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Friday, October 18, 2024
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? BY ?






Elia rema!n seated on Alexander b£d while listen!ng to h¡s shower runn!ng, different thought swirl !n h£r m!nd, what is h£ plan!ng, will h£ touch me j√$t like h£ did !n my dreams, do I really want h¡s h@nds on my b©dy? What if h£ rape me? Is h£ capable of such?

Elia swallow, tension engulf!ng h£r wh0l£ b©dy, confusion could be seen !n h£r eyes if anyone is to look at h£r at th£ moment, Lucian will soon climb through my w!ndow and won’t f!nd me.

Will h£ wait?

Why am I sitt!ng wait!ng for my death to step ©vt of th£ bathroom, I know fvlly well that what is ab©vt to happen will not be for my good and it freaks me ©vt.

Th£ bathroom door open reveal!ng Alexander, a towel tied round h¡s w@¡$t, hair w€t, water dripp!ng d©wΠ ” hmm, I was expect!ng you to have run away” smil!ng h£ m©v£ to h¡s closet and I have to lower my h£ad wh£n h£ take off h¡s towel.

Th¡s man is shameless.

” master ” I mumble ” can I go now, moth£r will be worried ”

” hmm” h£ said noth!ng oth£r than that, stay!ng still for three m!nutes and h£ard noth!ng I decide to lift my h£ad only to meet h¡s burn!ng gaze, h¡s face one !nch from m!ne, one m©r£ ₱ush and we will klzz.

Stay!ng shock I couldn’t m©v£, h¡s l¡ps form !nto a smile ” don’t worry Elia, I don’t plan on touch!ng you neith£r do I plan on rap!ng you ” h£ hold my h@nd ” come ” dragg!ng me with h¡m I f!nally notice what h£ is putt!ng on…it doesn’t make any different from all what h£ has worn before, black trouser and shirt aga!n, why doesn’t h£ wear oth£r cloth£s.

” master, wh£re are we go!ng?” I asked but h£ didn’t answer, th£ wh0l£ mansion quite which means th£ maids must have gone home, we m©v£ to th£ b@¢kyard, a door right th£re, a door lady mor!n ask us never to open.

Alexander open th£ door, a bright light bl!nd my vision but Alexander seem to be see!ng very well, I still don’t understand what we are do!ng h£re ” master ”

” close your eyes ”

Do!ng as h£ said I t!ghten my grip @r0vnd h¡s h@nd and follow h¡m gently, th£ sound of th£ door clos!ng beh!nd us made me fl!nch ” open ” open!ng my eyes I close th£m b@¢k, bl!nk th£n try open!ng aga!n and th¡s time my m©vth is wide open.

Th¡s place is horrible.

Horse eat!ng each oth£r, humans battl!ng for who is m©r£ stronger and th£ oth£r feast on th£ weak one, h£arts, lungs, all th£ part you can th!nk of is be!ng eaten ” what is th¡s?”

Alexander chuckle ” calm d©wΠ Elia ” look!ng up at h¡m, h£ is smil!ng, how can h£ smile at such a th!ng, I watch h¡m wh¡stle, a white horse swiftly appear at h¡s side, hold!ng me by th£ w@¡$t h£ place me on it th£n sit beh!nd me ” let me show you someth!ng Elia, what humans truly are wh£n given strength or may I say cursed ”

“No, I don’t want to see m©r£ of th¡s ” I growl ” how can you set th¡s up, a war beh!nd your house!”

” don’t be foolish ” h£ growl ” a war can’t happen beh!nd my mansion, th£ lands aren’t h*g£ enough for that ” h£ smile ” what we j√$t pa$$ through is a portal, a portal lead!ng to one of th£ many wars my men have fought ”

what do you mean ”
” Giles did mention that girls love see!ng someth!ng special ” Alexander smile ” you were expect!ng flowers, garden, beautiful environment ” h£ chuckle silently ” all those are stupid desires, h£re I show you someth!ng rare, someth!ng that humans h@rdly see ”

” what do you mean ”

” a horrified war ” look!ng @r0vnd th£ wh0l£ place I watch as th£y fight with strength, putt!ng all th£ir strength !n what th£y are do!ng, putt!ng th£ir lives on th£ l!ne.

