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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Arriv!ng !n th£ d!nn!ng room I sip th£ w!ne placed th£re while wait!ng for some food ” I h£ard Norman won th£ duel, h£ is now k!ng ” nodd!ng my h£ad, Elmer look disappo!nted ” I expected you to w!n ”

” all is well if it is well for me ” smil!ng I watch confusion dance !n h¡s face” it would have been easy for me to w!n and th£n put on th£ responsibility of w!nn!ng over th¡s stupid war, all th£ warriors of that clan are weak, th£y avoid tra!n!ng, th!nk!ng peace will forever re!n ” shak!ng my h£ad I frown” so foolish, how can vampires w!n over dragons ”

” what’s th¡s plan of yours th£n”

I said noth!ng wh£n I notice th£ maid approach!ng with my food, dropp!ng it d©wΠ, I didn’t h£sitate to open it and start eat!ng ” how have you been Elmer”chang!ng th£ topic I watch h¡m frown but answer anyway.

” tough as always”

” still no wife I see ”

” don’t need one ”

” you don’t plan on hav!ng an h£ir?”

Elmer chuckle ” what for, you know fvlly well I h@ťě children and th£ir noise ” h£ shake h¡s h£ad at that thought ” what ab©vt you Alexander, f@||en !nto a woman trap yet?”

Nodd!ng my h£ad I watch th£ surprise look h£ has on h¡s face ” h£r name is Elia, th£ most beautiful women I have ever seen”

” !ntrigu!ng ” Elmer smile ” among th£ three of us, you have always seem like th£ one not to f@|| !n love and yet you found love before Norman or me could ”

That’s right, me, Norman and Elmer were friends, th£ closest of friend, wh£n Norman and I crossed part with hatred and I ran from my k!ngdom, Elmer took me !n, hide me !n h¡s room from h¡s fath£r and moth£r.

Though I didn’t stay long.

” it truly have been a long time Elmer, how many centuries? “Ask!ng, Elmer chuckle

” one thousand ” h£ frown ” you s√¢k at be!ng a friend Alex”

” was !n a quest of power, surely it wasn’t easy” I reply ” you didn’t keep !n touch eith£r Elmer ”

Us!ng th£ cloth I clean my m©vth, dr!nk some water th£n exhale ” I need you to refuse h£lp”

” what do you mean ”

” Norman will s£nd you a letter ask!ng for your h£lp !n th£ war, wish!ng for you to s£nd men to h¡m but I need you to decl!ne that offer ”

” why will I do that ” Elmer furrow h¡s brows ” you h@ťě Norman but I don’t h@ťě h¡m ”

” even after know!ng h£ slept with your moth£r, ru!n!ng your family ” I mumble, Elmer face rema!n expressionless ” why, are you go!ng to pretend it never happen and cont!nue be!ng a nice friend ”

” if I don’t s£nd h£lp, people will die ”

” that’s !nevitable” I shrug” people will die but for my plans to m©v£ smoothly a lot of people will die, for a k!ngdom to grow stronger risks have to be taken, deaths will occur”

” hmmm” Elmer gaze did not bulge from my face ” what do I ga!n from all th£se?”

” wh@ťěver you wish for, it must be someth!ng I can do of course ” smil!ng a mess£nger m©v£ !nto th£ d!nn!ng room.

” your Highness, a royal message from th£ k!ngdom of red dragons, th£ red tribe” Elmer gaze meet my face, I knew that bastard will ask for h£lp, that’s all what h£ is good at, ask!ng for h£lp.

But h£ never knew am a step ah£ad of h¡m.


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