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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






” you need to stop cry!ng Elia, th£ master scold everyone ” lady mor!n mumble still look!ng for th£ perfect skirt for me ” I know lady mor!n but what if I lose half of my salary, moth*r was so happy wh£n $h£ h£ard what I will be earn!ng end of th£ month ”

” th£ master did say h£ pardon you right” nodd!ng, mor!n smile ” don’t worry ab©vt that th£n, your money is save and secure”

” but you know lady mor!n, master shouldn’t have raised h*s voice at me ” mor!n stop what $h£ was do!ng and place h*r fvll attention on me ” you have h£ard of big arse privilege right ” th*s however made h*r laugh ” what’s funny, my arse is big isn’t it?”

” it is Elia ”

” is th£ privilege not work!ng?”p©vt!ng my l¡ps lady mor!n m©v£ closer to my direction with th£ new skirt that I will be us!ng.

” maybe th£ master didn’t see your b@¢kside th£n ” $h£ smile h@nd!ng th£m over to me ” stop th!nk!ng ab©vt that, j√$t do th!ngs right from now on okay” nodd!ng $h£ purred ” put that on while I give you your sch£dules for th*s week and by next week you will meet me for change of duty ”

” alright lady mor!n ”

Wh£n $h£ walk away I take off my skirt and put on th£ new one, long enough to my knee which is a good th!ng, tak!ng off my h£els I put on th£ black sneakers th£n exhale ” h*re is th£ sch£dule ”

” thanks, I will get to it now ” walk!ng ©vt of lady mor!n room I open th£ book and smile, my first duty written !n bold letters


“h£ has a pet, didn’t picture h*m to have one and mor!n didn’t show me that yesterday” i m©v£ to th£ liv!ng room and thankfvlly someone is th*re for me to ask th£ location of h*s pets ” excuse me ” th£ maid has blond short hair, blue eyes and nice po!nted nose, $h£ is pretty ” was wonder!ng wh-_-re th£ master pets are kept?”

” beh!nd th£ servants chang!ng room ” $h£ smile ” be ¢ar£ful” and after that $h£ turn @r0vnd and went b@¢k to clean!ng th£ walls which are very clean by th£ way, still don’t know why h£ has so many maids, Shak!ng my h£ad I turn @r0vnd and h£ad to th£ pets location.

Everyb©dy seem to be work!ng, five !n th£ kitch£n, prepar!ng food, wash!ng di$h£s, clean!ng th£ floor and wall… three !n th£ liv!ng room, two cutt!ng and water!ng th£ flowers, five sweep!ng th£ compound th£n me mov!ng to th£ master pets to feed th£m.

are th£y beautiful dogs?? If th£y are I will love to touch th£m.

Approach!ng th£ location I stare at th£ cage th£n two buckets ©vtside, that must be th£ir food, mov!ng closer I look |ns!de th£ bucket and g@sp, dead bodies, human h@nds, legs, th!gh, h£art and oth*r parts are also kept !n th£ bucket.

Stepp!ng b@¢k I look @r0vnd me, my m!nd wonder!ng to different place, be!ng puni$h£d means death? What is h£ do!ng with human bodies and what’s !n that cage?

Mov!ng closer I mumble ” come ©vt for food ” and at that three h*g£ wolves came to view, result!ng !n me stepp!ng b@¢k and hitt!ng a h*g£ figure, you don’t need to tell me who that is before I will know ” master??” Stepp!ng away I turn @r0vnd and look at h*m, h£ is dressed !n h*s army uniform, hair comb£d neatly and eyes watch!ng.

” feed it ” what h£ said made me cr!nge, how am I suppose to touch th*s dead bodies, I can’t do it, I will feel sick, f@|| sick and th£n maybe die.

Alexander said noth!ng m©r£, h£ rema!n stand!ng and watch different emotions ₱|@y !n h*r face, $h£ is s¢ar£d of dead bodies, fears my pet and fears me which will not really h£lp if I want h*r by my side.

For years I thought th£ ritual wasn’t successfvlly and th£n suddenly $h£ came to me h*rself, sav!ng me th£ stress to start anoth*r search for my woman.

One th!ng is certa!n, $h£ needs to be taught certa!n th!ngs, $h£ talks a lot, clumsy, looks stubborn, dress weirdly ” feed it Elia ” I repeat myself and th*s time h*r h£art b**t !ncrease, so loud and f*st that I can h£ar it from wh-_-re am stand!ng.

” th£y are human bodies master ” $h£ shutter while swallow!ng ” how am I suppose to touch that ”

” why can’t you ” furrow!ng my brows I look at h*r, $h£ use h*r h@nd to clean an imag!nary sweat from h*r foreh£ad ” come ” wh£n that left my m©vth $h£ look up at me with shock mix with fear ” I h@ťě repeat!ng myself Elia, come ”

$h£ m©v£ s1©wly to my direction th£n stand an !nch away from me ” I am h£ad!ng to my army and before I return I want my pet feed and my room clean ” h*r gaze placed d©wΠ ” clean!ng my room is !n your sch£dule isn’t it ” I watch h*r ch£ck th£ t!ny book th£n nod ” good ” dipp!ng my h@nds !n my pocket I take ©vt a beautiful necklace I bought after l@y!ng eyes on h*r yesterday ” turn @r0vnd “wh£n $h£ turn @r0vnd I lift h*r brown hair up before putt!ng th£ necklace @r0vnd h*r neck ” do not take it off”

” why?” $h£ turn @r0vnd, look!ng confused

” you’re not allowed to ask me questions Elia ” titl!ng my h£ad to my left I study h*r ¢ar£fvlly, $h£ still look beautiful, j√$t th£ way $h£ was centuries b@¢k ” but I will answer th*s, because it suit you ” and with that I turn @r0vnd and walk away.

On my way ©vt I decided to give h*r one last glance only to f!nd h*r vomit!ng after throw!ng one f|£$h to my pet, $h£ is too humanly for my liken!ng, turn!ng @r0vnd I h£ad to my limo, step !n and shut th£ door ” to my army ”

” yes sir ”

A human f|£$h should mean noth!ng to h*r but th£n $h£ is human now and that only means I have to change h*r from that completely, I can’t imag!ne myself stay!ng with such a weak creature.

Humans are like cows you can ₱vsh wh*rever you want, even if th£y tra!n !n combat, sword fight!ng and th£ rest, th£y are weak and it still surprise’s me why we don’t j√$t cage th£m up, make th£m servants to do our bidd!ng and ki|| th£m wh£n we are fade up with th£ir behavior and clumsy ways.

Elia needs serious tra!n!ng, tra!n!ng concern!ng everyth!ng, walk!ng, speak!ng, behav!ng and most of all.

pleas!ng me.

” that is no way to treat a lady Alexander ” Giles mumble with a laugh ” $h£ was $h!very!ng with fear ”

” how many times have I warn you not to stick your nose !n my bus!ness ” turn!ng my gaze to my left I growl at h*m ” I also remember tell!ng you to stop appear!ng !n my car as you wish ”

” cool d©wΠ Alexander, am j√$t say!ng…aqua won’t love but fear you, if you keep act!ng th*s way towards h*r ”

” that’s none of your bus!ness ” avert!ng my gaze I relax and close my eyes ” $h£ is m!ne, I do to h*r how I wish.”


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