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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(sold… mated…to you)?

BY:Anny Oluchi.


★(He’s a monster)★

Lance was standing behind Myles,he saw the woman’s face and his eyes widened in shock.

“Lola” Lance gasped in audibly.

Myles eyes sparked with anger and fury equally shock and diarray. No woman had ever laid their fingers on him.

“You Ɓîtçh!” Myles yelled and returned the slap which was ten times harder. Lola completely lost balance because of its impact.

“Myles!” Lance exclaimed and held him.

“Myles that’s enough” Lance cautioned but Myles was raging mad as his cheek stung like a bee’s sting.

“Sir please” Hennessy appeared and pleaded in front of him. She stood in between him and Lola.

“The maids are watching, Sir Myles” Hennessy said, gesturing him cunningly to look around.

Myles though angry would not like to downgrade himself in front of his servants. He shoved Lance’s hands off his body and stormed off.

Lola exchanged shocked glances with Lance who quickly followed Myles.

Hennessy turned to Lola who had fastened herself upwards”I knew you were trouble the very moment I set my eyes on you but let me make something clear, the next time you get yourself in trouble ”

Lola sniffed while holding her pained cheek.

” I won’t butt in but allow him to ki|| you “She glared at her and walked away.

” Lola”Allison went to Lola and hugged her.

Myles’ office>

“Myles, calm down” Lance locked the door behind him.

Myles threw down all the materials on the table in anger, he was panting in fury.


Myles lifted his eyes which met with Lance and he was frightening by the frigid and murderous equally Satanic stare Myles gave him.

Lance swallowed hard, he could hear his own heart beating so fast like it’s going to burst any minute.

“Myles, calm down” Lance said and left the office.

“How dare she?” Myles yelled, his eyes sparked fire.

He was shocked, angry, in pain, a woman just caused him pain. He had gone through a lot of someone and he wasn’t going to do it for the second time.

He bit his inner cheek in pain, he was sat angrily on his seat having deadly and damaging thoughts in his mind on what he would do to Lola.

Lance came back into the office with an ice bag, he gave it to Myles who accepted it without any complaint.

“Bro, I know that this isn’t the time but I can stay here for a while” Lance requested he had to be close to Lola. He didn’t know what she was doing her but he had to protect her somehow.

“What?” Myles snapped and massaged his right cheek with the ice bag.

“My house is under renovation and I am not as rich as you, help me Myles” Lance requested and sat in front of him.

“You already know the answer” Myles said firmly.

“I know it’s a ‘No’ but I don’t feel safe in any hotel, please” Lance pleaded, he had to reach his aim.

“I will think about it” Myles frowned. He didn’t want any other male close to his daughter but he knew Lance and if there is someone he trust its him.

“Thanks, Bro” Lance grinned but was worried about Lola.

“Call me that again and I will ki|| you”

Ballard high school>

Nathaniel held royalty in his hands as he walked majestically down the hallway, the girls couldn’t stop whispering but they were only low chattering because Summer was walking proudly beside him.

Summer flung her hair backwards and clung to his arm.

“What’s with the face cap?”

“See the way he walks”

“He looks seductive”

“I bet he’s handsome”

Giggles from the girls filled the hall.

Nathaniel knew they weren’t referring to him, so he turned back and so did Summer.

They saw a guy wearing a red hoodie and trousers, carrying a black bag and who lowered his face like he didn’t want to be seen.

Nathaniel frowned heavily because someone just tool rhr spotlight from him, he h@ťěd him at first sight.

He passed summer’s side and she turned to stare at him, her eyes filled with curiosity.


Everyone settled into the class and their mathematics teacher walked in with the newbie.

Nathaniel clenched his fist at the sight of him.

“Good morning, students”

“Good morning sir” they responded in unison.

“We have a transfer student here, please introduce yourself and take off the hoodie cap,” The male teacher said the last sentence in a humorous way but no one laughed.

He slowly took off his hoodie and his handsome, fair and cute face came to view, the girls gasped in total adoration of the male beauty in front of them, his red lips, smooth, spotless skin, his dark hair that called ons to feel its texture.

“My name is Jake Sully and it’s nice meeting you all” His voice was contrast to his looks, it wasn’t soft like girl’s but manly and charming.

“Nice to meet you too”

Jake didn’t smile one bit, he was directed to a seat, he placed his bag on the table and sat.

“Make him feel welcomed and no bullying”

“Yes sir”

“Our topic today is lotitude”He said and wrote it on the board.

Jake sighed but felt a focused stare on him, he looked at his eyes fell on Molly.

She quickly looked away but couldn’t help staring at him but strangely he was still staring at her.

‘Why is he staring at me?’ Molly thought but kicked the thought out.

Summer couldn’t help staring at the new guy, he was really attractive.

“Jake” Summer smirked,setting her eyes on him instantly.

And wh@ťěver she set her eyes on, she would always have.

Just after lunch, Jake returned to class to meet chaos.

“She’s such a thief”

” I didn’t still anything” Molly cried shaking her head vigorously.

Summer had accused her of stealing her earring, she didn’t understand why they kept preying on her.

