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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BROKEN LOVE – Episode 3 & 4

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⟨ Tales Of The Heart… ⟩


By; Succie Brown.




Adrian came downstairs and sees his mom watching a soup opera. “Mom, I’m stepping out for a while” He said, and Rebecca look at him.

“Where are you going Adrian? You just came back from Hong Kong few minutes ago” She said.

“I am not running away mom. I just want to talk a walk. It’s boring being here alone”

“Why don’t you call Debra, she knows lots of fun places in Dashie” Rebecca said, smiling.

“I thought I told you a while ago that I and Debra broke up already. She broke up with me mom, so I don’t have anything to do with her anymore”

“I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding, Debra… ”

“Mom!” Adrian said, cutting her short.

“Fine. Can you go on your own? You should take some bodyguard with you, or better still go with a car”

“I will be fine mom. I am not daft, so I can find my way back home” Adrian said, and left before Rebecca could release another word from her mouth.


Adrian walked one step after another on the bridge that divides the train’s level crossing. He had a headphone on, and he was listening to one of his favorite rap song “Godzilla”, and at the same time enjoying the fresh breeze.

“It feels so good to be back home” He said with his eyes closed, spreading his hands sideways. He opened his eyes, and that was when he saw Jane on the train’s level crossing. He took a peep and he saw a train coming.

“Is she trying to ki|| herself?” He muttered, taking of his headphone, and that’s when he heard Jane calling for help. Without hesitation, he quickly came from the bridge, through the bridge’s step case, and he pulled her out from the train’s level crossing before the train could hit her.



Adrian’s eyes were fixed on Jane who was still unconscious. He was able to bring her to a nearby hospital, and somehow he hasn’t stopped looking at her.

“Is she an angel from heaven, Why is she so beautiful?” Adrian muttered looking at the sleeping beauty on the bed. He sighed and tried to touch her face, and Jane woke up after Adrian’s hand touched her forehead.

“Where am I?” She asked, looking around, even if she can’t see.

“You are in the hospital” Adrian said.

“You are the guy from earlier, right? The one who saved me from getting hit by a train, right?” She asked innocently.

“Yes I am the one. How are you feeling now, do you need the attention of the doctor?” Adrian asked.

“No I don’t. I just want to go home. I’m sure my mom and best friend will be worried about me” Jane said.

“If that’s the case I will take you home” Adrian said, and Jane smiled.

“Thanks a lot. I live in santino street. Do you know where it is?” She asked.

“I don’t. I am not familiar with this town, but we can ask around for your street”

“Thank you” Jane said with a smile. Somehow she feels comfortable with him.


“How could you have left my daughter alone in school, Lucas?” Roseline asked, crying.

“I didn’t leave her Aunt. My homeroom teacher wanted me to help her take her notes to her office, and when I was done with that, I went to her class to get her, but she wasn’t there. I searched everywhere in school for her but I couldn’t see her” Lucas said worriedly. He was so worried about Jane such that he wants to cry. Jane and Lucas have been friends since the day they were born. Jane got blind when she was just three years old, and since then he has been looking out for her like a brother.

“Then where could she have gone to? Jane is not the kind of person that wanders about. This won’t do, I have to look for my daughter” Roseline said, trying to leave the house, but Lucas held her hand.

“Don’t aunt. You are not feeling well”

“Yes I am sick, but that doesn’t mean I will just sit and do nothing when my daughter is no where to be found!”

“Remember what the doctor said, too much stress and shouting can lead to your death. Jane is not ready to lose you, so do I. Just relax aunt, and I promise to bring back Jane to you. I won’t stop searching until I find her okay” Lucas said, and Roseline nod her head between tears.

“Please bring back my daughter. I don’t want anything bad to happen to her. She has gone through a lot”

“I will aunt. I will bring Jane back to you” Lucas said, and with that he left to look for Jane.


“Do you know santino street?” Adrian asked a man standing by the roadside, while holding Jane by the hand.

“Santino street?” The man asked, and Adrian nodded his head, while Jane stayed calm, holding Adrian’s tightly, like he was going to run away, if she doesn’t hold him that way.

“Santino street isn’t far from here. You just have to take a bus. The bus stop isn’t far from here. It’s just a few walk” The man said.

“Thank you so much sir. Let’s go miss” He said, and left with Jane. He went to the bus stop with her, and when a bus arrived, they both entered the bus, and he helped her sit carefully.

