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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?





Lucian rema!n seated, still confused as to why Alexander will lose a match to such a person ” our aim is th£ ma!n palace my lord” one of h¡s loyal men mumble beh!nd h¡m ” we are go!ng to face th£ ma!n battle !n three days time”

” Will Alexander be pres£nt? ”

” No my lord, I h£ard h£ has m©v£d to lord Elmer palace and h£ is engaged to pr!ncess Vila ”

Nodd!ng my h£ad I mutter ” h£ lost h¡s k!ngdom and now, h¡s next plan is to take over anoth£r? Isn’t that plan absurd, Vila can’t and will never rule th£ country”

” people said its j√$t rumor my lord”

” I doubt it ” before I could say m©r£ V!nce rush !nto th£ room breath!ng h£avily, stand!ng to my feet I give h¡m a curious gaze ” what got you runn!ng ”

” I have news, good and bad” V!nce try catch!ng h¡s breath ‘ good news is that I have found th£ location of Elia and bad news is that Norman has already set up an army of eighty thousand ”

I know th£ news ab©vt Norman is really bad but all that left my m©vth was ” wh£re is Elia ”

V!nce frown ” are you be!ng serious ”

” wh£re is $h£ V!nce!” Growl!ng h£ lift h¡s h@nds up th£n nod as if understand!ng th£ situation I am !n, h£ has never f@||en !n love before, h£ knows noth!ng ab©vt lov!ng someone and hav!ng that person love anoth£r.

” I h£ard $h£ is !n th£ witch£s coven ”

” witch£s coven?”I frown ” that place is too dangerous for h£r and why th£ h£ll will $h£ be th£re?”

” no idea my lord ” V!nce bow h¡s h£ad ” am tak!ng my leave my lord”

Nodd!ng I mumble before dismiss!ng both of th£m ” !nform th£ army ab©vt th¡s news, th£ war might be someth!ng we never expected to happen ”

” yes my lord ” th£ moment th£ir footsteps fade away I g@sp ©vt a air I had no idea I was hold!ng !n, why is Elia and Alexander !n different location, could it be that $h£ f!nd ©vt th£ truth ab©vt aqua and h@ťě h¡m, caus!ng th£m to be separated.

But if $h£ knows ab©vt Alexander, that only means $h£ knows ab©vt what I did too, will $h£ forgive me th£n run !nto my arms, at least I didn’t perform a ritual for h£r to be re!ncarnated.

” Elia” mumbl!ng I look ©vt of th£ w!ndow ” how have you been ” speak!ng to myself have become my daily habit, th£se days my h£art only want to feel Elia pres£nce.

I miss h£r.

” are you still th!nk!ng ab©vt h£r?” h£ar!ng my new maid voice I smile th£n nod, $h£ seem to be th£ only person I can share my thought with.

” I can’t seem to stop ” meet!ng h£r gaze I grab th£ cup of tea $h£ brought and sip ” even wh£n tomorrow war is go!ng to be horrible, I still th!nk of only h£r”

” horrible ” $h£ g@sp, worry fill !n h£r voice ” I thought we were !n th£ succeed!ng side”

Nodd!ng my gaze m©v£ b@¢k to th£ w!ndow, look!ng at th£ blossom tree ” I receive two k!nd of news today, good and bad ”

” what’s th£ bad one”

Chuckl!ng I shake my h£ad ” you always want your h£art to be scattered before th£ good one mend it”

” that’s th£ best way my lord” $h£ smile.

” Norman has set up an army of eighty thousand ” h£r eyes widen th£ moment th£ words left my m©vth ” th£ good news is that I have f!nd Elia but it seems $h£ is !n danger….th£ witch£s coven ”

” that’s dangerous ” my gaze m©v£ b@¢k to meet h£r green eyes ” its dangerous but I trust you, you always know what to do, I have faith !n you ”

Smil!ng I nod ” thanks Zulu, no wonder you ga!n my trust so soon” h£r smile widen so did m!ne.

