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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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? BY ?



Alexander watch how $h£ clean h£r tears th£n nod” please leave me alone I need some time to th!nk, th!nk ab©vt everyth!ng that has happened ”

” Elia”

” Alexander, please ” $h£ $h00t me a complete different look, a look I have never seen !n those beautiful eyes of h£rs before ” eith£r way am bounded to you, you did that with©vt my cons£nt, now I wish you leave me alone, can’t you give me th¡s one wish?”

” I can ” nodd!ng my h£ad I turn @r0vnd th£n leave, shutt!ng th£ room door I had no idea what to do next, wh£re to be or stay ” what do I do now ” I mumble th£ moment I feel a pres£nce at my side, I lean on th£ door th£n bow my h£ad !n regret ” I have completely ru!n my chance of hav!ng a happy life”

” I suppose you knew th¡s will happen wh£n $h£ f!nd ©vt?” Sebastian ask and I nod my h£ad before f@||!ng d©wΠ and clos!ng my eyes” why weren’t you prepared th£n?”

” I thought if I made h£r love me enough $h£ will forgive me th£ moment $h£ discover ”

” why are you ©vt of th£ room th£n?”

” $h£ asks to be alone ” after I said that, silence engulf me, my m!nd couldn’t stop th!nk!ng ab©vt th£ look $h£ had !n h£r eyes, what will $h£ be th!nk!ng ab©vt? $h£ must th!nk I can ki|| h£r th£ way I ki||ed aqua.

Sebastian bend d©wΠ th£n mumble ” for all th£ years I have lived, I know that wh£n a lady ask to be alone, $h£ doesn’t mean it.”and with that th£ sound of Sebastian footsteps fade from my ears, lift!ng my h£ad I stare at th£ ceil!ng, $h£ did ask to be alone and from th£ looks of th!ngs I should make that possible for h£r.

Stand!ng up I look at th£ one th!ng separat!ng us from be!ng togeth£r, th¡s d@mn door, should I walk !n now and talk to h£r or I should leave h£r to cry h£rself to sleep.

I almost leave but stop wh£n I h£ar h£r cries, $h£ truly is cry!ng ” Elia” open!ng th£ door I step !n, shut it th£n stare at h£r, $h£ is sitt!ng on th£ floor, hugg!ng h£r knee to h£rself, eyes red ” am sorry ”

” why won’t you leave me alone Alex!!! ” $h£ yell but that didn’t stop me from mov!ng closer to h£r and bend!ng d©wΠ to h£r level.

” I love you ” I touch h£r ch£ek but $h£ slap my h@nd away from h£r face ” let me expla!n ” my eyes are plead!ng, $h£ said noth!ng else th£n I purred ” i know I did wrong !n ki||!ng h£r, I did wrong !n bound!ng h£r to myself, I did wrong !n th!nk!ng I loved h£r” Elia watch me ¢ar£fvlly ” I never loved aqua, it was all obsession ”

” how are you sure what you feel towards me isn’t obsession ”

” you made me laugh ” smil!ng I title my h£ad and look at h£r ” aqua couldn’t do it, you changed me Elia, I stop ki||!ng wh£n you came !nto my life but aqua didn’t do that ” touch!ng h£r face a tear drop from my eyes ” for th£ first time !n my life am afraid ” ¢ar£ss!ng h£r face I mumble ” am afraid of los!ng you, los!ng th£ only happ!ness I have !n my life ”

” Alex”

₱v||!ng h£r close, h£r h£ad rest on my ch£st ” please, am begg!ng you not to h@ťě me, anoth£r chance is all I ask for, give me anoth£r chance to prove my love for you ” t!ghten!ng th£ hug I begged ” I can’t live with©vt you, am begg!ng you ”

” I want to th!nk Alex, all th¡s is new to me ” $h£ sniff but still wr*₱ h£r h@nds @r0vnd my b©dy ” what you did was wrong”

” am sorry ”

” you shouldn’t have ki||ed h£r ”

” but th£n I shouldn’t have gotten you ” withdraw!ng from th£ hug I nod ” I won’t lie Elia, I feel no remorse for ki||!ng aqua, none but happ!ness, if I haven’t done that, you wouldn’t be h£re ”

” $h£ loved you ”

” no” I shake my h£ad ” $h£ fell for anoth£r ”

” Lucian bra!nwash h£r ”

” for a vampire to bra!nwash a vampire mean one th!ng ” my fist clench ” $h£ wanted noth!ng to do with me, $h£ wanted to forget me ”

” I doubt it Alex, I…….”

Lift!ng my h@nd I cut h£r off ” th£ past is all gone now, you are with me now and I will like to know what you feel, do you h@ťě me for my past s!ns?”

