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HomeBROKEN LOVEBROKEN LOVE - Episode 43 & 44

BROKEN LOVE – Episode 43 & 44

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⟨ Tales Of The Heart… ⟩


By; Succie Brown.




“It’s been long you had s*x, right? How about I bring back that feeling” The man said, tearing the gown she was wearing, and Jane screamed out her lungs.

“Don’t touch me! Don’t f-__-king touch me!!” Jane shouted, crying as he was about to touch her B-__-bs. The man smirked trying to touch her B-__-bs, but the light of a car shoned in his eyes preventing him from going further.

Lucas and Julianna came down from the car almost at the same time. “Who did heck are you guys!!” Lucas shouted at them, and Jane started crying after she heard Lucas’s voice.

“It’s none of your business, so stay at of this!” The man said, trying to touch Jane, and she screamed. Meanwhile the rest of the men were still holding Jane.

“Let’s give them what they ask for, Lucas” Julianna said and rushed towards the men holding Jane. A flying kick from her send them to the ground there by making them release Jane.

Lucas took off his leather jacket and wear it on Jane before joining Julianna in the combat she was having with the men who tried to rape Jane.

When the men saw they were no match for both Julianna and Lucas they took to their heels, staggering. “Jane, are you alright?” Lucas asked, squatting beside her, with his hands on her shoulder.

Jane looked at Lucas and broke into tears. “I thought I was going to get R@P£D. I was so scared. Lucas!” Jane called his name, crying and Lucas hugged her.

“It’s okay Jane, stop crying. You’re save now” Lucas said patting Jane who was still crying.



Grace poured more liquor in her glass cup and was about to drink it, when Kathryn tries to take the glass of liquor from her, but Grace jerked her hand off.

“You have to stop drinking Grace. You should sometimes accept defeat” Kathryn said.

“I have never been defeated my whole life, and then he came out from nowhere, and defeated Grace Tilley. Do you expect me to rejoice over that? Of course not Kathryn. I am so mad right now and the only way I can stopped being mad is if I get drunk” Grace said, drinking from the bottle of liquor.

“I know you are angry Grace, but you need to stop drinking. It won’t change the fact that Craig won over you. You should accept that it’s not all guys that you can fight and win the battle” Kathryn said, but Grace ignored her and continue drinking.

“Stop drinking Grace. I have to go on a date, but I can’t leave you in this state” Kathryn said. Grace empty the bottle of liquor, and she smiled at Kathryn before her head came in contact with the table.

“Don’t tell me you already passed out, Grace? There’s no way I can be able to take you home. You’re so weighted. Grace” Kathryn called her name, but Grace’s head stayed glued to the table.

“What is wrong with her? Is she okay?” Craig asked, approaching them, and Kathryn let a sigh of relief after she saw Craig.

“Thank goodness you’re here Craig. I was so confused on what to do”

“What happened to her?” Craig asked, sitting beside Grace.

“No one has ever been able to defeat her not until today when you won over her in a combat. She was so mad about it, and that’s why she got drunk” She said and Craig looked at Grace.

“I don’t know what to do Craig, I have a date to go to, but I can’t leave her here”

“Don’t worry Kathryn, go to your date. I will take care of her”

“Really? You will do that?” She asked, smiling and Craig nodded his head.

“Thank you so much Craig. I will go ahead now” Kathryn said and left.

Craig looked at Grace for a while, before tapping her softly. “Grace”

“Hmmm” She said, pouting her lips with her eyes closed.

Craig smiled, after she pouted her lips. She looks cute while she pouts.

“Where do you live, so I can take you home?”

“I don’t know” She answered, drawing her words.

“You don’t know? Does that mean you live in the desert?” He asked.

“I think so” She said, giggling. Her eyes were still closed.

“Is this the cute side of you, when you’re drunk?” He asked, smiling.

“I am not cute, I am detective Grace” She said, cutely and Craig laughed.

“You’re so funny Grace, maybe I should get you drunk more often just so I can see your cute side” Craig said, patting her head.

“Since you’re drunk, should I take you to my house?” He asked, but no answer came from Grace. She was already sleeping.

“I hope you won’t ki|| me when you wake up tomorrow” He said with a smile, caressing her hair.


Craig placed Grace carefully on the bed when he arrived in his house. He smiled at her before helping her take off the shoes she was wearing.

“I h@ťě you so much Craig, I am going to make sure I cut off your balls” She said in her sleep, and Craig smiled and sat beside her, looking at her beautiful face.

“Don’t h@ťě me Grace, I tried my best to win over you, so I can stay by your side” Craig said, caressing her face, and he helped her remove her jacket, before covering her with a duvet.



