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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






Elia f!nd h£rself !n a dark place, its so dark that it feels like I should sleep, j√$t f@|| !nto th£ darkness and sleep forever ” Elia” h£ar!ng that voice I look @r0vnd ” my silly girl” that’s Alexander voice.

” Alexander? ”

” am right h£re ” h£ar!ng h¡s voice from my left I turn to that direction ” what are you do!ng d©wΠ th£re, hurry up and come to me ” I try mov!ng but I couldn’t, its like my legs are cha!ned.

” I can’t, I can’t m©v£ my legs, if I try it hurts ” growl!ng I look at Alexander, h£ keep mov!ng furth£r away ” don’t leave me, wait!”

” am sorry Elia, I can’t stay !n th¡s dark, that light beh!nd me is call!ng us, hurry up and meet me th£re ”

” wait, Alexander ” yell!ng I try mov!ng my leg ” don’t leave me h£re am s¢ar£d ” I watch h¡m widen h¡s arms ” Alexander?”

” am wait!ng for you Elia, come to me ” with all my strength I m©v£ my leg and start runn!ng and th£ next th!ng happen!ng is me try!ng to catch up with h¡m but h£ already left and I have no oth£r choice but to enter th£ bright light.

Alexander watch th£ palace gate open reveal!ng th£ seven council members” are you sure th¡s is a good idea?” Cash mumble, h¡s gaze haven’t m©v£ from th£ councils ” you know how th£se council people are Alexander, th£ fight for th£ throne will beg!n now ”

” Fedor has h£irs cash, Jeffrey and Alexander aren’t women…sometimes I th!nk you lack bra!n to th!nk ”

” shut up Giles, what if th£ councils ki||ed th£ k!ng and th£ Queen !n order to take th£ crown, have you seen Jeffrey anywh£re? ”

” you’re right cash, Jeffrey has truly gone miss!ng ”

Shak!ng my h£ad I h£ad to th£ throne room wh£re th£ council are seated ” I s£nt Jeffrey away because hav!ng h¡m h£re only make th!ngs difficult for me”

” what’s your plan?”

” watch and see Giles, j√$t like th£ say!ng…see!ng is believ!ng ” smil!ng I step !nto th£ throne room th£n bow my h£ad to th£ elders !n form of greet!ng.

” you’re Alexander th£ first son of Fedor right ” th£ h£ad of th£ council asked while I nod ” am sure you are th£ one rum©r£d to be th£ abom!nation and weak one ”

” I a$$ure you great one….am anyth!ng but weak ” lift!ng my h£ad I gr!n ” my parents j√$t died, am sure we shouldn’t be h£re discuss!ng who is th£ weak one or abom!nation ”

” your parents were great but th£se days, th£y have grown weak compare to oth£r tribes, for vampires to w!n dragons is a shame we wish not to have ”

Anoth£r council nod th£n mumble ” we will take th£ crown from Fedor family and h@nd over to Norman, h¡s family have prove to be strong and capable of deal!ng with t!ny ants like vampires ”

Fak!ng a laugh th£ council face turn to frowns ” from all th£ noble families, you choose to pick Norman? Th£ weakest among all ” shak!ng my h£ad I smile ” forgive me great one but I disagree with your decision, I am go!ng to be k!ng ” cash and Giles g@sp ©vt of surprise, no b©dy saw th¡s com!ng ” you all th!nk am weak so why don’t we make a duel, me aga!nst Norman than you will see who is fit to rule ”

” do not make me laugh Alexander ” th£ h£ad council frown ” we h£ard you brought a human as your woman, you sleep!ng with your tw!n? Is that rumor good for a future K!ng?”

” I will answer each of your question “smil!ng I purred ” first haven’t you h£ard that some k!ngs like to keep th£ir blood l!ne strong, am betroth£d to my sister so it is only normal to touch h£r ”

” touch h£r before marriage!!!” Anoth£r council member growl ” that’s nons£nse, you should marry a v!rg!n, women !n th£ dragon tribes keep th£mselves for th£ir husband not th£ oth£r way round ”

” and what ab©vt th£ men council, men should go @r0vnd oth£r tribes deflower!ng women but women can’t try ©vt th£ir own b©dy ” I laugh ” that’s an ancient way of reason!ng council, am sure your daughter is no longer a v!rg!n eith£r ”

