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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






” go on Sebastian ” Alexander urge h¡m, what could it be that Norman has done ” it better be someth!ng catch!ng if you want to be seen by oth£rs ”

h£ nod ” Norman ” I watch h¡m purred ” h£ is known to be work!ng with black witch£s, consumed by it and gotten m©r£ powers from it ”

” must be why h£ is Ç0çƙy ” b!0w!ng ©vt th£ smoke from my m©vth I look at Sebastian ” I want you to do someth!ng else for me ”

” if th£ deal will be met th£n furth£r on ”

” I need you to take Elia away”

h£ rema!n shocked, never expected me to ask for such a th!ng ” are you sure, milady will be seriously angry if you s£nd h£r away from you…from what I have noticed, $h£ really love you ”

” love?” Laugh!ng I ₱v|| ©vt th£ cigarette and exhale th£ smoke ” $h£ likes me not love and besides, am not ₱ush!ng h£r away forever, j√$t until th¡s duel and war is over, I have a feel!ng someth!ng will go wrong if $h£ rema!n h£re ”

” how do I trick h£r on leav!ng?”

” th!nk of that your self ” frown!ng I look at h¡m ” I still don’t like th£ fact you stay close to Elia but s!nce th¡s is crucial I will have to permit it” g@sp!ng I !nhale ” go to th£ guards and stay with th£m”

” what ab©vt my part of all th£se I….”

Cutt!ng h¡m off with a glare I repeat myself ” go to th£ guards and stay with th£m” h¡s eyes widen, is not h@rd to make a ghost visible, h£ is still a ghost though but a ghost everyone can see and touch.

Listen!ng to h¡s footsteps fade I drop th£ cigarette, take some wh¡sky th£n m©v£ to th£ b£d after tak!ng off all my cloth£s, ₱v||!ng th£ quit from h£r b©dy I klzz h£r neck, $pr£@d h£r legs and thrv$t home.

” Alex?” $h£ open h£r eyes gently as I m©v£ !n and ©vt of h£r s1©wly ” you’re !nsatiable ”

” am try!ng to get you pregnant h£re ” plac!ng my h@nd on h£r w@¡$t I !ncrease th£ thrv$t, my hips mov!ng f*ster and hitt!ng h£r womb, h£r m0@ns !ncrease ” tell me you’re go!ng to go b@¢k to New York”

” Nooo” $h£ m0@n, h£r eyes fill with lvst ” I ” thrv$t ” want” thrv$t ” to ” double thrv$t ” stay ” bit!ng h£r n!₱₱!e $h£ g@sp, cutt!ng h£r words short ” with you ”

₱v||!ng ©vt I turn h£r @r0vnd and thrv$t !n from beh!nd !n a f*st and h@rd $tr*me, hitt!ng h£r womb at th£ first strike ” Oh Alex” slapp!ng h£r arse I !ncrease th£ thrv$t.

” I. need. you. to . obey . me .” each words came ©vt after two thrv$t !n b£tweeΠ, mov!ng my h@nds to h£r tits I sqv££se and fold, I didn’t stop thrv$t!ng !n, h£r org@sm hit h£r h@rd, legs and b©dy shak!ng but I didn’t give h£r th£ chance to recover.

P!nch!ng h£r ćƖĩť I growl ” ¢vm for me aga!n ”

” I don’t th!nk….”

” don’t th!nk, I will do th£ th!nk!ng” mov!ng my hips twice anoth£r org@sm hit h£r and at that moment I release !nto h£r, ₱v||!ng ©vt I turn h£r @r0vnd th£n klzz h£r h@rd, bit!ng h£r lower l¡p $h£ g@sp and my t0Πge dive !n, tast!ng h£r and m0@n!ng at how delicious $h£ is.

How t0Πge dance togeth£r, tast!ng and feel!ng each oth£r, h£r h@nds m©v£ to my b@¢k th£n surpris!ngly slap my arse twice, break!ng th£ klzz I stare at h£r ” what are you do!ng?” Grabb!ng h£r h@nd I p!n th£m above h£r h£ad.

” I need you to know how pa!nful it is ” I watch h£r smile, blush appear!ng !n h£r ch£eks as $h£ b¡t£ h£r lower l¡p ” besides if I get pregnant I could j√$t abort it ”

” you won’t ”

” how are you sure?” $h£ furrow h£r brows and I klzz h£r l¡ps s1©wly.

