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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? BY ?






“Master?” Elia called for th£ fifth time, I did h£ar h£r but to answer h£r seem like a lot of strength, I suddenly feel weak to walk !n that house and meet h£r moth£r ” am open!ng th£ door now master ” nodd!ng my h£ad I watch h£r m©v£ towards th£ door and open it.

$h£ signal me to follow and I step !n before shutt!ng th£ door ” moth£r!” Elia mumble runn!ng upstairs, us!ng th£ little time I have I look @r0vnd th£ place and all I have to say is that, th¡s place is small.

Only two couch, a small television, three ph°tos hang on th£ wall, that of little Elia look!ng chubby and cute, hold!ng an ice cream, hair tied !n two ponytails th£n putt!ng on a yellow dress.

Th£ oth£r is that of a little boy, that must be h£r broth£r, h£ looks m©r£ like th£ fath£r ” who wish to meet me?” h£ar!ng h£r moth£r voice I turn @r0vnd and watch h£r step d©wΠ, Elia beh!nd h£r ” and who do I have !n my home with©vt my permission? ” $h£ is harsh.

” forgive my !ntrusion madam ” bow!ng my h£ad I mumble ” am Alexander th£ fifth and I have come h£re j√$t to l@y eyes on you and I must say….its worth th£ drive ”

” a flatterer aren’t you ” lift!ng my h£ad I watch h£r smile a little before speak!ng furth£r ” have a seat ”

” thank you madam ” sitt!ng d©wΠ I wait patiently for th£ both ladies to sit d©wΠ before urg!ng furth£r ” I will def!nitely not like to b**t ab©vt th£ bush, I want your daughter to come with me to a bus!ness trip ”

” and why is that?”

” $h£ will be needed”

” I remember my daughter work!ng as a maid not your personal a$$istant ”

” you’re right” exhal!ng I look at Elia gr!nn!ng widely, $h£ is enjoy!ng th¡s” I like your daughter and I can’t bear stay!ng far away from h£r for a very long time ”

” how long are we talk!ng ab©vt h£re?”

” three days ”

” that doesn’t seem long, surely you will be able to survive ”

” ple…ple….” Swallow!ng I know th£y are all watch!ng, I f!nd it really h@rd to mutter th£se words am not use to, th£y make me feel weak ” please ” forc!ng th£ words ©vt sweat could be found on my foreh£ad ” I need h£r to come with me ”

” No ” h£r moth£r growl ” $h£ can’t spend three days with you wh£n $h£ has no relationship with you, you may have money and be h£r boss but it will always be no and no unless…”$h£ stopped and I ₱ush on.

” unless what ”

” unless you’re married but you two aren’t so forget ab©vt h£r travel!ng with you ” $h£ stand up and start mov!ng upstairs ” it was nice meet!ng you Alexander th£ fifth ” relax!ng on th£ couch I close my eyes, feel!ng defeated, am not use to such th!ngs, I always get what I want but th¡s woman is difficult.

” master?” h£ar!ng h£r voice directly at my ear I didn’t both£r !n mov!ng away or turn!ng to meet h£r gaze ” do you really need me to go with you?” I nod my h£ad ” th£n permit me to start call!ng you Alexander ” what $h£ said made me open my eyes wide and stare at h£r ” if you agree yes to that th£n I will come with you ” $h£ is smil!ng, feel!ng victorious.

” No”

h£r face fell ” but you said you want me with you ”

” I did ”

” so why are you now reject!ng that ”

” wanted to see your reaction ” turn!ng my h£ad to h£r direction our face is one !nch away from each oth£r, h£r ch£ek sta!n red ” you can call me wh@ťěver you like silly ” bit!ng h£r lower l¡ps I give h£r l¡ps a quick klzz before stand!ng ” let’s go th£n ”

” you mean now?”

” yes now” !nch!ng my right brow high i stare at h£r ” do you need to talk to your moth£r?” $h£ nod and I exhale ” alright, I will be wait!ng for you !n th£ car and don’t both£r pack!ng, you won’t need it ” with that I step ©vt of th£ place, shove my h@nds !n my pocket, grab my phone and make a call.

” Alexander th£ fifth, Anna at your service ”

” tell that old man am on my way home”

Anna laugh at th£ oth£r side ” com!ng for Zulu aren’t you ”

” shut up ”

” ohhhh, h£ is shy ” $h£ giggle ” hurry home, I miss you big broth£r” cutt!ng th£ call I turn @r0vnd, still don’t know what $h£ told h£r mum that conv!nce h£r to let Elia go.

” you better take ¢ar£ of h£r” Elia moth£r growl and I nod.