” my daughter is married ”

Well I didn’t expect that ” well that’s m©r£ it is, $h£ is no longer a v!rg!n or is $h£?” Stepp!ng closer I mumble ” br!ng!ng a human as my woman isn’t someth!ng that should concern th£ council or oth£rs, that’s my personal life and it should rema!n personal ”

” personal?” Th£ council laugh ” a Queen should be able to protect its clan wh£n harm f@|| on th£ k!ng….a human can do noth!ng ”

” I am go!ng to be k!ng council, make th£ duel possible because that idiot Norman will only make th¡s tribe fail” I gr0@n los!ng my patience ” I already have enough chat with all of you, th£ death of th£ k!ng and Queen still pa!ns my h£art but am not go!ng to allow th¡s k!ngdom perish ”

” why should we trust an abom!nation like yourself ”

” why did you call me an abom!nation? ” I frown tired of people call!ng me that ” have you also h£ard th£ rumor of me ki||!ng my dragon, is that why you use that word? Am no abom!nation and th¡s should be th£ last council….trust me, my patience and tolerance doesn’t last forever ” cash touch my shoulder to calm me ” I only respect you because you’re what th£y call th£ seven pillars of th£ seven k!ngdom but that doesn’t mean you should disrespect me ”

” Alexander th£ fifth ”

” excuse me, I will be wait!ng for your word concern!ng th£ duel ” with that I turn @r0vnd and walk away from th£ throne room, anger boil!ng, h@nds trembl!ng.

” you need to calm d©wΠ Alexander, a k!ng doesn’t lose patience so f*st ”

I chuckle at cash words ” I don’t plan on becom!ng a worthy k!ng, am only do!ng th¡s because Fedor will regret h¡s action ”

” Fedor is dead ” Giles mumble.

” or is h£?” Laugh!ng I m©v£ to th£ ward wh£re Elia is to be placed !n but $h£ is no wh£re to be seen, look!ng at th£ physician I frown ” wh£re is $h£!!!”

” calm d©wΠ young master, $h£ woke up and decided h£r b©dy is sticky and need some bath ” th£ physician rush h¡s words ” I try stopp!ng h£r but it seem like $h£ has gotten strong enough to ₱ush me away ”

That only means th£ spell I recite on h£r last night worked, not wait!ng for cash or Giles I run towards my chamber, step !n, shut th£ door and m©v£ to th£ bathroom… Open!ng th£ door I stare at Elia.

h£r b©dy b@¢k to normal, I watch h£r m©v£ to grab th£ towel after tak!ng h£r bath, h£r h@nds stop mid way, face turn red wh£n $h£ realize am stand!ng right h£re ” Alex???” Before $h£ could th!nk someth!ng else I swiftly m©v£ towards h£r and ₱v|| h£r b©dy to m!ne.

Hugg!ng h£r ” I thought I lost you silly, why will you lose consciousness for four days, do you plan on giv!ng me a h£art attack”

” am sorry?” $h£ said it !n form of question, withdraw!ng I place my h@nd under h£r ch!n and make h£r look at me ” I had a bad dream Alexander ”

” a bad dream?”

$h£ nod ” you were leav!ng me, you kept mov!ng away so I had to catch up with you” a tear drop from h£r tears ” you didn’t return, you left me and !n th£ process of catch!ng up with you I woke up ” $h£ hit my ch£st completely forgett!ng $h£ is n@k£d ” why did you leave me!!”

” I didn’t mean to” that was j√$t a dream and $h£ is act!ng like I would leave h£r ” its j√$t a dream silly, I will never leave you, am s¢ar£d you will leave me ”

Th£ room got quite, $h£ part h£r l¡ps to say someth!ng, face completely red and $h£ haven’t said anyth!ng yet, I watch h£r ch!n up th£n look at me…our eyes meet each oth£r ” you can touch me now Alexander, don’t be angry anym©r£ ” $h£ lift my h@nd and place on h£r ch£st, wh£re h£r h£art l@ys.

” you’re tell!ng me you like me?” $h£ nod, my joy knows no bond, is not love but like will do ” thank you!” Mov!ng my h@nd to h£r w@¡$t I klzz h£r, not a s1©w klzz, a klzz that shows how hungry I am for h£r.

How happy I feel.

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