” I know you will love our child” my l¡ps m©v£ to h£r neck, my plan was to graze it with my teeth but all that went wrong wh£n I s!nk th£m !nto h£r, $h£ g@sp ©vt of shock.

Is not like s√¢k!ng h£r blood, am not a vampire, is m©r£ like writ!ng someth!ng on h£r sk!n, mark!ng h£r for life. Wh£n its done I step b@¢k ” am sorry, it happen f*st, I don’t know if you want to be m!ne forever, its….” $h£ place h£r f!ng£r on my l¡p, shutt!ng me up.

” is okay, I don’t m!nd be!ng bounded with you forever ” $h£ mumble before ₱v||!ng me b@¢k !nto b£d and us!ng th£ quit to cover our n@k£d b©dy.

If only $h£ know $h£ is literally bounded by blood with me, $h£ will h@ťě me and h@ťě me m©r£ for mark!ng h£r ” stop th!nk!ng ab©vt it Alex, aren’t you happy you mark me?” My gaze m©v£ to meet h£r cry!ng ” is th£re someone else you wish to mark ”

” No, th£y is no one else ” us!ng my h@nds I clean h£r face ” why will you cry over that ”

” I don’t want you to pick someone else, you belong to me okay ” I nod ” not Zulu, not Anna not even your moth£r, you are m!ne ” $h£ lean close and klzz me, th£ klzz s1©w and sweet.

” I know baby ” m0@n!ng !nto h£r m©vth I could feel my Ç0çƙ h@rden ” you’re m!ne too ”

” you’re !nsatiable ” $h£ smile

” you’re j√$t so s€×y and I want to rema!n !n you forever ”

Th£ next day Elia can be seen sitt!ng d©wΠ !n a chair and read!ng from th£ book of names !n th£ balcony, not read!ng but try!ng to open it, if only it open I know fvlly well Alexander won’t s£nd me away, I might get stronger.

Try!ng my best, th£ book doesn’t bulge, why won’t it bulge ” why won’t it choose me!”

” because you have a Scarry face milady ” h£ar!ng Sebastian voice I roll my eyes ” milady why don’t you come with me for a walk ©vtside th£ palace ”

” are you sure ” I turn and stare at h¡m ” Alexander might worry ”

Sebastian run h¡s h@nds through h¡s hair ” h£ will not worry, we will return !n no time ” watch!ng h¡m closely h£ swallow th£n fake a smile, someth!ng is fishy.

I frown” why are you ly!ng?”


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I frown” why are you ly!ng?”turn!ng all my attention to h¡s direction h£ smile ” why are you tell!ng me lies Sebastian? ”

” milady ” h£ clear h¡s throat ” why do you th!nk I will lie, why will I lie wh£n its j√$t for us to spend some time ©vt of th¡s palace, I tell no lies milady ”

” I don’t believe you ” stand!ng to my feet I hug th£ book to myself ” I know I haven’t study you for a long time but th£se few days we were talk!ng, I have notice what ever you did wh£never you lie ”

” milady, am sure you do not th!nk I plan on tak!ng you ©vt for some oth£r reason ”

” you leave me no choice but to th!nk that way Sebastian ” I frown ” I want to believe you will never betray me ” watch!ng h¡s expression, h£ exhale, look!ng as if h£ is !n a dilemma ” tell me what’s happen!ng ”

” I was ask to take you far away from h£re ” Sebastian f!nally give !n ” h£ said you will be !n great danger h£re ” cl!ng!ng th£ book close to my ch£st I hope it isn’t Alexander, h£ won’t plan on s£nd!ng me away with©vt even say!ng goodbye or talk!ng with me over it.

I told h¡m h£ shouldn’t s£nd me away and h£ agreed, h£ lied ” Alexander th£ fifth ” Sebastian look sad ” h£ pres£ntly found ©vt ab©vt Norman and that seem to have s£nd h¡m over th£ edge ”

” what did h£ f!nd and why will that s£nd h¡m over th£ edge ” I rush my words ” tell me everyth!ng Sebastian ”

” Norman uses black magic j√$t like Lucian but Normans is on anoth£r level, h£ is dangerous and th£ fact that h£ wants you must have made Alexander worried”

” how did you know all th£se?”

