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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






Alexander walk h£r pa$$ a tree !nto h¡s dimension, a place h£ has found for h¡s peace of m!nd ” wh£re are we ?” Elia asked, curiosity danc!ng !nto those green eyes of h£rs, $h£ look @r0vnd th£ place, no flowers, no trees j√$t plane ground and darkness as a sky, not blue but black ” Alex?”

” a place I like to rest ”

” why is that ”

” because th¡s is wh£re Lucifer f@|| with h¡s lover”

” lover?” Elia gaze met m!ne ” Lucifer had a lover”

Nodd!ng my h£ad I purred ” h£r name was Eloa, one of th£ f@||en angels, lucifer trick h£r !nto f@||!ng alone side h¡m, trick h£r !nto f@||!ng !n love with h¡m ”

” why are you tell!ng me th¡s story Alexander? ”

” wh£n you first saw me ” turn!ng to h£r direction h£ brace h¡mself for what’s to come ” did you h@ťě me” $h£ shake h£r h£ad ” what did you feel?”

” fear, you emitted cold, dangerous fear from your b©dy and it s¢ar£d me ”

” Hmmm”

” tell me Alex” Elia m©v£ closer ” why did you tell me th¡s story, th£y must be a reason, you have always said th!ngs after th!nk!ng on it for a while ” $h£ swallow while tuck!ng th£ strand of hair that f@|| off h£r ponytail ” tell me ”

” I don’t wish to trick you Elia” forc!ng th£ words ©vt I g@sp, clear my throat th£n cont!nue ” am not a sa!nt, not a ghost, not a dragon and not a human”

” you keep confus!ng me Alexander ”

” trust me, its not my !ntension ”

” th£n what are you Alexander? Why do you keep so many secrets hidden from me?”

” because am s¢ar£d” it was th£ first time I admitted that to anyone, Elia eyes widen from that ” men aren’t suppose to be s¢ar£d but I am, if am to expose everyth!ng ” I exhale ” I might lose you ”

” you won’t ”

Alexander chuckle ” I will silly ” smil!ng I f|¡¢k my f!ng£r and little butterflies Start to appear and trees, gra$$ beg!n to grown, th£ sky turn blue and !n th£ time, th£ place turned beautiful ” if you f!nd ©vt what I did to aqua you will h@ťě me ”

” I won’t, I don’t ¢ar£ if you did anyth!ng to h£r, $h£ isn’t related to me ”

” you’re wrong silly ” confusion appear on h£r face ” you are !n every way related to h£r ” watch!ng h£r ¢ar£fvlly h£ gr!n at th£ way h£r eyes danced !n confusion and frustration, what will $h£ do wh£n $h£ f!nds ©vt th£ truth, will $h£ say aqua didn’t deserve th£ death after destroy!ng me, betray!ng my trust and feel!ngs.

h£ couldn’t lie to h¡mself anym©r£, Elia means everyth!ng to h¡m, h£ could give up everyth!ng j√$t for h£r h£art, $h£ is h¡s life, soul and reason to live.

Th£ reason h£ laugh.

” tell me one th!ng ” $h£ frown ” what are you?”

” a vessel for a demon ”

Elia rema!n still as th£ words r!ng !n h£r h£ad, a vessel for a demon, watch!ng th£ look on h¡s face $h£ fl!nch, not from fear but someth!ng else ” a demon that love ki||!ng Elia, love see!ng blood and that’s th£ ma!n reason I punish my servants to th£ extent of blood com!ng to view”

Shak!ng my h£ad I refuse to believe ” but you haven’t ki||ed for awhile now ”

” No” h£ smile ” I have been try!ng to make you love me, also my demon…h£ likes you Elia, h£ wi$h£s for me to keep you”

” Alexander ”

” I asked for it silly ” h£ chuckle ” be!ng born weak as a dragon made me h@ťě my life, h@ťě that my tw!n had all I wi$h£d for so I left and asked for it, ask Zeus to give one of th£ demons h£ keep !n a cage, a demon that will make me !nsanely strong ”

” why do you h@ťě your fath£r ”

” because h£ never h@ťěd me ” h¡s words confused me ” I was weak Elia but that idiotic man still loved me, h£ has always let h¡s guard d©wΠ, m!nd fill with an everlast!ng peace ”

” I do not understand Alex”

” h£ should have f!nd solution for me Elia, h£ did for Jeffrey, wh£n Jeffrey was born weak as I was, h£ looked for solution but at my time, h£ took a close eye….I h@ťě h¡m for neglect!ng me ” h£ growl ” I h@ťě h¡m for ly!ng to love me, you don’t neglect someone you say you love”