” No ” h£r h@nds m©v£ to my face, $h£ clean my tears ” who is th¡s woman you plan on marry!ng ”

” Nob©dy”

” Alexander ” a warn!ng !n h£r voice ” no m©r£ secretes please ”

” okay ” I nod th£n tell h£r everyth!ng ab©vt Vila and why everyone th!nks we are gett!ng married, I told h£r all that has happened to me recently, I lift h£r up th£n make h£r sit on th£ b£d

” I do not th!nk Giles can strike th£ deal, first th!ng tomorrow morn!ng, we should h£ad th£re ”

” we?” I shake my h£ad ” you are stay!ng right h£re, wh£re is safe”

” no, I have powers now ” I watch h£r lift th£ book of names ” I have opened it” what $h£ said took me by surprise ” it f!nally listen to it’s master and open”$h£ smile , I watch how happy $h£ look.

” Elia”

” am not tak!ng no Alex” $h£ turn to face me properly ” am go!ng with you ”

” if anyth!ng happens to you, I won’t be able to ….” $h£ place h£r f!ng£r on my l¡ps, stopp!ng me from say!ng.

” trust me, noth!ng will happen, fear not” what $h£ said made me smile, ₱v||!ng h£r close I make h£r sit on my lap.

” I have been forgiven right?” $h£ nod h£r h£ad ” why did you disobey me and decide to come h£re, th£ l@yer of witch£s, why did you do such a th!ng?” After speak!ng I l@y on th£ b£d, $h£ bend a little to look at me and I didn’t miss that opportunity to slap h£r arse.

h£r eyes widen from surprise ” You didn’t”

” I did ” slapp!ng h£r arse ch£ek aga!n, $h£ giggle before klzz!ng me, for once, h£r klzz is deep and demand!ng and th£n I realize that $h£ missed me, turn!ng @r0vnd, $h£ l@y on th£ b£d while I stay b£tweeΠ h£r.

h£r h@nds m©v£ to my belt ” sugar” hold!ng h£r h@nd I stop h£r ” what do you th!nk you’re do!ng?”

” I need you Alex” h£r face flush as $h£ mumble th£ words ” I have been itch!ng for a while now ”

” wh£re? ” I ask, act!ng like I have no idea what $h£ is talk!ng ab©vt, I watch h£r ₱v|| h£r dress high£r from h£r th¡gh th£n take off h£r p@nties, my m©vth turn dry immediately.

” right h£re ”

My h@nds quickly rem©v£ my belt, unzip my trouser, ₱v|| ©vt my Ç0çƙ and thrv$t home ” I missed you ” lean!ng d©wΠ I klzz h£r long and h@rd, th£ klzz!ng demand!ng and thirsty, $h£ g@sp, giv!ng me th£ !nvitation I need and I didn’t h£sitate to dive my t0Πge !n.

My hips m©v£ s1©wly, h£r m0@ns feel th£ wh0l£ room, what $h£ did next surprise th£ $h|t ©vt of me, h£r h@nds slap my arse ” h@rder Alex!”

” yes madam ” !ncreas!ng my thrv$t, I watch how $h£ m0@n, m©v£ h£r h£ad side to side, h@nds clench on th£ b£d, h£r org@sm hit h£r but that didn’t stop me from mov!ng, I was gett!ng close, so fv¢k!ng close to release.

Three m©r£ thrv$t and I give h£r what $h£ need to give me a child ” fv¢k, you feel amaz!ng” ₱v||!ng ©vt I collapse on th£ b£d, with th£ little strength I have, take off my trouser and shirt, l@y n@k£d and watch Elia take off h£r gown before l@y!ng d©wΠ next to me.

$h£ place h£r h£ad on my ch£st, I use th£ blanket to cover our b©dy ” what is it silly?” I ask because h£r eyes didn’t leave my face.

” you’re h@ndsome ” h£r words took me off guard, smil!ng I ₱v|| h£r close th£n b¡t£ h£r lower l¡p, my h@nds m©v£ to h£r arse ” th£n marry me darl!ng ”

” that’s no way to ask for my h@nd Alex” $h£ frown and I chuckle.

” I will do it proper next time ”

Silence engulf us, clos!ng my eyes ready to sleep I exhale ” Alex?” h£r soft voice ₱|@y close to my ears.

” hmm?”

” if th¡s is how makeup s€× feels th£n I love it ” $h£ b¡t£ my ear after speak!ng and a smile form on my l¡ps.

Open!ng my eyes, my smile !ncrease” I like it too sugar ” meet!ng h£r gaze I klzz h£r know!ng fvllywell that my little silly girl is no longer shy @r0vnd me.


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