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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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BURN FOR ME – Episode 38

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[ Dylan’s Desire ? ]

# 6 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , Ex , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






About twenty minutes later ,a guy Walked in with the Don .

He was not just good-looking , he had this Aura that reminded me of the Don immediately.

He was clad in formal Pants and White sleeve shirt .

” At least saying sorry for being late ,will make us start this meeting in good will ” Uncle Alfonso said annoyed by his arrogance.

” Then we should start the meeting in bad will then …or I might as well leave …” He said much to everyone’s dismay .

” This is a meeting not a place to exchange words of anger ” The Don said in Authority and Draco leaned properly on the chair.

” I’m Draco by the way ” he said introducing himself camly .

” Draco De Luca ” The Don said and he rolled his eyes .

” Just Draco ” he said and Uncle Alfonso obviously didn’t like the sound of that .

” I know I made mistakes Draco. ..mistakes that I’m not proud of and obviously very sorry about .. rubbing it on my face won’t help any of us fill good .” He said in hurt.

” You’re not sorry because obviously you prefer your life with your family , which I’m not part of …” Draco said with no emotions on his face .

” I’m not Angry Mr Alfonso …I don’t know how to feel either because I’ve been living my life accepting the fact that you didn’t want me for 36 long years …so it’s nothing new !

” I’m comfortable , I have a son …I’m Rich …I don’t need you ” Draco spat and Alfonso’s eyes softened in hurt .

” That’s enough Draco ” Mr Santiago said and an uncomfortable silence filled the air .

” Let’s get to business ” Sergio said breaking the silence and I rubbed my forehead .

Dylan smiled softly in my direction and I smiled back .

The meeting moved from the father and son saga, as Draco told us the plan against Veronica and her accomplice Mikoy .

” Veronica is already a fool right now when it comes to me ,so letting me into her party is gonna be the easiest thing to do …” He trailed telling us his plan.

” So Cora is gonna be the bait ? Dylan asked immediately I came into the picture.

” It’s a brilliant idea ” I said before he would say no .

” Brilliant idea ? Joy you can’t face that bast*rdo , remember how it turned out the last time ? He fired angrily.

” For how long will I keep running love ? It’s high time I face my past … and put an end to mikoy once and for all so I’m in ” I said and he sighed softly without saying anything else .

He was angry, but I’d deal with his drama later . We can’t add that to the list of our numerous problems .

” This time around we have to make sure your anger doesn’t get the best of you . We are on a mission to finish them , not come back without finishing the business we went there for .

” Cora is one of the best we used to have in red , I’d call a few of the members of the underground team and wrap this up ,I’m moving back to LA soon ” he said and Sergio but in .

Explaining everything about the time and place plus transportation .

It went on for some more time before the meeting came to an end .

” Draco honey ….join us for dinner dear ” ma’am Giovanna said smiling and he stared at her .

No one I repeat no one could reject an offer from Ma’am Giovanna ,she’s so warm and welcoming sometimes it’s scary .

” I have work ….ma’am ” he said and she blinked her eyes innocently.

” Okay I guess they don’t say no to mother De Luca ” he said Calmly and everyone laughed .

We all moved to the large dinning table at the garden .

The maids moved in with different dishes .

” So you’re the one who calls my husband In the odd hours of the day ? Grace asked and he stared at her amusingly.

” I always forget he has a wife ” he said and everyone’s jaws literally dropped as the Don chuckled.

” That’s not funny” Grace said frowning.

” Pardon my manners Donna ” He said with a gentleman smile .

” He’s so cute ….” Bella Swooned .

” I’m the only one that’s supposed to look cute to you” Kristov said frowning.

” Oh please ,Your face is the first thing I see when I wake up and the last I see before I go to bed ,how romantic” she said and he laughed .

Uncle Alfonso was quiet the whole time ,he used the light of the house during dinner times like this but he was so quiet today .