“Don’t worry miss. I’m going to take you home safely” Adrian said.

“It’s Jane” She said smiling.


“My name is Jane. You keep calling me miss, so that’s why I am telling you my name”

“Jane suits you so well”

“Thanks. What’s your name?” She asked, smiling.

“It’s Adrian”

“Adrian. You really deserve that name”

“Why?” Adrian asked, smiling.

“Because you are handsome” Jane said cutely, and Adrian laughed.

“Why are you laughing?” Jane asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

“Because you are blind, so how do you know I am handsome?” He asked, smiling.

“I can tell you’re handsome because you have a sweet voice” She said innocently and Adrian smiled.

“You are right. I am indeed so handsome” Adrian said, and Jane smiled cutely.

“How old are you?” He asked.

“I am sixteen years old, second year in highschool, what about you?” Jane asked.

“I am seventeen years old, I am done with high school”

“You and my best friend are of the same age. He’d be through with high school in few months time” Jane said.

“That’s impressive”

“Thank you so much for saving my life Adrian. I don’t know you that much, but I am kind of comfortable with you”

“Enough with the thanking Jane. I’m happy I was able to save your life. But what were you doing there?” Adrian asked, and Jane sighed sadly.

“I was tricked because I am blind, but I will make sure it never happened again” Jane said, and Adrian looked at her, and strangely he can’t stop his heart from beating anytime he look at her beautiful face.

“Can we meet again?” He asked.

“You want to meet me again, Why?”

“I just want to know you more. If is ok with you, can I have your number?” He asked, and Jane took in her lower lip.

“I don’t have a phone. Since I am blind, I don’t have friends, so there’s no need having a phone. But you can give me yours. I can use my best friend’s phone to call you” Jane said, smiling.

Adrian took a piece of paper and pen from Jane’s bag and wrote his number for her. “Here you go, Jane” He said, giving her the piece of paper.

“I will call you”

“I will be waiting for your call” Adrian said, pating her hair.

The bus arrived in santino street, and just as Adrian helped Jane come down from the bus, Lucas approach them.


“Lucas” Jane said, recognizing his voice.

“Where have you been Jane. I was so worried about you”

“I am sorry for making you worry Lucas. Something happened to me, but Adrian was able to save me” Jane said, and Lucas looked at Adrian.

“Thanks a lot for being there for my best friend”

“it’s fine Lucas. I am glad I was able to help her”

“Thanks once again Adrian. If you don’t mind I will treat you out for saving my best friend” Lucas said. Adrian was about to reply, when he got a message from his mom telling him to come home.

“Maybe next time Lucas. I have to go home. See you another day, Jane”

Jane nodded her head, and Adrian left. “Has he gone?” Jane asked.

“Yes he has. What happened to you Jane? You never left the class without me”

“I will tell you when we get home, but promise me you won’t tell my mom”

“I have kept so many secret from your mom, so this is nothing” Lucas said and Jane smile.

“Can you save this number in your phone?” She said giving Lucas the piece of paper in her hand.

“Whose number is this?”

“It’s Adrian’s. I promise to call him, but since I don’t have a phone, I will be borrowing yours. So please save his number in your phone”

“You don’t have to add the word please. You are my best friend and I am ready to do anything for you” Lucas said with a smile. He took the piece of paper from Jane, and saved Adrian’s number in his phone.

“It’s saved now. It’s your turn to tell me what happened to you” Lucas said.

“I will tell you when we get home” Jane said, and Lucas held her hand as they walk together.



The smile on Adrian’s face disappeared when he entered the living room and sees Debra chitchatting with his mom.

“Adrian!” Debra said, trying to hug him, but Adrian avoided the hug.

“What are you doing here?” He asked, with a cold face.

“I heard you are back, so I came to see you. Did you recently change your number? I have been calling you, but it wasn’t going through” Debra said, smiling.

“You haven’t answered my question Debra. Why are you here?” He asked.

“C’mon son, don’t be rude to her” Rebecca said.

“I’m not being rude mom. She has no right to be here after what she did to me. I almost died because of her!”

“I am sorry about what I did Adrian. I only broke up with you, because I couldn’t handle long distance relationship, but now that you are back, we can pick up from where we stop” Debra said, trying to hug him, but Adrian stepped backwards.

“We have nothing to pick up Debra. I’m over with you” Adrian said and went upstairs to his room.

“He doesn’t want to get back together with me, Aunt” Debra said, taking her Hermes bag from the sofa.

