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HomeBROKEN LOVEBROKEN LOVE - Episode 25 & 26

BROKEN LOVE – Episode 25 & 26

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⟨ Tales Of The Heart… ⟩


By; Succie Brown.



“I didn’t steal her phone” The innocent boy said as he was interrogated by one of the shopping mall security men.

“You don’t have to deny it, because I saw you. The thief was wearing this exact clothes you were wearing”

“Is that the prove you have? I’m not the only one with this kind of clothes!”

“I don’t buy your lies. He should be taken to the juvenile detention” Kayla said.

“Juvenile detention? A jail for children?” He asked.

“Yes, because you stole from me. Juvenile detention is a place suited for thieves like you”

“Sir, this girl is crazy. She might be dressed in an expensive clothes, but she’s a psychopath. She almost ki||ed me a while ago”

“I won’t have done that if you didn’t steal from me. You are lucky he show up on time, I’d have ki|| and buried you” Kayla said.

“Believe me sir, I didn’t take her phone. I may not be from a well-off family, but my mom raised me right. She made me understand that not all that glitters is gold, and I have listened to her words. I’m not the kind of person who is swayed by materia things”

“I am still not buying your lies. Guys are liars, and they are the biggest jerks in the world, and you aren’t exceptional. Take him to juvenile detention, because that’s where criminals like him belong” Kayla said, looking at him angry, and the boy in return glare at her too.

“What’s your name, kid?” The security man asked.

“My name is Xavier. Xavier Dawkins” Xavier answered.

“How old are you?” The security man asked again.

“I am fifteen years old, sir”

“Fifteen. Did you steal Kayla Myers’s phone”

Xavier looked at Kayla, and back to the security man. “I didn’t steal her phone. I’m not a thief” Xavier said.

“I believe you Xavier. You can go ahead”

“Thanks a lot” Xavier said before leaving.

“That’s it? You are just going to let him go? He f-__-king stole my phone. I don’t have afternoon blindness, so I am sure of what I saw, he was wearing the exact clothes the thief was wearing. It’s not a coincidence, and I am sure of it”

“He doesn’t look like someone who will steal” The security man said.

“It’s not written on their foreheads. If it’s that way, my mom won’t have fall victim to the lies of that jerk” Kayla said.

“I don’t understand what you are trying to say, but I will look into the CCTV cameras for you. Drop any number you know, so that I call you when I find something”

“You already let the thief go, so don’t bother” Kayla said and walked out of the office. She was about going to Lucas’s car that was parked outside, when she saw Xavier taking pictures of the mall with his camera.

“Are you taking pictures of the place, so you can thief again?” She asked, folding her hands on her chest. Xavier looked at her and sighed.

“It’s you again”

“Yeah, and don’t speak informally to me because we don’t know each other”

“I never said we know each other. FYI, I am only taking photographs of this mall, because I was given permission to. I’m not a thief” Xavier said.

“Judging from how you stole from me, do you think I won’t see you as a thief”

“Look, I know you are Kayla Meyers one of the most followered teenagers on Instagram and TikTok, but I won’t stoop so low to steal from you”

“That’s gives you all the reasons in the world to steal from me. You are one of those jerks you are attracted by my beautiful, but for the record I h@ťě guys just like how I h@ťě the devil, so stop being a pervert and give me back my phone” Kayla said.

“I didn’t steal your phone, and I am not a pervert. Just to bring your shoulder down, you aren’t beautiful like everyone thinks you are. You are just over hyped by the public” Xavier said walking away.

“You jerk! I h@ťě you!!!” Kayla shouted at him.

Xavier stopped walking and smiled at her. “I’m glad the feeling is mutual, because I h@ťě you triple times too” He said and throws a h@ťěful look at her before walking away.

“The nerves of that jerk” Kayla muttered trying to go after him, but Lucas held her hand.


“I told you to wait for me in the car, so where did you go to? I was about shutting this mall down just to look for you” Lucas said.

“I am sorry dad, my phone was stolen and I met… ”

“Your phone was stolen? That’s why you should be careful Kayla. Let’s go get you another one” Lucas said, walking to the phone unit.

Kayla’s eyes search for Xavier, and she could see him from a distance taking pictures. “Jerk” She muttered h@ťěfully before joining Lucas.



“Thanks for honouring my invitation, Jane Meyers” Lily said, and Jane smiled elegantly.

“It will be improper to turn down your invite. You’re my biggest client” Jane said, professionally.