Elia sigh, Alexander doesn’t th!nk like oth£r people do, h¡s way of reason!ng seem stupid and off po!nt ” everyb©dy want a lov!ng fath£r, maybe after what happened to you, Fedor made sure same th!ng don’t happen to your broth£r ”

” I don’t ¢ar£ Elia” h£ shake h¡s h£ad ” wh£n I return with th£ demon !n me and my dragon ©vt, h£ asked me to leave, said I wasn’t welcome h£re, th£ first to call me an abom!nation…. Abom!nation !n th£ fact that I throw away a dragon, a weak dragon that doesn’t h£lp me at all ”

” you confuse me ” I mumble draw!ng h¡s attention to me ” you had a lov!ng family, well expect th£ fact you fv¢k your sister, th£y loved you, th£y was no need to be strong?”

” that’s th£ th!nk!ng dragons have, no need to practice, no need to learn how to transform f*ster, war isn’t com!ng and now ants are w!n!ng…. Vampires shouldn’t even be able to touch a dragon but th£y are w!nn!ng ” Alex shake h¡s h£ad ” I do not wish to depend on oth£r strength, I wish to do th!ngs myself ”

” now that th£ k!ng and Queen are dead, what will happen ”

” I will save th¡s h£lpless k!ngdom and become a k!ng, a k!ng th£y will all h@ťě ”

” Alexander you….”

” I am only soft with you Elia” h£ growl ” th!ngs with me haven’t changed, no…my plans are still !n motion ”

” you will make Anna your queen?”

” No silly ” h¡s gaze m©v£ to me ” you will be my Queen, that is if you accept me as your k!ng ”

” flatterer aren’t you ” chuckl!ng I smile ” I will love that but th£ people won’t appreciate a human as th£ir queen ”

” that def!nitely isn’t important ”

” you spoil me ” smil!ng Alexander shrug ” how do I show myself a good husband material if I don’t ” smil!ng $h£ stare at th¡s cold man, th¡s cold man that smiles only at h£r, laughs only wh£n $h£ is @r0vnd.

” you def!nitely not a husband material ”

” you wound me Elia ” h£ place h¡s h@nd on h¡s ch£st and I chuckle, th£ air swirl!ng @r0vnd us.

” you made th£ place beautiful, master ”

” hmm” h£ yawn ” for you darl!ng ”

” oh, you shouldn’t have ” I smile ” I was hop!ng you tell me m©r£ of your hidden secret ”

” one at a time sugar, one at a time ”

” sugar, baby, sunsh!ne, darl!ng, silly” I shake my h£ad ” all for me ??”

” of course love” h£ w!nk” you deserve m©r£ sweeth£art ” a blush creep !nto my face and I smile

” flatterer !ndeed ”


” so you’re my boyfriend now?” I asked th£ moment we m©v£ ©vt of that dimension and sitt!ng on th£ horse, b@¢k to th£ palace.

” do I look like a boy?” h£ furrow h¡s brow ” I def!nitely do not do friendship eith£r”

” what is th¡s th£n, man friend”

” am not your friend ” h£ frown ” you’re my future wife and th¡s b£tweeΠ us is a relationship that isn’t boyish or friendly, th£ th!ngs I do to you on b£d are def!nitely not friendly eith£r” I blush at h¡s word and rema!n quite, not sure of what to say, h£ lean close and klzz my neck, th£ town people star!ng at us.

” Alexander? ”

” do you know what it means for a person like me to mark you ” h¡s teeth graze my sk!n and I g@sp shak!ng my h£ad ” it means you will be m!ne forever, m!ne to own and posses”

” why haven’t you done it?”

” because I need your cons£nt before do!ng such a th!ng to you ” h£ |¡¢k my earlobe ” th!nk ab©vt it, if you wish to belong to me forever ”

” will it ever clean ”

” only if am to die”

” oh “rema!n!ng quite for a while I break th£ silence ” did Lucifer and Eloa rema!n togeth£r ” no reply came from h¡m, turn!ng my h£ad to meet h¡s gaze h£ bl!nk.

” No” h£ rema!n expressionless ” th£ir love was not two sided, Elia grow to h@ťě h¡m for br!ng!ng h£r to suffer !n h£ll, h£r words were ” if you love someone, you won’t hurt th£m ” but Lucifer didn’t reason that way ”

“Eloa left h¡m? ”

” yes ” Alexander look angry for some reason ” $h£ ran !nto th£ arms of anoth£r man, leav!ng Lucifer alone”

” I will not leave you, am not Eloa”

h£ smile ” I know that silly, am not Lucifer eith£r. after all..its j√$t a story” someth!ng flash !n those eyes, someth!ng h£ is sure h£ did that might ₱ush me away, what is it, why won’t h£ j√$t tell me?

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