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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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? BY ?






” we have arrived ” Sebastian announced before f@||!ng d©wΠ, it took us almost week to f!nd th¡s place and it look little weird, I was expect!ng a coven with a dark cloud,Scarry environment but what am see!ng is a beautiful town, with flowers, girls danc!ng, th£y look happy.

” why is it called th£ witch£s coven?” I look at vix, h¡s gaze and attention !n th£ village, from my view h£ look surprise too, is it strange?

” I don’t know ” vix $h00t me a worried gaze ” from what I have h£ard, th£ witch£s aren’t th¡s beautiful, I mean look at th£m, th£y are sh!n!ng all over th£ place ”

” so you are mesmerized? ”

Vix nod h¡s h£ad while gr!nn!ng ” def!nitely but….” h£ shake h¡s th£n look my way ” th£y don’t hold a candle to you ” roll!ng my eyes at h¡s words I bend d©wΠ to Sebastian level.

” Sebastian, you can’t sleep h£re”

” why not!!!” h£ half yell at my face ” we haven’t sleep properly for days and I kept on read!ng that ridiculous map”

” I know and am grateful for that, trust me ” smil!ng I h£lp h¡m up ” but right now, am confused as to why th¡s place looks like th¡s, aren’t witch£s coven suppose to look Scarry?”

Sebastian furrow h¡s brows ” why?” Look!ng at me h£ purred” not all witch£s are evil besides, gone those generation, th£se days, witch£s live peacefvlly”

” are you sure th£se people can h£lp me?” Look!ng @r0vnd I exhale ” th£y don’t look powerful ”

Sebastian nod ” I know that, that’s why we need to meet th£ queen of th¡s beautiful k!ngdom, $h£ will def!nitely tell us why and how”

Nodd!ng we keep on walk!ng, furth£r !nto th£ k!ngdom, people keep giv!ng us strange looks, children runn!ng away from our sight,” I will take it that th£y don’t get a lot of visitors ”

“Nope, people are still s¢ar£d of witch£s so no, th£y don’t get a lot of visitors” Sebastian mumble ” th£y look shy ” I watch h¡m smile, I forgot h£ is a wizard, th£se must be h¡s k!nd.

” you look happy Sebastian ”

” I am” h£ smile ” is great see!ng my k!nd liv!ng happy, th£ th!ngs our ancestors did is still hold aga!nst us”

” is that why you were ki||ed?”

” yes milady ” h£ nod ” once humans or any oth£r creature notice someone perform!ng magic, th£y burn and stone th£m to death, you can only ki|| a witch or wizard by burn!ng ”

” that’s unreasonable ”

h£ nod ” that’s why th¡s people look worried and s¢ar£d, th£y must be th!nk!ng we will call people to burn th¡s place d©wΠ ” Sebastian exhale ” th¡s is tak!ng long”

” what is ?” Vix asked, I totally forgot someone else is h£re with us.

” th£ guards, was expect!ng one of th¡s villagers might have reported us to th£ queen ” Sebastian look @r0vnd ” but see!ng no guards close by, I must say am disappo!nted, th£y might not have a queen ”

” don’t be so sure” h£ar!ng a fem!n!ne voice we turn to th£ left, $h£ is dressed !n a warrior cloth£s, blond hair tied !n a high ponytail.

” your Highness, you shouldn’t have appeared” guards growl while approach!ng ” you should have waited ”

” nons£nse ” $h£ smile” I like to capture th¡s travelers myself ” $h£ step forward but before $h£ could do anyth!ng, Sebastian g@sp.

” Delia? ” h£ step closer ” Delia, is that you?” Th£ queen stop on h£r tracks th£n title h£r h£ad to h£r left, it took h£r three m©r£ m!nutes before h£r eyes beam up.

” Sebastian! ” $h£ jump !nto h¡s arms, th£ guards and th£ villagers g@sp ©vt of th£ surprise, so did vix and I, we watch how Sebastian swirl h£r @r0vnd.

” you have grown so much Delia “Sebastian drop h£r h£ad th£n touch h£r face ” you’re a woman now”

” stop that ” h£r gaze m©v£ to my direction ” are th£y your friend ” Sebastian nod and th£ next th!ng happen!ng is us gett!ng !nto a carriage to th£ palace, we f!nally have a place to sleep.

” you guys must be hungry, come” Delia ask us to follow h£r !nto th£ d!n!ng room th£ moment we arrive !n th£ palace ” today is a celebration of three centuries liv!ng !n peace ” Delia smile ” we receive words of your death Sebastian, how did it happen, you’re alive”

Sitt!ng d©wΠ, Sebastian expression change ” am dead Delia” h£ look d©wΠ” you’re look!ng at a ghost ”

” no way!” $h£ g@sp ©vt ” I can touch you right ” $h£ tried touch!ng h¡m but h£ caught h£r h@nd mid way ” hmmm” all I can say is that th£se two people seem to be !n deep relationship.

” how do you two know each oth£r” ask!ng I watch Delia eyes beam up before $h£ speak.

” we were childhood friends, h£ works !n th£ ranch while I was…”

Sebastian !nterject ” a pr!ncess” h£ exhale before shov!ng a meat !nto h¡s m©vth” I was far older th£n h£r but till yet, $h£ called us childhood friends, us!ng that to cover th£ desire $h£ hides from me”

Delia face h£at up” that’s impossible, I will never have such ridiculous feel!ng for you” $h£ cough, enjoy!ng th£ discussion I sip my juice, smil!ng, glad that Sebastian has seen someone h£ knew ” you left after all” $h£ mumble and Sebastian nod.

” I did”

Th£ atmosph£re !n th£ room became sad with unspoken words but vix on th£ oth£r seem unconcerned, h£ clear up h¡s plate th£n start putt!ng anoth£r to eat, us!ng my leg I hit h¡s th£n watch h¡m $h00t me a glare.

” what! ”

Shak!ng my h£ad I look at Delia” I came look!ng for h£lp my Queen ”

Delia serious face come b@¢k on ” what is it”

” am curious on how to open th£ book of names, I h£ard ab©vt tragic story of people who try open!ng and didn’t succeed died ” ₱v||!ng th£ book ©vt I drop it on th£ table caus!ng Delia to stand up, look!ng s¢ar£d.

” what are you do!ng with that!” $h£ growl stepp!ng b@¢k ” that book should be burnt”

” I need to open it” stand!ng up I watch h£r shake h£r h£ad, try!ng to ga!n h£r self ” what’s so bad b©vt th¡s book, I j√$t need to open it, can you h£lp ”

” I can never h£lp you to ki|| yourself ” $h£ look at Sebastian ” why didn’t you tell h£r ab©vt th£ book Sebastian ”

Sebastian stand to h¡s feet ” tell h£r what, I have no idea what th£ book does” h£ step closer, plac!ng h¡s h@nds on h£r shoulder ” calm d©wΠ Delia, breath !n and ©vt ”

” I can’t ” $h£ keep on $h!very!ng, b©dy trembl!ng.

” what happened, what did th£ book do”Sebastian asked and $h£ look at h¡m !n h¡s eyes.

” it ru!ned my life, my family” a tear drop from h£r eyes ” it possessed my !nnocent sister, caus!ng h£r to ki|| fath£r, moth£r and broth£r…th¡s book made my h@nd fill with blood of my sister”

” you ki||ed h£r?”

Delia bury h£r face !n Sebastian ch£st ” I had no choice” $h£ cried.

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