” I will, thanks madam” watch!ng th£ moth£r leave I give way for Elia to step !n th£ car before I did and shut th£ door ” end of th£ road ” tell!ng th£ driver I avert my gaze to Elia who surpris!ngly look calm ” you’re not ask!ng questions?”

” No”

” hmmm”

” do you want me to?”

” No, I like you quite ” it only took h£r three m!nutes before $h£ start bombard!ng me with questions after questions.

” wh£re are we go!ng Alexander ” my name roll from h£r t0Πge and to be honest I like it ” Alexander? ” look!ng at h£r I said noth!ng, $h£ frown to show me $h£ didn’t like my silence.

” you look beautiful ”

” am not ask!ng that ” $h£ sounded angry but blu$h£d anyway.

” do you trust me?”

” No ”

” that hurts” hold!ng my ch£st I watch h£r chuckle, $h£ laugh and I must say, $h£ look beautiful while laugh!ng ” trust me, harm won’t come your way, I will take good ¢ar£ of you ”

” oh really ”

I nod my h£ad and touch h£r ch£ek ” yes Elia, I plan on tak!ng ¢ar£ of you dur!ng th£se days because we won’t be alone”

” okay Alex ” $h£ giggle softly ” is nice call!ng your name, am I th£ only one that do that, call your name?”

$h£ look ready to h£ar yes from me ” No, my relatives call me by my name ” before $h£ could talk m©r£ I mumble ” we have arrive” hold!ng h£r h@nd we step d©wΠ and I watch th£ confusion ₱|@y!ng on h£r face.

” that’s a cliff, th£y is noth!ng h£re”

” do you trust me”

” of course not!” Smil!ng I didn’t give h£r time to th!nk before ₱ush!ng h£r off th£ cliff !nto th£ water, h£r s¢r**m made me chuckle th£n jump off it myself.

Elia feel h£r b©dy f@|| !nto th£ water but it didn’t stop th£re, $h£ kept f@||!ng like someth!ng is ₱ush!ng h£r but th£n $h£ can’t hold h£r breath for ever, a little light below gave me th£ hope I had that I won’t die.

Alexander won’t succeed !n ki||!ng me, I will survive.

Arriv!ng th£re I suddenly f!nd my self on a ground, flowers everywh£re ” wh£re am I” cough!ng I look @r0vnd th£ place is so h*g£ and th£n a palace is ah£ad, carriage m©v£ @r0vnd, no car h£re but carriage?

Th¡s place is ancient.

” you’re alive ” Alexander chuckle and I stand to my feet to give h¡m a piece of my m!nd, mov!ng towards h¡s direction I lift my h@nd and slap h¡s face, wish!ng to repeat th£ same action h£ caught my h@nd, throw!ng th£ oth£r h£ caught that too th£n m©v£ th£m beh!nd me before ₱v||!ng me closer ” let me go you bastard ” I yell ” you tried ki||!ng me!!!”

” shut up Elia, its th£ only way to get h£re and it won’t ki|| you”

” let go of ….” Before I could complete my s£ntence h£ klzz me and unlike th£ oth£r klzz, th¡s one seem deep and rough, g@sp!ng for air gave h¡m th£ opportunity to dive h¡s t0Πge to meet m!ne.

I couldn’t h£lp but to m0@n, I have never felt anyth!ng like th¡s before, all my b©dy feels like am on a fire, a k!nd of fire you wish not to turn off, a k!nd of fire that gives you enough ₱1ea$vre, ₱1ea$vre that run you !nsane.

” h£llo th£re ” h£ar!ng someone voice made me to jump b@¢k, I turn and look towards that direction, h£ has long red hair, blue eyes and tall ” Alexander, you should have asked for a room not b@¢k of th£ palace ” my face must be h£ated now ” do you plan on ki||!ng th£ young lady from cold, h£r cloth£s are w€t ”

” shut up Giles ” Alexander gr0@n grabb!ng my h@nd and ₱v||!ng me close to h¡m ” wh£re are th£y?”

” th£ d!n!ng hall for breakf*st ” Giles smile which means it still morn!ng h£re ” you came right !n time ” Giles eyes m©v£ to my direction ” and I must say, you have a f!ne lady ”

” watch your eyes Giles” Alexander growl” th¡s is my woman, stop star!ng at h£r n!₱₱!es or else I will ₱v|| those rotten eyes of yours ©vt of your skull” what Alexander said made my wh0l£ face red, of course th£ water made th£ dress a little transparent.

Giles on th£ oth£r h@nd chuckle ” how foolish of me” h£ w!nk at me before Alexander ₱v|| me away.

My days !n th¡s strange land sure will be !nterest!ng and embarra$$!ng.


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