“And you are one of the best fashion designers in Los Angeles. Lots of people want to be your clients, and that’s why I am happy that the great Jane Meyers is in my party” Lily said.

“I’m flattered” Jane said with a smile and look at Joyce. Joyce walked over to her and gave her a black square-shape jewelry box.

“I got a little present for you for being one of my biggest client” Jane said. Lily dropped the glass of wine she was holding on the table and took the jewelry box from Jane.

“Wow, a diamond necklace. Thank you so much Jane. This is why you’re the best” Lily said, and Jane smile.

“Congratulations on your party, Lily Sanderson” Romeo McMahon said approaching them. Lily laughed and hugged Romeo. The expression on Jane’s face changed when she saw Romeo.

Romeo is a business tycoon, and he has been trying to woe her.

“Thanks for coming to my party Romeo McMahon. I am so happy to see one of the biggest companies owner in my party”

“I am glad I could come” Romeo said and look at Jane, admiring how beautiful she looks.

“I will be on my table, Lily” Jane said and walked away, while Joyce followed her.

“How did that Romeo know I am here?” Jane asked Joyce when she sat down.

“I don’t know ma’am. I guess it’s just a coincidence” Joyce said.

“It’s not. That Romeo tends to act like my shadow that follows me everywhere I go” Jane said.

“Jane Meyers” Romeo said sitting beside her, and Jane smiled.

“Romeo McMahon! What brings you here?” She asked.

“I went to your company earlier, and they told me you were attending a party of Lily Sanderson. So I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be nice if I see my beautiful Jane, and indeed you’re looking so beautiful. Infact you get more beautiful, with everyday that passes”

“Thanks for the compliment Romeo. I won’t forget your sweet words”

“Then get married to me Jane, so you’d be hearing these sweet words everyday. I’m a Romeo looking for his Juliet, and I think I have found my Juliet in you”

“I have told you countless times that I am not interested in love or getting married to anyone. I’m not your Juliet, and I will never be your Juliet”

“Why? Is it because of your daughter? I don’t mind being a dad to her. Just give me a chance” Romeo said.

“It’s not because of my daughter, I have to time for love and its fantasy”

“Why Jane? Was your heartbroken by the person you once love. Come to think of it, you don’t talk about Kayla’s dad during your interviews. Lucas isn’t Kayla’s dad, I am sure of it. Were you dumped by the person you love, is that why you can’t give love a chance anymore?” Romeo asked.

Jane tighten her hands under the table and smiled at Romeo. “Of course not Romeo. I don’t have the time to welcome clinging suitors like you. Have a nice evening Romeo McMahon” Jane said and leaves the party, while Joyce followed her.

“Jane left already?” Lily asked him, when she approached him.

Romeo looked at Lily and smile. “My Cinderella left because it’s past midnight, but I am sure she’d be back” He said and and smiled again.


Jane rest her head on the headrest of her car, as Joyce droved her home. “Why are you looking at me Joyce?” Jane asked when she noticed how Joyce was looking at her through the car mirror.

“You look kind of quiet, I was wondering if you are okay”

“I’m fine Joyce. Is Kayla home yet?”

“I will just call one of the maids to check up on her” Joyce said.

“Continue driving, I will just call her”

Jane brought out her phone and called Kayla’s number, but it was switched off.

“Her phone is switch off. Did she forget to charge it?” She muttered. She was about calling Lucas when Lucas sent her a message.

💬 Where are you? Aren’t you back yet? Kayla and I had so much fun. I’m waiting for you

Jane smiled after she read the message. She went online and saw the picture Kayla posted. Seeing her happy with Lucas made her smile as well.



“Thanks for putting Kayla to bed, Lucas”

“Don’t thank me Jane, I am her dad, so it’s my duty to take care of her. You should take Kayla’s new phone number, her phone was stolen at the mall today”


“Yes, but I got her a new one. So how was Lily’s party”

“I didn’t stay for long because Romeo had to ruin it” Jane said.

“Did he do something to you?” Lucas asked, and Jane shaked her head smiling.

“He wouldn’t dare to anything to me Lucas. He crazy about me, but unfortunately for him, I can’t love any man again after what I have gone through”

“Are you still sulking in the past?”

“Of course not Lucas. I have moved on a long time ago, but my heart no longer welcome love. I just want to work hard and give my daughter the life I didn’t have”

“And I am always here for you Jane”

“I know” She said, and they both smiled at each other.

“Since you’re back, I will going home now. Julianna is waiting for me”

“She’s back?”

“Yes, and she has been calling me nonstop”

“Then go home Lucas. I don’t want your girlfriend to think I am the one holding you from seeing her” Jane said, and Lucas smiled.

