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HomeBOUNDBOUND – Episode 14

BOUND – Episode 14

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[ # 2 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , EXLovers , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





“Mmm” i Mõ@ɲed tiredly as my eyes fluttered open . I stretched my hands as I sat up on the bed with a frown on my face .

” Where am I ? I asked under my breath as I looked around the room .

Expensive curtains and TV ….it looked like a royal room .

My eyes immediately met the king Sized bed and my mind registered the fact that I wasn’t at Anna’s place.

Oh my God

Have I been kidnapped ? I wondered and like lightening memories of the previous night flooded my brain .

The last thing I remembered was the fact that I was standing under the rain .

I tried to get down from the bed and my eyes met with the shirt I had on .

I could persive the scent of Frederico’s perfume all over the shirt .

Why am I clad in his sweatshirt.

Jesus please let it not be what am thinking . My hands trailed my B-__-bs and i didn’t have a bra on ….

My face had already changed because I was two steps towards bursting into tears .

I removed the Duvet and immediately I noticed I was naked underneath the Sweatshirt I screamed untop of my voice.

.” Aaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!?????”

” f-__-k Arianna why the hell are you screaming ! On the top of your voice ? Rick as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel dangerously below his waist .

I could see the V line of his …..

I looked from the line and gasped in shock .

” Frederico you shameless man ! I screamed angrily .

” Shameless ? Seriosely ? He asked in amusement .

He’d really grown more mature and handsome over the years .

My eyes trailed his packs and I looked at him angrily

” Fred why am I naked ? I asked as my voice shook in pannick .

” You’re asking me a stupid Question Ariana ” he said and my jaws literally dropped.

” Did you just say I’m asking you a stupid question Frederico , I came to your mansion completely dressed and now I’m naked .” I said frustratedly .

” Well you’re naked because ……you’re in a guy’s house ” he said and I nearly got an heart attack .

” Frederico you bast*rd ! I screamed as I threw a pillow at him and he caught it then dropped it at the couch behind him .

” Calm down” he said and I looked at him in unbelieve .

” I should calm down , Frederico you f-__-king saw me naked … could you do this to me …” I asked almost at the verge of crying .

” You make it sound like I R@P£D you Arianna , I only changed your wet clothes …” He said and I scoffed .

” You could have asked anyone else to do it ….don’t you have servants around ? I asked and he looked at me .

” I know each and every part of your body Arianna…. besides we have a son together there’s nothing new if I see you naked ” he said and that only increased my anger .

” That’s so inhumane of you to say that to me ,so what if you’ve seen me naked before ? It’s already been 6 years …a lot has changed…” I trailed .

” I don’t care ” he said and started throwing different things at him which he caught just before they could get to him .

” You need to stop your drama Arianna …” He said and I glared daggers at him .

” I need to leave ” I said immediately my phone rang and my eyes met the time .

” Why ? Weren’t you so eager to get your son from me …? He asked and I pushed his face away from me .

He was too close for my liking .

” I will get red from my .. … please hurry up I need to leave for work already it’s my first day of work ” I said and he frowned .

” Work ? You’re not permitted to work outside the Deluca businesses …My sister in-law Grace …knew that the day she married my brother and we are getting married soon ” he Declared.

” I’m not getting married to you ….why don’t you get that into your thick skull …! I screamed angrily and before I could work away from him he pulled me by the wrist .

” Frederico let me go ” I tried to struggle with him as my hands made contact with the dressing mirror .

My heart beat crazily as I saw him behind him .

I could feel him behind and that only increased my fear and nervousness .

” Just look at you …bent on your knees for me ” he whispered softly and tried to struggle but it only pushed my A*s firmly into him .

..” fre….d” I stuttered.

” You’re getting more stubborn and hotheaded by the day Arianna ….” He trailed as he tried to lift the shirt a whimper escaped my lips .

Please don’t tell me he wants to …

” Frederico don’t ” I said and turned to him immediately .

” I can’t sleep with you ,I can’t marry you I don’t want anything to do with you , what you’re doing is unfair ,I gave you Red only for one day we hadn’t agreed on anything …” I said and it was as if I was talking to myself because he only buried his face in my neck .

Please don’t tell me he’s obsessed with me ?

