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HomeBOUNDBOUND – Episode 37

BOUND – Episode 37

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[ # 2 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022



✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

Tags ☠️: Mafia ,arrogant , billionaire , EXLovers , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]




? ARIA ?

” Are you alright Sergio ? I asked joining him .

” I’m not I just signed a Deal with Neomi Marcelo there’s nothing Alright about that ” he said and I smiled.

DE Luca brother’s …are something else .

” You just agreed to he her boyfriend ,you should have said no ” I teased .

” And loose the opportunity of getting her help ? We need the video out like it never existed Ari ” he said and I gave a nod .

” Have you gotten a solution already ? Kris asked joining us .

He sat next to Sergio clad in a sweat shirt and pants .

” Yup ….I guess by tomorrow the video would be off air …” Sergio said and Kris looked at him like he’d grown ten heads .

” Wait how’s that possible ? You sound Quiet confident ” he asked Sergio .

” Well because I am confident” he said and escused the both of us .

” How’s Fred ? Kris asked with concern .

” He’s sleeping ,it’s just so sad to see him in that state Kris …Rico has always been a strong man ….this was his breaking point …” I said and Kris fell silent .

” I’m glad you’re standing by him through this phase Ari ,I can’t imagine what could have happened if you weren’t with Fred during his tough time, We all need to be strong for each other …things would get better with time ” he said and I gave a nod .

His phone rang and he picked up .

” Hello I don’t think …. I’ll be free anytime soon but I’d see you When I’m free ” he said and cut the call .

” Girlfriend ? I asked teasingly .

” Not exactly it’s ……just ” he trailed .

” Oh c’mon she’s definitely your girlfriend …” I said and he rubbed his forehead .

” It’s only been two months she’s a Gynaecologist …in the hospital I work ,she’s rich … sophisticated intelligent and my age ….” He said and shrugged .

” You like her …? I asked .

” We’re compatible in bed so I guess we’re good ” he said and my jaws literally dropped .

” That doesn’t sound like you find this relationship interesting …” I said and he smiled .

” She’s a nice mature lady .
…..” He said again

” I still think you need someone totally interesting , someone that’ll blow your mind …and your heart , that’ll bring out your wild side …..make you feel things you haven’t felt before …not someone that gives you your space Kris ” I said and he chuckled .

” You sound like Grace you know , anyways I’d see you tommorow morning ” he said and escused me .

I walked upstairs and Sighed softly

” Hey love ” I said immediately I walked in on frederico sitting on the bed wide awake .

” No longer sleepy ? I asked as I sat next to him .

” I can’t sleep anymore ” he said and I pulled him into my arms .

We slept on the bed together as he kissed my neck sweetly .

I sent my fingers into his hair and mo*bed sweetly into the kiss .

” I want you Aria. ….I want to forget what’s going on ….help me ” he said and I smiled .

” Shhhhhhhh” I said softly and captured his lips with mine .

That night we went for soft slow lovemaking …it was sloppy and emotional .

At the end of the night we slept on each other’s arms .

The next morning I woke up before frederico and decided to let him sleep .

I walked over to the kitchen after taking a shower and saw Anna Making a phone call .

She frowned and looked uneasy immediately our eyes met .

” Babe are you okay ? I asked and she gave a sweet smile ,it looked too sweet I thought it was almost fake ?

Is she okay ?

” Anz are you okay ? I asked and she gave a nod .

” Ya I’m fine ,I just feel so sleepy and tired …” She said and I chuckled.

” Did Dylan even let you sleep a wink last night ? You just told me you’re sleepy and tired in the morning ” I teased and she laughed.

” Dylan’s out bestie …so tell me how’s frederico ? She asked and I sighed .

” He’s fine ….you need to get some rest since you feel tired ‘ I said and walked passed her .

The maids where Making Italian breakfast .

I turned and she just stared blankly at me.

” Anz ” I called and she smiled then walked away .

I chuckled at her retreating figure .

” Why was she staring at you like that ? Grace asked walking into the kitchen.

” Like how ? I asked wondering if she also noticed Anna .

” I’m having bad vibes around your friend lately Ari. I’m not trying to be Wicked or something but I feel like she’s up to something,her over sweet nature is not working on me ” Sue said and I felt exactly the same way .

” I want to believe we are over thinking things Grace but this is a game and we can’t trust anyone at all ….I’d ask her to live today itself …let’s see what happens ” I said and grace agreed .

” How’s Fred ? She asked and I smiled .

” He’s good , how’s The Don he looked angry last night “I asked with concern .

” We fought ” she said camly .

” What ? Oh gosh I’m so sorry ….” I said sadly .

” Let it be Ari this happens it’s normal , he’d calm down soon …he has to because I ain’t gonna take that nonsense from him ” she said with Equal anger .

I walked over to Red’s room and he was sleeping on the bed ,his face looked red there was dried tears on his face .

” Baby …” I tried to wake him up and that’s when I heard soft whimpers and I realized he was crying in his sleep.

My heart clenched with hurt watching my son in that condition .

” Red … Open your eyes ” I said shaking him .

” No …don’t go daddy daddy ….! Dad ….” He screamed and woke up ….he looked very scared .

