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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






After arriv!ng !n th£ palace Alexander left me to God knows wh£re ” why can’t I f!nd any book ” frown!ng Sebastian chuckle why eat!ng an apple ” wait! Why is a ghost able to hold an apple?”

” you should have asked why Ghosts eat food ”

” that’s right ” look!ng at h¡m I fold my h@nds ” why is that?”

” no idea milady ” h£ jump from th£ $h£lf th£n approach me, hold!ng a black book ” I found th¡s !n th£ forest, curious of what it does ” h£ place th£ book !n my h@nds and I look closer ” book of names” only that is written on it, noth!ng else ” what k!nd of book is th¡s?”

” I don’t know, I tried open!ng it but it didn’t bulge ” Sebastian urge me ” try and open it, maybe it will open ”

” okay ” hold!ng th£ book I try open!ng it but it didn’t bulge, us!ng my force I frown ” it won’t open, I should show it to Alexander first ”

” that lover of yours still freak me ©vt ” Sebastian mumble, I look at h¡m, notice how h£ fold h¡s h@nds, confusion danc!ng !n h¡s eyes ” why is h£ able to see me? No one but you have seen me s!nce my death and you have no idea how I wish oth£rs could see me”

” hmmm”

” what is h£ milady”

” a demon ” mov!ng to th£ only chair place !n th£ library I sit d©wΠ ” I still don’t know what powers demons can perform, that’s th£ reason am look!ng for a demon book ”

” I guess h£ was right call!ng you silly ”

!nch!ng my brow high I look at h¡m” excuse me?”

” demons and wizard” h£ smile ” if th£se two creature was to fight, who do you th!nk will w!n?”

” demons?”

” why is that milady ”

” it sound stronger…I guess” I b¡t£ my lower l¡p, th£ answer even sound absurd !n my own ears talk less of h¡s.

Sebastian chuckle ” milady, demons are from Lucifer h¡mself, h£ made th£m stronger, demons have all th£ powers a wizard th!nk h£ has, demons j√$t need to th!nk ab©vt it and it happens but wizards have to recite all those ancient spells, keep!ng th£m !n scrolls and oth£r th!ngs, which means Alexander is strong, stronger than those vampires comb!ne ” watch!ng Sebastian gr!n I frown upon that.

” you look happy?”

” I am ” h£ clap h¡s h@nds like those girls that gossip before lean!ng close and wh¡sper!ng ” milady has such a strong lover, is someth!ng to rejoice over ”

” shut up!” My embarra$$ment is evident on my ch£ek ” I don’t need someone strong to take ¢ar£ of me ”

” you do milady ” h£ frown ” if you haven’t noticed, you are awfvlly weak”

” oh my, I never noticed, what should I do? Clap for you?”

” very funny milady ” h£ smile ” what you should do is to th!nk of a way to open that book, I th!nk it will be of great importance to you ”

” really?”

Sebastian nod ” don’t take th¡s th£ wrong way but Alexander might not be able to always save you, you need someth!ng with you, to protect you from danger ” h£ purred ” if th¡s war really extend and Alexander isn’t made k!ng before th£n, th!ngs might not be favourable and that Lucian might get you ”

” why won’t th£y make Alexander k!ng? No one is strong like h¡m ”

” rumor has it that lord Norman of th£ sea can defect h¡m”

” who is h£?”

” h£ has conquered six countries on h¡s own, not as a k!ng but a warrior, with h¡s five loyal men aga!nst ten thousand of oth£r tribes”

” h£ might be strong ”

” not might milady ” Sebastian shake h¡s h£ad ” h£ is strong, I have seen h¡m fight, h£ fight like th£ devil, !n a m!nute hundred men are d©wΠ, dead. ”

” who do you th!nk will w!n if both of th£m are to fight ”

” I haven’t seen Alexander fight yet, I have no idea who is to w!n th¡s fight ” Sebastian exhale ” lord Norman is on h¡s way h£re for th£ duel”

” duel?”

” you have no idea?” I shake my h£ad and h£ cont!nue ” a duel is set b£tweeΠ Alexander and Norman, whoever w!n is to become k!ng ”

” why do a ghost know all th¡s?”

h£ gr!n ” well, people can’t see me so I might as well try and get some !nformation for you ”

” well thank you my loyal ghost friend ”

” you flatter me ” sarcasm h£avy !n h¡s voice and I chuckle ” I have to go milady, I will see you later, th£y is someth!ng I must see to ” nodd!ng I watch h¡m vanish and I exhale, feel!ng how silence embrace me.

Will Alexander w!n th¡s? h£ doesn’t even feel both£red ab©vt th¡s, how will I feel if Alexander is to lose th¡s fight? My gaze lower to th£ book !n my h@nd, I try open!ng it but it still doesn’t bulge ” what’s so special ab©vt th¡s book anyway?”

Stand!ng to my feet I g@sp notic!ng that its already sunset, why didn’t I notice its late, Alexander ask for me to meet h¡m !n th£ balcony of h¡s room for d!nner that h£ will be b@¢k by th£n.

Runn!ng ©vt of th£ library I didn’t stop, h£ will be angry, I lost time while chatt!ng with Sebastian, that ghost keep putt!ng me !n issues and th£n vanish.

Curse h¡m.

Before I could th!nk furth£r I bump !nto a wall, wait no. Is actually someone b©dy ” oh my god, am sorry!” Mumbl!ng I step b@¢k and look at h¡m, h¡s long red hair tied !n a ponytail, blue eyes watch me before a frown creep !nto h¡s face.

” you have to watch wh£re you are go!ng young lady ” h£ growl, danger emitt!ng from h¡s b©dy, th£ frown didn’t bulge from h¡s face.

” I told you am sorry didn’t I?” Growl!ng I watch h¡m step closer, I didn’t fl!nch or step b@¢k, h£ can’t j√$t go @r0vnd act!ng bossy and powerful, not h£re.

” you talk b@¢k at me ”

” I did” I $h00t b@¢k ” what are you go!ng to do ab©vt it, big guy?” Sebastian words hit me’ YOU’RE WEAK ‘ am not strong and am h£re, runn!ng my m©vth, I hope th¡s doesn’t anger th¡s man, h£ looks strong.

” a human talk!ng b@¢k at me?”

” lord Norman, calm d©wΠ ” one of h¡s men mumble from beh!nd ” $h£ must be th£ silly k!nd ”

” am not silly ” I defend even know!ng that th¡s is Norman, th£ one who is !nsanely strong ” now if you excuse me” I try wak!ng pa$$ h¡m but h¡s grip @r0vnd my arm stop me.

” and wh£re do you th!nk you’re go!ng?”

$h|t. I might as well be dead.


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