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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






Elia arrive home !n a hurry and for only two reasons, one is for date and th£ oth*r is what $h£ still couldn’t f!nd ©vt, th£ question keep bugg!ng h*r, why is $h£ so anxious ab©vt th*s date, feel!ng enthusiasm, joy, excitement, confusion, all for one guy.


Is it that I like h*m?

We talked only once.

Maybe those red eyes of h*s has a charm, charm of draw!ng women close to h*m ” moth*r ” mumbl!ng I drop my bag !n th£ liv!ng room th£n m©v£ to th£ kitch£n klzz!ng h*r ch£ek ” am home ”

” how was work today ” $h£ smile still chopp!ng th£ onions.

” it was awesome, j√$t like always ” I can’t tell h*r I got spanked ” you didn’t go to work today ??” Ask!ng I watch h*r shake h*r h£ad.

” you see my child ” $h£ smile ” I got fired, th£ boss wanted to spend a night with me but I couldn’t br!ng myself to do it ” I watch my moth*r ₱v|| a chair ©vt and sit d©wΠ ” and now am feel!ng like I made th£ wrong decision because th*s is th£ last item for food !n th*s house, you haven’t receive your pay and am fired from wh-_-re I usually get my salary !n advance ”

” moth*r ” mutter!ng I m©v£ close to h*r ” you did th£ right th!ng, you don’t have to lose your dignity for th*s, I will ask for my salary tomorrow, th£ man I work for is a good man, h£ will h£lp, stop worry!ng ” my moth*r has always been young, $h£ practically married wh£n $h£ was fifteen, gave birth sixteen so right now $h£ is j√$t thirty four, still young and beautiful.

” I don’t want you do!ng th!ngs that will put you !n trouble Elia, you’re still a child” $h£ shake h*r h£ad ” I will f!nd a job tomorrow and….” Shak!ng my h£ad I look at h*r.

” no moth*r, from now on I want you to rest, ga!n some weight and start look!ng young aga!n” clean!ng h*r tears I bend d©wΠ ” you’re my moth*r and my best friend, I will do anyth!ng to make you okay, you have lost a lot of weight and I h@ťě that…if fath*r is to see us now h£ will be angry ”

Moth*r chuckle ” is true, h£ always liked h*s women with f|£$h on th£ir b©dy ” moth*r never talk ab©vt dad before, $h£ h@ťěs it because it makes h*r cry ” I better get to cook!ng th£n”

” oh moth*r, I have a date so I need to get ready “$h£ nod and I stand to my feet mov!ng ©vt of th£ kitch£n but $h£ said someth!ng to stop me on my tracks.

” thank you Elia, I couldn’t ask for a better child ” smil!ng I m©v£ to th£ liv!ng room and klzz jack h£ad before runn!ng upstairs to my room, walk!ng !nto th£ shower I take my bath s1©w but wh£n my eyes glance on th£ time that its almost eight I had to rush th!ngs.

Com!ng ©vt of th£ bathroom I rob some lotion on my b©dy, put on my underwear th£n pick up a red short dress, h@ndless and has a v shape at my ch£st, putt!ng my cl£@v@g£s ©vt.

Brush!ng my hair, I apply my hair spray, did a natural makeup th£n put on some l¡p gloss.


at my reflection on th£ mirror I b¡t£ my lower l¡p, it looks like am seduc!ng someone, th*s dress is a little too tempt!ng ” Elia, your date is h*re!!” h£ar!ng moth*r voice I shake my h£ad, no time to change anym©r£.
” com!ng ”

Grabb!ng my purse I walk d©wΠstairs to th£ liv!ng room, wh£n Lucian gaze land on me I watch h*m stand to h*s feet, h£ is putt!ng on a red suit that complement those eyes, th£ jacket of h*s suit on h*s shoulder, h*s hair comb£d nicely.

Approach!ng h*m I smile ” how do I look ” h£ shake h*s h£ad th£n smile.

” amaz!ng, I mean you look beautiful ” laugh!ng I watch h*m br!ng forth h*s h@nd ” shall we go ” nodd!ng I klzz my moth*r and jack before leav!ng with h*m, I stare at th£ limous!ne h£ brought.

” you have a limo?”

” yes, s!nce today is special, I decided to br!ng it ” h£ w!nk before open!ng th£ door for me ” my lady?” Laugh!ng I step !n and so did h£ ” which restaurant will you prefer” h£ stare at me and I had to tuck a hair beh!nd my ear to hide my nervousness, h£ is really close.

” am not really good at select!ng restaurants” mumbl!ng h£ nod.

” I figured so we will be go!ng to th£ casa restaurant ”

” isn’t is too expensive ” I mumble ” I mean its th£ biggest restaurant !n new York, we shouldn’t ”

” my love” h£ smile ” is okay, I own th£ restaurant so it isn’t a big deal ”

” you own it”

” yes I do ”

Lucian walk beh!nd h*r as th£y step !nto th£ VIP section of th£ restaurant, food already placed on th£ table, s1©w music, th£ w!ndows open and th£ door shut, leav!ng th£ both of us alone ” its beautiful ” $h£ mumble star!ng through th£ w!ndow ” you can see th£ wh0l£ city from up h*re ”

it is beautiful ” my gaze didn’t m©v£ from h*r face and wh£n $h£ notice I was referr!ng to h*r $h£ blush which made h*r m©r£ beautiful ” hungry? ”
” starv!ng ”

h£lp!ng h*r sit d©wΠ I ₱v|| ©vt a chair and sit opposite h*r which guarantee me a good view of that lovely face ” aren’t you hungry, you are not eat!ng ” $h£ asked while eat!ng h*r fried rice and chicken.

” am not really hungry ” plac!ng my elbow on th£ table I rest I h£ad on my palm ” I will like to know what work you do, your job ”

” my job ” $h£ lift h*r h£ad and stare at me ” am a maid, I work !n em…a h*g£ mansion, th£ Bertillon residents ”

” I see, I have h£ard how strict that man is, hop!ng h£ isn’t l@y!ng a f!ng£r on you ”

” no,h£ is a good man actually ”

” really”

” yes ”

Watch!ng h*r eat I notice that $h£ is really hungry but th£y is someth!ng seductive with th£ way $h£ dr!nks that w!ne, it goes d©wΠ h*r throat th£n $h£ br!ng h*r t0Πge ©vt to |¡¢k h*r l¡ps ” can I klzz you ” th£ words came ©vt before I realize it.

$h£ look shocked, face flu$h£d d©wΠ to h*r neck ” what??” $h£ asked look!ng confused, I watch h*r |¡¢k those l¡ps of h*rs aga!n.

” can I klzz you?” Repeat!ng my words I sit properly ” I can’t th!nk of anyth!ng else s!nce I saw you stepp!ng d©wΠ from th£ stairs th*s even!ng ” stand!ng up I m©v£ towards h*r direction and lean close, our face one !nch apart ” can I?” $h£ said noth!ng, j√$t kept star!ng at me so I took that as a yes but wh£n I close th£ f!nal space b£tweeΠ us, $h£ swiftly turn h*r h£ad and my l¡ps land on h*r ch£ek.


I was tak!ng th!ngs too far and too soon.

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