“You won’t be able to come home tonight? Why mom?” Kayla asked her mom over the phone. Jane looked at both Lucas and Julianna before answering her. She was still triggered by what happened to her earlier, and she didn’t want Kayla to see her in her trigger state.

“I have lots of dresses to make Kayla, that’s why I will be spending the night at the company”

“But you have lot of workers working under you, right? They should be the one doing such works” Kayla said.

“Yes I do, but I want to be of help to them. So go to bed early okay, I be back tomorrow morning”

“I will mom. Goodnight”

“You too, Kayla” Jane said and ended the call.

“Was she able to buy your lies?” Lucas asked.

“Yes she did. I will go back home tomorrow morning to check on her before she goes to school. Thank you so much for allowing me spend the night here, Julianna” Jane said. Julianna smiled and held her hand.

“It’s nothing Jane, what matters most is that we were able to save you before those jerks had their way with you”

“But how did you two know I was there?” She asked, and both Lucas and Julianna looked at each other.


Lucas and Julianna went on a date and while going home, they decided to drop by Jane’s company. “Jane is not here?” Lucas asked, Joyce.

“No. She just left few minutes ago” Joyce answered.

“Where did she go?” Julianna asked.

“Well she said she is meeting up with a client, who wants a dress”

“Did she tell you where she’d be meeting this clients of hers?” Lucas asked.

“Yes she did. She mentioned meeting this client of hers in pakito”

“Pakito? Why would her client suggest she meets her there, that area is usually quiet, with no people in it” Julianna said.

“I told her about it too, but she insisted on going to her. You already know how Ma. Jane is, right? She’s always ready to work regardless of who it is” Joyce said.

“I have a bad feeling about this, Julianna” Lucas said.

“Then let’s check up on her to see if she’s okay” She said. Lucas nodded his head and left the company with Julianna.


“Thank you for coming for me, if you both haven’t come there, I don’t want to imagine what would have happened to me” Jane said.

“That’s why you should be careful Jane. I know you have lots of passion for designing clothes, but it’s not all clients you accept. Think about Kayla before risking your life all because you want to have clients” Lucas said.

“I will be careful from now on, Lucas”

“But who could have done that to Jane?” Julianna asked, and Jane shook her head, signifying she has no idea.

“I think Rebecca and Debra has a hand in this” Lucas said.

“You think so?”

“They are the only one who are capable of hurting you Jane. You have been in Los Angeles for years with no one trying to harm you, but the moment they stepped their feets in Los Angeles, you began facing harm”

“Why do they want to hurt me? I haven’t done anything to them” Jane said.

“You don’t have to wrong your enemies before they harm you, Jane. I’m going to look into this, and if my hunch is correct, they’d better be ready to dance to the music they created for themselves” Lucas said with a serious look on his face.

“Who is Debra and Rebecca?” Julianna asked.

“They are among the people who hurt me in the past. Debra is Adrian’s wife, while Rebecca is Adrian’s mom” Jane answered her question.

“So what are you going to do now Jane? I guess Debra is feeling unsecured about Adrian, and that’s why she’s coming after you” Julianna said.

“She should know already that I don’t give a d@mn about Adrian. We might have a child together, but that doesn’t mean I care about him. If they are really involved in my attempted rape, then they should be ready to face my wrath” Jane said, clenching her fists.



The ray of sunlight that penetrated inside the room through the window woke Grace who was enjoying her beauty sleep. Closing her eyes, she stretch her body and at the same time yawning. But her eyes instantly opened when she remember she got drunk last night.

She looked around and she couldn’t realize where she was. Grace gasped in shock when she could no longer find her jacket on her body. She was proofreading what happened last night, when Craig entered the room with a tray containing a nice breakfast and hangover soup.

Grace screamed upon seeing Craig and she quickly point fingers at him. “What did heck am I doing in your house!!!” She shouted. She didn’t need a soothsayer to tell her she was in his house.

“Take a chill pill, Grace. You were so drunk last night and couldn’t tell me where you live”

“And of all the places to take me, it had to be your house?” She asked with rage.

“Where else would I have taken you to? The zoo?”

“You should have just left me at the station! Where’s my jacket? What did you do to me!!!”

“Stop overeating. I didn’t do anything do you. Why will I touch you when I haven’t court you yet? I only took off your jacket” Craig said.

“You… You use those hands of yours to touch me?” She asked with open eyes.

“Yes I did, but I didn’t go further. You should drink this rather than shouting at me. It’s going to be mine anyways”

“What’s going to be yours?” She asked standing up to her feet. Craig smiled and said. “Your body”

Grace angrily kicked him, and he winced in pain thereby making the tray he was holding fall from him. Grace didn’t stop there, she also grabbed his hair, forcefully.

“Ouch! Do you want to ki|| me? I helped you last night!”