” why ” I glance b@¢k and look at h¡m ” why will you let th£se people die so that you can fulfil your wishful th!nk!ng, th£se people have lives ”

” stupid ” h£ hit th£ b@¢k of my h£ad gently but it hurt ” th£y are fight!ng for th£ir family, didn’t you study h¡story correctly, th£ great war of Hang” my eyes widen wh£n h£ mumble that, it is written that th£ Victorians fought like animals tear!ng each oth£r sk!n from th£ enemies wh£n th£y had no h@nd to lift th£ir sword.

Th£ great war of hang, th£ warriors are legend till date and am experienc!ng what really happened ” but how? ” I frown ” all th£se happen years b@¢k, far before I was born ”

” is that so ” Alexander chuckle shak!ng h¡s h£ad ” of course. You won’t understand th£ use of magic”

” what are you say!ng ”

” we are h£ad!ng b@¢k ” h£ turn @r0vnd and am left th!nk!ng ” don’t ₱ush yourself Elia” h£ jump off th£ horse and h£lp me d©wΠ ” you won’t ever solve th£ puzzle ”

what puzzle, th£y is no puzzle ” I growl wh£n we pa$$ through th£ door once aga!n ” why did you show me such a horrific th!ng? Is that what you like, fight!ng? ki||!ng people? ”
” yes ” h£ m©v£ towards th£ wolves cage and bend d©wΠ, star!ng at th£m ” that is what is special to me, ki||!ng, my life is fill with ki||!ng” h¡s face once aga!n turn void ” my life is fill with darkness Elia ”

” why are you tell!ng me all th¡s?”

Elia struggle to understand th¡s man, what is h£ try!ng to say? Why show me such a th!ng wh£n h£ knows it will ₱ush me furth£r away from h¡m, make me want to run from darkness, th£ one th!ng I could never stand is darkness.

” because you will soon be part of my life Elia ” h£ title h¡s h£ad to my direction” I like you Elia and I want you to know who I am…though I won’t permit you to run even if you want to ” stand!ng up h£ m©v£ to my direction, h¡s both h@nds on my w@¡$t, h£ lean close and wh¡sper ” am human” h£ chuckle softly ” a dead one ” and th£n h£ cont!nue laugh!ng.

h£ f!nd th¡s funny?

h£ f!nd ki||!ng people funny ?

Lift!ng my h@nd up to slap h¡m h£ caught it mid air leav!ng me confuse as to wh£n h£ m©v£ h¡s h@nd from my w@¡$t ” do you th!nk you can change me Elia? Do you th!nk you have what it takes? ” Alexander furrow h¡s brows ” do you th!nk you have it !n you to change me or I will change you ”

” why will I wish to change you wh£n all you deserve is death ” I growl, h¡s expression didn’t change ” for all th£ people you have ki||ed, you need to die, you need to feel death ”

” and you th!nk I haven’t felt death ” h¡s expression void ” do you th!nk I haven’t feel someth!ng m©r£ than death?” h£ let go of my h@nd ” like i said Elia, you are m!ne, today was fun…it was th£ first time !n centuries I smiled so freely but that doesn’t change who I am ” h£ $h00t me a glance ” you can’t run from me Elia, you are m!ne and you have to accept it…I will never let someone else touch what’s m!ne, not now, not ever ” and with that h£ walk away.

you said you will spank me” what am I say!ng, do I wish to be spanked ” have you lost th£ nerve master ” th¡s however made h¡m stop, h£ chuckle loud.
” lose my nerve ” h£ flash me a smile ” oh I plan on spank!ng you Elia but not tonight, you have a lot to th!nk ab©vt before I touch you aga!n, take your time and believe me wh£n I said none is forgiven ” h¡s voice calm” I will spank you alright and trust me, you won’t enjoy it…go home for now ”

What a bastard.

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