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HomeBROKEN LOVEBROKEN LOVE - Episode 27 & 28

BROKEN LOVE – Episode 27 & 28

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⟨ Tales Of The Heart… ⟩


By; Succie Brown.



Debra banged her hand forcefully on the table, and Adrian flinched, because he wasn’t expecting her to react that way after he told her his decision of going to Los Angeles.

“There’s no way we’re going to Los Angeles, Adrian!” She said, almost shouting at him.

“Why are you overeating Debra?” Adrian asked.

“I’m not overacting Adrian. You can’t just make decisions on your own. We can’t just wake up one morning and move to Los Angeles, what about our lives here in Australia? Are we just going to leave it behind? What about Isa, do you expect her to start from the scratch in terms of making friends?” Debra asked

“We can easily adjust if we move to Los Angeles and you know that Debra. You and I have our branches there, and about Isa, she doesn’t have friends because you keep choosing her friends for her” Adrian said.

“I can’t just move to Los Angeles, Adrian. My life is here in Australia”

“Is that all, or are you trying to prevent me from going to Los Angeles?” Adrian asked

“What are you trying to insinuate?” Debra asked in return.

“Come to think of it, you have always prevented me from going to Los Angeles. Even when I want to check up on my hospital over there, you insist that one of workers should do the checking. It’s there something in Los Angeles that you don’t want me to see? Is that why you keep preventing me from going there?” Adrian asked.

Debra clenched her fists and said. “There’s nothing to see in Los Angeles, Adrian. There’s nothing in Los Angeles, if you are so worried about how you’re going to face the press about your hospital, I can do the press conference for you. There’s no way I’d allow you to go to Los Angeles” Debra said and walked away before Adrian could say a word.

“Did you and mom fight again?” Isa asked, standing by the staircase. Adrian looked at her and shaked his head, smiling.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yes. Come sit with daddy” Adrian said and Isa smiled before going to him, and she sat beside him.

“Mom might be annoying sometimes, but please put up with her. I h@ťě it when you two argue” Isa said, and Adrian smiled, caressing her hair.

“Your Mom and I are okay Isa. I know how much it hurts you if I am in a misunderstanding with your mom, so I try to be in peace with her” Adrian said.

“I love you so much Dad” Isa said, hugging him.

“I love you too Isa. How would you feel if we leave Australia to Los Angeles?” He asked.

“We’re going to Los Angeles?” Isa asked excitedly.

“It’s seems you are excited to move to Los Angeles” Adrian said.

“I don’t have any friends here dad, so there’s nothing to lose, and beside my idol is in Los Angeles”

“Your idol?” Adrian asked, and Isa nod her head, smiling.

“Yes Dad. I admire her a lot. She’s really amazing, and sometimes I wish I was outspoken like her”

“Who is she?”

“Her name is Kayla Meyers. She’s two months older than me, she’s so amazing dad. She stays in Los Angeles, and it will really be wonderful if I get to see her face to face” Isa said, smiling.

“It seems like you love this Kayla a lot?” Adrian asked.

“Yes I do. She’s really amazing and self confidence” Isa said, and showed him a picture of Kayla. She has so many pictures of Kayla.

“She’s Kayla?” Adrian asked, looking at Kayla’s picture.

“Yes she’s the one. She’s so beautiful, right?” Isa asked smiling.

“Yes she is. I guess her mom is pretty too” Adrian said.

“You can say that over and over again dad. I think Kayla got her beauty from her mom. She’s so beautiful dad, her name is Ja… ”

“Isa!!” Debra called her name cutting her short. She had come back inside the house and has been listening to their conversation.

“Yes Mom” Isa answered, standing up to her feet.

“Go to your room and study”

“But we’re in holidays mom. School resumes from next week, and it’s a new session” Isa said.

“It’s that so, then go and practice more about modelling” Debra said, and Isa took in her lips.

“Okay mom” Isa said and went to her room.

Adrian looked at Debra and without saying a word to her, he left for the pool area.

“Isa and her running mouth, she almost remind Adrian about Jane. He can’t know he has a child with Jane. We can’t go back to Los Angeles, I won’t allow him to see Jane again” Debra said, clenching her fists.



Julianna entered the kitchen the following morning and sees Lucas making breakfast. She smiled and hugged him from behind. ” I was wondering where you were, only to find you here” She said planting a soft kiss on his cheek, and Lucas smiled.

“Did you sleep well?” He asked.

“Of course I did. My boyfriend is always good in bed as always” Julianna said.

“I am done cooking, eat before you leave for work” He said.

“Are you going to hospital? Do you have a client to commerce surgery on?” Julianna asked.

“No. I am going over to Jane’s” Lucas said.

“Jane again? What does she want this time?”

“Well I promised her I’d help her with some works at her company” Lucas said.

“Why is she always pestering you? She has money she can easily hire people to do any sorts of work for her”

“I was the one who insisted on helping her. Jane is my best friend and even if she has the money, I can’t let her waste her money, when I can be of help to her”

“Are you both just best friends? Because you care about Jane a lot. Even your hospital JKL, was formed according to her name, yours and Kayla’s” Julianna said.

“Julie” Lucas said, wrapping his hands around her waist.


“Jane and I are just friends. We have come a long way together, and she has been through a lot. I’m just use to being there for her”

“Fine then, go to her” Julianna said.

“Are you sure?”

“Will you stay if I ask you to?”


“It’s fine. Go ahead, I will have breakfast and go to work”

“I will come over and pick you up” He said and pecked her forehead, before leaving the kitchen.

Julianna looked at the breakfast he prepared and sighed.

