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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BURN FOR ME – Episode 8

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[ Dylan’s Desire ? ]

# 6 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , Ex , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






” I’m going to my room ” i said to Ivy as I got up from the table immediately.

” But baby …” She trailed .

” Ivy ..” I said and she sighed .

” It’s okay ,at least you came out for me tonight ” she said and I smiled at her excitement.

” Goodnight” I said and she hugged me , I kissed her forehead as I strolled towards my room .

I heard Harmony’s voice in the kitchen and I frowned immediately ,Emelio wasn’t around and hearing her voice in the kitchen ,I knew she was having one of those her wiered cravings .

Who knows what she would want to eat this time around ,the last time I saw her and Emelio this late at night .

She want Fried eggs and roasted potatoes with maple syrup untop .

Emelio and I had to plead with her not to eat it the Weired food ,she cried until he gave in .

Or the day she told him to sing for her outside the Mansion .

It was funny yet cute , Harmony has always had her moments of craziness with this pregnancy ,so I decided to check on her since Emelio wasn’t around.

I halted my steps the minute my eyes met Cora ‘s behind .

My mind immediately went back to how gorgeous she used to look anytime she slept over at my place and my heart squeezed in hurt.

Where did I go wrong with us , I thought we had the spark .

” Harmony is everything okay ,it’s late already ” I asked as I stared at my brother’s wife , she looked perfectly fine .

” I’m waiting for Cora ” she said excitedly.

” Oh I’d just get going ” I said and she didn’t turn , just focused on her cooking.

I didn’t expect her to ,not after the painful words I threw at her a while ago .

” Stay Dyl …” Harmony said and I was already feeling uncomfortable in her presence.

I stared at her the entire time , She’s always been a walking temptation and her return this time around was something else.

” This looks so delicious” Harmony said excitedly and th-ru_sted a piece to me , immediately she served the dish .

” The baby wants you to eat it ” she smiled blackmailing me to try it out .

Everyone knew this trick , only an idiot would say no and fall into her trap .

” Your baby always wants something” I said and she laughed.

” Come over Corz” she said excitedly and handed a piece to Cora .

” You look so hot while you where cooking ” she said and I choked immediately.

I rubbed my chest as my eyes watered .

” Oh my God are you okay ” she asked as she handed me water immediately.

I drank from her glass and waves of shock ran through my body as she rubbed my back .

My eyes moved from the glass to her beautiful eyes down to her plump lips.

” I ….huh …. should leave ” she said and left the kitchen immediately . I stared at her backside as she walked away immediately.

I turned and met Harmony’s smirking lips.
She raised her eyebrows teasingly and I shook my head .

” Stop acting naughty ” I pointed at her and she raised her hands innocently.

” Me what did I do again ? She asked and I shook my head .

” Goodnight sister-in-law” I said and strolled towards my room.

My mind went back to the fear and worry I saw in her eyes as she gave me the water .

Why did she look so worried if she doesn’t have any feeling for me ? Why is this woman hell bent on frustrating me .

I walked to my room and my mind went back to the phone the got from our mission tonight .

I made a mental note to hand it over to Sergio the next day .

As I lay down to sleep …I remembered her beautiful doe eyes and I groaned in frustration as I turned to the other side of the bed .

” So what now , she won’t let me sleep in peace !” I groaned in frustration.

The next morning ,I went out for a morning run , anyone who has been to the De Luca estate knew just how Wide the whole place .

It was like a city , as I ran towards the other end my eyes met someone running close to me .

My eyes met her running shoes ,to her figure in the tights .

I swallowed nothing as she stopped and shifted the headset properly ,that’s when our eyes met .

She looked away immediately as she jogged passed me ,my eyes trailed her behind .

I looked away immediately. What am I thinking.

I’m engaged to Ivy ,I shouldn’t be lusting after another woman ,that too Cora .

That’s just so disrespectful to the mother of my child.

I took a deep breath and continued from where I stopped .

After which I went back to the mansion to freshen up.

I changed into a pair of jeans and a T shirt ,I strolled towards Sergio’s Room .

” Hey Bro ” I said and Neomi gave me a teasing look .

” Good morning Dylan ” she greeted excitedly.

” Why is your wife looking at me teasingly ? I whisper asked .

” Get married ,you’d know what I’m passing through” I said dramatically and I chuckled.

