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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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BURN FOR ME – Episode 36

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[ Dylan’s Desire ? ]

# 6 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , Ex , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






” He asked about Crisanto ” I said and Bella stared at me .

” And what did you tell him ? She asked while folding Tatiana’s Towels .

” Nothing , I didn’t tell him . What would I have told him ? ” I asked frowning even the thought kept a rotten feeling in my stomach.

” At least that Crisanto used to work for you , so he would let it slide . You don’t know these brothers I guess ” She said with a chuckle.

” Bella Santo used to like me so much …there was a time I even …we even kissed like … makeout ” i said scratching my neck nervously .

” Wait did you guys f-__-k ? She asked jaws literally dropped.

” No …no , Bestie what would make you even think that ” I asked and she raised both hands in surrender.

” Don’t blame me baby girl that Santo guy is Smoking Hot ….” She trailed .

” Plus you guys used to make out in the past ” she said teasingly and my cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

” Bella …” I whinned and she burst out laughing.

” Chill it was in the past , Dylan also had a relationship with Ivy they even had a kid together . So stop making a mountain out of a molehill . ” She said and I sighed softly.

” He just got out of the hospital ,I will tell him when he’s a bit better .” I said camly .

” How’s your relationship with Ivy’s daughter going ” she asked as her eyes softened towards me .

” Fine I guess , she’s nothing like her mother . When I look at her ,there’s this natural instinct to protect her ” I said and she smiled emotionally .

” You’re inlove with the father and child baby girl ” she hyped and I burst out laughing.

” You’re crazy ! ” I said and she laughed .

” Ma’am Cora ,the Donna wants your presence ” One of the guards informed and I stood up immediately.

” I’d be right back ” I said and Bella laughed.

” I’m sure it’s mafia business though , have fun ” she said and I gave a nod .

I got to her office and Yvonne was present too .

” You called ” I said softly and she chuckled.

” Yea, we are going to the dungeon where Ivy is kept . ”

” She’s in this estate ? I asked before I could stop myself .

” Yea receiving the beating of her life ,the soldiers haven’t been merciful in anyway .” Yvonne said and I felt bad for her immediately.

The De Luca’s are unforgiving people when it comes to betraying the familia ,one had to pay with their life .

But deep down my heart ,I didn’t know how to feel about the situation.

If only she didn’t let greed control her . Her obsession for Dylan caused her to this point .

I gave a nod as we left for the dungeon together , immediately we got there. . the rotten smell of bones got to me .

This was the underground dungeon where the dirty deeds where done .

Those who dared to go against the familia where brought to their end in these dungeons.

” She’s inside ” one of the guards bowed and my eyes moved towards the little light that shine in darkness .

There she was on her chair . legs bound hands chained ,her hair falling over her face .

She looked like life was no longer in her body .

” Guess who decided to pay me a visit today …the De Luca daughters” she mocked as she laughed a sinister laugh .

” You’re still alife ? That is a miracle” Yvonne said mockingly.

” It’s a miracle because you murderers will meet your end preety soon .

” This Almighty De Luca family will come crashing to the ground ! She screamed .

” Why do you h@ťě with such intensity Ivy ? You claimed to love Dylan , yet you tried to end his life ” I said and she stared at me like I had lost it .

” YES ! I wanted him to die , him and his bastard daughter ! ” she Screamed with disgust.

” They brought nothing but pain in my life ” she snapped.

” That doesn’t change the fact that Ruby is your daughter ….you are her mother and Dylan is the father of that daughter ….” I trailed .

” And we where fine until you showed up ! We we’re going to get married , everything was going okay ….until Cora …..” She screamed with hatred .

” It has always been you ! Even when we made Ruby …he called your name throughout the time I made love to him ,do you know how I felt ?

” I was on a mission to get information about Dylan not until I fell inlove with him ,his sister Veronica had her eyes on me the entire time …

” But I was willing to risk it all if he would marry me ,if he would move on from his feelings for the woman who never cared about him ” she snapped.

” I care about Dylan …you know that ” I said softly.

