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Friday, October 18, 2024
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? BY ?






h£r words r!ng !n Elia h£ad, how could th¡s ugly be!ng say such a th!ng? Ask!ng a man for such lewd actions and isn’t even ashamed by it..some women has lost it.

I do understand that th£y say ‘ wh@ťěver you want, don’t wait, go after it’ but th£n h£r words doesn’t feel right.

Before Alexander could say m©r£ I hold h¡s h@nd th£n step forward, frown!ng I growl ” are you nuts, you can’t say wh@ťěver you want wh£n h¡s wife is stand!ng right next to h¡m!”

” h¡s wife?” $h£ mumble, eyes widen from shock, h£r gaze travel to Alexander face ” you are married?”

” of course” Alexander ₱v|| me closer” $h£ is everyth!ng I wi$h£d, so why not marry h£r before oth£r men steal h£r away”

Bertha m©v£ b@¢kwards th£n nod h£r h£ad as if realiz!ng someth!ng ” I will do as you ask Alexander but…” h£r gaze rema!n on m!ne ” I want h£r to serve me for a …..” Alexander didn’t permit h£r to f!nish h£r s£ntence before ₱ush!ng h£r to th£ wall h@rd and lift!ng h£r up while hold!ng h£r neck.

h¡s eyes darken th£ m©r£.

Everyth!ng happen so f*st that it baffles me ” you do not look at my woman with such lewd eyes nor will you talk to h£r like some servants of yours ”

” am….am…” $h£ try speak!ng while h£r h@nds hit h¡s ” I can’t breath ” I know fvlly well Alex is go!ng to ki|| h£r, I don’t really ¢ar£ but th£n, we need h£r for h¡s work to succeed.

Tapp!ng h¡s shoulder, h£ lower h¡s gaze to look at me ” is okay Alex” I smile ” let h£r go, we need h£r”

” but….”

I shake my h£ad” let h£r go Alexander, is okay” I watch h¡m frown, exhale before releas!ng h£r and stepp!ng b@¢k.

” Bertha, I was j√$t be!ng k!nd by giv!ng you an offer but that won’t happen anym©r£, you will do as I say or else am destroy!ng your village, both adults and children ” h£ $h00t h£r a glare ” I know you believe me wh£n I say th¡s because I can do it ”

Bertha try catch!ng h£r breath while nodd!ng ” yes yes, I will do as you say ”

” better” Alexander hold my h@nd, grabb!ng me from th£ ghouls village, look!ng at h¡m I j√$t couldn’t stop smil!ng, h£ look so h°t wh£n pissed off, look at h¡m.

So manly.

Th£ way h¡s ch£st rise and f@|| !n anger j√$t make me want to |¡¢k h¡m all over, no wonder Bertha still want a night with h¡m, any women will want it.

But th£n h£ is my man, my man!!!

Sometimes I ask myself, do I deserve th¡s man and th£n nod to myself aga!n because even if h£ is h°t and !ncredibly strong, h£ is an arse h0l£ sometimes, an arse h0l£ you will want to hit badly.

Alexander stop !n th£ middle of th£ forest th£n look d©wΠ at me ” what is it, you have been look!ng at me and smil!ng ”

” is noth!ng ”

” Elia, I know you, say it ©vt ”

” is j√$t that you are so h@ndsome wh£n you were talk!ng b@¢k to h£r earlier ” I m©v£ closer to h¡m, plac!ng my h@nds on h¡s ch£st ” you looked so h°t daddy” w!nk!ng I watch a smile form !n h¡s l¡ps, h¡s h@nds m©v£ to my w@¡$t before lift!ng me up, I wr*₱ my legs @r0vnd h¡s w@¡$t

” say that aga!n”

|¡¢k!ng h¡s ear I wh¡sper ” daddy ” h£ growl before slapp!ng my arse ₱|@yful ” that hurt daddy”

” was that all you were th!nk!ng ” h£ asked, h¡s h@nds sqv££s!ng my arse ₱|@yfvlly ” tell me sugar ” withdraw!ng a little I touch h¡s face, h¡s l¡p, our gaze met as I lean close and b¡t£ h¡s lower l¡p.

” I thought of s√¢k!ng you off daddy ” I watch how h¡s eyes widen, I |¡¢k h¡s ch£ek, close to h¡s ear th£n wh¡sper ” I want to taste you j√$t like how you have done to me” I notice how h¡s b©dy tremble under my touch ” can I daddy, can I taste”

” fv¢k yes sugar ” h¡s voice husky, close to my ears ” you can do anyth!ng you want to me” withdraw!ng h£ didn’t wait for me to say what I wanted before crush!ng h¡s l¡ps on m!ne, I g@sp and h£ dive h¡s t0Πge to meet m!ne.

My h@nds m©v£ to h¡s hair, it has always been soft like a babies hair, deepen!ng th£ klzz, ₱1ea$vre flow !nto my b©dy, it was becom!ng amaz!ng, h°t and needy until Giles h@rd to !nterrupt.

Break!ng th£ klzz I hide my blush!ng face !n h¡s neck while h£ $h00t h¡m death glares.

Alexander frown, did Giles have to show up right now, wh£n I was !n th£ good mood ” really, !n th£ middle of th£ forest ” those were th£ words Giles growl ©vt.

” we were worried you two were !n trouble and h£re you two are, klzz!ng each oth£r, mak!ng ©vt ” cash growl, Elia hide h£r face at th£ right h@nd side of my neck, h£r h@nds t!ghten @r0vnd me.

$h00t!ng Giles death glare, th£y both shut up and th£n vix and Sebastian run to our direction breath!ng h@rd ” what’s wrong, is milady hurt” Sebastian rush h¡s words and I roll my eyes.

” $h£ is f!ne, I will never allow anyth!ng happen to h£r ” robb!ng h£r b@¢k I wh¡sper to h£r ears ” is okay sugar” $h£ nod th£n let go, dropp!ng h£r d©wΠ I watch how flu$h£d h£r face is, h£r words earlier flash through my bra!n and I couldn’t h£lp but to b¡t£ my lower l¡p

I was so fv¢k!ng h@rd, th£ way $h£ called me daddy and touch£d me was like fire, h°t pleasurable fire…ignor!ng th£m I lean close and wh¡sper to h£r” we will cont!nue later, I need you to do what you want sugar, tast!ng me will make me very happy” and with that I withdraw

” milady, you’re red” vix t£@$e h£r while I frown.

$h£ tuck h£r hair beh!nd h£r ear th£n clear h£r throat ” we strike th£ deal ” $h£ ignore vix completely ” th£ ghouls are on our side now”

” I must say you did it milady ” vix nod h¡s h£ad while speak!ng ” our young master h£re lack th£ bra!ns for such th!ngs to happen ”

Am not hurt!ng h¡m because of aqua, because h£ was aqua half broth£r and because I ki||ed h¡s sister which h£ doesn’t know of.

That doesn’t mean I will let h¡m talk to me !n such disrespectful manner” watch how you speak to me vix ” I $h00t h¡m a frown that made h¡m fl!nch ” Giles” my gaze m©v£ to meet h¡m ” do you remember th£ royal seal I ask you to steal ”

” of course, you did say its important ”

” I need you to write a letter to th£ s©vth and west k!ngdom…you will put it !n such a way that th£y will th!nk its Norman who wrote it ”

” what should it be ab©vt ”

” tell!ng th£m that th£ir armies is no longer needed, that th£ir h£lp is as useful as th£ir k!ngdom ” smil!ng I gr!n” Norman won’t know what hit h¡m ”


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