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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BURN FOR ME – Episode 10

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[ Dylan’s Desire ? ]

# 6 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , Ex , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





[ Dylan’s Desire ? ]

# 6 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , Ex , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






” Thanks for informing me Andrea ” Bella said to Neomi who smiled .

” I have some business to take care of girls ” she said and walked out immediately.

” Bella. ..” I trailed .

” Don’t talk to me Corz. .. .” She trailed and I bit my lower lip in guilt when I heard her voice breaking at the edge .

” I’m sorry ” I said as tears rolled from my eyes wetting her preety hands .

” No you’re not ..Cora if you are ,you wouldn’t hide your pain from me ,when all my life I’ve shared mine with you ” she said crying .

” Bella please….” I said weakly.

” This is not over ” she said as she helped treat my knuckles.

” Ouch …slow down ” I Mõ@ɲed in pain .

” Are you trying to remind me that I dropped out of med school ! She fired and I stared at her in shock .

” When did I say that ? I asked and she smirked .

” Patience are not supposed to complain ,you’re only doing this because I’m not proffessional.” She said and I groaned .

” You would have been a terrible doctor” I said and we both burst out laughing.

” I’m sorry ” I said when her eyes softened in my direction.

” What you’re doing is unfair ,you’re always there for me ,just let me him I’m supposed to be your best friend” she said in hurt.

” You are my best friend” i said and she hugged me ,I winced in pain immediately.

” Oh my God sorry ” she said worriedly.

” I’m fine” I said immediately.

” I can see that ” The Donna said and walked in immediately .

” We should ban you from using this place ,if this is what you would be doing ,makes me wonder What you do in the Philippines when no one’s watching ” Grace said frowning.

” Guys I’m not a kid ” I said trying to hide my embarrassment.

” So when are you and Dylan leaving ? She asked and I looked away.

” We don’t really talk to each other unless it’s about work ,I just have to prepare myself to leave with him whenever he’s ready ” I said and she sighed .

” Massimo wouldn’t tell me where you guys are going to ,the naughty girl in me keeps imagining all the dirty things you guys will do together” she said excitedly.

” We are not gonna be doing anything ,he’s someone’s husband to be ,besides have you girls forgotten what I did to him in the past ? ” I asked and Grace rolled her eyes.

“I know I sound evil right now , but I want you two together ,Ivy is a nice girl but ….” She trailed .

” There’s a big BUT ,and I’m not saying it because we’re best friends” Bella added .

” I need to freshen up and get ready for my trip .” I said .

” Can I help you with the packing ” Bella asked excitedly.

” I’m definitely helping too ” Grace said and I sighed softly .

These girls would stop at nothing ,so it’s best I let them have their way .

I left them in my room and Walked into the washroom to freshen up .

As the warm water met my skin , a soft sigh of relief.

I don’t know how I will survive this trip with Dylan ,but wh@ťěver happens ,I’m going to make sure I keep things strictly proffessional.

After bathing ,I returned to the room in my towel and met my stuffs arranged in two Bags.

I looked around and my girls where no were in sight .

Bella helped me pick out a black jumpsuit and leather jacket .

When it comes to fashion Bella is the Queen . I changed into my outfit for the day which I paired with a pair of boots that match with it .

” Pulling my hair in a pony I heard a knock on my door.

” It must be the girls ” i muttered under my breath. As I placed my credit cards in my sling bag and my phone .

The knock got intense and I frowned.

“I’m coming” I said at the top of my voice ,by now I was convinced it wasn’t the girls .

This was the first time something like this was happening in this Estate.

I walked over to the door and immediately I opened it. I controlled the shock in my face .

” Huh ..Good day ” I said wondering why on Earth Dylan’s Baby mama was outside my door again .

Our last encounter wasn’t nice in anyway,so what did I do this time around.

Is she here to embarrass me or call me names ? I wondered.

” Can I have a word with you ” She asked ignoring my greetings.

She walked into my Room like she owned the place and I folded my arms above my chest .

She looked around with disgust then at me , what actually caught my attention was the way she stared at me from head to toes .

” You said you wanted to have a word with me …” I trailed .