“Do I look like I care, huh? How dare you say my body belongs to you”

“Because it’s mine”

“Are you still talking?” Grace asked, dragging his hair aggressively, almost removing it from its scalp.

“Holy Mary!!!” Craig screamed out.



Xavier entered the art lab and sees Isa sitting in one of the chairs with a pencil in her hand. “What are you doing?” He asked, trying to look at what she was doing, but Isa quickly hide it.

“It’s nothing, Xavier” She said in a low shy voice.

“I am sure it’s something. You were so engrossed with what you were doing. Can I take a look at it?” He asked with a smile sitting beside her.

“Promise me that you won’t laugh at me” Isa said.

“I won’t Isadora”

Isa smiled before shyly giving him her drawing book. Xavier took the drawing book from her and began flipping through the pages of the book.

“Are you the one who drew all of this?” He asked.

“Yes I did”

“Wow you’re a genius, Isadora. You draw perfectly like an architect”

“The truth is I want to become an architect, but I can’t”

“Why not?” Xavier asked.

“It’s something I don’t want to talk about”

“I understand. But you’re so good Isadora” He said and Isa smiled.

Xavier continue looking at her drawings until he saw a drawing of Kayla. Isa was so good in drawing such that you can easily tell what she drew.

“You’re a fan of Kayla too?”

“Yes I am. Are you also her fan?” Isa asked, smiling.

“I am not her fan. To me she’s a spoilt brat”

“She’s not. I’m am sure if you get to know how, you will be able to know her good side. You can’t know a person fully until you get close to the person”

“Kayla and I can never be friends, but you and I can be friends”


“Yes. Our passions are kind of related. I love taking photographs and you love drawing. Do you want to see some of the pictures I have taken. I love taking pictures of natures a lot”

“I will love to see it, so can I draw some of it”

“I will bring my camera to school one of these days, you will choose the nature you love and we can print it out together, but in exchange for it, you will add me to your drawing book”


“By drawing my cute face” He said, acting cute and Isa laughed.

“Fine then. I’d draw a picture of your cute face” She said, and Xavier smiled. The school bell rang and Isa checked her watch. “It’s time for lunch, let’s eat together”

“I don’t eat lunch”

“Why?” Is it because… ”

“It’s not because of the money, Isa. I have habit of skipping lunch even at home too. Go ahead, I will return your drawing book in class”

“Alright” Isa said with a smile and left the art lab. Xavier looked at the drawing of Kayla and he scoffed. “There’s no she’d have a good side” He muttered.



Xiaomi was about eating when Kayla dropped her tray of food on the table, and sat with her. “Why are you here?” Xiaomi asked.

“I thought we were cool?” Kayla asked.

“You haven’t said sorry to me” Xiaomi said.

“I am sorry Xiaomi. I shouldn’t have taken your kindness for granted”

“It’s fine Kayla. I was just joking. How are you?”

“I’m okay, Xiaomi” She said, smiling.

“You are not making troubles for me brother, right? He is in the art class with you, and since I am in the science class I don’t what happens in your class”

“I’m not causing troubles for him, Xiaomi. We’re not in talking terms” Kayla said and Xiaomi smiled.

Isa walked passed them, and Kayla quickly stood up when he saw her. “Isa”

Isa turned to look at her. “Me?”

“Yes. Come join us in our table” Kayla said, and Isa smiled and sat with her and Xiaomi.

“I’m sorry for what I did to you, Isa? I shouldn’t have done that”

“It’s fine Kayla” She said, smiling.

“Hi Isa, I am Xiaomi”

“Nice meeting you Xiaomi”

“How about we hang out together after school, let’s know each other more” Kayla said.

“I am in” Xiaomi said.

“What about you, Isa?” Kayla asked.

“I will love to hang out with you guys” She said with a smile, happy that Kayla wants to hang out with her.



Lucas rushed inside the hospital after he was called by the nurses that a patient was rushed in for emergency surgery. “Where is the patient?” He asked.

“He is in the emergency room, and he is at the verge of losing his life if surgery isn’t done on him” The nurse said, and Lucas quickly rushed inside the emergency room.

“Please doctor Lucas, save my dad. He is going to lose his life if he’s not treated. Please help me, and I promise I am going to pay in installment, because right now we’re short of money. We don’t have money” The lady said, crying.

“Don’t cry miss. I am going to help you” He said going closer to the lady’s father who looked half dead. Lucas’s eyed widened when he saw his face. The man who is about dying is no other person but the man who deprived him of becoming a student in his medical college fifteen years ago – Mr. Brook.

Anger ignited inside of Lucas after he saw his face. There’s no way he’d save the life of someone who made life meaningless from him.

“Take your dad out of my hospital, this instant” Lucas and walked out of the emergency room.



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