” You will never be happy …Ruby would be a constant reminder in your life who laughed best !

” After all you can’t bare him children ” She mocked .

” Shut the f-__-k up ” the Donna snapped as she slapped her face then pulled her by the hair .

“Go on K*ll me ….please ” she cried .

” We won’t stain our hands with your dirty bl**d Ivy , you don’t deserve it ….I will make sure you beg for death and not see it ,this is my promise to you ” she said and left her hair .

” You had your chance to make something out of your life ,yet you didn’t take it , now look at you ” Yvonne mocked .

” Do anything you wanna do , it doesn’t change the fact that you’re man living with another man . A woman who can’t bare her own children is nothing but a man and that’s what you are ! She screamed and hurt filled my vain .

I left the dungeon and as I walked towards our room , tears rolled outta my eyes , I wiped them and they came pouring again .

No matter how I try to be strong , those words always get to me because it’s true .

I can never bore children of my own and it f-__-king hurts so bad no matter how I try to pretend .

I love Dylan I love him so much and no matter what I’m gonna be strong for the both of us .

Baby Ruby deserves happiness and not even her mother’s dirty words will get to me . I thought sadly .

Immediately I walked into our room and found her asleep on our bed ,I smiled at the warm feeling that spread across my chest healing the pain .

No one can make my feel inferior without my consent .



” Why are you suddenly interested in Santo ? Sergio asked while typing on his laptop.

” He kept calling my woman , that too so early ” I said with a frown on my face .

” Did you ask her ? The Don asked while lighting a smoke.

” She wouldn’t talk about him. It’s making me more curious ” I said and Frederico burst out laughing.

” Don’t you think it’s better you don’t know ? What if it’s someone that makes you jealous for no reason ” he asked .

” I’m already jealous ” I whinned .

” I support you man , there’s this model that was too friendly with Bella. .he even visited her once in Italy and I nearly lost it … Like WTF ! I trust my wife but I jealous for a living ” Kristov said frowning.

” Every husband material is a jealous man ” Massimo said smirking.

” And it’s not like I’m doing it on purpose , I just don’t like it , smile at Harmony and immediately I know the smile Is getting too wiered , I want to wipe it off immediately. ” Emelio said and we all burst out laughing .

” Neomi knows I’m a mad man … I even get jealous of a woman friend who’s too nice . Some of them are lesbians ” Sergio said and we all burst into laughter .

” I’m serious ,there was this time we went to France and the bartender dropped a note for my wife … hitting on my woman right in front of me ” He said and I shook my head at their madness.

” Santo used to work for Cora …they where preety close , because I think they had a romantic relationship ,one I’m not sure of as of yet . …Hold your horses and ask her first ” Sergio said and my eyes widened.

” Eyes of the De Luca …how do you expect him to even sleep after hearing that ? Rico asked.

“Because she’s not in contact with the f-__-ker anymore ” Gio said and cursed under his breath.

” What ? The Don asked walking over to him .

” This Draco guy and his dirty attitude is getting on my f-__-king nerves ! Sergio cursed .

” You will need all the energy in the world to handle Draco ,he has a mind of his own ” the Don said shaking his head .

“I texted him and when he finally replies it’s with monosyllables ,he’s so difficult and it’s annoying ” he said frustratedly.

” He already sent the information I needed about Mikoy …and what he knows so far ,but I need us to meet …why is he avoiding the familia ” he said and Massimo smirked .

” Chill ,Draco isn’t someone you should be forcing, he h@ťěs being controlled ,he’d let you know when he wants to meet up ” He said and I raised my eyebrows.

” That Devil ” I muttered under my breath , remembering his attitude .

” I’m craving Mangoes ” Kris said and everyone turned to him .

” You act like a pregnant woman sometimes” Massimo said and we all burst into laughter.

” It’s my cravings not yours ” He said and Sergio raised his eyebrows.

” Thank Goodness Bella f-__-ked him into his senses I mean ,he was too calm ” He said and Kris face burned red .

” You’re not supposed to say that ” Kris said frowning.

” Hahahaha” their laughter filled the room and I shook my head at their madness .


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