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HomeBOUNDBOUND – Episode 12

BOUND – Episode 12

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[ # 2 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , EX Lovers , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





” Good night mummy ”

” Good night Aunt Anna” Red said as he kissed both our cheeks cutely then laid down on the bed to sleep .

” We need to talk ” Anna said and I walked out with her .

” About what ? I asked curiously .

” About your situation with Frederico , I mean did you see your outbursts earlier ? You guys even forget you had an innocent five years old in front of you ! She scolded .

” He was getting on my nerves Anna ,do you know what Frederico is up to now ? He wants me to marry him ” I said frustratedly .

” Wait what ? Seriosely I wasn’t expecting that ” she said laughing .

” You think this funny ? I snapped .

” Not exactly ….but the thing is he still wants to marry you after everything that happened in the past …don’t you think you should try to tolerate him too for Red’s sake ? No offense but behind all this hatred I still see undying love for him in your eyes ” she said and I scoffed .

” I don’t love Frederico ….” I said immediately.

” You wouldn’t have named your son after him if there was no feelings left in your heart for him Aria …it’s not too late to learn to love him again ….” She trailed.

” Stop putting words in my head Anna I’m no longer inlove with him ….don’t you get it ” I asked as my voice broke at the edge.

” When last did you have s”x* ? She asked and I frowned .

” What has my s*x life got to do with Me refusing to marry Frederico ? I asked confused.

” Now don’t tell me you’ve not f-__-ked for the past six years ? That’s Enough proof that you can’t look at any other man accept Frederico …..” She said clapping excitedly .

” Whoever said I’ve not f-__-ked for the past six years ? I asked and she laughed .

” Oh c’mon ….you might have changed over the years but I know you , you are not the casual s*x or fling type …” She said and I sighed softly.

” I’m way over Frederico ,I just didn’t have the time to Date because my son has been my top priority . Anna you know what ? Frederico is not who he looks like on the outside …that guy doesn’t want to marry me ….he’s just doing the wishes of their so called Don or wh@ťěver they call him ….

” He’s now probably naked with one woman or the other , Red is his heir ,he’s just looking for a way to make everything legitimate ….” I said and she rubbed her forehead .

” He’s been around lately Aria , besides didn’t you just tell me some people where after you this evening ? Red is not even safe ….no matter how you try to run from the fact that his father is a criminal , it wouldn’t change the fact that you have one of the heirs of the leading crime family in Italy .” She said and I cried silently .

” See you tommorow morning ” she said and kissed my cheeks before heading to her room .

I hugged my arms close as tears rolled outta my eyes .

I walked back to my room and joined Red on the bed , I hugged him close as we slept together .

” I love you son , mummy loves you ” I said as he snuggled close whilst asleep .

The next morning I walked out of the Room after taking a shower and that’s when I received a call from the company I applied for .

” Congratulations Ari ” Anna said excitedly .

” Congratulations mummy” Red said clapping his hands excitedly .

” Rico would be here Soon ” Anna said and I just ignored her as if I didn’t hear anything she said .




” Hmmmnn Rico c’mon ” she whinned as I walked out of the bathroom .

” I can’t stay for breakfast Veronica ,I’m not that kind of guy ….this was purely S*x ” I said and she smiled .

” I know ,I don’t just want you to leave with an empty stomach Rico … please” she said kissing my neck .

” Last night was hot ” she said and I looked at her face .

” It’s not happening again ” I said and her face dropped .

” It will happen again Rico because I’m looking forward to having you Again” age said teasingly .

” You have so much confidence it’s almost funny ” i said and she kissed my lips .

” Frederico last night was a blast , didn’t you feel the spark between us ? She asked .

Spark ? Please don’t tell me I f-__-ked a clingy girl .

” There is no spark Veronica ,I thought you were mature Enough to know this was just a one time fun ” I said and she sighed softly.

” Frederico how can any woman not want you more than once ? After last night I’ve been wondering where you’ve been my whole life ….I …I’m so into you already ” she said and kissed my lips again .

” C’mon ” she said removing my belt again

” That’s enough I have to go , have fun ” I said and walked out of her house .

Women Always wanted me for themselves , but the only time I wanted a woman she didn’t want me in Return …infact she ended up running away on the day of our wedding .

I thought sadly .

Anyways I shouldn’t have messed Around with Veronica , now she wanted more and the funny thing was I didn’t even enjoy the previous night ….

A night with one of the escorts would have been better ….

