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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Arianna paint her finger nails black while Sofia sat beside the window smoking and drinking

Surely she can’t do without smoking

“Two good week and he never showed up with her. f-__-k! What’s going on in this clan? “Sofia asked still smoking

“I dunno ” Arianna replied focusing on the fingers she was painting.
“Everything about this place seems wierd”Arianna said and Sofia gave her an unconscious cough

“You’re weird yourself. Everyone in this place is weird”Sofia said in her mind

Sofia only rolled her eyes. She came back here to get her revenge and also her sister.
Yet she hasn’t been given the chance to see him. How on earth will she carry her revenge

The door opened and Draco walked in. He walked straight to where Arianna sat
“follow me”He said. She didn’t hesitate and followed him

“Something is fishy between those two”Sofia muttered
Draco got to his room with Arianna… Good thing, no one saw them on their way. He looked consciously to make sure nobody was closed by. He opened the door. Arianna entered first, he entered too and shut it behind

“Father! “Arianna called immediately she saw her father on the bed. He was disguised in a male wear

Richmond smiled. He stood up and walked towards them

“Thanks for bringing my daughter. You’re such an obedient servants and it’s nice working with you these years”He said and Arianna furrowed her brows

“You know him? “She asked her father. He clenched his jaw and smiled shortly
“Is that why he knows my secret “Arianna whispered

“oh Bluey…..
“don’t call me that. It’s Arianna now. Have you forgotten “He muttered and Richmond shook his head
“So sorry my beautiful and precious jewel. How is everything going with you? “He asked
“Not fine father. Everything is going wrong. I fear Bluey……i mean the real Arianna. I fear she’s gonna remember soon. Everything is fishy. She has been away with the mafia boss for two weeks now. I wondered what’s going on. I seriously want to know what’s happening “She muttered

“Two weeks you say? “Richmond asked and she nodded
“Yes father and you better get to the roof of it. There’s something under their sleeves and you need to find out”Arianna said

“She can’t remember her memory. I don’t wanna go poor. If she does I’m gonna ki|| myself father”She blurted out
“I forbid you to say that. I won’t let you ki|| yourself. I gonna found out what’s going on please “Richmond said

“you better do”She retorted
“I should get going and you too before anyone suspect anything “She added and Richmond nodded



The night was beautiful.

Ganny felt the saddest and most unsecure… the night air caressed her hot skin.
She was sitting outside the mud house. A tears dropped off her eyes but she quickly wiped it off

Angelo came out and sighed seeing his mother staring into space

“Mum”He called and that jolted her to reality
“oh son”She said and wiped her tears quickly
“you’re crying mum. Do you really miss him that much? “He asked and Granny smiled sadly

“If only he wasn’t stubborn. He never listen to anything I tells him. Just so stubborn like you”She muttered and that made Angelo’s heart ache

Granny laugh out and in the next minute, tears rolled down her eyes.
“of course I missed him crazily “She said and burst into uncontrollable tears

“it seems he just died today. I kept feeling the pains all over again “She cried bitterly

“If you missed him this much, why didn’t you follow me to pay him a visit? “He asked. His voice was hoarse
“I just don’t want to…i might end up making an ocean in there…. I’m still angry with him……he’s so stubborn but sweet. Gosh. I missed him”Granny cried

Angelo let her cry. Maybe that’s the best thing to do at that moment

He has always been a lover of silence, he can stay the whole day without saying a word.

But, not when he’s with his mum.

“Where’s Bluey ?” She asked, sniffing.

“Mai is helping her remember something but it’s still the same. She only remember Eden as her son and the part she ran away with me. I wondered why she can’t remember all “Angelo muttered

“It’s crazy. She remembered Eden cuz she feels his pains……she remembered her son the wrong time. Its crazy right?. I hope she can get over the pains “She said and Angelo nodded slowly
“Do you remember anything?”Mai asked her. She opened her eyes and shook her head

“All I see is my pregnant self. How I ran away from home. The accident that night and Angelo helping me in labor. That’s all”She said

“you still don’t remember your parents or who you were before running away from home? “Mai asked

“I dunno. Everything seems blank and confusing “Bluey muttered
“You see Blue. Did you know how I recognize you even when you did a plastic surgery “Mai asked and she shook her head

“I saw what happened that faithful day. I just couldn’t let you die. Someone saved you to the hospital but I followed to make sure you were fine. I was there when you’re face was change and then a girl….. “Mai paused

Maybe this isn’t the right time to tell her this. She’s still in trauma

“I miss my son. I wanna kiss him… I want to embrace him. I want to tell him mommy is here and will never leave. I have been away from my son for four years. This pass four years, I know a great part of me is missing. I know I was incomplete and everyone was hiding stuff from me and now that I finally found my family, I had to loose…. “She couldn’t complete her statement as she broke down in tears

The door suddenly burst opened. Angelo rushed in

“Eden… Eden is awake”He staggered…. Obviously because of the joy. Bluey got up immediately

“The doctor said his chances of waking up was rare”She thought as she ran outside

“Get into the car…..we need to be at the hospital right now”He said. BLUEY wasted no time and did as instructed
The ride to the hospital was less than an hour. Bluey didn’t wait for the car to pack well before jumping down

She ran into the hospital like a psycho….everyone kept staring at her but who give a f-__-k

Angelo tried catching up with her but it seems almost impossible.

Bluey got to Eden ward and burst the door opened. “oh God. My son”She ran to Eden who was laying on the hospital bed. Eden eyes were all snapped opened as he stared at the ceiling. He slowly turned to face Bluey and gave her a weak smile

“aunt Bluey “He whispered slowly and that hurts her more.

Her heart pain. Why will he call her aunt Bluey. She had always waited for him to wake up. Day and night she spend at the hospital

But why will he call her aunt Bluey . Even the day he passed out, he called her mum
Why will he suddenly call her aunt Bluey now

“No Eden…. It’s mum. I’m your mother”She said crying really really hard

“mummy “Eden called and that made her heart yields for joy

“say that again “She smiled radically as tears kept dropping from her eyes

“mummy”Eden called again

“My son”She pulled him to herself

Angelo watched from the spit he stood. His son was surely a fighter. Who would have thought he will survive

Unknowingly, a smile curved at the corner of his lip as he watched mother and son


Oh my God….. My boy is alive
If your heart beat reading the first line of this chapter. Raise your hand lemme know u???

I know some people heart were beating so fast and we’re even rushing the reading to know what happened ????

If it wasn’t Eden then who did they went to see at the Burial site???

Any guessers???

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