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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter 9&10

✍️authoress gabby pov ✍️

Bluey stared directly into his eyes…. She kept gulping down

“Those eyes… those eyes “She stammered even in her own thoughts

The same eyes that was tattoo under her Břě@šť.

The same very eyes she was staring directly into. Her gazed moved to his opened chest and her mouth opened on their own accord

Angelo was lost too and for a minute he admire her which was unaware to him

He got back to reality and frowned deeply

“Who let you in here? “He asked icily and that was when Bluey came back to her senses

She coughed slightly and pinched her nose unconsciously

“speak when I talk to you”He said. He threw the sword away and picked up the towel on the couch

He wiped off the sweat dripping from his hair and Bluey couldn’t help but drool

“his he some sort of a god “She thought and touched her hair nervously or should I say fondly

“only Ɓîtçh drools! “His voice uttered bringing Bluey back to reality

She furrowed her eyebrows

“how dare he call her a Ɓîtçh…. Who did he think he is? Maybe one of the Mafia men. Of course some one like him can’t be the boss but who cares. She’s gonna show him she was a no nonsense lady”She thought and chuckled

“only a Ɓîtçh knows his fellow Ɓîtçh”She replied not stuttering but at the same time staring directly into his eyes

“What did you say….. “He asked as he stopped wiping his hair

Of course! Her words made him stopped

No one in the whole of his history has talked back at him

“you heard correctly. You aren’t a goat that I should repeat words to even dogs heard once “Bluey ranted

Angelo smirked

Indeed she got guts and to him, that’s one of the characteristics of a Mafia girl

“have you gone deaf too??….. I bet it wouldn’t be too nice”Bluey replied folding her arm below her Břě@šť

“it seems you can’t talk. Well I’m not expecting you to say something. It’s obvious you’re lacking words. Of course you ought to….. I thought there was something inquisitive behind the closed doors but coming here was a waste”Bluey said and gulped down before continuing again

“I wondered the type of people the Mafia bring in here to work for him. You can’t backed up the words that proceed from your mouth. Going about calling someone a Ɓîtçh whereas you’re the one. ki||ing you after four years it’s also a waste….. The ground is too precious for your blood to get stained with …. I should get going. I would have said some few words but I don’t speak much”She replied

She stared at him and groaned

“why isn’t he saying anything?? “She thought

“I’m starved. Staring at you made me want to eat you raw…… But I guessed my stomach will regret you. You’re worthless!”She sneered

She rolled her eyes and walked out

“just annoying “She muttered hitting her feet hard on the ground

The slamming of the door brought Angelo back
“what the hell just happened “He fumed and walked towards the table

He picked up a cigarette. He lighted it and placed it in between her lip

“she’s interesting….. She got guts”He muttered and blew the smoke out of his mouth

Right now he was super angry and only God knows how long he had been controlling his anger in front of her

The door opened again but he didn’t bother to turn back

“Boss”He heard a voice and he could tell it was Landon

One of his favorite guards and who had worked for him for years

“Prepare the girls for training…… I’m super angry. I need to quench my anger. Some bloods much be shed”He said in a tune of anger

“yes boss”Landon replied and left

Bluey slammed the door opened. She walked in and rushed to the bed

“who did he think he is”She fummed sitting on the bed

She hissed and hissed. Jenna walked in but she was oblivious

“I would have punched his face”she said demonstrating it but eventually ends up punching Jenna face

“ouch!! “She groaned falling to the bed

“oh my God Jenna…. I didn’t mean to”She muttered

“does it hurt “She asked concerned, checking out her cheek

“you aren’t a mafia girl yet but you can punch this much”She giggled and Bluey rolled her eyes

“hey lazy @zz, where did you go to?. I recall instructing you to stay right here”Jenna asked

“it’s not a sort of prison. I only took a stroll out”She reply

“when I said stay right here, I didn’t mean to imprisoned you. I only wanted you to know the Ten rules that governed here if at you wanna stay alive till the four years” Jenna replied and stood up

“why do you have to get a bigger @zz more than me…..”Bluey groaned staring at Jenna back view

“You look pathetic, ,,is that even a question “Jenna replied and Bluey rolled her eyes

“here’s the ten rules….read it”

Jenna handed over the book to her

“a whole book for just ten rules new book. d@mn, you need to grow up” Bluey flipped the book opened

Her brows knitted in ardent concentration.

“ it lazy @zz and stop being a hard nut”she uttered

Bluey raised the piece of paper up, swiveled her head to the side, and gave it a total appraisal. Her brows knitted,

“Huh-uh,” Bluey muttered

Taking a deep breath, she read through it

Bluey’s eyes popped out, her voice was a hushed scream.

Jenna narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Of course who scream that way

She threw her friend a glance. Jenna shrugged.

“One; obey all instructions from your boss. Two; ki|| when asked to without thinking twice.” Paused. Looked up at Jenna , “Seriously? Do I need to ki|| someone “She asked

“Yap. That’s what the list said not me.” She shrugged, ”

“Huh-uh,” she nodded her head like Jenna is making sense , and lowered her head back to the paper,

Jenna snorted and watched her friend being serious reading the book.

“Three….. Seduce and go naughty for the boss if he wants it but remember no one must kiss the boss. It’s highly forbidden Four; Be present in the training every morning and no eating before training .” Brows ached. “Five; walk naked when ask to.” Snorts, she added

“is this place another home for prostitute??…… How on h@ťě I’m I expected to walk naked. Like who made this list?? “She said loudly

Jenna looked around to make sure no one is near by

“don’t say that Bluey “She muttered but Bluey rolled her eyes

“Six; Not permitted to leave your room if not asked to. Seven; Never speak back to the boss.” She read loudly and scoffed

“Uh-huh, Uh-huh, as if he’s God” Bluey cursed under her breath

“Eight; Never go see the boss in his training. He trains aggressive and could ki|| anyone at that moment ” She paused. Scoffed.

“weird creature. ki||ing might be his hobby” Bluey replied

“Nine; Get f-__-k by the boss anytime and anywhere he needs it” Bluey shook her head, “is he trying to turn everyone into a slút for some idiot reasons out there.”

“Yap. I guessed so”Jenna replied swaying her butt

“That’s over load. I bet your butt is too heavy for you “She said and Jenna chuckled

“stop getting jealous of my butt”She replied and Bluey rolled her eyes

“who said so” She scoffed

“And, the last but not the list… Ten; You must drink and smoke widely.” She paused, “wow…. Your boss had lost some nut!?”

Jenna shivered, “you really got a bad tongue. I hope he doesn’t ki|| you soonest ”


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