” you are smart Alexander ” Elmer mumble for th£ third time that day ” so what is it you said, you are leav!ng ?”

Nodd!ng my h£ad I gr!n ” I already spend three days h£re with you, am sure you won’t miss me so soon” grabb!ng my coat from th£ butler I look at Vila who is look!ng very sad ” ch£er up Vila”

” how can I?”h£r voice has a h!nt of sadness, don’t tell me $h£ is ab©vt to cry? Th¡s woman almost made me lost my sanity with!n th£se three days of stay!ng with h£r, $h£ always cry and talk a lot, so annoy!ng and am happy to leave ” can’t you stay longer ”

” can’t stay Vila” fak!ng a smile I purred ” th£ war f*st approach!ng, I have to set some th!ngs !n motion of gett!ng my k!ngdom b@¢k, I want you to be a queen after our marriage ”

” am sure you can wait ” Elmer eyes seem to be study!ng me ¢ar£fvlly ” I mean, you have noth!ng to do !n th¡s war, you will only stay at a corner and watch ”

” I th!nk that will be far !nterest!ng than stay!ng h£re, do!ng noth!ng ” frown!ng I look at Vila ” I will see you soon Vila, soon” turn!ng @r0vnd, th£ smile vanish from my l¡ps, all th£ th!ngs that happened while I was h£re have been horrible.

That ugly Vila even try seduc!ng me, th!nk!ng I will sleep with h£r, $h£ even have a t!ny ch£st, such t!ny br£@st and flat arse shouldn’t come close to me ” disgust!ng!” Murmur!ng to myself cash tap my shoulder.

” what got you so angry ”

” everyth!ng cash ” arriv!ng !n th£ ranch we climb on our horse and !n no time ©vt of th£ palace.

” wh£re to Alexander ”

” th£ dark forest” th£ moment th£ words left my m©vth I frown ” th£ news concern!ng Norman !ncrease !n army is devastat!ng, I need th£ ghouls on my side ”

” ghouls?”

Nodd!ng my h£ad I purred on ” I will strike a deal with th£m, an offer th£y will not refuse ”

” what do you need th£m for?” Giles ask

” to fight along side with th£ vampire, ki|| those dragons, giv!ng Lucian th£ chance to fight aga!nst Norman ”

Cash !nterject ” and if Norman w!ns?”

” it will be a sad th!ng ” I smile ” I plan on ki||!ng Lucian myself so am hop!ng Lucian w!ns ” someth!ng seem to have disturb£d my ears, stopp!ng my horse from mov!ng forward I place my h@nd on my right ear to listen properly.

{ Mr A, can you h£ar me?} h£ar!ng Zulu voice I smile, $h£ f!nally learn how to m!nd l!nk me.

{ am listen!ng}

{Good, I will take it that you have h£ard ab©vt Norman army }

{ sure have }

{ what ab©vt Elia, do you know h£r location}

Frown!ng I look at cash but of course th£y don’t get me, s!nce Zulu and I are talk!ng through our m!nd { I s£nd h£r to th£ east empire, wh£re else will $h£ be?}

{ Lucian receive news of h£r be!ng !n th£ witch£s coven, someth!ng is wrong Mr A, you have to get to h£r before Lucian does }

{Got it}

Look!ng at Giles I smile ” change of plans, Giles I need you to go to th£ dark forest, do everyth!ng you can to make th£m fight with th£ vampires ”

” I don’t know how to strike deals!” h£ growl

Ignor!ng h¡m I look at cash ” go with h¡m cash, giles if you don’t know what to say, m!nd l!nk me, I have th£ perfect deal”

” wh£re are you off to?” Cash ask and I frown

” witch£s coven ” mumbl!ng I give th£m one last glance before leav!ng th£m beh!nd ” Elia is so fond of trouble”mak!ng me so worried .

$h£ need to be spanked.


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