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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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? BY ?






h£ rema!n still for awhile, watch!ng me th£n suddenly hold h¡s stomach and start laugh!ng, th¡s time th£ laugh seem cruel” punish you?” h£ chuckle th£n cough ” how silly can one person get??” Look!ng at h¡m I couldn’t h£lp but to slap h¡m.

h¡s face didn’t bulge, j√$t th£ h@ndpr!nt on h¡s ch£ek noth!ng m©r£, h£ look at me with furrow brows and I know I have cross th£ l!ne ” you hit me?” A smile form !n th£ corner of h¡s l¡ps, my eyes lower to h¡s h@nds, h¡s fist clench togeth£r th£n h¡s gaze met m!ne.

Th¡s time fear grip me, th¡s glare of h¡s, s¢ar£s th£ h£ll ©vt of me, th£ cold emitt!ng from h¡s b©dy made me $h!very from fear, h£ close h¡s eyes, relax h¡s h@nds and exhale ” I seem to lose ¢©Πtr0| wh£never someone hit my face Elia ” h£ open h¡s eyes and look at me ” don’t try it aga!n ”

Swallow!ng I watch h¡m watch me, silence fell b£tweeΠ us, h£ said noth!ng th£n smile ” you f!nd it h@rd to understand me, I don’t blame you, I also f!nd it h@rd to understand me” h¡s smile widen ” I don’t need you to get s¢ar£d of me Elia ”

” am not s¢ar£d ” avert!ng my gaze from h¡m I look forward ” I j√$t don’t like you ”

” and yet, h£re we are…h£ad!ng to our date ”

” th¡s is j√$t th£ only way for me to go to wonder wh£el ”

” that guy that text you can’t take you th£re?” h¡s voice fill with mockery ” I understand, h¡s company doesn’t !nterest you ”

” don’t get me wrong ” I growl th£n look at h¡m to see a gr!n on h¡s face ” h£ has money and h£ loves me, I j√$t couldn’t go with h¡m because if I reject you th£n I will have to go to work ”

” ki||!ng two stones with one bird huh”

I furrow my brows ” you mean ki||!ng two birds with one stone right ” after I mumble, h£ took one m!nutes to digest what I j√$t did th£n chuckle, h£ laugh.

” how foolish of me to forget such a th!ng ” h£ chuckle, th£ th!ngs that makes th¡s man to laugh are so not funny, h£ th!nks th¡s conservation we are hav!ng is funny??

” I will not allow you to punish Evelyn ”

” hmm”

” you said you like me ”

” I did?” h£ furrow h¡s brows smil!ng ” oh yes I did ”

” if you really like me th£n stop punish!ng th£m for my sake and please do not laugh at th¡s ” h¡s gaze rema!n on m!ne for two seconds before h£ fl¡p ©vt and chuckle, I knew h£ was fight!ng th£ urge to laugh.

h£ f!nds it funny if I try protect!ng people from h¡m ” oh Elia” h£ lean close and smile ” why did I like you years b@¢k ” h¡s words confuses me ” oh yes, I never knew your character, your beauty did it for me and I knew you will enterta!n me well ” h£ lift my hair close to h¡s nose and !nhale ” and I was right, you enterta!n me well ”

” what are you blabber!ng ab©vt ”

” noth!ng serious Elia” withdraw!ng h£ lean b@¢k and close h¡s eyes ” we are close to th£ wonder…. wh@ťěver you call it ” star!ng at h¡m I watch how air m©v£ !nto th£ car, h¡s hair slightly mov!ng

is h@ndsome but also strange, we stayed that way for hours, how far is th¡s place anyway? ” master?” I called but h£ said noth!ng ” master! ” yell!ng h£ said noth!ng which means h£ is sleep!ng, so f*st, I thought someone like h¡m won’t let h¡s guard d©wΠ.
Mov!ng towards h¡s direction I touch h¡s hair, it is really soft, what k!nd of shampoo does h£ use ” Alexander ” h¡s name roll from my t0Πge, its th£ first time I call h¡s name !n h¡s pres£nce, I like it” you’re so cruel Alexander” mov!ng my h@nds to h¡s face I swallow ” so cruel that I th!nk you should die ” my h@nds lower to h¡s neck and I gently sit on h¡s lap and hold my breath, h£ didn’t m©v£ which calm me d©wΠ.

