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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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BURN FOR ME – Episode 39

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[ Dylan’s Desire ? ]

# 6 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful








” Ivy didn’t commit suicide , the annoying thing is the fact that she was murdered right under our noses ” Sergio said angrily as he fixed his tie .

” Who ki||ed her then ? The Don asked as he took a drag from his smoke .

” Her former Boss ” He said rubbing his forehead.

” Madam Valencia ? f-__-k ” Dylan cursed under his breath as he looked away.

How she managed to get her goon into the estate was definitely something to worry about.

” She didn’t send her goon , she paid one of our men to do it ,then send a letter of apology after her job was done ” Sergio replied as he threw the envelope.

” And the f-__-ker that betrayed the familia ? The Don asked.

” No where to be found for now ,I think he went into hiding . ”

” I always knew Ivy wasn’t stupid enough to take her own life ,too bad her past came back at her ” Kristov said and shook his head .

” Enough of Ivy ,tonight is Veronicas party , everyone stick to the plan ,I want this over I’ve had enough of their madness ” the Don said and ended the meeting.

That night they all got ready to leave seperately.

” Please be safe ” Cora whispered to Dylan and he kissed her forehead.

” Be safe too My Joy ” he said and she blushed slightly.

Veronica’s Mansion was Decorated to a fault , fitting the party of an Elite .

She stood welcoming her guests in her lustrous dress .

Her eyes wandering around waiting to catch a glimpse of him and there he was .

Looking charming as ever ,her heart beat against her chest as a beautiful smile graced her lips .

She couldn’t wait for the night to come to an end so she would rip the three piece suit of his Charming body and show him how dirty she could be in bed .

Draco looked around with a playful smirk on his face .

He knew he could count on Sergio .man already had everyone inside the party disguised as Elite members.

“My love ” Veronica cooed while catwalking towards him .

He pinched the bridge of his nose in disgust .

He h@ťěd women like Veronica ,she was just too classless for his liking.

” Nica ” he said as they exchanged cheek kisses .

” You look ….. Handsome* she said blushing slightly.

” I’m glad you feel so ” He said and sent his hand to her waist .

” We can get out of here ,you know ” she said playing with the Hem of his suit .

He chuckled playfully as his eyes met Mikoy , he looked towards Cora who blinked in understanding.

This was going to be the easiest in history of the De Luca’s.

Cora stared at the Bastard as he
Stood like a free bird ,after everything he put she and her Aunt through .

But one thing she knew was the fact that tonight was not gonna end without her revenge .

As she Catwalked towards Mikoy ,he also couldn’t help but notice the ravaging beauty with short Raven hair and sharp golden eyes.

When there was no realization in his eyes she knew for a fact that he had strolled right into their trap .

She has her pocket knife with her and this was gonna be the end of the bastardo .

” What is a beautiful woman like you doing all by herself” mikoy asked while smiling .

” Waiting for a gentleman” she said seductively and he licked his dry lips .

How about we leave this place and go have some fun ? He asked and she Chuckled.

” Of cause sir ” she said he sent his hands to her waist as they both walked out of Veronica’s Mansion.

Immediately they left the mansion , Mikoy noticed something was off and brought out his gun when he saw her moon tattoo.

” Corazon ” he muttered under his breath and she turned with a smirk.

” Did you miss my dear uncle ” she spat in disgust .

He stared at her gritting his teeth Angrily.

” So what did you think ? That running around with that De Luca and playing games with me will help you escape ? He asked and she brought out her gun .

” I’m not that bl**dy looser you used to know mikoy ” she said staring into his eyes boldly .

Anger ,h@ťě ,disgust came rushing as she stared at the f-__-ker in front of her .

” What did you think ? That I will be that Cora who cried under your feet pleading for mercy ? Who stayed quiet because of what the world would say !

” Who deprived herself from happiness because you ruined her life ? She asked and he laughed.

” You will always hide under the shadow of your f-__-king De Luca man ! He snapped .

” That’s where you’re mistaken because he is my strength not my f-__-king weakness” she said dangerously and he fired his gun which she dodged immediately.

She could hear the sounds of bullets and the smell of bl**d hit her nostrils and she knew things where hot inside the Mansion .

She kicked of his gun ,mikoy stared as his gun rolled towards the other end .

She attacked him and the fight began outside in front of the packing lot .

” Give up corazon ! He laughed like a maniac as he ski||fully blocked her attacks .

She stared at him and ripped her dress from the down , living her with the upper part of her dress .

They fought for Dominance as she kicked him over and over again he ,groaned in pain and kicked had face .

He k*cked her in the stomace and she coughed out b**od .

He walked over to her and threw her to the floor.

” Weak , Pathet*c ” He spat and like lightening memories of everything he did to her in the past graced her memory .

As he pressed her to the ground with his feets .

She brought out her pocket knife and at**bed him in the leg .