“But it was in your bag” Summer screamed in her face, her eyes were filled with anger and disgust.

“You are such a thief” Summer pushed her and she banged her back against the board.

Molly whimpered as she landed hard on the floor.



The ignorant students began throwing things on her.

“I didn’t steal anything” Molly cried loudly.

“She didn’t steal anything” Jake suddenly spoke and the who class turned their attention to him.

“I watched that guy putting it into her bag” Jake said pointing at Nathaniel.

Nathaniel sprang up and strolled hastily to grab Jake’s collar.

“How dare you accuse me of petty stealing are you crazy?” Nathaniel yelled angrily.

“I have a video of yuy putting the earring into her bag, you thought I was sleeping but I recorded everything” Jake said and they all gasped in shock.

Nathaniel swallowed hard, he underestimated this fellow.

Nathaniel released his collar and said “Everyone, it’s resolved”

“Enough, go back to your seats” Nathaniel shrieked and they all retired to their seats.

Nathaniel glared balefully at him, if looks could ki|| but Jake didn’t look shaken or perturbed.

“I’m going to make your life a living hell bastard, you better be ready” Nathaniel sneered and pulled Summer to her seat.

Summer reached her seat and watch Jake help Molly up and take her away from the class.

Summer’s eyes darkened instantly “That peasant!”

“Breathe” Jake uttered to calm her down because Molly had gone into a panic attack.

“I… can’t” Molly gasped incessantly and the arm of his shirt. Tears were dropping heavily from her eyes.

“Watch me and breathe in and out” Jake muttered and demonstrated it. “Look at me”

Molly stared at him and imitated him, he slowly rubbed his warm and soft hand on her arms. It felt so soothing that her gasping slowly seized.

“Are you okay now?” Jake asked with a smile on his lips.

Molly nodded, they were so close that she couldn’t stop her a heart from skipping a beat.

Why did her heart just do that?.

Jake stared into her brown eyes through her glasses, wondering why he just defended her or why he was he so attracted to her from the first time he set her eyes on her.

“Thank you for…defending me” Molly sniffed.

“It’s nothing” He smiled.

Molly realized she was holding his shirt and released it. She smiled back and ran away from him.

“Wait…what’s your name?” Jake sighed and scratched his head.

“Gosh, what’s wrong with me?” Jake pouted and walked away.

Hunt’s mansion>Late at night.

“You accept?” Lance smiled at Myles who was wearing a wine colored robe, his hair was slightly dampened.

“Yes, stop smiling like an idiot”

“That’s great” Lance snickered.

“Leave, I will be busy in a few minutes”.

Lance didn’t know what he meant, so he bid him goodnight and left.

Lance got out of the room to meet Lola screaming and being dragged by guards.

“Hey, leave her” He ordered.

“The boss told us to bring her”

“Help me” Lola yelled but the guards dragged her away.

“Help me please, leave me”

Lance turned his gasp and a sad expression filled his face, he couldn’t confront Myles about anything, even though he was scared for her but confronting Myles, was like confronting death itself.

Lola kept looking back but all yer hope shattered when Lance walked away.

“No please”

They were too strong for her to fight, the two guards pushed her into the room and locked the door from outside.

“No” Lola banged on the door and tried opening it but to no avail. “Don’t leave me in here”

Lola shuddered and slowly turned to see Myles staring at her body like a hawk.

“Strip!” He commanded.

“What?” Lola gasped, this wasn’t what she wanted, she couldn’t lose her v*rginity to a beast.

“I won’t repeat myself” Myles h@ťěd her disobedience, he stood up and walked to her.

A slap sent her to the floor and added to the bruise she already had on her lips.

“Take off your clothes, Ɓîtçh!” He yelled angrily, he was just a step away from losing his human senses right now.

Lola refused to listen to him, Myles lost it and grabbed her up, her struggle was futile.

“Leave me” Lola cried out but it was no use, before she knew it she was in his torture room, she cried louder seeing so much torture items, she has never seen in her life.

He cuffed her hands to the wooden stand off the bed. He stripped her forcefully of her clothes and underwear.

“No please” Lola sobbed loudly.

Myles went to grab a whip, he smirked and walked to her.

“I know your type and I know how to put them in their place” Myles growled and lashed the heavy whip on her back.

Lola screamed in hot tears as more heavy and painful lashes penetrated through her skin.

“Aah!!!, please!!!” Lola screamed.

After designing her back to his satisfaction, he uncuffed her and dragged her to one of his desk there.

“Aah, please” Lola whimpered as she was pushed against the desk, pressing her face to the it, before she could sob again, his huge Ďïčk violently th-ru_sted into her p@zzy from behind.

“Aahhh!!!” Lola screamed in pain, he began pounding mercilessly into her not minding the blood that dripped after his brutal th-ru_sts.

“Aah… Stop please!” Lola screamed, the pain was unbearable.

“Plea… se!!!” She cried. As his Ďïčk hit straight into her more and more gruesomely, she could hardly utter a another word again .

Myles took a deep breathe and pulled out of her.

He then tossed her to the floor like piece of trash.


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