I know am walk!ng !nto th£ lions trap but th£y is someth!ng I wish to see, my h@nds lower to h¡s ch£st, unbutton th£m th£n g@sp from th£ view, have never seen someone th¡s built, th£ broad shoulder, h¡s ch£st so built, my h@nds lower to h¡s abs th£n b@¢k up to h¡s ch£st.

From all my fight!ng cla$$ I have attended, no b©dy is as strong as Alexander, after analyz!ng h¡s b©dy I now know that h£ is not j√$t bark, h£ is strong.

h@nds m©v£ to h¡s face but h£ swiftly caught it !n mid air,I expected h¡m to wake up but not th¡s soon, h¡s eyes are still closed ” how silly are you ” h£ growl ” oh I should say it th¡s way, how foolish are you ” h£ open h¡s eyes, h£ is not smil!ng.

you sit on my lap with©vt permission, touch my hair, face and unbutton my shirt to taste my strength ” how did h£ know I did all th£se j√$t to see how strong h£ is ” and h£re I was th!nk!ng you will klzz me ” so that’s why h£ is angry
Because I didn’t klzz h¡m

” why will I want to klzz you ”

” I don’t know Elia, maybe because you haven’t seen someone as h@ndsome as me before ” h£ gr!n th£n chuckle, a fake laugh ” you impress Elia, you no longer fear me, you didn’t th!nk I can take advantage of you !n th¡s situation, you don’t th!nk at all Elia ”

” we have arrived sir” th£ driver mutter but Alexander didn’t let go of my h@nd.

” you decided to climb my lap and touch me because you remember what your fight!ng !nstructor told you years b@¢k? You decided to risk your life for such silly th!ngs….you truly are s£nseless Elia ”

” what are….”

” don’t cut !n wh£n am teach!ng you someth!ng ” lett!ng go of my h@nd h£ child my ch!n and frown ” before you do th!ngs th!nk Elia, what you are do!ng may br!ng m©r£ harm to yourself and trust me, it did ” h£ ₱v|| me closer and th£n I could feel h¡s excitement pok!ng me.

My face turn pure red ” don’t blame me, am a man who decided to rest but th£n a beautiful girl decided to sit on my lap not quietly, $h£ kept mov!ng b@¢kwards and forward, unbutton!ng my shirt, touch!ng me and to top it up…your arse did it for me ” h£ smile ” I mean it is big right ”

” Alexander ”

” and you’re call!ng me by my name” h£ didn’t frown and that confuses me, why did I call h¡m by h¡s name wh£n h£ is awake?, I really mess up ” touch me Elia, I have to release before we step ©vt ” h£ grab my h@nd and place it on th£ bulge, my eyes widen.

h£ lean close and wh¡sper ” it is your do!ng Elia so f!nish what you started” h¡s voice seem to be ₱ush!ng me to get started but th£ problem right now is that I don’t know how, maybe I should do th!ngs my way.

Lift!ng my h@nd up with force I hit h¡m right th£re, h¡s eyes widen and th£ bulge seem to reduce ” mission accompli$h£d ” I beam smil!ng but th£ look !n h¡s face revealed that h£ felt little pa!n from what I did.

h£ growl ₱ush!ng me off h¡s lap ” what th£ h£ll Elia ”
” you said I should….” I stop talk!ng wh£n h£ $h00t me a glare ” that wasn’t what you expected?” h£ furrow h¡s brows and I fight th£ urge from laugh!ng ” sorry, it… was a mistake ” h£ said noth!ng expect walk!ng ©vt of th£ car and I had to follow.

h£ suddenly stop at th£ gate and stare at me ” you’re not go!ng home tonight ” with that h£ walk !n leav!ng me speechless.

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