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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(stripped beneath his paradise)

✍️by authoress gabby Daniel ✍️
❎don’t copy or repost❎

Chapter 23&24

✍️authoress gabby pov✍️

Bluey started crying really hard. Her face was soaked up already. She never thought of this

She tried stopping the tears from falling but who was she kidding

“it’s.. it’s huge”She stammered in a whisper
Angelo smirked and pulled her up so their bodies were touching each other

She shivered and swallowed hard Once. Twice. She blinked her eyes not able to stare at his own eyes

“My Ďïčk is small” Angelo said

“no it’s big”She replied slowly

“my balls weak” He said

“of course not….its mighty “She replied

“it won’t fit it you”He said and smirked

“it will explode me. I’m gonna end up in coma”She replied and he smirked.

He stared at her teary eyes and his childish smirk grew. He wrapped his arms around her waist tightly

“hmm” he hummed
“what should I do with you now? “He asked and just hearing that, her legs started shaking again

Many thoughts ran through her head. What was he gonna do with her now?

Will he rape her to death?
Obviously she’s gonna passed out if that entered her body. Bluey suddenly understood what all the fuss was about. Abruptly, it dawned on her why everyone whispered his name with fear and was scared of him.

Why he could even R@P£D five girls to death. It was all making sense to her

“I’m gonna passed out. I’m feeling dizzy”She said slowly shutting her eyes

Oh no! Bluey don’t passed out yet. What if he rapes you when you’re on conscious

She really don’t want to passed out. “I don’t want to… I don’t want…. ”

The rest of the statement couldn’t process out as she passed out in his arms


Mr Walton drove down the lonely road heading to the outcast of the city. Yeah! he decided to try a new route. He’s gonna try a different way of looking for his daughter. And he was gonna do that without the cops

Maybe the arcade bush. What if the Mafia was hiding his daughter in the bush.

His wife was already asleep before leaving the hospital. He believes he was gonna come home with a good news or probably his daughter. He saw a narrow road in the bush where his car can fit in and drove into it

He drive slowly and was very vigilant. Suddenly, his car stopped

“f-__-k!! “He grunted and hurried out. He bite his lower lips as he saw his flat tyre. He placed his hands in akimbo and heaves

What was he gonna do?. He was in the middle of nowhere. He sighed again and bent down to his flat tyre
Eden kept playing with his new tyre. He used the sticks he had picked earlier to hit his tyre. The tyre rolled and he ran after it

He giggled loving the fun and deep into the arcade bush he went

“This is so much fun!! “He exclaimed. He kept repeating the same thing he was doing on his tyre

“Shut!! “He muttered as his tyre rolled uncontrollably and hit someone who crouched down to a car

“oops!! “Eden said and ran to fetch his tyre. “ouch”Mr Walton muttered out as the tyre hit his back slightly

He turned and saw Eden standing in front of him but something else caught his attention

His facial expressions. He looks so much like Arianna when she was younger. Even before she got the accident four years ago, that was the same face she got

“sorry sir for hitting you with my tyre”Eden said bringing him out of his thoughts

Even the accent. He speaks just like Arianna Grande but it puzzled him. Why will he looks so much like his daughter

The face alone flew him. If not for the surgery Arianna did, he met had thought someone had transformed him daughter to a kid boy

“sir can you hear me? “He asked

“hmm”He said and stood. “I’m sorry again….it was all my mistakes “He said and Mr Walton smile

“No big deal. We all makes mistakes ” He said and Eden smile. He tucked his hands into his pant pocket and crossed his legs

“So…. What are you doing in a arcade bush. You must have heard stories of wide animals and scary creatures who wandered round the bush. You know it isn’t safe for you “Eden said and Mr Walton raised his brow

He was mesmerized
“you’re the little boy here. I should be asking you that” He said and Eden smile

“I know my way around. I live here. This is my home…. So why will I be scared of my home “He said and Mr Walton became more surprised

He suddenly burst into laughter

“A bush. Your home ” He paused and suddenly burst into laughter again

“stop kidding me boy”He said and clenched his jaw

“I’m not kidding. I can see you’re a city man. I haven’t been to the big city and I don’t know how it looks like. Dad wouldn’t want me to whisper or say something about the city. He h@ťěs hearing it just like the way he h@ťěs Ç0çƙroach ” He said and chuckled remembering his dad drama when he sees Ç0çƙroach

“I see”Mr Walton muttered

“You actually lived here? “He asked looking around the bush

“yes with Granny” He replied “but dad do visit me at times. We don’t say together “He added quickly

“you’re a smart boy “Mr Walton said impressed

Eden smile and swiveled his head

“your tyre is flat… Huh?”He asked fixing his gaze on his flat tyre

“obviously”Mr Walton replied

“lucky you…. I just found this new tyre but I don’t mind sparing it for my new friend ” He replied

“i can see you loved it. Are you really sure?”He asked

“Take it now before I change my mind “He said and Mr Walton expression changed

“just kidding. You got to see your face “Eden said and he shook his head

“you are something else “He muttered taking the new tyre


“And we’re done. Here you go”Eden said. Mr Walton check the tyre and it was well fixed

“Thanks so much boy ….. How can I repay this favour? ” He asked

“silly you. It’s Eden not boy. I would have love to have you tour me around the big city but I don’t love disobeying dad. He can be scary and opposite of himself when he’s mad. He’s smart and surely gonna finds out that I went to the city. You’re welcome is enough. See you some other time silly sir “He said

“Eden…. ”

He was cut off as Eden ran into the bush

“silly sir “He chuckled. He smiled widely to himself as he entered his car. He might not see Arianna but he just saw someone who looks so much like his beloved daughter and that alone brought smile to his face

“I should heed home “He said and started the car

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