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HomeBROKEN LOVEBROKEN LOVE – Episode 65 & 66

BROKEN LOVE – Episode 65 & 66

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⟨ Tales Of The Heart… ⟩


By; Succie Brown.




Julianna’s feet was thudding in the ground as she ran under the rain. She was crying and at the same time running, not caring if the heaven rainfall was washing off her beautiful face. She was 16 years old then.

Julianna stumbled on a stone and she fell to the ground hurting her big toe. She sat on the ground and began to cry.

“Why is life so unfair to me? Why can’t I have the things I want? Why is life always making my food salty!” She screamed, crying. She was unaware that she was sitting in the middle of the road.

Rebecca was coming back from a business meeting in her car, when her driver suddenly pulled the car into a halt.

“Why did you stop?” She asked.

“There’s a young girl in the middle of the road, ma’am. She looks broken”

Rebecca looked at Julianna and she sees her crying, heartbreakingly.


Julianna kept on looking around Rebecca’s house because it’s her first time being inside a mansion.

“Do you feel cold? The maids can… ”

“I’m fine ma’am. I’m still wondering why you brought me to your house”

“You looked pitiful when I saw you, earlier. What’s your name, and how old are you?”

“My name is Julianna, I am sixteen”

“Tell me Julianna why were you crying?”

“Because I fed up living this hellishly life”

“Is my town not favorable to you?” Rebecca asked.

“You already know only the well-off enjoy life in Dashie. But my life is worse. I have a stepfather who always beats up with every chance he gets. He takes the money I work so hard for, and when I act stubborn and refuse to give money, he beats up like I’m an animal. I want to leave Dashie, I want to go far from here, but I don’t have anywhere to go, and that’s why I am stuck leaving with him” Julianna said, crying.

“You look so pitiful, Julianna. But I will change your life if you work with me. You can move out of Dashie to your dream country and achieve your dreams. Your life will automatically change for the better, I can guarantee you that”

“What do you want in exchange?” Julianna asked and Rebecca gave her a picture of Jane.

“Her name is Jane Meyers. She’s the same age with you and she’s in a relationship with my son. I don’t want her for my son, and I want them to separate” Rebecca said.

“If I help you separate Jane and your son, you’re going to change my life for the better, right?” Julianna asked, looking at Jane’s picture.

“Absolutely, Julianna. You will have the life you have always wanted”

“I will do it”


≤ PRESENT YEAR ≈ 2038 ≥

Tears falls down Julianna’s eyes as Rebecca laugh at her.

“You were so clever back then, Julianna. You were the one who came up with the idea of how Jane and Adrian should break up and it worked perfectly”

“It’s all in the past, Rebecca!” Julianna shouted at Rebecca as more tears falls down from her eyes.

“Yeah I know, but nothing can be hidden under the sun forever, Julianna. Seeing how you are crying right now, it means you must really love Lucas”

“Of course I do. I love Lucas so much!”

“Will he still love you after finding out what you did to Jane? I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but Lucas really cares about Jane, he doesn’t joke with her. I’m sure he is going to break up with you once he finds out that you were among the people who caused Jane pains before. That reminds me, you both are getting married soon, right? Your wedding is going to be called off for sure” Rebecca said, laughing and Julianna quickly went on her knees.

“I am begging you Rebecca, please don’t tell Lucas about this. I did everything I could just so he could love me, and I was the happiest woman on earth when he proposed to me, I’m begging you Rebecca, please don’t tell Lucas about this, he is going to break up with me” Julianne said, crying.

“You must really love him, Julianna. Lucas is indeed a nice man, and if I was your age, I’d have falling in love with him too. Since you begged me not to tell him, I won’t say a word to Lucas, but on one condition”

“What condition?”

“I will tell you at the right time” Rebecca said and smirked.



Rodolfo quickly entered the bar and sees Julianna sitting at the extreme.


“Bestie” She said as tears falls down from her eyes.

“What’s wrong Julianna? Why are you crying?” He asked, sitting beside her.

“Our past has come back to halt us”

“What past?”

“What we did to both Jane and Adrian years ago” She said and Rodolfo’s eyes widen.