” I h@ťě you Arianna ,I h@ťě you so much but I still want you on my bed ….I still wanna hear your cries and whimpers of pleasure as you mo*n my name in reckless abandon ” he said and my breath started coming out in cuts .

” Please let me go …” I said as I shut my legs tightly .

I h@ťěd the fact that every part of my body remembered his touch , I h@ťěd the fact that I was so turned on at the moment .

” You’re stubborn to death Arianna you want this …you know you do ” he said and a knock came on his door .

He let go off me immediately and ran his fingers in his hair then walked towards the door to answer whoever it was .

I looked at his retreating figure in fear as I picked my phone I unlocked my phone and called Anna.

” Hello babe where are you ? I’ve been worried sick about you have you talked to Frederico infact have you seen your son ? ” He asked and I sighed .

” I haven’t Anna ….I” I felt him snatch my phone before I could say something .

” Frederico give me my phone ” I screamed as he cut the call .

” Sit Down ” he said and I glared at him before sitting down helplessly .

” Good ….” He said and I scoffed .

” We are getting married so put that on ” he said and dropped a ring in front of me .

” I don’t want to marry you Frederico am I speaking Latin or french ?I asked Angrily and he just laughed like I wasn’t even talking to him in the first place .

” It’s up to you if you want this marriage with consent or you want it forced ….” He said and I looked at him suprised .

Frederico had really changed over the years ,he never forced me to do things but now I was meeting different versions of his wicked ways .

Tears stung in my eyes but I refused to cry .

” It’s either you sign the papers or you’d never see your son Again” he said and I looked at him like he’s lost it .

” You can’t do this to me Frederico ….” I said as my voice broke .

” I need to see Red …” I said as tears rolled outta my eyes and into my lips.

” Its up to you Aria ” he said and walked towards his closet after sometime he walked out with some files which he dropped in front of me .

I looked at him and he gestured me to open the files .

” Frederico please ….don’t do this …. we don’t need to do this ” i said and he dropped a pen in front of me , I didn’t need someone telling me what the files where .

They were definitely a marriage contract .

I covered my mouth as I cried ….

” When you’re done crying make sure you sign the papers and please make it snappy because we need to leave if you really wanna see red because he’s already asking after you” he said and
I looked at him in the eyes .

Our eyes met and they we’re emotionless.

I looked back at the contract and he’d already signed .

He left me there to read the contract and after sometime he returned clad in casuals , I guess he’s not going out today .

” This isn’t a marriage Frederico am not your slave ” I said as I threw the contract at the table .

” How ? He asked and I looked at him in unbelieve.

” Did you even read what you and the criminal you call a lawyer wrote in there ? Frederico there’s no way I’d sign that .

” You want another child the same year we get married , I’m not permitted to work outside the mafia …? Red is gonna be homeschool …I’m not permitted to have another friend accept Anna and if I should have a friend it had to be in the mafia ….

” You want segz anytime you want it that too without protection ! And if ever I wanted to leave the marriage in the future , I had to make sure I’ve given you four kids. …and I’d have nothing to do with them … Frederico you’re a w*cked and a hear`tless monster ” I screamed angrily and he looked at me.

” What’s wrong with the contract ?I don’t see anything wrong …” He said and my jaws literally dropped.

” Are you for real right now ? I asked and he laughed

” You even have the nerve to laugh ? Frederico ” I whinned and he just smirked naughtily .

” So what do you want to change ? He asked and I sighed .

” Everything ” i said and he shook his head .

” That’s not gonna happen ” he said and I looked at him.

” Frederico ….you don’t expect me to just agree to everything … especially the part where I have to give in whenever you want segz and if we ever had a divorce ,I had to leave the marriage as well as my children’s life ..that’s mean and inhumane”I said and he chuckled softly.

” That’s the best way to keep you in the marriage ” he said and I controlled myself from lashing out on him .

” And you want to have me raw anytime we do it ….”I trailed.

” S*x without the rubber is the best …” He said and my face burned red in a blush .

” You’re definitely shameless ” I said and he burst out laughing .



If you think Massimo wanted S*x five times a week what do you think about Frederico’s contract ?

Don’t leave without Dropping mouthwatering Comments .

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