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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






Elia couldn’t stop read!ng even if $h£ wanted to, th£ love, magic and everyth!ng !n th£ book was a lot and !nterest!ng, if only th£se exist !n real love, if someone can love me th¡s much will be nice ” milady?” h£ar!ng that voice I look up and stare at Giles who is sitt!ng d©wΠ, h@nds on th£ table while h£ study me.

” how long have you been h£re?” Ask!ng h£ giggle th£n relax on th£ chair.

” its been awhile milady” h£ smile ” I mean only your expression while you were read!ng was worth it ”

” why are you h£re Giles?” I won’t like, th¡s man has a strange feel!ng emitt!ng from h¡s b©dy and it freaks me ©vt, I do not like smil!ng and cunn!ng men like h¡m.

” I h£ard you didn’t eat so I brought you food, Alexander ask me to look after you while h£ h£ad ©vt for some bus!ness ” Giles ₱ush th£ tray of food towards my direction, look!ng at h¡m I furrow my brows th£n look @r0vnd me only to notice its already late, how did I read up to th£ time.

” I have to go “I try stand!ng but I couldn’t, look!ng at Giles I f!nd h¡m smil!ng.

” I won’t harm you Elia, I said eat your food while we chat ”

” okay ” wh£n I could f!nally m©v£ I grab th£ cup th£n gulp d©wΠ th£ juice before open!ng th£ plate fill with chicken and start eat!ng, I won’t lie it taste good.

” are you !nterested !n know!ng wh£re Alexander might be?”

Th!nk!ng ab©vt it I shake my h£ad ” No ”

” and why is that ”

” because if h£ wish to tell me someth!ng h£ will ” I mumble.

“Hmmm” dropp!ng th£ plate I look at h¡m ” you trust h¡m, I see ” suddenly th£ atmosph£re @r0vnd h¡m become light ” th£n I won’t tell you ab©vt Zulu”

” Zulu?”

” yes Zulu ”

” who is Zulu ” watch!ng my reaction h£ chuckle softly.

” Zulu is someone special to h¡m Elia, I don’t know if h£ likes you th£ way h£ likes h£r ” Giles stand to h¡s feet ” Zulu was h¡s life, I can say $h£ was h¡s only reason of liv!ng but th£n you show up, see!ng h¡m so !nterested !n you I want to know, I want to know who h£ will choose b£tweeΠ you two”

” th£y is no choos!ng b£tweeΠ us Giles” I stand to feet ” Alexander and I are j√$t friends and noth!ng m©r£, excuse me ” turn!ng @r0vnd I realize I have no idea th£ direction to my room ” I need you to take me to my room, I have no idea th£ location of it ”

” of course ”

Alexander walk !nto th£ room late at night, Zulu sure knows how to hide, I haven’t even f!nd h£r, tomorrow is anoth£r day of search!ng that stupid girl, $h£ knows how to stress th£ fv¢k ©vt of my life.

” welcome ” h£ar!ng Elia voice I look at h£r brush!ng h£r hair and putt!ng on a night dress ” th¡s is th£ only dress I could f!nd after hav!ng my night shower and I was th!nk!ng ” $h£ drop th£ brush and stand up ” I will sleep on th£ floor so that you can stay on th£ b£d, you look tired ”

Not say!ng anyth!ng I m©v£ to th£ bathroom have my bath, everyth!ng seem so strange and I haven’t really th!nk th!ngs straight, Zulu act!ng so secretive is strange, $h£ always try f!nd!ng me so that I won’t stress but now h£r hid!ng is suspicious.

Someone might have captured h£r.

Be!ng th£ last of h£r k!nd is enough reason for people to be after h£r, I do trust h£r strength but I can’t j√$t rely on that alone.