“Goodnight Jane” He said before leaving.



Lucas smiled when he entered his glamorous house and sees Julianna standing by the window. He walked to where she was and wrapped his hands around her.

“Hi Love” He said kissing her neck.

“You’re late” Julianna said.

“Sorry about that. I had to wait for Jane to come home before leaving Kayla alone”

“Now I feel like having my own child” Julianna asked.

“Should we have a baby then?” He asked, and Julianna turned to look at him.

“Says a guy who keep postponing our wedding” Julianna said, hanging her hand around his neck.

“I also want to get married to you Julianna, but it takes lots of time to host a perfect wedding, and we are always busy with work”

“You’re right. You are busy as a surgeon and I am busy as an anchor, but all the same I missed you so much” Julianna said kissing his lips, and Lucas smiled.

“Who do you miss more. Me or the baby down here” Lucas asked naughtily, and Julianna smiled, bitting her lower lips.

“Hmmm, both” Julianna said, and Lucas smiled.

“I love you Lucas”

“I love you too, Julianna” He said and interlock their lips. Their lips collided immediately, Lucas carried her, and Julianna chained her legs around his waist.

Without breaking the kiss, Lucas carried her upstairs. With his lips still on hers, he opened the door, and entered the room fully, and while they were peeling off their clothes, they didn’t stop kissing each other.

“Lucas” Julianna Mõ@ɲed softly when Lucas penetrated his Ďïčk inside her p**sy.

“Do you want it hard or slowly?” He whispered to her, kissing her earlobe.

“I want it hard like always” Julianna said, bitting her lower lips as envelope of pleasure hits her.

Lucas resumed kissing her again, as his Ďïčk went in and out of her p**sy in fast pace.



Isa had a happy smile on her face as she drew a landscape drawing. She derived joy in drawing and painting. She’s the introvert type who likes sitting in one place doing what she knows best, but Debra was too ignorant to understand her own daughter.

A knock came on the door, and guessing it might be her mom, Isa quickly hide her drawing and drawings equipment inside the cabinet.

“Isa, are you sleeping?” Debra asked.

“No. Come in Mom” She said when she was sure there was nothing that concerns drawings on her table. She took a magazine picture and pretend to be looking at it.

“What are you doing?” Debra asked, when she entered.

“I’m just taking a look at these models mom. They’re beautiful”

“You can be like them once you get used to cameras” Debra said and Isa faked a smile.

“Where’s Dad?”

“He went to his hospital, he will be right back”

“What about grandma? Will she be coming to Australia?”

“Yes she will” Debra answered and Isa took in her lips.

“I am sorry I slapped you earlier today Isa. I didn’t mean to, I was just angry”

“It’s fine mom. I forgive you, I promise to do better”

“I believe in you. I want to make it up to you Isa, let’s go out”

“Where are you taking me?” Isa asked.

“To get wh@ťěver you want” Debra said.

“Let’s tag dad along. I’m sure he’d like to come with us”

“Sure, go and get dressed. We go to your dad’s hospital together”

Isa smiled and went to her dressing room. While she was at it, she got a notification from her phone. She looked at it and it was a picture of Jane. Her picture was uploaded by one of Jane’s fans. Debra frowns when she saw the picture.

“I have been trying my best to hide you from Adrian. Adrian must never see your face again, that’s why I blocked all internets that might lead you to him. Adrian is mine, Jane Meyers” Debra said, clenching her fists.


Debra and Isa came down from the car and their eyes widened where they saw that Adrian’s hospital collapse. A lot of injured people were being brought out from the building.

“What happened here?” Debra asked.

“An earthquake happen here earlier, and so many building including Adrian’s hospital collapsed” A man answered Debra’s question.

“Where’s my dad? Is he okay?” Isa asked worriedly

“Luckily he wasn’t among the victim that suffered from the earthquake”

“Where’s my husband?” Debra asked.


“A lot of people were injured Mom. Even if I am ready to pay for their hospital bills, I am sure people are going talk about it” Adrian said.

“It wasn’t your fault Adrian. It was an earthquake” Rebecca said.

“I know that mom, but they’re still going to talk. I’m in grief right now, and showing myself in cameras isn’t something I want to do right now”

“Then go to Los Angeles” Rebecca said.

“Los Angeles?” Adrian asked.

“Yeah. You have a branch there, right?. The three of you can go to Los Angeles, and start a new”

“Los Angeles” Adrian muttered, taking in his lip.


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