“Why did you agree to such a thing, Julianna? You’re going to separate two young people who are in love? What were thinking?”

“I want to change my life, Rodolfo. I have suffered as if I’m in hell because I am living with my stepdad. It’s time I called it a change. You have always wished for me to go somewhere far from Dashie, right? You have always wished for my life to change for the better, so please help me out”

“What we are about to do is wrong, Julianna. What if it comes back to haunt us in the future?”

“That’s never going to happen. There’s no way we’re going to run into Jane, because she will be in Dashie and we will be in Los Angeles. It’s not like you’re going to to sleep with her, she just needs to cuddle herself around you, I will do the rest. Please you have to help me, bestie. You’re the only who can do this for me”

“What’s the plan?” Rodolfo asked and Julianna smiled.


Julianna watch as Jane entered the restaurant and she sighed. With Rebecca’s influence she was able to get a job here today, because Debra informed her (Rebecca) about Jane and Lucas eating in this restaurant.

“You can do this, Julianna. There’s nothing to regret because your life will change for good” Julianna said and sighed again.

A waiter was about approaching Jane, but Julianna held his hand. “I will do it, she’s my friend”

“Alright, if you say so” The waiter said and Julianna went to Jane.

“Miss, do you need anything?” She asked, bowing her head to her and Jane couldn’t see her face properly

“A class of water will do, I’m waiting for someone” Jane said, dropping her phone.

Julianna left and after she sedated the water, she gave it to Jane.

“Here you go Miss” She said bowing her head, and left afterwards.

“What’s wrong with her? Why is she bowing to me? From her looks we might be age mate” Jane muttered before gulping down the water inside the glass cup.

It wasn’t up to three minutes when she became dizzy and her head fell down to the table. Julianna saw it and quickly texted Rodolfo.

💬 She has passed out, come quickly before her friend comes here. Rebecca said they will be eating dinner here, I don’t want him to see the both of us.

Rodolfo came immediately he got the message and when he was about carrying Jane, a waitress asked.

“Who are you and why are you taking her?”

“She’s my girlfriend, we have a little misunderstanding and that’s why I am here to take her home”

“Adrian” Jane muttered, with her eyes closed.

“I am here, babe. I will take you home” He said and carried her out of the restaurant. Julianna pretended she wanted to throw some trash away, and followed Rodolfo.

Just after they left, Lucas entered the restaurant, he looked around the restaurant, but he didn’t see her. He tried calling her, but her phone was switch off.

“Did she go home already? I guess she couldn’t wait, I will just call her tomorrow, since her phone is switch off” Lucas said and left the restaurant.


“Now that we have her, what are we going to do?” Rodolfo asked.

“She’s under sedation, so she can do wh@ťěver we ask her to do” Julianna said.


Julianna walked closer to Jane and woke her up.

“Adrian” Jane called his name with her eyes closed.

“Do you want to go home to Adrian?” She asked and Jane nodded her head.

“You’re going to go home to Adrian, but there’s something you are going to do for me. When you are asked if you love Adrian, you’re going to say you don’t love him, and that you only want to use him. You’re going to say I love you and not Adrian, and you’re going to laugh while doing so, okay” Julianna and Jane nodded her head.

“Do you think it’s going to work?” Rodolfo asked.

“Yes it will. Sit beside her and asked her if she loves Adrian, I will do the recording” Julianna said.


It was about clocking 5am, when Rodolfo and Julianna brought Jane back to the restaurant they took her from, and they kept her outside the restaurant.

“Will she remember what happened last night?” Rodolfo asked.

“She won’t be able to remember a thing, bestie. She won’t even remember our faces. I already sent the video to Adrian, he is going to see it when he wakes up”

“I hope this doesn’t affect us in the future”

“It won’t Rodolfo, let’s go home before someone sees us” Julianna said, and they both left, leaving Jane outside the restaurant.


≤ PRESENT DAY ≈ 2038 ≥

“You were right, Rodolfo. The past has indeed come back to haunt me. If I knew I was going to fall helplessly in love with Lucas, I won’t have done what I did fifteen years ago, but then again, if I hadn’t do it, I won’t have crossed paths with Lucas. What should I do? I don’t want to lose Lucas, I love him so much” Julianna said, crying.