” So Draco I’ve been meaning to meet you ,ever since I heard of you . I’m still mad about the whole hiding stuff ,but I’m hoping we can catch up after all this drama .” Yvonne said and he stared at her.

” I’m always out of the country Yvonne I base outside” he said and she smiled.

” I’m sure you can create time for your Baby sis ” she said and he gave a nod .

” Okay . … whenever you want to catch up , inform me so I can clear my schedule ” he said and she smiled.

” Sure ” he said and we smiled.

Everyone smiled at their banter .

” You said you have a son ? Neomi Asked and he raised his eyebrows in her direction.

” Yeah Adraino ,he’s in highschool but he’s a border ” He said while picking on his food .

” Highschool ? He must be around Red’s Age then ? Aria asked excitedly.

” He’s 14 ” Draco said and Uncle Alfonso looked at his son sadly .

” You must be married then ? I asked and he chuckled.

” I paid her ,she got pregnant ,gave me a son and left as the contract stated ” He said like it was nothing .

Kristov choked immediately . Bella ended up rubbing her husband’s back .

” So you’re not married ” Yvonne said suprised .

” I’m not planning on ever getting married ,I’m happy ” he said and the maid served him shrimps .

” I’m allergic to them ” he said and aunt Giovanna gasped .

” Alfonso is Allergic to them too ,you’re really your father’s son ” she said laughing but her laughter died down when no one joined her .

The rest of dinner moved uncomfortably after which Draco left .

Dylan and I retired to our room , the next morning when I woke up Dylan wasn’t on the bed .

” My crown ” I called softly as I got down from the bed wondering where he went so early .

Maybe he went to check on Ruby ,I thought as I wore my room slippers.

” What’s going on ? I asked when I noticed everyone running around .

” The Don is angry at the guards , Miss Ivy apparently committed suicide last night and no one knows how a knife got in her possession” one of the maids said and I froze on the spot .

” What ? I said in shock as I rushed towards the dungeon .

I watched in suprise as they pushed her lifeless body out of the dungeon .

” Oh my goodness” I gasped as the memory of her hurtful words came rushing back to Me.

I didn’t know what to feel at that point ,Agreed Ivy was never my favorite person but I will never wish my enemy suicide .

I wish she changed for the better , or tried to get medical help it’s just so sad .

What if our daughter grew up hating me for being responsible for her biological mothers death .


” I called her mine ? I called Ruby my daughter ” I muttered under my breath as tears rolled outta my eyes.

That’s how I’ve always felt about my little one , she’s my baby and I will make sure Ivy’s dark past does not effect her in anyway.

” It’s non of your fault baby ….trust me ” Dylan said and pulled me into his arms as I cried .

” I just want this to end ….all of this ” I said crying .

Everything was happening so fast .

The following week passed with everything going on smoothly , I’ve worked with Draco’s team planning everything out smoothly .

Ivy was buried low-key because she used to be engaged in the familia we showed up in the funeral ,I felt numb throughout the occasion .

” You’re out of your mind mikoy …how is it my fault ! ” Veronica screamed angrily as she tied her robe .

” You’re asking me that stupid question Veronica ? We had a plan … to make sure everything goes on smoothly and you’re throwing another party ? Wh@ťěver happened to staying low key ! He fired angrily.

” I can’t hide forever ,I have my eyes on a rich young man and I’m trying to impress him with this party ,I won’t let you and your obsession for Corazon ruin it for me ! She screamed angrily.

” This party will be your doom ,deep down I don’t feel comfortable about all of this ! ” mikoy said frustratedly

” You’re thinking too much Old man ” she said arms folded .

” We just lost Ivy ,that should ring a bell that there is danger .” mikoy spat angrily.

” There’s always danger In this business,it’s a game of bl**d and money ! ”

” Your stubbornness will be the end of you ! ” Mikoy bursted angrily as he left .

” Stupid old man ….War or not I’m having Draco for myself” she said smiling sweetly to herself .

She couldn’t wait for the party this weekend …. she’d finally have a taste of draco .


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