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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






Elia frown th£ moment $h£ watch aqua walk ©vt of th£ garden after hav!ng h£r little chat with Alexander for th£ first time, $h£ wanted to know m©r£ ab©vt aqua but not to spend h£r entire day h£re ” brook” Elia wh¡sper late at night wh£n aqua is already at sleep.

” what is it Elia” th£ voice mumble !n h£r h£ad ” why call my name master ”

” I do not plan to spend all th£ day with h£r till h£r murder” look!ng at a sleep!ng aqua I frown ” I f!nd th¡s annoy!ng that Alexander loved h£r, almost married h£r too ”

” $h£ is you master ”

” I don’t ¢ar£ brook, show me what I need to know, show me what is important not how $h£ fell for Alex”

” hmm, do I smell jealousy ”

” yes you do brook, so take me ©vt of h£re ”

” as you wish ”

All it took was for me to bl!nk, th£ environment change and what I saw is aqua with Lucian, $h£ look angry ” what are you do!ng Lucian, I see you only as a friend ”

” aqua” h£ straightforward h¡s h@nd to h£r but $h£ step b@¢k, reject!ng h¡s ” please, I love you, I burn desperately for you ”

” am gett!ng married to th£ man I love” aqua step b@¢k, $h£ has sadness !n h£r eyes, pity for Lucian ” I wish I could love you but I can’t, I plan to get married soon ”

” a hug” Lucian mumble ” one last hug is all I ask from you, so please…give me that”

” I can ”

Aqua hug h¡m t!ght ” I hope we rema!n friends Lucian, I don’t want to lose you ” my gaze m©v£ to Lucian, h£ isn’t smil!ng, those red eyes of h¡s turn!ng compell!ng as h£ withdrew and look at aqua.

I could feel th£ fight !n h£r b©dy and m!nd to struggle from h¡s grip but those eyes of h¡s hold h£r !n place as h£ mumbles words, words h£r m!nd is force to accept ” Alexander th£ fifth, you do not know h¡m, forget all ab©vt h¡m, you do not love h¡m, you never met h¡m, you don’t even know h¡s name….you belong to me ” h¡s words sound even real to me, it felt like my m!nd was delet!ng those moments I had with Alexander but I was save wh£n Brook change th£ environment for me.

F!nd!ng myself !n th£ forest I f@|| d©wΠ breath!ng h@rd ” what was that ” I mutter wh£n I stare at brook, lean!ng on th£ tree.

” vampires have th£ ability to wash your bra!n Elia, is not impossible for th£m, I thought you knew that ”

” I didn’t ” I mutter ” I had no idea all th¡s creature even exist, all th£se th!ngs are new to me and I a$$ure you, I don’t like th¡s”

” I have a question to ask you but right after th£ end of aqua life” nodd!ng my h£ad, brook showed me everyth!ng, how Lucian made h£r love h¡m, how Patrick which is aqua fath£r forbid Alexander from meet!ng h¡s child aga!n.

How aqua broke Alexander h£art with words of h¡m be!ng a stranger and runn!ng from h¡m.

And th£n f!nally wh£n $h£ was to marry Lucian, Alexander stole h£r from th£ alter, h£ performed a ritual on h£r, bound h£r to h¡m, ki|| who h£ says h£ loved .

h£ watch h£r burn to a$h£s and h£r last thought caused tears to roll from my eyes” not to f@|| !n love with a man that posses black eyes huh”

F!nd!ng myself b@¢k !n my room I sit on th£ b£d quite, what am I to believe, how can h£ ki|| someone h£ claim to love, does that mean h£ can ki|| me too, h£ says h£ love me but if I offend h¡m, h£ can ki|| me.

” don’t th!nk too much ”

” I can’t h£lp it ” look!ng at brook I mumble ” I do know that Lucian did bad by mak!ng h£r forget ab©vt Alexander but h£ shouldn’t have performed that on me! I was bounded with©vt my cons£nt, even if I wish to leave I won’t be able to leave h¡m ”

” why did you try h@rd to open th¡s book Elia”

” for me to be strong ” I mumble, my gaze lower d©wΠ ” strong enough to stand besides Alexander and not fear that h£ will ₱ush me away for be!ng weak, to be strong, for no one to be able to ₱ush me @r0vnd ”

” h£ is h£re” brook mumble ” past midnight and h£ is h£re, s¢ar£d that th£ witch£s might ki|| you, is that not love ” those were brook last word before turn!ng b@¢k !nto a book and f@||!ng on th£ b£d.

Alexander walk calmly !nto th£ palace ” my lord ” Sebastian mumble, bow!ng h¡s h£ad ” I didn’t expect you to come h£re”

” I thought I asked you to take h£r to th£ east empire, not th£ witch£s k!ngdom!!!” I growl, th£ palace seem to shake at my growl ” wh£re is $h£ ” shak!ng my h£ad I lift my h@nd” don’t both£r, I will f!nd h£r myself ” mov!ng from th£ d!n!ng room I h£ad to th£ hallway that provides th£ chamber of visitors.

h£r scent g@s always been unique, open!ng h£r room door, I shut it th£n stare at h£r, h£r b@¢k to me ” Elia”

” why are you h£re” h£r voice fill with anger, confusion, doubt and… And hatred ” I never ask for your pres£nce ” why is $h£ angry, have $h£ f!nd ©vt ab©vt Vila, $h£ should have asked before sh©vt!ng.

” believe me Elia. I have no plan of marry!ng h£r, is j√$t for th£ time be!ng, to have h£r broth£r support ” I rush my words ” Vila means noth!ng to me ”

$h£ turn to face me, I watch how that once beam!ng eyes of h£rs look dull ” you are plann!ng to marry someone else??” $h£ smile and I realized $h£ never knew ” you are really a horrible man Alexander”

” what are you say!ng” I frown ” stop speak!ng !n circles ”

” why should i” $h£ step closer ” you once loved confus!ng me too”

” what’s th¡s ab©vt?” Frown!ng I step closer ” you don’t look happy to see me at all, what have I done” plac!ng my h@nd on h£r shoulder, $h£ look at me ” tell me and I will correct it ”

” do you love me?”

” you know I do ”

” do why ki|| me ” a tear drop from h£r eyes ” why ki|| me by burn!ng, why bound me to you with©vt my cons£nt! ” $h£ slap my h@nds off h£r shoulder ” why place me !n th¡s force commitment”

Everyth!ng f@|| !n place, $h£ knows, $h£ has learnt th£ truth, $h£ h@ťě me, th£ first time !n my life I felt regret, sadness and a tear drop from my eyes because I now know I have lost h£r…all I could say was j√$t two words, two words I h@rdly tell people.

” am sorry”

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