“Maybe it’s time we come clean, Julianna. A beautiful love story was cut short because we chose to be one of the villains. If Lucas truly loves you, he’s going to forgive your past. Joyce also cares about Jane, it’s time we tell the truth, bestie” Rodolfo said and Julianna sniffled.



Lucas walked back and forth, with his phone on his ear. He was trying to call Julianna, but it wasn’t going through.

“Where did heck did she go to?” He muttered and Julianna entered the house.

“Where have you been Julianna? Do you have any idea how worried I was? I thought something bad happened to you!” He said, almost shouting at her.

“I’m sorry Lucas. I am so sorry” She said, crying and Lucas quickly held her.

“What happened to you, Julie? Why are you crying?”

“Nothing happened, I am just sorry for making you worry. I’m sorry”

“You don’t have to cry, Julianna. What matters is that you’re here” Lucas said, hugging her, and more tears falls down from Julianna’s eyes.

If only Lucas knew the real reason why she was apologizing, he wouldn’t have been hugging her right now.

“I’m sorry” She said again, hugging him tightly and at the same time, allowing her tears to flow.



Richard came to school so early because he didn’t want his mom to wake up and see him at home. He entered the class and sees Xiaomi sleeping, and he smiled.

“Why is she sleeping so early? Classes haven’t began” He said. He was about walking up to her, but he stopped halfway.

*You’re a murderer, Richard and you don’t deserve to be happy. No one is going to love you after she finds out that you’re a murderer!*

His mom’s voice echoed in his ears and he felt a painful lump in his throat.

“You should let her be, Richard” He said and tried to leave, but mistakenly made a sound and it woke Xiaomi up.

“Richard” She called his name, and he slowly turned to look at her.

“You came to school early?”

“Yes. I wanted to have a time of my own before students start mounting inside the school, but since you’re here, I will just leave”

And without giving Xiaomi the chance to speak, he left the class, and Xiaomi sighed sadly.


Kayla could be seen tip toeing inside the school, looking back and front. She was actually trying to avoid bumping into Xavier.

“Since bumping into Xavier has become like an everyday meal to me, I need to avoid him at all cost. I also need to go to Korea and visit a shaman, because I have no doubt that Xavier has charmed me” She said and hide behind a fence, looking sideways.

Xavier approach her from behind and bend his face closer to her neck.

“Who are you looking for?” He whispered to her and Kayla screamed after hearing his voice.

“Why are you screaming? Do I look like a ghost?”

“Yes you are, stay away from me!” Kayla said, moving away from him.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Kayla” He said, trying to go close to her, and Kayla screamed again.

“Don’t come close to me, you agent of the devil!” Kayla shouted and ran away.

“I? Agent of the devil? Since when?” Xavier asked, confusedly.


Kayla kept on running until she bumped into Isa, and both almost fell to the ground.

“Are you alright? Why are you running as if you saw a ghost?” Isa asked.

“I am trying to avoid someone”


“He is someone I don’t want to talk about. Finally you’re talking to me, you have been trying to avoid me”

“Sorry about that, Kayla. I had a lot on my mind, but I am back to normal. I got you something” Isa said, giving her a shopping bag.

“What did you get me?”

“See for yourself” Isa said, smiling.

Kayla smiled and brought out two boxes. A jewelry box and a cookie box.

“Wow, the necklace is so beautiful, Isa. Did you buy it yourself?”

“Well I did” Isa lied, because it’s actually from Adrian.

“You even bought cookies too”

“Actually I was the one who made it last night, because I wanted to give it to you, today” Isa said, smiling cutely.

“If that’s the case, I will have a bite from it”

“You can eat all of it, Kayla. It’s all yours”

“Thanks. Hmm, yummy” Kayla said, munching on the cookies and they both laugh.



Kayla came home looking very weak. After she ate the cookies, she was no longer herself and she decided to come back home.

“Why are you home, Kayla? School isn’t over yet” Jane said.

“Mom” Kayla muttered her name and blood gushed out from her mouth afterwards, and she collapse on the floor.

“Kayla!” Jane screamed and quickly rushed to Kayla, who was lying lifeless on the floor.


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