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Friday, October 18, 2024
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? BY ?






Elia watch h*m m©v£ to th£ drawer ₱v|| ©vt a ch£que th£n h@nd it over to me ” do you need m©r£ Elia ” h£ smile ” I can give you any amount you want ”

” is okay, th*s is okay ” wh£n I turn @r0vnd to leave h£ hold my h@nd, stopp!ng me from mov!ng furth*r, swallow!ng I close my eyes ” Elia, do you need to learn how to say thank you? ” h£ sound angry, turn!ng @r0vnd to meet h*s gaze, h*s right eyebrow is !nch high.

” thank you master ”

h£ let go of my h@nd th£n run it through h*s hair !n frustration, why is h£ frustrated, I should be th£ one feel!ng that way, not h*m ” you can go Elia. See you tomorrow ” oh yes, tomorrow is Sunday ” and th£n you will do anyth!ng I ask you to ” rema!n!ng still I couldn’t m©v£ or th!nk properly ” you can go Elia ”

” okay master ” and with that I run from th£ mansion to th£ bank and wh£n am done with that, I took a taxi to th£ market, buy what we need to cook today and th£n am home.

It was a delight to see mum and Jack face, th£y look so happy, its been a long time we eat such delicious delicacy too. I don’t ¢ar£ what I have to p@zz through, as long as th£y are happy, am happy” I need to change moth*r, will be b@¢k !n a sec ”

” okay dear, d!nner will be ready soon ”

Runn!ng upstairs I shut th£ door but didn’t get s¢ar£d wh£n I saw Lucian sitt!ng and read!ng my book, th£ w!ndow open and air m©v£ !n ” you didn’t p@zz through th£ tra!n station today ”

” that doesn’t mean you can j√$t come !nto my room Lucian ” frown!ng I take off my shirt, I watch how h*s eyes widen from my little dis₱|@y of bra and tvmmy ” turn @r0vnd ”

” okay, sorry ” h£ turn h*s h£ad to face th£ mirror, tak!ng off my trouser I m©v£ to th£ closet and grab my pajamas, take off my underwear th£n put it on, los!ng my hair d©wΠ I exhale.

Today have really been exhaust!ng for me ” are you go!ng to work tomorrow ” Lucian asked

” yes”

” but its Sunday ”

” yea, I have work to do ” turn!ng @r0vnd to face h*m I smile ” tomorrow is k!nd of busy for me Lucian, I need to sleep right now so if you don’t m!nd, please leave ” h£ stand to h*s feet and m©v£ towards my direction and frown.

” I thought yesterday we were gett!ng off somewh*re, why are you ₱vsh!ng me away now ”

Look!ng at h*m I exhale ” am j√$t exhausted Lucian, go home and let me be for…” Before I could complete my s£ntence h£ ₱v|| me !nto h*s arms ” what are you do!ng? ”

” hugg!ng you ”

!nhal!ng h*s scent I close my eyes ” I know that but why are you do!ng that ”

” you look like you need one and I love you too much to let you be ” withdraw!ng a little h£ ¢ar£s my ch£ek ” you really need rest though, I will leave but if anyth!ng or anyone is troubl!ng you, call me….please ” nodd!ng my h£ad I watch Lucian leave.

That dream came b@¢k to me and I shake my h£ad, that is ridiculous.

Alexander bend d©wΠ and look at h*s wolves, th£y seem a little pale ” th£ food isn’t enough ” mumbl!ng th£y |¡¢k th£ir leg, act!ng j√$t like normal wild animals…stand!ng to my feet I look up at th£ sun, I didn’t tell h*r th£ time to come, $h£ can come anytime.

Wh£n was th£ last time I anticipated some visit, th*s makes me feel like a teenager ” master ” h£ar!ng lady Mor!n voice I roll my eyes ” you should go |ns!de, th£ h£at h*re is too harsh ”

” relax mor!n ” smil!ng I shove my h@nds !n my pocket ” th£ atmosph*re is perfect ”

” sorry am late ” h£ar!ng Elia voice a smile form !n my l¡ps ” th£ tra!n station del@yed today ”

” what are you do!ng h*re, Sundays are free ” lady mor!n asked, confusion can be noticed !n h*r voice.

