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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






Elia frown th£ moment Norman ₱ush h£r b@¢k, h¡s h@nd didn’t leave h£r arm ” you don’t talk to me and j√$t leave miss” h¡s grip t!ghten but I refuse to show any h!nt of pa!n ” am not one of those weak bastards you see !n th¡s stupid tribe ”

” no b©dy is weak h£re”

” for example ” h£ step close ” you are, be!ng called a human is already weak” lift!ng h¡s oth£r h@nd h£ touch my ch£ek and my b©dy burn, burn from irritation ” though I must say” h£ smile, I thought ville!ns are ugly but t!ght now, lord Norman is what you call h@ndsome” you’re one s€×y look!ng human ” I had no idea wh£n h£ slap my arse.

Lift!ng my h@nd I slap h¡m across th£ face ” how dare you!” Growl!ng I force my arm from h¡s h@nd ” no respect for women?”

” why should I respect th£m?” h£ chuckle ” th£y have noth!ng to offer expect that Çüñť of th£irs ”

” what do you th!nk Norman ” I fake a laugh ” do you th!nk girls want anyth!ng from you expect your t!ny Ďïčk ”

h¡s five men g@sp but h£ only gr!n ” that’s wh£re you are mistak!ng” Norman smile !ncrease ” my Ďïčk is noth!ng like that, I don’t like over prais!ng myself, wh£n you see it, am sure you will know ”

” disgust!ng ” I h¡ss and h£ chuckle.

” not th£ first time am h£ar!ng that ” h£ step closer ” I j√$t arrived, I will like for you to show me @r0vnd ”

” f!nd yourself a maid ”

” you’re not a maid?”

” no ” frown!ng I purred ” do I look like one to you?” Those blue eyes of h¡s look me up and d©wΠ, a smile appear!ng on h¡s l¡ps as h£ |¡¢k th£m.

” I was hop!ng you were one ” h£ chuckle ” it will make it easy to have you !n my b£d, am th!nk!ng you’re not a v!rg!n ”

I furrow my brows ” are you look!ng for one?”

” not really, I don’t need a st!ngy blood com!ng ©vt wh£n I want to fv¢k someone ” h£ gr!n ” I see, you’re not one which is a good th!ng ”

Shak!ng my h£ad I shove off th£ thought of ki||!ng th¡s man, I frown ” like I said, excuse me, I have somewh£re to be ”

” not anym©r£ sweeth£art ” h£ smile before glanc!ng b@¢k to h¡s men ” f!nd th£ room, I have someth!ng to do ”

” yes milord ”

h¡s attention m©v£ b@¢k to me ” show me @r0vnd ”

” Never ”

” so stubborn” hold!ng my h@nd I try ₱v||!ng away but th£ grip t!ghten, hav!ng no oth£r choice but to show h¡m @r0vnd I did, tak!ng h¡m to th£ only place I know, th£ library ” a library, I was hop!ng you show me your b£droom ”

” my b£droom has someone l@y!ng on it and trust me, h£ will be angry if h£ f!nds ©vt you are dragg!ng me @r0vnd so let me go now ”

” and who is th¡s person”

” who do you th!nk ” h£ar!ng Alexander voice my gaze m©v£ to th£ door and I see a angry one ” darl!ng, I told you to come to th£ balcony, didn’t I?”

” I was on my way but….”

” I happen to stop h£r ” Norman ₱v|| me closer to h¡m, h¡s gr!n wide ” I have taken a liken!ng to th¡s fragile creature” Alexander chuckle mov!ng close and ₱v||!ng me to h¡m.

” can’t you f!nd someth!ng that doesn’t belong to someone ”

” that won’t be fun Alexander ” Norman ” you and I know that ”

” spare me th£ flash of old memories, I never slept with that married woman, it was all you ”

” how funny ” Norman chuckle ” $h£ wanted only me” h£ stop laugh!ng, look!ng serious all of a sudden ” th¡s duel I plan to w!n and wh£n I do, th£ k!ngdom and th¡s f!ne lady is m!ne ”

” even if you w!n, you dare not touch h£r ”

” why is that, you will be dead, you won’t know anyth!ng that is tak!ng place ”

Alexander chuckle ” you are a fool Norman, you still th!nk am that weak little boy ”

” are you not?” Norman $h00t b@¢k ” you still look pretty weak to me Alexander, tell me. What have change, I only see !ncrease !n h£ight, noth!ng else ”

” I don’t see why I should keep th¡s conversation on” Alexander frown ” let’s go Elia, I have better th!ngs to do ”

” Elia” Norman smile ” what a nice name, I will surely remember to m0@n that wh£n you’re beneath me” h£ yell for us to h£ar before Alexander shut th£ door beh!nd us.

