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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






Alexander rema!n still, stand!ng at th£ hallway, th£ only thought runn!ng through h¡s h£ad is that all what has happened was h¡s fault, if only h£ was able to locate h£r sooner, if only h£ didn’t let h£r off h¡s side, if only h£ was stronger and wiser to f!nd th£ right antidote to dissolve that black magic of h¡s.

” Young master” h£ar!ng th£ physician voice Alexander didn’t waste time !n turn!ng @r0vnd and wait!ng for what h£ has to say ” h£r vital 0rg*ns are b@¢k to normal, though th£ hit on h£r abdomen did a major damage to h£r ribs….I can’t say if $h£ will survive th¡s, its all up to h£r now ”

” is th£y any oth£r th!ng you can do “if anyone could h£ar my voice th£y would know i am on my way to los!ng my m!nd, if anyth!ng is to happen to my woman, I swear to God I will ki|| Lucian and all h¡s armies, every s!ngle one of th£m will be dead, not even th£ children will survive.

” like I said young master ” th£ physician bend h¡s h£ad ” we have done all we can, it is up to h£r to fight for h£r life ”

” leave my pres£nce ” turn!ng @r0vnd I listen to h¡s footsteps as it fade away, th¡s is th£ third day of Elia be!ng unconscious, I have never left th¡s way before.

It feels like am dy!ng, am dy!ng along with h£r ” $h£ can’t leave ” try!ng to breath I look at th£ grow!ng flower ” $h£ can’t leave me now that I f!nd h£r aga!n, I can only be free with h£r, I can only laugh @r0vnd h£r ” look!ng up I frown ” if anyth!ng happens to h£r, I will curse you Zeus, curse you and try ki||!ng you myself ” after mumbl!ng, i chuckle because I know for a fact that Zeus is way stronger than I am.

Try!ng to ki|| th£ man that made you is absurd ” Mr A!!!” Avert!ng my gaze to my left I watch Zulu run to my direction ” I h£ard what happen ” I could see worry !n h£r eyes “are you alright ”

Furrow!ng my brows I frown ” I am f!ne Zulu, Elia is th£ one you should be worried ab©vt ”

” I ¢ar£ only for you Mr A” $h£ fold h£r h@nds ” you know fvlly well I do not ¢ar£ if $h£ dies ”

” if $h£ dies ” I po!nt my f!ng£r at h£r ” I will ki|| you ” th£ word hang !n th£ air, th£ moment $h£ process what I said $h£ frown for a slight second th£n nod.

” you ¢ar£ ab©vt h£r m©r£ than you ¢ar£ for me ”

” isn’t that obvious Zulu ”

” I better f!nd a new master th£n ” $h£ smile ” you don’t need to take me along with you, I will f!nd a way on my own to break my curse ”

Runn!ng my h@nds through my hair I exhale ” I promise to h£lp you Zulu, I will but Elia has to wake up first, I love h£r Zulu, I will die along side h£r ”

” I understand ” Zulu look d©wΠ ” I hope I f!nd someone to love one day too ”

Before I could say someth!ng Anna run towards my direction, breath!ng h@rd, eyes fill with tears which alerted me, someth!ng serious has happened ” what is it Anna?”

” broth£r Alexander ” $h£ try catch!ng h£r breath ” fath£r and moth£r…£y are dead” th£ words r!ng !n my h£ad, why will th£y die? “I found th£m !n th£ir room, looks like th£y were still sleep!ng before that happened”

” take me th£re ” f*sten!ng my steps towards th£ k!ng room I open th£ door and frown, th£ room smell of a dangerous toxic, a tox!n that can ki|| th£ moment you breath it !n ” stand ©vtside Anna, I don’t need you dy!ng ”

” alright ”

Mov!ng towards th£ir b£d I touch th£ir h@nd, ch£ck!ng to see if th£y are alive, th£ h£art already stop b**t!ng but th£n Anna entered th¡s room before announc!ng to me th£ir death.

Turn!ng @r0vnd I frown, $h£ looks h£althy, what is th£ mean!ng of th¡s ” isn’t th¡s too dangerous for you too?” Anna asked and I chuckle.

” am not that weak boy you once knew Anna” mov!ng b@¢k I look at th£ir face and smile ” am someth!ng no b©dy knows of yet ” th¡s stupid Fedor is try!ng to trick me but th£n, h£ doesn’t know what I have under my sleeves.

I anticipated th¡s all along ” announce to th£ council that th£y are dead “walk!ng ©vt of th£ room Anna try catch!ng up with me.

” what ab©vt th£ war at h@nd, th£ vampires are w!nn!ng and now we have no k!ng ”

” shut up and do as I say Anna, announce to th£m and make sure th£y appear !n th£ palace tomorrow” smil!ng I look at h£r ” th!ngs are go!ng to change and trust me, you won’t like it ”

” why will I do someth!ng I don’t like and won’t benefit from”

” because I said so ” $h00t!ng h£r a death glare $h£ fl!nch ” I want what I said delivered, I expect to w!n th¡s, those stupid vampires has crossed th£ir limit ”

” wait??? You mean you will be fight!ng ”

” I said no such th!ng”ignor!ng Anna, i walk towards th£ ward Elia is placed !n, I step !n and shut th£ door, my gaze m©v£ b@¢k to h£r, face pale, eyes closed, sitt!ng next to h£r on th£ b£d I hold h£r h@nd, it feels so cold ” am sorry” robb!ng h£r h@nds with my m!ne I frown ” I let th¡s happen to you, I let th£m hurt you, I let those bastards touch what’s m!ne” mov!ng h£r h@nd to my face I klzz th£m clos!ng my eyes ” am sorry ” a tear drop from my eyes at th£ process.

My b©dy won’t stop br!ng!ng ©vt th¡s watery substance and its start!ng to freak me ©vt, why th£ h£ll am I cry!ng? I have never cried for anyone !n my life before, not even aqua.

I was able to watch aqua die with©vt s£nd!ng a s!ngle tear, was it because $h£ betrayed me? $h£ left me for that bastard….th£se days I can’t h£lp but ask myself if I loved aqua? Maybe it was j√$t obsession.

$h£ came ©vt suddenly, claim!ng $h£ never met me !n h£r life before, j√$t because of that Lucian $h£ forgot ab©vt me…so easily?

Dropp!ng Elia h@nd I shake my h£ad try!ng to stop old pa!nful memories from com!ng b@¢k ” with you Elia” I smil!ng klzz!ng h£r foreh£ad ” with you, I know its love” withdraw!ng I exhale ” wake up soon ”


Seem like aqua and Alexander once knew each oth£r.

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