“Where are you going, Debra?” Rebecca asked.

“I am going home”

“I thought you love my son?”

“Yes I do, I love Adrian very much. I was pressured and that’s why I broke up with him, so I want to go home”

“Are you giving up on your relationship with Adrian?”

“It’s not like I am giving up aunt. I’m just sixteen, I have so many dreams to achieve, so I would be able to inherit my late parents wealth. They wrote in their wills that I can only be able to take over their wealth if I work hard, and that’s what I am trying to do Aunt. If Adrian don’t want me anymore, I can’t force him” Debra said.

Rebecca smiled and went closer to Debra. “I like you a lot Debra, because you are high spirited, just work with me and you will have Adrian all to yourself” Rebecca said.

“What are you trying to say, Aunt?” Debra asked.

“I’m throwing a welcome back party for Adrian, and during the party, I am going to announce you both getting engaged”

“Do you think Adrian will agree to it?”

“Adrian never says no to his mom” Rebecca said with all the confidence in the world.

“But aren’t we too young to get married?”

“Just because you both are engaged doesn’t mean you two will get married right away. Leave everything to me because Rebecca McBroom got your back” Rebecca said, and Debra smiled.


Jane sat outside the house, listening to the sounds of people passing by. She only stare at a particular spot, since she couldn’t see. Lucas tiptoe from behind and close her eyes.

“You know I can’t see right, stop making my world darker, Lucas” Jane said. Lucas sighed and sat bedside her. “How do you know it was me?”

“Because you are the only friend I have” She said, and Lucas smiled.

“Thanks for reporting Stephanie to the school”

“You don’t have to thank me, Jane. You are my best friend, and it’s a good thing she’s already expelled, which means she won’t bother you again, and like always I will keep it a secret from your mom” Lucas said, and Jane smiled.

“That reminds me”

“About what?” Lucas asked.

“I haven’t called Adrian. I promise to call him, but because of Stephanie’s case, it slipped off from my mind. Can you help me call him? I want to talk to him” Jane said, smiling.

“Sure” Lucas said. He brought out his mobile phone, and dialled Adrian’s number. He gave it to Jane, when it began to ring.

“Hello, who is this?” Adrian asked over the phone, and Jane smiled, hearing his voice.

“This is Jane” She said cutely, and Lucas chuckled.

“Jane. You finally called, I have been expecting your call” Adrian said, and it was obvious he was smiling.

“Sorry about that Adrian. It slipped off my mind, and moreover I don’t have a phone, so I am using Lucas’s phone”

“It’s so nice to hear your voice again” He said, and Jane smiled, blushing.

“Will you be free this weekend?” He asked.

“Hmmm, I don’t usually go out because I am blind. Why do you ask?”

“My mom is throwing a welcome back party for me. I’d like you to be there”

“I am blind Adrian”

“It doesn’t matter Jane, I will never leave your side. You can also come with Lucas, I just want to see your beautiful face again”

“Okay” She said, smiling.

“So is that a yes?” Adrian asked.

“I will think about it”

“Alright. I will be waiting for your feedback” Adrian said. Jane nod her head, and handle the phone back to Lucas. Lucas took the phone and ended the call.

“So are you going to his party?” Lucas asked, since the call was on loud speaker.

“Do you think I should go? I don’t know what to tell my mom”

“Don’t worry about that, I will cook up a lie to tell your mom”

“You will do that for me?” Jane asked, smiling.

“Yes, because you are my best friend, and it’s obvious you like that guy”

“Of course not!”

“You can lie to everyone, but you can’t lie to me Jane. You were blushing the entire time you were talking to him. It’s so obvious you have a crush on him”

“No I don’t. I’m good at blushing. It’s my second talent”

“Liar. Jane has a crush! Everyone Jane has a crush!!!” Lucas said in a loud voice.

“Hey, stop saying that. I don’t have a crush on Adrian” Jane said.

“Yes you do. Jane has a crush on Adrian!!!” Lucas screamed again, dancing crazily.

“When is the wedding?” He said leaning closer to her face, and Jane was about holding him, but he was quick to ran away.

“Come back here Lucas!!!” She shouted, sensing he was running away.

“I can’t, I am on my way to get you a wedding gown. Adrian and Jane are getting married!”

“Hey, do you have a death wish?” Jane asked standing up to her feet. She tried walking up to Lucas, but she hits her foot on something and fell.

“Jane!” Lucas exclaimed and rush to where she was.


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