My mind went back to the past with Aria and I got rid of the thoughts immediately .

I drove towards Anna’s house immediately I got their , I ran my fingers in my hair then rang the doorbell.

” I’m coming ” i heard her voice and not too long she opened the door .

” Hi ” I said and she looked suprised to see me there .

” Good morning ” she said and walked infront as I followed her .

My eyes trailed how simple and gorgeous she looked without trying to look beautiful .

” Hey Rick ! ” Red said excitedly as he ran into my arms.

” Good morning ” he said smiling .

” Good morning champ ” I said and he chuckled softly.

‘” Good morning Rico ” Anna said as she walked upstairs

” I’m here to pick him up ” I said and Aria looked from Red to me nervously .

” He should be home by 8 ” she said and although I wanted to argue , I let it slide .

One step at a time .

” He has a sweet tooth so please keep an eye on him when he gets close to sweet things .

” He’s picky with food…” She went on and on telling me everything I needed to know about Red .

” Hey baby , have fun okay ” she said and kissed his forehead .

” I love you mummy ” he said and kissed her cheeks with a smile .

We both walked out and she walked with us . Immediately I put him in the car and turned my eyes met with hers .

” I’d take care of him ,I promise ” i said and she looked at me then chuckled bitterly .

” Please keep my son away from your lifestyle and wh*res , just in case ” she said and that’s when I noticed the lipstick mark on my Shirt .

She walked back into the house and I got into the car embarrassed about the fact that she’d seen Veronica’s lipstick stains .

” Your car is so epic ” Red said and I chuckled .

” You want it ?I asked and he blushed red .

” I can’t drive it ” he pouted .

” Your mom can drive it ” i said and he looked at me for while .

” I’d ask momma first ” he said and I shook my head with a chuckle .

He loves Aria a lot .

First of all I took him to one of the most famous boutiques to get him new stuffs .

” Wow this place is so beautiful ” he said and I chuckled .

My men welcomed me from the door followed by the staffs .

” Pick wh@ťěver you like ” I said and he ran towards a beautiful pair of Snickers then turned.

” Wait ….they look expensive” he said and I laughed .

” You don’t need to worry about the price champ ” I said and his eyes widened .

” You must be so Rich ” he said and I burst into laughter.

My guards looked suprised at the fact that I was laughing wholeheartedly .

” What’s your favorite color ? I asked and he turned to me .

” Black ” he said with a smirk and I laughed .

” He’s really a Deluca ” I said to myself .

We did a lot of shopping and I took to get an hair cut and he said he wanted my style of hair cut .

I looked at him with a smile.

” I don’t think your mom would appreciate that ” i said and he pouted .

” Please … preety please” he said and I looked at the barber .

We finished our job there and he looked exactly like me with the hair cut .

” Do you go to school ? I asked and he shook his head .

” I used to , but I’ve not gone to school since we moved here ” he said and I gave a nod .

I drove towards the Deluca estate and throughout the journey , Red kept asking Different Questions .

He kept me entertained that I didn’t know when we got to the Deluca estate

” Welcome to the Deluca estate ” I said and he looked suprised .

” This is where you live ? It’s like a kingdom” he said and I chuckled .

” Let’s go inside I said immediately we got out of the car ..he looked at me nervously .

‘ it’s totally safe here champ ,c’mon you need to have lunch ” I said and he clapped excitedly at the mention of food .

” You said you where joining us for lunch Frederico and you’re late , everyone is at the table already and…..” Mom stopped talking as her eyes met Red .

” Oh my goodness ” she gasped emotionally .

Oh please don’t start …” I muttered under my breath.

” Hey Rick’s mom “he said and flashed her a grin .

” He’s so cute Frederico ” She said in Italian language .

” C’mon Boys ” she said and led us to the dinner table .

” Oh my God he’s really your exact copy Rico ” Grace said smiling .

” Hey munchkin I’m Grace your aunt ” she said and he smiled .

” I’m Frederico but you can call me Red ” he said and everyone looked at me in shock .

” She named him after you ? The nerve of that ex fiancee of yours ” Massimo snapped.

” Love ” Grave scolded .

” Hey , Rick stole my name not the other way around” he said and Massimo opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

” What the …” He trailed in shock .

” Rick why is that man a grumpy Lord ? He’s not even smiling ” he whispered in my ear innocently but it was loud Enough for everyone present in the dinner table because they burst out laughing accept Massimo .


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