We all gathered during breakfast and Kristov had Ruby in his arms .

Immediately she noticed me ,she snuggled closer to him .

” She likes him so much ” mom laughed and everyone chuckled.



I didn’t go down for breakfast because everyone was there , especially Ivy .

How would I eat comfortably when one woman is glaring at me through out the meal .

I don’t understand what I’ve done to make her feel so insecure,I mean even her Fiance h@ťěs me so what makes her think I’m here to take him away from her .

I checked my casual outfit in the mirror as I walked out to attend the meeting after breakfast.

When I walked into his office , Dylan was already present.

” So this was all you could get ? It’s useful ,very very important ” Sergio smirked as he went through the phone .

” Our hunch was right ,he is one of the leads to meeting the top men.

” You ki||ed Dito ,it’s everywhere . I would Say you did a clean job because they can’t trace it down to who did it .” Neomi said as she drank from a glass of alcohol.

” But you have to work with the time next time , anything can happen …you can’t get success if you both don’t work together” Sergio said and I gave a nod .

I can’t believe Dyl told the fact that I wasted time . It was so unprofessional of him to bring our beef to the business.

After the hurtful words he threw at me the last time , I didn’t say a word .

Just gave a nod and he dropped another Envelope in front of us .

” This one is out of the country ” he said and I bit my lower lip .

We won’t survive this at all .

I thought as I looked away.

After the meeting we Walked out together.

” Mr De Luca ” I called and he turned immediately.

” I’d really appreciate it if you say all the hurtful things you wanna say to my face than taking them somewhere else” I said Angrily and he raised his eyebrows.

” What makes you think I told Sergio? He’s called the eyes of the Deluca’s for reason ,he doesn’t need need me to tell him ” he said and I opened and closed my mouth immediately.

” Don’t feel too important , I have better things to do than actually thinking of snitching on you ” he said and walked away.

My eyes stung with tears as I looked away.

” He’s so arrogant ” I spat under my breath as I glared daggers at his retreating figure.

” Annoying arrogant peaÇ0çƙ ” I spat under breath .

” Hope you’re okay ? Bella asked walking close to me .

” I’m not ,if I continue working with your brother in-law it’s either I ki|| him ,or he ki||s me ” i spat frustratedly.

” Or it’s either you guys fight in bed ” she squiled.

” You have a dirty mind ” I said immediately and she laughed.

” Every De Luca has one ,I wouldn’t be married to Kris today if I didn’t drop it like it’s hot ” she said and burst out laughing.

” I still remember how you said you could hear wedding bells ringing in your ears ,just after you met him belz who does that ? I asked Amusingly.

” Me ”

” And that’s exactly what you should be hearing in your ears right now …even if not with Dyl .

” I’m not doing relationships and I’m definitely not trying to get back with an ex lover ” I said immediately.

” Pride .Deep down you still love Dylan …if he decides to f-__-k you ,you’d spread your legs .that’s the kind of power he has over you ” she said and felt it immediately she said that .

” Lie ” she added and I looked away.

‘” I have work ” I said and she burst out laughing.

” You’re both decieving yourselves ” she said in between laughter.

Bella’s crazy

” Would you really spread your legs if he wants it ? My mind asked mockingly.

” That’s not true ” i said out loud and Bella burst out laughing.

Why am I friends with this crazy woman again ? I wondered.

My phone rang and it was Crisanto.

” Santo” I said immediately I picked up and Bella looked at me amusingly

” Let’s meet up for lunch ” he said and I sighed .

” Please ” he added .

” Fine ” I said and cut the call .

” Finally decided to date and didn’t inform me ? She teased .

” Crisanto is just a guy that I trust … nothing much ” i said and she gasped .

” You trust a guy ? That’s new . You guys f-__-ked yet ” she asked as we walked towards my room .

” No there has been two compromising times when we kissed ,but I ended things before it escalated ,we understand ourselves and he knows we don’t have a future together ”

” I already broke Dyl in the past ,I don’t wanna A
add santo to the list ” I said immediately.

” He must be something ” she said teasingly

” Get your mind out of the gutters Bella ”

” So we have two hotties in the picture huh ,I still know Every part of you screams Dylan ”

” Even your P@zzy lips ” she said and I screamed.

” BELLA ! ”



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