Walk!ng ©vt of th£ bathroom with a towel wr*₱ @r0vnd my w@¡$t, Elia is sitt!ng d©wΠ on th£ b£d, still hold!ng that book !n h£r h@nd read!ng, lights turn on, look!ng d©wΠ I stare at blanket and a pillow ” you know ” $h£ look at me ” I was expect!ng you to be a gentle man and decide to stay on th£ floor but you weren’t so I took it upon myself to tell you that you’re sleep!ng on th£ floor ”

” no way ” putt!ng on my underwear I gently l@y on th£ b£d, $h£ frown ” we can both share th£ b£d Elia, like two adults ”

” I don’t th!nk so ”

” and why not?” Furrow!ng my brows I collect th£ book, close it and drop it on th£ drawer next to h£r ” are you s¢ar£d you might molest me, try rap!ng me later?”

” you’re th£ who might do that not me” $h£ growl before I off th£ lights ” what are you do!ng? ”

” try!ng to sleep Elia, today have really been a stressful day for me and tomorrow still will ”

” look!ng for Zulu?” Look!ng d©wΠ at h£r, I watch how angry $h£ look wh£n $h£ mumble Zulu ” who is Zulu to you Alex ”

” a friend of m!ne Elia ” withdraw!ng $h£ turn on th£ light and I sit on th£ b£d, $h£ doesn’t look happy at all, what is $h£ th!nk!ng ” don’t tell me Giles told you silly th!ngs ”

” h£ didn’t, I j√$t didn’t expect you to be crazy over someone ” $h£ l@y on th£ b£d ab©vt to switch off th£ light but I grab h£r h@nd and p!n th£m, look!ng d©wΠ at h£r I mumble.

” you don’t have to h@ťě Zulu before you meet h£r Elia, am not crazy over h£r but you ” lean!ng close I rest my h£ad on h£r neck !nhal!ng h£r scent ” is you am crazy over Elia. Don’t act so jealous ”

” am not jealous! Why should I be, I don’t even like you ”

” you like me Elia, you wish not to admit it ”

” I do not ”

” you do ”

” do not ”

” you h@ťě me ”

” I do not ” wh£n $h£ process th£ question $h£ quickly mumble ” I do ” it made me laugh, l@y!ng d©wΠ I ₱v|| h£r closer to my b©dy, h£r h£ad rest!ng on my ch£st as I turn off th£ light ” forgive me if I made you th!nk a lot Elia, tomorrow… I promise to spend th£ day with you, show!ng you @r0vnd ”

” really?”

I nod and what $h£ did took me off guards, $h£ m©v£ close and b¡t£ my lower l¡p, our eyes meet, j√$t like how i usually do ” you better don’t run off look!ng for Zulu ” $h£ mumble withdraw!ng ” I won’t be happy ”

Why do I feel like we are married ” I won’t ” us!ng my h@nd I slap h£r arse ” l@y d©wΠ and sleep silly, stop act!ng like a jealous wife”

” that hurt ”

” that’s why I did it ” w!nk!ng $h£ frown ” f!ne let me rob it ” us!ng my h@nd I rob th£ arse gently ” you have one f!ne arse Elia”

” stop it ” $h£ roll to th£ oth£r side, not both£r!ng to ₱v|| h£r close I turn to h£r direction and l@y b£tweeΠ h£r, my h£ad on h£r ch£st, b£tweeΠ h£r br£@st as I close my eyes ” Alexander ”

” if th£ mounta!n won’t come to me I have to m©v£ to it, good night Elia ”

” I can’t sleep like th¡s!”

” pick, I stay th¡s way or I l@y on th£ b£d and you place your h£ad on my ch£st ”

” I will place my h£ad on your ch£st” $h£ rush h£r words and I giggle, lift!ng my h£ad and star!ng at h£r, flu$h£d and beautiful ” fv¢k, I really want to touch you but not now ” $h£ said noth!ng, j√$t |¡¢k th£n b¡t£ h£r lower l¡p ” let’s sleep ” $h£ l@y on my ch£st and yawn.

” good night Alex”

” hmm” look!ng at th£ ceil!ng I know fvlly well my life is ab©vt to change, decid!ng to spend th£ day with Elia !nstead of search!ng for Zulu is someth!ng that surprise me.

What is th¡s girl do!ng to me.


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