” Yes , I guess the first warning wasn’t good Enough for you ! ” She said and I bit my lower lip to control my emotions.

” Ivy. ..” I trailed and she raised her finger .


If this was some other woman ,I wouldn’t tolerate this . She’s probably gonna leave here with a bad eye from taking my fist , but then again this was Ivy , Dylan’s Woman .

I already caused enough drama in his life ,I can’t add a wife that needs to be hospitalized.

Besides she has a daughter to take care of.

” I’m not done with you ,I’ve had enough with the cat and rat games your are playing with my man Cora …you’re his Ex , remain his ex and stop interfering in our lives ” she spat angrily.

” Dylan already has me and Ruby ….I’m the one he needs in his life right now I have his child . Stop pushing my buttons ” She said and I rubbed my neck to calm my nerves .

” First you guys work together ,now you seduced him into going on a trip together ,don’t you have any shame left in you . ….”

” Stop trying to get him in your bed Cora …. please …stay away from Dylan ” she trailed desperately.

” Are you done with your insults Ivy , now listen and listen good .

” I have a very short temper , and I will really appreciate it if you stay away from me ,I’m not bothering you or your so called man …or even your Golden daughter !

” I’m on my lane …so please stay in yours ” I said and she laughed bitterly .

” So this is your plan all along to hurt me …you’re jealous of my daughter …my innocent daughter ” she said and my heart stingged with hurt .

” I have nothing against your daughter Ivy , and Seriosely if I want to f-__-k Dylan or have him back …Sorry to say it’s not you or your warnings that’s gonna stop me .

” He always comes , got it ! …But this is a fight I’m not willing to get myself involved him . You already have him so please stay with him and stop trying to hurt me …cause if I defend myself you’ll be the one at the receiving end .

” You Ɓîtçh ” She fired Angrily and raised her hand to hit me.

” Ivy that’s Enough ” Dylan said and held her hand immediately.

I guess he came to call me before getting entaggled with his mad Fiance.

She thinks I’m after her man , she thinks I’m jealous because she has his child .

My eyes stung as tears rolled out,I wiped them with my thumb .

Why would I want to hurt she and her daughter ,what have I done to make her feel so insecure around me .

She would have hit you if Dylan didn’t show up , would you have hit her back ? My mind asked .

I just pulled my bags outside ,the guards took them from me immediately .



” Ha ….just what I expected to see , you came to call her yourself ,or help her pack the bags for your love vacation right !

” Dylan you have a child already ,you have a fiance have some shame ,for how long will I tell you you’re hurting me and your daughter ? She asked crying.

” You are pushing this too much Ivy , don’t you trust me ? Ever since I got into this thing between us, have I cheated on you ? Why are you hell bent on frustrating the both of us .

” I don’t trust you when it comes to Cora , I love you so much and seeing you being so close to her …..

” It breaks me Dylan ” she said and my eyes softened in understanding.

” That’s not an escuse to start attacking Cora like that , behave maturely ,you where never like this ” I said and she laughed bitterly.

” Dylan that woman controls everything about you ,yet you guys don’t even talk ,after the night Ruby happened you haven’t made me feel like a woman …Ruby only happened because …you where drunk…

” Let’s not talk about this please” i said and she held my hand.

” I’m not a charity case Dylan ,stop pitying me ,I want you to love me ,I want you to stay please” she cried .

” I can’t just wake up and love you , but I care about you a lot and would appreciate it if you stop Embarrassing us in front of Cora … please” i said and she frowned.

” Cora Cora Cora ,that’s all we keep talking about.”

” You made this topic about her in the first place ” I snapped angrily .

” We will talk when I get back”

” Dylan …I love you ” she said softly.

” Take care of yourself .
” I said immediately.

” Dyl…..I..” she trailed and my heart squeezed in hurt .

” Rest Ivy ” I said and for some odd reason the steps I took to my car seemed so far .

Throughout the ride to the airport , because we planned on going anonymously and not as De Luca’s .

We didn’t say a word to each other . I opened my mouth to apologise for Ivy’s behavior and let it slide immediately as I lay my head to rest .


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