” bastard ”

Alexander said noth!ng else, j√$t hold!ng my h@nd and dragg!ng me to th£ room, th£ grip t!ghten and I h¡ss from th£ pa!n ” Alexander! ” no reply ” you’re hurt!ng me” lett!ng go of my h@nd h£ shut th£ door th£n run th£m through h¡s hair.

” forgive me Elia” h£ grown ” I h@ťě it wh£n m©r£ people grow to like you, it annoys me ”

” am sorry”

” don’t be ” h£ smile at me ” it shows me that you can get any man you want but decide to stick with me ” klzz!ng my ch£ek h£ mumble ” I don’t deserve you but I promise to make you happy ”

” Alexander…”

” don’t say anyth!ng ” h£ mutter ” j√$t stay away from Norman, h£ is bad news ”

” you knew h¡m ”

” I did ” Alexander walk to th£ balcony ” h£ was my childhood friend, one of th£m who protected me wh£n I was weak”

” you guys liked each oth£r ”

” as friends yes but….” h£ exhale ” before I left h£ slept with Anna, my future wife, b@¢k th£n I liked h£r and it annoys me that h£ did such a th!ng, even know!ng $h£ was m!ne ”

” that ₱ush you to leave ”

Alexander nod ” h£ did that because h£ knows I couldn’t b**t or harm h¡m but th¡s time @r0vnd, th!ngs are different, am not that weak boy anym©r£ and h£ won’t touch you ” anger is evident !n h¡s voice ” h£ will never touch what’s m!ne ever aga!n, not th¡s k!ngdom or you ”


? BY ?






Alexander shake h¡s h£ad ” you must be hungry Elia, come ” hold!ng h£r h@nd I ₱v|| h£r to th£ table I arranged !n th£ balcony ” I prepared th¡s special, I hope you like it ”

” you don’t need to stress th¡s way Alex ”

” I have to ” sitt!ng d©wΠ, I watch h£r tuck h£r hair beh!nd h£r ear before eat!ng, $h£ use h£r f!ng£r to pick th£ meat, dip it !n th£ soup and eat, I watch how $h£ |¡¢k h£r f!ng£rs th£n swallow ” tell me Elia” I adj√$t myself under th£ table, j√$t that little performance of h£rs, am already rock h@rd ” do you miss your family?”

h£r gaze met m!ne and $h£ nod ” I do, $h£ will be really worried, we have spent almost twenty days h£re ”

” will you like to see th£m?”

” yes, are we go!ng th£re today?” I said noth!ng, $h£ nod ” is o ay, I know you have a duel th£n a war to h@ndle”

” you will go silly ” $h£ frown and I purred ” I won’t be com!ng with you ”

” but….”

” No but Elia, th¡s world will do no good for you…I need you to be safe so tomorrow, tomorrow I will s£nd you b@¢k ”

” I refuse to go “$h£ look so angry ” you can’t j√$t put me !n your life and throw me away, immediately!!”

” Elia”

” don’t Elia me Alexander ” growl!ng $h£ stand to h£r feet, m©v£ towards my direction and slap me, my face didn’t m©v£ so $h£ gave me three m©r£ ” are you b@¢k to your s£nse ”

” you really don’t have to hit me you know “robb!ng my ch£ek I smile ” do you really th!nk you can h@ndle it h£re ”

” yes, with th¡s book ” my gaze lower to th£ book !n h£r h@nds and I frown ” book of names?” $h£ nod ” how did you f!nd it, I thought I kept it !n my pocket ” stand!ng up I ch£ck my b©dy, it must have f@|| ©vt wh£n I was look!ng for h£r.

” its yours?” Nodd!ng my h£ad Elia smile ” that means you can open it right?”

” not really ” I look at h£r ” th£ book choose who will open it and th£n chose what to show you before giv!ng you th£ names of demons you can summon ”

” with th¡s ” $h£ look at me with hope !n h£r eyes ” I will be strong enough to stay by your side?” Nodd!ng h£r eyes beam with joy ” th£n th¡s book must select me, that way you don’t have to s£nd me b@¢k ”

” I suppose ” gr!nn!ng I collect th£ book and drop on th£ table before hold!ng h£r h@nd, sit b@¢k on th£ chair and force h£r to sit on my lap ” do you really like me so much that you wish not to leave?” h£r ch£ek redden and $h£ nod ” I don’t believe you ”

” why” $h£ k!nd of look sad

” prove you like me silly ” my h@nds m©v£ to h£r th¡ghs ” do someth!ng, someth!ng you know I will very much like ” th£ moment I f!nish speak!ng my anticipation grew, if $h£ klzz me, I will def!nitely take it to th£ next level.

Am Add¡¢ted to h£r b©dy.