” Calm down baby it’s a dream ….it’s just a dream baby ” I said hugging him as he cried .

” It felt so real…. mummy we lost daddy his his n…….” He trailed .

I’d never seen Red so scared like that . I pulled him into my arms as he cried .

” What’s wrong ? Giovanna asked rushing into the room .

” He had a nightmare mom ” I said and she rubbed his head .

” It’s just a dream champ ….it’s just a dream “she whispered as I stroke his hair .

” They hurt Dad mom ” he said still unsure about our words .

” Your Dad is fine Red I promise ” I said and Giovanna carried him out of the room .

I followed her and she was walking towards our room .

We got in and Fred was sitted in our room his outfit changed .

” Daddy ” red said excitedly as he got down from Giovanni’s arms and ran into his Dad’s .

A smile graced our lips as we watched in amusement.

” Are you okay Daddy ? He asked with concern as he ruffled Frederico’s hair .

” I’m fine champ but you don’t look fine …” Fred said and he hugged him .

” I’m fine ” he said and Giovanna and I just smiled in return .

Sergio walked in that Moment excitedly .

” I’d just escuse you guys ” his mom said .

” C’mon on champ ” she beckoned on Red to join her but he only snuggled into his Dad in return .

” Let him be mom ” he said and she chuckled softly as she escused us .

” It’s down bro ” Sergio said and we didn’t need to ask Questions to know he was talking about the video .

” Now all you have to do is make sure that thing is only for your wife I don’t want anymore madness after this issue is sorted out” Massimo said Coming into the room followed by his Dad Kris and Emelio .

” Awwwwwwwwn he’s having family time with his wife and son ” Emelio teased .

” Oh shut up ” Fred said playfully and we all chuckled .

” The De nero’s would he on our neck for some time ….we all should be careful ….” Santiago was saying and when he realized red was in the room he fell Quiet .

” Champ go take your bath first …I’d be here waiting for you ” Fred said and Red ran out of the room immediately .

” Our men brought down majority of their men last night …. and took over their goods so definitely they’d be plotting their next attack …..I have my eyes everywhere …and I’d want you to be very Careful let’s put an end to this De Nero’s madness ” Santi said and we all have a nod .

They all escused us after sometime and immediately they left Fred pulled me into his arms and kissed my neck softly .

” I love you ” he whispered .

” Of course I know you do ” I said teasingly and his phone rang .

” Hello …..I’d be there to clear the Air ….no just let it be in the evening ” he said and cut the call .

‘ you’re going out ? Love I don’t think it’s wise ,red had a bad dream about you …
” I trailed.

” It’s just a dream Ari ,don’t tell me you’re scared ” he teased with a chuckle and when he saw I was serious he sighed softly .



” It’s just a dream besides …. It’s just an interview I’d drive there and come back home safely” he said and I frowned at him .

” You’re going no where frederico … If you leave the estate I’d be mad at you
… ” She said and I looked away Angrily .

” You sound like I’m a child ” I snapped frustratedly .

” You are my husband …. My family frederico your brothers think it’ll be best for you to stay in the estate for the mean time because you’re the target of the De nero’s why is that so hard for you to understand ….! She snapped frustratedly .

” I’ve been….” I trailed and she stared at me blankly .

” Why ? Wouldn’t you listen to me frederico ? Because of your political career ? Is that all that matters to you ? If yes then do what you want ” she snapped.

‘” how can you say I care only about my political Career. ? That’s stupid ” I said angrily .

” You think I’m stupid ” she asked sacarstically .

What’s with women and twisting words .

” You know what f-__-k you ” she said and stormed out of the room .

” Oh God ” I groaned frustratedly as I rubbed my forehead .

Throughout the afternoon Aria refused to talk to me ,I hung around Red and when it was time for the interview …I dressed and left the estate .

” Hey Frederico ” I said Dylan on my way out .

” What’s up man ? I asked as I shook hands with him .

” I’m fine ,I just came to pick Anna up …have fun ” he said and I chuckled as I got into my car .

” Sure see ya ” I said and bid him bye .

I knew Aria would be angry but cmon she’s my woman I know how to pet her .

Immediately I drove out my phone rang and it was Aria .

I out it on speaker as I drove … using another route .

” You stubbornly left the estate” she said angrily .

” Oh c’mon love you know I love you ” I said teasingly .

” I’m mad at you ” she said softly at the other edge and that’s when I felt a gun shut at my car .

” f-__-k ” I cursed as I drove fast and reckless.

” Fred what’s wrong ? I heard Aria ask from the other end .

” I’m ….good ….I just …okay f-__-k …they’re on my trail ….baby ” I said and she gasped .

” Don’t worry I’d just pull the break when I get to somewhere hidden. …” I said and when I pressed on the break twice it didn’t work ..

” f-__-k …” I started sweating badly.

” $h|t” ….

” What’s wrong Fred ……” She asked worriedly .

” The breaks of my car stopped working Aria …the….” I trailed in pannick .

I pannicked badly as I tried to Control the car as it moved out of the road and that was the last thing I remember ….and the scream of Aria before everywhere went Dark .


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