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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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” wow, I never thought you will agree to mov!ng away ” Sebastian chuckle ” milady, you do amaze me sometimes ”

” I j√$t realized I don’t need to be @r0vnd h¡m all th£ time you know, we should miss each oth£r sometimes too ” walk!ng !n th£ nearest village I watch how th£ children keep runn!ng @r0vnd, th£ streets seem quite, a little too quite for my lik!ng ” Sebastian? ”

” hmmm”

” what village did you say we are !n aga!n?” Sebastian ₱v|| ©vt h¡s map and th£n try read!ng it, I notice h£ is us!ng a lot of time on it so I look @r0vnd, a face caught my attention.

h£ seem to be hid!ng, blood @r0vnd h¡s m©vth, h£ look hungry and h£ seem to be tim!ng h¡s action ” Sebastian!! ”

” th¡s town isn’t !n th£ map which means….” People are start!ng to step ©vt of th£ house now.

” which means what!”

” is a ghoul town, run!!!” And th£n th£ adventure I was talk!ng ab©vt seem to be beg!nn!ng, a little too soon, me and Sebastian s¢r**m!ng and runn!ng, sometimes I th!nk h£ is a fool though.

A wizard can make people vanish, why not make us disappear, th£ thought came to my m!nd but I couldn’t voice it ©vt because I seem so focus !n runn!ng ©vt of th£ fake town.

We turn to our left only to meet two ghouls salivat!ng and smil!ng, th£y must be starv!ng, wh£n last did th£y eat someth!ng, I th!nk no human has come th¡s way before ” let me take ¢ar£ of th£m ” Sebastian ₱v|| ©vt a sword and !n a flash, th£y are dead, bodies on th£ ground, blood everywh£re.

Am not use to see!ng blood so right now am still, I try mov!ng my legs but th£y seem so strong and h£avy ” let’s get ©vt of h£re!” Sebastian grab my h@nd and ₱v|| me with h¡m, dragg!ng me all th£ way till we are ©vt of th£ village and ©vt of th£ ghouls sight, deep !n th£ forest ” what was that milady”

” am sorry”

” you might have been eaten, you j√$t don’t stand still wh£n danger is com!ng ”

” I know ”

” so what was that ab©vt ” h£ look really angry ” haven’t you seen blood before? Alexander could have ki||ed me if someth!ng happen to you and I could have lost milady ” I watch h¡m pace !n th£ forest.

” am not use to see!ng blood Sebastian, it seem wrong and weird, that’s why I decided to step ©vt of Alexander arms and see th!ngs for myself, see how horrible h¡s world is ”

” milady ”

” next time don’t ₱v|| me away, I will like to over come it on my own ” clench!ng my fist I fake a smile ” we should get go!ng”

” wh£re to ”

” em….” Th!nk!ng for a while I look at Sebastian ” a town fill with witch£s, I will like to know how to open th¡s book of names ”

” I thought Alexander ask you to go to th£ east empire??”

” forget ab©vt h¡m Sebastian, you’re with me now so do as I say okay ”

” alright milady ” h£ smile ” that means we need to h£ad to th£ witch£s coven”

” okay ”

Alexander grab a jacket and put it on ” what do you th!nk Giles, how do I look ?” I mutter th£ moment I step ©vt of my chamber.

” you are dressed !n a suit, Alexander you are go!ng for a fight not an office pres£ntation ”

” oh shut it cash, I talked to Giles not you ”

” by th£ way, you look good ” Giles mumble before shak!ng h¡s h£ad ” I have a feel!ng you’re go!ng to lose big time, you dress that way only confirms it ”

” everyb©dy will be watch!ng, do you have a plan or someth!ng? ” cash asked and I smile.

” I always have a plan cash ” look!ng @r0vnd th£ place my gaze stop right on Norman, who is also dressed !n a suit, th¡s is how we fight right from childhood, we always told ourselves LOOK GOOD, YOU HAVE NO IDEA Wh£N WILL BE YOUR LAST DAY.. NO ONE SHOULD DIE !n A HORRIBLE CLOTH

” looks like Norman decided to dress j√$t like you ” Giles chuckle, h£ has always been th£ k!nd that love to watch and be enterta!n, that was th£ only reason h£ decided to walk by my side, h£ always said my life is fill with !nterest!ng cir¢vmstances that will keep h¡m busy for awhile.

” I need you two to do someth!ng for me” look!ng at th£m I smile ” dur!ng th¡s duel I need th£ royal seal !n my possession ”

” if you w!n th£ duel, it will be yours” cash wh¡sper b@¢k and I frown.

” do what I said, go and steal it th£n wait !n th£ dungeon for me, th£y is a secret pa$$age ©vt ”

” what are you plan!ng Alexander? ” Giles ask and I smile.

” watch and see” avert!ng my gaze from th£m I m©v£ to th£ fight!ng arena ” isn’t it Norman!” Clapp!ng my h@nds h£ frown ” you always like to copy Norman..putt!ng on suit too?”

” I will say is !n th£ oth£r way round ” Norman smirk ” though you don’t look as good as I look, I mean you still seem th!nner ”

” bullshit Norman, you have always been th£ th!n one ”

” ohhh” h£ chuckle ” I don’t seem to remember that but th£n I have to admit, both of us do look good”

“You have to look good before dy!ng Norman”

” I don’t th!nk today is th£ day Alexander ”

” I believe you ” smil!ng th£ bell r!ng and h£ fire towards my direction, I didn’t try to turn or Dodge I let h¡s fit to have itself with my face and to throw me far, cough!ng blood I look at th£ smirk on h¡s face.

Sebastian was right, h£ has grown stronger, stronger than before, way stronger… h£ m©v£ with speed towards my direction, !n anyb©dy eyes it will be !n a bl!nk but I could read h¡m and if I had wanted, I might have stop h¡m or turn @r0vnd but I didn’t.

h¡s leg engage with my stomach and I chuckle ” marvelous!!!!” Laugh!ng I spit blood ©vt before stand!ng up ” you have grown stronger Norman”

” don’t mock me Alexander ” h£ growl, face h@rden!ng.

” am only prais!ng you ” my gaze m©v£ to th£ council members who are smil!ng, I will let th£m enjoy th£ir fvll ” I withdraw from th£ fight and announce myself th£ loser” everyb©dy g@sp as I straightened my jacket.

Smil!ng I turn @r0vnd to m©v£ but Norman fist got !n my way, I swiftly caught h¡s h@nd and with©vt th!nk!ng break it !nto two ” oops ” h£ f@|| d©wΠ s¢r**m!ng, h¡s loyal men run towards h¡m.

Look!ng at h¡m I smile ” I let you w!n Norman ” stepp!ng close h£ stand to h¡s feet and we shake h@nds, though h£ has to use h¡s left s!nce I already damage th£ oth£r.

Th£ moment we h£ld h@nds h¡s eyes widen ” enjoy th£ crown for awhile Norm ” I called h¡m h¡s childhood nickname, that seem to anger h¡m th£ m©r£. Withdraw!ng I clear my throat ” I will take my leave, your Highness ”

I couldn’t h£lp but laugh, everyth!ng is f@||!ng !nto place, all those council idiots will die, every one of th£m…am left with one word !n my h£ad.

” marvelous ”


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