angrily.

The nanny rushed inside and stopped immediately she met us both , I’m sure she heard the baby’s cry.

I handed Ruby to her nanny immediately and tried to leave.

” We are not done talking Dylan ,you can’t walk out on me like that ! She screamed Angrily.

” I’m not interested in this conversation because you’re annoying me with it . ” I said and tried to control myself.

“You’re hurting me Dyl ” she said immediately.

” I’m not hurting you ,you’re hurting yourself because you can’t stop thinking about my Ex lover ” I said and she sniffed back tears .

” I won’t act like this if you are not still inlove with Cora ! She fired .

” That’s a lie ”

” It’s the truth …it’s the f-__-king truth ” she said and I stared at her .

” Cora and I have moved on with our lives ….” I trailed .

” Dylan you don’t love me right ? You won’t be with me if it wasn’t for our daughter !”

” Why are you trying to make me seem like the bad guy ? Ivy let’s not do this ” I said and tried to leave again .

” Dylan !

” What more do you want from me Ivy ? I’m really grateful about Ruby …you know that , and I’ve never maltreated or hurt you in anyway … I’m going to make you my wife ”

” Why does Cora matter so much to you ? I asked in hurt .

” She has your heart ,that’s what I want ” she said crying.

” Go get it from her then ,we will talk when you’re ready to act normal and not extremely insecure ” I said in annoyance as I matched out of her room .

” Is everything okay ? Kris asked and Fred was next to him .

” I’m fine ” I said and as I walked towards my room they walked with me .

” Are you sure ? The guards reported you had a fight with Ivy ” Fred asked .

” She’s being unnecessarily insecure again ” I said and Kristov rubbed his forehead.

” Did you do anything Wrong ? He asked immediately we entered my room .

” Everything was fine ,until I told her I’m traveling ” I said frustratedly.

” Ah ,I’m sure she found out it’s with Cora ” Fred laughed.

” What’s funny ? I asked Angrily.

” We all know you and Cora traveling together…..” He trailed .

” I’m not cheating on Ivy ..what’s annoying is she’s nagging these days and I’m beginning to loose my sanity around her ” I said immediately.

” I warned you about going into this relationship ,Ivy is a nice girl …but she’s always feel insecure because you guys are together because of Ruby . It’s a one sided love from her side ” Kristov said as he sat down on my couch .

” She has always known this will be the result ,I’ve never hidden it. I can’t just wake up one morning and love her , it’s a process ”

” After my experience in my past relationships ,does she expect me to fall inlove immediately ,I don’t even know how to love myself” i said In hurt .

” She has always wanted you for herself , but you caused this Dylan …You should have never entered this loveless relationship in the first place ” Fred said camly.

” We have a child together ” I said camly.

” That’s not an escuse , it was wrong for Ivy to have taken advantage of your drunk state ,but then you are a gentleman for accepting the child not going as far as marrying her for it ,that’s where you went wrong ” Kristov said and I tried to speak .

” Let me speak Dyl ”

” The foundation of your relationship with Ivy is faulty ,you tried to use her to forget Cora and her desperate need to have you led her to sleeping with you in your drunk state .

” You guys should have come to an understanding , you’re not in the right state for any relationship and she deserves a man who can invest everything. ..for her including his time attention and love . ” He explained.

” but I’m … doing everything in my power …for our daughter and…” I trailed.

” Exactly ,your daughter ,not Ivy . You’re both in a loveless relationship because you want to be there for your daughter.

” But how can the both of you give her that love and attention she needs when you both don’t share an emotional connection , you call her by her name Dylan …you can’t….be In the same room with Ivy for long .

” You treat her like someone else’s girlfriend and not yours , do you even look at that girl ? He asked and my eyes stung with tears .

” We will be fine when we get married ” I said immediately.

” Wh@ťěver makes you happy Dylan ” He said and patted my back .



” This smells good ,I hope it tastes the same ” I said and Crisanto smiled in my direction.

” I’m a good cook Corazon you can attest to that ” he said smiling.

” Ah let me the judge ” I said as I used the fork. He walked behind me as he cadged me sweetly then poured wine into my glass.

I shifted from him as I turn with a soft smile .

” It tastes amazing ” I said and he helped me with my sit as I sat down quietly.

” Are you sleeping over ? It’s already late ” he said and I shook my head.

” No ” i said almost immediately.

” Why ? He asked disappointedly.

” Santo we both know you can’t afford to have me in the same space for so long ” I said , counting my words on the last part .

” But I ….” ….

” You want me Crisanto ,that’s not supposed to happen ,you’re gonna end up hurting yourself I don’t want that “‘I said and he sighed in hurt.

” Can’t I just hope for a positive reply one day ….”he asked in hurt.

” Crisanto …” I trailed

” I’m willing to wait ,how long do you need ? Months weeks years ” he asked desperately.

” Crisanto I don’t want you to wait ,you deserve a better woman …you know this ” I said and got up immediately.

” Coming for this dinner was a mistake in the first place , maybe you should resign ,or I should fire you. The work space isn’t healthy for you anymore”I said.

” It’s okay ,forget I said anything I’m fine ” he said and I picked my bag .

” Goodnight Crisanto ,stay safe ” I said and strolled out of his place.

As I drove home that night , my hands shook on the staring wheel .

My eyes squeezed in hurt and my head banged with an uncontrollable headache.

There’s only one thing that would relief me of this pain .

I changed into my sports clothes as I moved to the Gym in the De Luca estate , I got a punching bag .

” You’re incapable of love Corazon !

Pu`nch !

You’re just a wort`hless piece of tra`sh !


I love you Cora … please don’t do this


That’s a lie ,I know you feel something for me ,don’t hurt me like this .


I threw the last blow as I ran my fingers in hair ,beads of Sweat rolled off my body as I cried .

” Aaaaaaaaaaaa !” I screamed as my body shook with Emotions I burst out crying uncontrollably.

I ran to punch it again as I removed my gloves .

” That’s enough you’d end up ki||ing yourself ! I heard a familiar voice and I snapped my head to that direction.

” At least i would be relieved of this pain ” I said and lit up a ciggerrate.

” Self harm is not advisable, you’re bleeding on your knuckles.

” Leave me alone ” i said as I placed it on my lips and took a drag.

” I’ve called Bella she can handle your craziness” she said .

” Because if I stay here for another 2 mins . I will f-__-king punch the life out of you ! She said and I cried .

” You don’t understand ….”

” What don’t I understand ? She asked with a bitter chuckle.

” I understand pain because I’ve been in this web before …I’d be dead if I didn’t let Gio in .

” Pain isn’t something you battle alone ,it’s unhealthy .

” Neomi …you don’t get it …”

” You have too many Demons you’re fighting on your own .

” I just want to stop feeling things .. …I just want to nothing ….I just …..” I cried u controllably.

” Shhhhhhhh it’s okay Chica ” she said softly as she rubbed my back I cried in her arms.

” I just wanna be happy ….but I don’t deserve it ….I ….”

” That’s fear speaking , everyone deserves to be happy….you deserve it as much as I did .

” Forget the guilt ,forget the pain …we’ve all done shitty things in the past.

” But we don’t let it define who we are … You’re beautiful inside out …you’re a Wild flower ..

” Beautiful dangerous and mysterious” she said rubbing my hair .

” I hurt Santo …..I hurt Dylan ,I..
” I trailed as I choked on my tears .

” Shhhhhhhh…..just breath. .. everything will be okay ” she said and I’ve never felt more warm in my life .



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