” I f!nd ©vt myself and gave !nformation to Alexander ”

” why??” I asked feel!ng betrayed ” what did h£ say that made you wish to work for h¡m?”

” h£ made it possible for oth£rs to see me now milady, not only you but everyone can see me now ” Sebastian look happy ” th£ young master is really powerful, you must marry h¡m”

” that’s not go!ng to happen now Sebastian ”

” why not?”

” h£ is s£nd!ng me away ” turn!ng @r0vnd I frown ” h£ said h£ won’t but h£ tried us!ng you to achieve that, I will make that possible for h¡m, I will go far away and I don’t need you to come ”

” that won’t be good milady ” h¡s voice filled with worries ” th£ duel is tomorrow, you runn!ng away will make h¡m worried and it will be cancelled, th£ f*ster th£ duel, th£ better…th£ vampires already conquered one m©r£ village and th¡s tribe still don’t have a k!ng, you need to stay h£re, safe to keep h¡m at peace ”

” you ¢ar£ for h¡m now?”

” I ¢ar£ for whoever loves milady and who my lady loves ”

” am not sure I love h¡m Sebastian ” mumbl!ng I didn’t turn @r0vnd ” h£ still confuses me with th£ secret h£ is hid!ng ab©vt aqua, I still don’t know what happened and th£n try s£nd!ng me away….I don’t th!nk I love h¡m ”

” do you h@ťě h¡m?”

” No, my feel!ngs are complicated ”

” but you choose h¡m over Lucian right ”

Nodd!ng my h£ad I smile th£n turn @r0vnd ” def!nitely ” my m©vth went dry wh£n I stare at th£ person stand!ng beh!nd Sebastian, Alexander hold!ng a red rose !n h¡s h@nds, h£ isn’t smil!ng, h£ look sad, I should be th£ one sad h£re.

Mov!ng towards h¡s direction I slap h¡s face, th£ sound echo !n th£ room ” you plan on s£nd!ng me away, you said you wouldn’t ”

” I said no such th!ng ”

” you lied to me!” Yell!ng, Sebastian vanish ©vt of our sight ” you lier, you’re a lier ” Alexander catch my h@nd before it could touch h¡s face ” stop it Elia, you don’t th!nk before talk!ng, always talk!ng silly th!ngs from that m©vth of yours!” h£ growl before p!nn!ng me at th£ wall ” why on earth will I ₱ush you away wh£n all I have been try!ng to do is to make you love me, have you thought of that ”

” why should I, maybe you want some alone time with Zulu, to catch up ”

” Zulu left Elia, Zulu left th¡s palace for a long time now but you never notice and do you know why, because you never sit to th!nk or notice th!ngs happen!ng @r0vnd you!”

” don’t rise your voice at me Alex”

” or what!” h£ growl, h£ look so angry ” what will you do Elia? Run away, is that what you will do, it seem like that’s th£ only reasonable th!ng you have been do!ng s!nce we came to th¡s village” a tear drop from my eyes ” and you’re cry!ng, what else can you do Elia?”

” I h@ťě you ” th£ words left my m©vth before I realize it, h£ look expressionless ” I h@ťě you so much ” hitt!ng h¡s ch£st h£ didn’t bulge ” you lier, I h@ťě you ”

” you will never love me Elia” h£ smile d©wΠ at me ” I know that much and I won’t force it on you but h£ar!ng those words from you is horrible, I was plan!ng on s£nd!ng you home because Norman has bad !ntention towards you, I ¢ar£ Elia, I ¢ar£ that’s why I want you to be safe ” h£ lean close and klzz me, not like h¡s usual klzz, a sad one ” you h@ťě me but I marked you, am sorry…I shouldn’t have done that if I knew I will never w!n your love ”

” Alexander? ”

” is okay Elia, you stay h£re, I have to talk to cash over someth!ng important, I will see you later th¡s even!ng ” with that I watch Alexander walk away, th£ rose h£ brought on th£ floor, th£ door close beh!nd h¡m and I cry, cry at how selfish and stupid I am.

How silly I am.

How stupid I am to have utter such words to h¡m, I know how h£ feels towards me, I know h£ is do!ng it for my sake and still yet I said that, I called h¡m a lier and told h¡m I h@ťě h¡m.

I cry bitterly, sitt!ng on th£ floor” silly Elia, am so silly ”


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