“He loves you Julianna. Jane Meyers is nothing but a friend to him. He told you countless times already” Julianna said, assuring herself.



“When did you get back last night Mom?” Kayla asked as they ate.

“At 8 pm. Lucas left after I came. He told me your phone was stolen, hope you weren’t hurt?”

“I wasn’t. He dare not try to hurt me. Aunt Grace taught me so well. Mom you were right about guys, they are not just liars but the biggest fools in the world. I caught him red handed, and yet he was still denying he wasn’t the one who stole my phone” Kayla said.

“You should be careful around those kinds of people and remember what I always say, no….. ”

“No boyfriends, because I am not yet at the right age to have one. Don’t worry mom I have no time for guys, and I will never make the mistake you made”

“The mistake I made was falling in love with the wrong guy, but I never regret giving birth to you” Jane said, caressing Kayla’s cheeks, and Kayla smiled.

“School is resuming soon right?”

“You’re right mom. The holidays is ending”

“Do you need anything for school?” Jane asked.

“Just my sneakers”

“Is that all?”

“Yeah. My backpack is perfectly fine” Kayla answered.

“Joyce will go with you to get it later today”

“Alright mom. You’re the best” Kayla said, giving her a high thumbs up and Jane smiled.

Lucas entered the house and Kayla quickly went to hug him. “Good morning dad” She greeted excitedly, making fist bump with him.

“How are you Kayla?” Lucas asked with a smile.

“I’m fine as always. Never runs out of energy” Kayla said, giggling.

Lucas smiled and look at Jane. “How are you Jane?”

“I’m fine. Was Julianna angry when you left this morning”

“No. She understands perfectly. She’s a sweetheart” Lucas said and Jane smiled.

“Have you had breakfast? If you haven’t, join us for breakfast so we can leave together” Jane said.

“Sure” He sat with them, and the three of them ate together.

“Dad, feed me” Kayla said pouting her lips and Lucas smiled before feeding her.

“Should I feed you as well?” He asked directing the question to Jane.

“What if I say yes, will you do it?” Jane asked.

“Of course I will. Ha” He said taking a full spoon of scrambled eggs.

Jane opened her mouth and Lucas feed her, while Kayla clapped her hands. “We look like a real family” She said, and both Jane and Lucas looked at each other.



Debra sat in the exclusive chair inside her office, as she swipe her phone up, looking at Kayla’s picture. “She considers Lucas as her dad? I guess Jane didn’t tell her about Adrian. It should remain that way. Isa is the only daughter that he has” Debra said to herself.

“Ma’am, here’s the document you ask for” A lady said to her when she entered her office.

Debra took the documents from her and was about to sign it when she got a call from Rebecca.

“You can leave” She said to the lady. The lady left and Debra picked the call.

“Hello Mom” She said.

“How are you Debra?”

“I’m fine mom”

“Adrian said you don’t want to go to Los Angeles” Rebecca said.

“Why would you suggest he goes to Los Angeles? Have you forgotten Jane is there?” She asked more like a whisper.

“Why? Are you feeling insecure? He’s married to you” Rebecca said.

“Yes he’s married to me, but you and I know he only got married to me because of Isa. If I wasn’t pregnant back then he won’t have married me mom. What if he still loves Jane?” Debra asked.

“I doubt that. For good fifteen years, he has never talked about her, he didn’t bother to look for her which means he has longed forgotten about her. Beside you both have a daughter and he loves Isa so much”

“What about Jane’s daughter?”

“I don’t care about her child. She might be rich but she’s still the poverty-stricken Jane I know. I’m sure she won’t tell Kayla about Adrian after he left her years ago, so Isa is the only child Adrian has. I want you to go to Los Angeles”

“Mom, I can’t go to Los Angeles. I love Adrian”

“Adrian doesn’t give a f-__-k about Jane. I want you to go to Los Angeles to bring her down”

“I don’t get you mom”

“She thinks she’s on top of the world just because she has made it in life. Go to Los Angeles, and become her rival, l want you to cut off her shoulders” Rebecca said.

“What about Adrian?” Debra asked.

“We can easily make a fool out of him, like we did years ago” Rebecca said, and Debra smirked.


Kayla walked around the shoe store, admiring the beautiful shoes arranged on the shoe shelves.

“Have you seen the one you like?” Joyce asked.

“Everything is so beautiful Aunt. I feel like buying all of it” Kayla said, smiling.

“Should I call one of the attendance to pack everything for you?” Joyce asked, and Kayla laughed.

“I was just joking. I will just look at the entire sneakers one more time”

“Alright Kayla, while you are at it, I will get you ice cream”

“Okay Aunt”

Joyce left, and Kayla continues looking at the shoes, admiring each and every of the shoes on the shoe shelves.

“Aren’t you going to buy one?” Someone whispered to her from behind. Kayla flinch with a scream and almost fell to the ground, but he was quick to catch her.

Kayla opened her eyes when she didn’t fall to the ground, and she discovered it was Xavier.

“It’s you again? What did heck are you doing? Are you following me?” Kayla asked.

“You must have high expectations for yourself. Why would I follow you?” He asked still holding her, preventing her from falling.

“If you’re not following me, what are you doing here?” She asked.

“I work here. You were looking at the shoes without making an attempt to choose one, that’s why I ask if you’re not buying” Xavier said.

“I haven’t made my choice yet, so stop interfering in my business. Why is your hands wrapped all over me, let go of me this instant”

“I am only holding you because I saved you from falling earlier”

“And did I ask you to catch me? Let go of me” Kayla said, $h00ting an angry look at him.

“Fine I will” Xavier said and let go of Kayla, and she fall to the ground, hitting her head on the floor.


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