I watch h£r stretch h£r h@nds to th£ table, grab a piece of chicken, dip it !n th£ soup and !nto my open m©vth ” you haven’t eaten today, its def!nitely bad for you so ch£w ” smil!ng I ch£w gently and $h£ feed me anoth£r.

” Hmmm” I m0@n ” do you know what I feel like eat!ng right now? ”

$h£ shake h£r h£ad ” do tell”

” you ” |¡¢k!ng my l¡ps I study h£r flu$h£d face ” you taste far better than th¡s ”

” next time, we need to use some protection ”

” what for?”

” am still too young for a child Alex ” $h£ p©vt h£r l¡ps ” I might die try!ng to ₱ush one ©vt of my b©dy ”

” you won’t ”

” I will ”

Us!ng my f!ng£r I place it under h£r ch!n th£n lift h£r gaze to meet m!ne ” you don’t th!nk I will use some k!nd of stupid rubber and stop my seed from gett!ng !nto your womb, do you”

” f!ne!” $h£ roll h£r eyes ” I guess I will go on piles th£n, that is m©r£ effective anyway ”

” Elia!!! ”

” what!!” $h£ yell which made me pretty angry, with!n a bl!nk of an eye $h£ is l@y!ng on my lap, p@nties taken d©wΠ and dress ₱v||ed up ” what are you do!ng Alex!”

” its. master. right. now ” with each word a slap land on h£r arse.

” Ouch!!!!”

” you roll your eyes, speak of tak!ng piles to prevent my seed from grow!ng, raise your voice at me?” Growl!ng I give h£r anoth£r slap ” you have really been a bad girl and trust me, bad girls get puni$h£d”

” please stop” $h£ try robb!ng h£r arse but I grab h£r h@nd and hold th£m !n place ” Master! Am sorry, its my fault ”

” I want you to count” giv!ng h£r anoth£r slap on those redden ch£eks $h£ yelp ©vt ” count to ten th£n I stop ” $h£ nod h£r h£ad and I beg!n.

Smack ” one!!! ”

I watch th£ way $h£ s¢r**m ©vt !n pa!n and same time rob h£r legs togeth£r, to hide th£ w€tness form!ng right b£tweeΠ h£r legs ” N!ne” mak!ng th£ last one really f*st, $h£ yelp ” Ten” h£r breath!ng s1©w!ng d©wΠ ” oh my God!” $h£ m0@n as I rob h£r arse gently.

” you have gotten so w€t from those spank!ng” |¡¢k!ng my l¡ps I dip my f!ng£r !nto h£r Çüñť as $h£ m0@ns ” so w€t”

” master?”

” shhh ” mumbl!ng I beg!n mov!ng my f!ng£r !n and ©vt of h£r b©dy ” let master take good ¢ar£ of you” h£r m0@ns !ncreased and I know $h£ is close to h£r release, that’s th£ only reason I stop..h£r haze m©v£ to m!ne.

” what are you do!ng” $h£ almost yell ” I was so close ” slapp!ng h£r arse $h£ keep quite.

” I know what am do!ng silly ” smil!ng I love how $h£ is on th£ edge ” get off me for two m!nutes will you ” $h£ did as I said, giv!ng me enough time to unzip my trousers, ₱v|| it d©wΠ and th£n sett!ng my Ç0çƙ free.

My gaze m©v£ to h£r as I rob it gently, pre¢vm leak!ng ©vt ” ride me sweeth£art ” $h£ did as I said, sitt!ng on me gently, tak!ng all of me !nto that t!ght Çüñť of h£rs, fv¢k. $h£ feels so good.

” oh Alex” $h£ Lean and klzz me, I didn’t h£sitate to response, our t0Πge devoured each oth£r, $h£ has always taste so good, so fv¢k!ng good.

Mov!ng my h@nds to h£r w@¡$t I break from th£ klzz ” ride me ” that’s all I need to say before $h£ start mov!ng, so f*st that I know am com!ng close but th£y is no way I can come with©vt h£r.

P!nch!ng h£r ćƖĩť twice ” ¢vm for me ” and $h£ came h@rd, I didn’t stop mov!ng h£r and with!n no time I burst !nto h£r, straight !nto h£r womb ” fv¢k!!!”


Alexander watch how $h£ sleep calmly on th£ b£d, $h£ is everyth!ng I could ask for, every beautiful th!ng !n th¡s world, th£ best of all ” I have th£ news you asked for ” h£ar!ng that voice I turn and stare at th£ ghost.

” I hope its someth!ng I could use ” open!ng my drawer I take ©vt my cigarette, light it and m©v£ to th£ balcony.

” its ab©vt Norman ” th£ ghost smile ” you will be surprise with how much h£ has done to h¡mself ”


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