He cried out in pain as she got up swiftly ,she punched him severally over and over again in uncontrollable anger .

Bl**d gushed out of his mouth as she kicked him to the floor.

” For years I wallowed in pain , for years I said I wasn’t good enough ….for years ….I felt dirty due to the sh !t you put me through ,for years I waited for this day” she said as she tread on his face with her heels.

He cried in pain as bl**d rushed out .

” Listen and listen good mikoy …Reyes ! I’m Born Queen ,I need no crown.

” I stand today before you ….An eagle…who has reason from the ashes !

She stared at him as she cracked her G`n .

He stared at her in horror lightening began and it started raining badly he struggled to get off her grip .

The De Luca brothers rushed out of the Mansion at that point ,Dylan had bl**d stains on his face he made a move to save his woman and Draco stopped him .

” It’s her moment, let her have the closure” he whispered and he gave a nod as he watched his woman.

” For every pain you caused me ” she said and shot his forehead .

” For humiliating me ” another one

” For making me feel dirty ” she screamed and shot in between his legs …

” For my aunt !

” For my unborn children whom I might likely never have because of you ! She screamed in agony as she shot him uncontrollably .

She bent towards his lifeless body as if rained cats and dogs .

* Rest in Hell mikoy …greet your Wife my aunt who could never speak up for her poor niece ,tell her I sent you there ” she said and kicked him .

She threw her gun and when she turned the brothers gave her the sign of respect and the Don gave a nod in approval .

Tears rolled outta her eyes as she burst out crying uncontrollably.

Dylan walked over to her as pulled her in his arms and rubbed her back as tears rolled outta his eyes too .

His mind went back to how Veronica had tried to ki|| Frederico in the heat of the moment back inside the Mansion .

She nearly losed her mind when she found out Draco was a De Luca but she was shot to death before she could think of revenge.

From the G`un of her supposed lover .

” It’s over Cora ….it’s finally over , you won ….” He whispered as she cried in his arms .



It’s been two weeks after the incident with mikoy and the rest .

Cora hasn’t been herself she’s been quiet and the nightmares moved to a whole new level .

It hurt me because it felt like the devil still controlled her happiness from the land of the dead.

She has been seeing a therapist and we are hoping for positive results .

I just want my woman to be okay and maybe a change of environment for a while would help ,I thought camly.

” What are you thinking about ? She asked while strolling in from Ruby’s room .

” About you ,about us …I think we need space from everything love ” I said and she looked at me in confusion as I held her hand.

” Let’s go out of the country for a while” I said and she stared at my face .

” But what about our daughter …? She trailed and my heart warmed up at her ability to always create space for Ruby in her heart.

” She has mom and everyone else ,my joy …we need space and time for ourselve even it’s just for two weeks. ..” I said and she bit her lower lip.

” Please , Besides it’s almost two months since we last had segz …I’m going insane ” I trailed and she blushed red .

” It’s not up to two months …you’re exaggerating…” She said and I bit my lower lip.

” See how much you’ve lost weight too , I need to give you baby girl treatment ” I said and she laughed as she sat on my laps.

“Where are you taking me to ? She asked smiling.

Where do you wanna visit ? I asked kissing her temple .

” South Africa” she said excitedly and I chuckled.

” An African country ? I asked and she gave a nod .

” Yea”

” Fine ,South Africa it is then ” I said and she kissed my lips .

I pulled her closer as we kissed hungrily. She Mõ@ɲed in between as I folded her B-__-bs sweetly.

” f-__-k you make me crazy ” I said in between as she fought with my belt ,I couldn’t help the smile that graced my lips at my beautiful woman .

I cursed under my breath when I noticed she wore nothing under there jumpsuit.

I unzipped it and switched our positions as her back made contact with the bed .

” Oh Dylan ….” She Mõ@ɲed as we ate into each other .

I positioned myself in her entrance and as I tried to push in ,she whinced a bit .

I chuckled as she stared into my eyes ,I pulled out a bit and kissed her lips to ease her a bit .

That was one thing about Cora , she’s one of those women who never get so loose now matter how much we do it , and if they manage to abstain for a while they only get tighter .

I Mõ@ɲed in pleasure as her inside squeezed me sweetly,I threw my head backwards as I rammed into her slow and sweet .

” Move Dylan ….fast ….” She said impatiently.

” You …made me wait a month ” I teased .

” Is this ….aahhn ….some …kinda revenge ” she asked as I took the b*d of her N**ple into my mouth rolling it in-between my tongue.

“Dylan ” she chanted my name like a mantra as her legs wrapped around my waist crying in pleasure,she held unto the bed sheets as her pounded into with reckless abaddon.

” I missed this ” I said as we switched position she moved into me , and her jaws dropped as tears of pleasure rolled down her eyes.

” I love you …my crown ”

” I love you more my joy ”


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