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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BOUNDED TO HELL – Episode 36

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CHAPTER 69 & 70.

★(Baby symptoms)★

“You’ve got to be kidding me, right?” Earl asked in shock.

Lola maintained her blank stare and yelled childishly. “I don’t know who Lola is but please Mister be kind enough to untie me from these ropes”


Earl snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at her. He knew that she had lost her memories and there was no need to ask anymore questions, since she didn’t even recall her own name.

“Of course dear”

To attempt playing the fatherly role was sickening and he was loathing each minute of it but he would do it because she looked like his first girlfriend who he loved more than anything in this world. Lola’s face sincerely reminded him of her and he was angry that Myles still had the guts to steal her from him.

Earl noticed the few marks on her back and knew that Myles had done that to her. While loosening the ropes tied around her he promised her that he would give her a better life.

“Who are you to promise me such?” Lola questioned as he helped in standing.

“My head” Lola whimpered and touched the back of her head that had a plaster on it.

Lola and Earl walked to the bed and helped her lay on it.

“What happened to me?” Lola questioned and Earl simply smiled.

“I asked a question!”

“It’s a long story but don’t fret, you will be fine” Earl forced a smile and covered her body with the duvet.

“Okay but what should I call you?”

“Call me Daddy” Earl patted her head strangely and left the room to avoid more questions and prepare himself for the next round of interrogation.

Lola pouted her lips immediately he left but the curve of her lips changed into smirk.

‘Daddy indeed’ Lola chuckled inwardly but still remained worried about her safety. Faking amnesia wouldn’t change things.

Ballard high school>

Summer had been feeling different since she became a werewolf yesterday. She’s been hearing conversations more loudly, having better senses like an animal but the worst part was when she got vexed, her eyes would change colour.

It was more difficult than Jake had said but fortunately he was there for her.

“Calm down, okay?” Jake smiled and held her hand.

Summer managed to smile but she was still agitated and irritated by all the sounds penetrating into her ears.

“I will be back” Summer said but Jake tried following her.

“Stay, I promise to be fine” Summer smiled and kissed his lips.

Nathaniel was with his cat, Royalty. He scoffed when he saw them kissing without an ounce of shame.

‘Fools’ Nathaniel smirked.

“I think we have a newborn werewolf in the house,” Cameron said in Nathaniel’s ear.


“Who are you talking about?”

Meanwhile Jake was no longer alone but with Molly.

“Mollyanna, how are you?” Jake smiled at her, the usual handsome and sweet smile.

“I’m fine Jake but I need to talk to you in private” Molly muttered and Jake stared weirdly at her.

“I’m not going to take much of your time,” Molly smiled.

Jake smiled as well and followed her outside the class.

“What is it Molly?”

Molly lowered her gaze and replied.“I found who murdered your father”

Jake’s eyes widened and he grabbed her arms anxiously.

“Who is it?”

“It’s Summer,” Molly replied.

“What!” Jake exclaimed.

Dread’s house>

Dread jerked out of his imagination and stared at the phone in his hand. He turned to Gwen who was chained but still alive and growling.

Dread grimaced and walked to her, Gwen raised up head and gazed at this monster whom she was still perplexed about.

Gwen snapped out of her thought about dying. She was sorrowful about the absence of communication between her mate and her; however, she had this assurance in her heart that Ricardo would find her.

“Who are you and why are you keeping me here?” Gwen cried in pain;her cry wasn’t one of tears but of a loud scream that could deafen one’s ears.

“I’m the brother of the girl you mauled to death” Dread yelled, feeling a pang in heart.

‘A girl?’

Gwen suddenly burst into laughter, it was a mocking cackle that startled those around her.

“Beatrice!, the girl who almost ki||ed my mate. you had a ki||er as your sister but I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” Gwen laughed and clicked her tongue.

Dread felt extremely insulted by her words and lack of remorse. He wouldn’t have spared her if she begged but expected at least a plea but she hadn’t uttered any.

Dread walked to her and landed a fierce slap on her cheek, it sounded like thunder.

‘If I can’t mindlink then I will howl’ Gwen thought in pain and howled loudly, her eyes shone blue in colour.

“Bring the f_cking wolfsbane”

Before the orders could be performed, a huge wind suddenly blew and most of them flew out of the positions and the wind brought sharp spikes along line knives and they ki||ed most of them.

Gwen closed her eyes as the bright light shone but when she opened them, she saw Ricardo in front of her.

“R–Ricardo” Gwen sobbed.

The chains were suddenly broken and she fell into his arms.

“Gwendolyn” Ricardo heaved a sigh of relief and hugged her.

Gwen pinched him for calling her that then passed out.

“Ow!” Ricardo groaned but broke into a relieved smile.

Ballard high school>

“Is it true?” Jake asked with bloodshot eyes.

Summer was afraid to admit it but eventually she did and Jake was completely shattered, his mate had orchestrated the death of his father. His father was everything to him.

“How could you?” Jake growled and grabbed her arms hurtfully.

“Jake, I’m sorry. I never knew it would turn out that way” Summer cried;they had marked each other and she felt every single pain he felt and it hurt her.

“He was my role model and the only one that was willing to help me, Mother had only him as her support but she now lives in loneliness all because of you” Jake screamed in her face and pushed her harshly to the floor.

He was breathing heavily trying to control himself, his wolf didn’t want to hurt but he wanted to. He didn’t want to believe it but hearing it from her own lips shattered his heart.

The door of the abandoned classroom slightly opened and a gaseous substance rolled inside.

Jake quickly rushed to the door but it locked. He was about to break the door when he inhaled the gaseous substance;he became weak and collapsed to the floor.

Summer perceived it as well and went instantly unconscious.

From outside the door, Jake could hear voices but his body refused to move.

“Do you think that it worked?” Nathaniel asked, curiously.

“It certainly worked,” Cameron said and they smiled at each other.

“Meow!!” Royalty hissed at Cameron.

“You should ki|| this thing,” Cameron snarled.

Earl’s house> a day later.

Lola threw up everything she had eaten into the water closet.She was still wondering why she was constantly feeling nauseous, sleepy and feverish.

That was her reason for demanding and wearing this big, white hoodie that might belong to her abductor.

Lola washed her face and came out of the restroom to see Earl waiting for her. He gave her a strange stare.

He moved closer to her and as usual she pretended like she wasn’t frightened. Earl inspected her body and then her eyes.

“What are you doing?”Lola asked and moved away from him.

Earl was shocked by his discovery.

“You are pregnant!” Earl exclaimed in shock.

Lola stared down at her belly and gasped. She was carrying Myles’ child, she didn’t know why she was suddenly filled with this unexpected excitement but she was happy.

‘Myles and I are going to be parents, we would have a little Lolita or a little Myles’ Lola thought and mistakenly giggled outwardly.

“You can’t keep that baby” Earl eyed her stomach.

“What!” Lola became filled with fear, she wanted to move further away but he pulled her closer.

“My daughter can never have the child of my enemy” Earl yelled; his eyes full of disdain.

‘No, leave my baby alone’ Lola shivered and clutched onto her belly.


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