” I ask h*r to come, you can leave mor!n” listen!ng to h*r footsteps I turn my h£ad b@¢k, j√$t a little to get a glimpse of h*r but wh£n I did, I end up turn!ng all my b©dy to h*r direction.

$h£ is putt!ng on a short knicker, what do people call that??? Oh bum short, th£n a crop top that gives me view of that flat tvmmy, h*r hair d©wΠ th£n $h£ is putt!ng on a hat.

Wh£n $h£ notice my stare I watch h*r face redden ” it was h°t so I decided to wear th*s but I can still change to….” Lift!ng my h@nd up I cut h*r short.

” I like it ” mumbl!ng my eyes m©v£ to th£ necklace I gave h*r, still on h*r neck ” it suit you ”

” thank you ” watch!ng h*r smile I furrow my brows but didn’t avert my gaze from h*r ” is th£y anyth!ng you want me to do master, accord!ng to th£ deal yesterday ”

” what’s th£ rush Elia” mov!ng towards h*r direction I lift h*r hair and !nhale it, emitt!ng a smell of strawberry ” I like to eat my prey s1©wly Elia but with you, maybe I will rush th*s a little bit ” hold!ng h*r h@nd I drag h*r with me ” follow me ”

Arriv!ng !n my b£droom, I shut th£ door and m©v£ to my closet but what $h£ said stop me ” your room?” From h*r voice you will know $h£ is nervous and is th!nk!ng ab©vt me touch!ng h*r but th£n its to soon for that.

I was plan!ng on grabb!ng my jacket th£n take h*r ©vt of th£ mansion, I can remember what Giles told me th*s morn!ng, girls love go!ng ©vt on dates, take h*r to one.

But th£ way $h£ is behav!ng, it won’t be bad to ₱|@y a little, turn!ng @r0vnd I sit on th£ edge of th£ b£d th£n smile at h*r ” unbutton my shirt Elia” gr!nn!ng I purred ” it is h°t, that should be an easy work right ”

h*r face d©wΠ to h*r neck is red, $h£ step closer, swallow ” it is, I will get to it right now “$h£ struggle with th£ first button th£n th£ second but h*r h@nds are shak!ng, wh£n I touch h*r $h£ fl!nch which made me frown a frown that will s¢ar£ h*r th£ most.

” I can’t touch you can I?” $h£ said noth!ng but to look d©wΠ and clench h*r fist at h*r side, h*r voice re₱|@y !n my h£ad, I h@ťě you, $h£ really h@ťě me huh.

Have always been bad with ladies, th*s won’t be th£ first time one reject me ” hmm” th*s however made h*r rise h*r h£ad ” go home ” h*r eyes widen from confusion, $h£ h@rdly understand me and I know its both*r!ng h*r.

Stand!ng up I grab my jacket but h*r h@nd stop me ” I came h*re to do anyth!ng for you master, i fulfil my promises, so please command me”

Smil!ng I turn and look at h*r ” klzz me Elia ” $h£ step b@¢k at my request ” can you do that ” furrow!ng my brows I chuckle ” how ab©vt I throw you on th*s very b£d and rape you ”

” rape??”

” you won’t let me have my way with you so it have to be rape not like it will be th£ first time for me ” smil!ng I watch h*r step b@¢k ” you see Elia ” mov!ng close I lift h*r hat and throw away ” am what you call evil, am not good and I don’t plan on hid!ng that fact, I rape
girls that get on my nerves” ¢ar£ss!ng h*r ch£ek I smile at how s¢ar£d $h£ is ” I will not rape you silly ” laugh!ng I step b@¢k and watch h*r frown !n confusion, $h£ enterta!n me a lot ” what a delight it is hav!ng you h*re Elia ”

” huh?”

” you seem to always make me laugh ” smil!ng I watch h*r closely ” though th£ laughs are not real…th£y are fake ” button!ng my shirt I mumble ” I want you to make me laugh Elia, a real one…I still can’t remember th£ last time I chuckle from my h£art ”

” do you have a h£art?” $h£ asked and I know it came ©vt of h*r m©vth before $h£ could stop it.

” I have no idea Elia, I have been h£artless for a very long time ” lean!ng close I b¡t£ h*r ear before wh*sper!ng” it still surprises me that I like you, silly girl ”


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